The Long History of Sex Scandals Among Democrats

Nathan Fletcher’s abrupt resignation from the San Diego County Board of Supervisors makes him just the latest chapter in the long history of sex scandals involving Democrats.
Fletcher is among a pantheon of Democratic politicians on the local and national stage -whose once-promising political careers were scuttled by sexual misconduct allegations or matters related to sex. As far as in San Diego, where Fletcher is from, the list is not only long; it spans decades.
In 2005, Michael Zucchet and Ralph Inzunza — two up-and-coming Democrats on the San Diego City Council — were convicted of taking illegal campaign cash from a strip club owner who wanted the city to lift a ban on touching between nude dancers and patrons. Inzunza went to prison. Zucchet’s conviction was overturned.
Ten years ago, in 2013, Democrat Bob Filner’s nine-month tenure as San Diego’s mayor was sunk after 13 women accused him of making unwanted sexual advances.
In 2016, Supervisor Dave Roberts, who was the lone Democrat on the board, lost his re-election bid following a slew of allegations that included an inappropriate relationship with an office aide.
Last year, a man accused Will Rodriguez-Kennedy, the then head of the San Diego County Democratic Party, of sexual assault.
Then, it was earlier this month when the 46-year-old Fletcher shocked the local political world by announcing he was dropping out of a state senate race in which he was the favorite because he was “seeking help for PTSD, trauma and alcohol abuse.”
But that was just the first shoe to drop. Three days later, a former Metropolitan Transit System (MTS) spokesperson filed a lawsuit alleging that Fletcher sexually harassed and assaulted her. A day after that came the announcement that he was resigning his seat on the County Board of Supervisors, effective May 15.
These scandals have not only been personally ruinous for those involved, they have short-circuited eras when Democrats seem poised to dominate local politics.
Fletcher’s downfall comes less than three years after Democrats gained a majority on the Board of Supervisors for the first time in decades. As chair of the board from 2021 to earlier this year, Fletcher established a progressive agenda — pushing through new policies on mental health, low-income housing, and climate action.
Now there is no majority on the board, and any momentum Democrats may have had will likely stall at least until a special election is held to replace Fletcher, which might not happen until 2024.
The Republican opposition in the county says that Democratic party leaders are to blame for this long list of sex scandals because they look the other way when one of theirs does something wrong.
Wow, if I was from San Diego, this would be interesting.
Wow, if I care about a Board of Supervisors, or MTS, or less, this would be interesting.
I wonder where Bill lives.
Yeah whole article was a real snoozefest!
Ho hum. Had to take a nap during this post. Hey, as long as we are trashing San Diego, a city I have not interest in, lets look at the 13 most scandalous San Diego villans. at “https://voiceofsandiego.org/2019/12/03/meet-san-diegos-13-most-scandalous-members-of-congress/” You get what you pay for and what you vote for.
Ah, San Diego. For many years, every January as the Trade Show season commenced, I would enjoy leaving winterful NJ for sunnier climes. I stayed at the airport Hilton, in the Lanai section. IOW — I walked through the Hotel, outside through a garden and pool section to my ground floor room with a nice glass door facing the pool, the whole area bathed by pool light. Often surrounded by honeymooners who are incredibly quiet and keep to themselves as the planes stopped flying around ten for an incredibly quiet name. Always hit Olde Town Café almost from the late 70’s when it first opened. Really helped the January blues although did feel guilty about leaving family behind. As to Tijuana, sex scandals, I plead the fifth :>)
Old Town, Gas Lamp District, Kansas City BBQ (seedy Top Gun bar), the Zoo, Sea World, Coronado, it’s a fun sleepy little town. Moved from airport to Embassy Suites over the years, plus it was time to move on from silver/turquoise hippy jewelry, and a friend turned me onto tanzanite, said it was up and coming semi-precious stone. There’s a tourist trap of stores across from the suites so I started buying stones and taking them to NJ for settings. Really inexpensive way to build a collection and then, low n behold, tanzanite got sort of popular. Wow, does not work like that for me often, so San Diego has some great memories. But the weather is too consistent, around 72 all year long. That gets old for me, but in January — it’s heaven. Didn’t realize it has so many Congressional scoundrels. i guess brilliant Bill missed that too.
Yeah, sounds like a great place to escape to from NJ in winter. I have never been there.
The Old Town Carnitas are to die for even if pork isn’t your thing. I was often fortunate to know folks to keep out of the tourist traps and now many are touristy today. Best might have been a friend from Orange Cty telling cool stuff there and my LA friend that made it so easy to love LA.
Couldn’t live there but love to visit. Even have been known to do in n outs – land at 11 am and redeye out EOD. Those can wear on you.
San Diego is nice in that it’s a city, but seems smallish and easy to get around. Never tried the beaches except once at Coronado. Not bad, water was warmer than LA. .
Ahhh nothing like a fond memory! Was your “LA friend” one of those “LA Woman” that Morrison was so inspired by he wrote a song about them?
Yes, I did know LA a little. When I was discharged from the WestPac fleet I visited an uncle in LA, he lived on Branford Avenue, had a machine shop there. I was quite surprised at how cold the ocean water was in Frisco and in LA. Seems that the ocean currents run from Hawaii up to Alaska and down the west coast which cools the water quite a bit. Overall, I enjoyed the visit to LA, enjoyed visiting my sister in Frisco, (she is back in Philly now) but I must admit, it was a little too crazy for me out there. I seem to be an “East Coaster” through and through.
Hey, off topic for this post but where has our buddy Larry been lately? Its been several days since I have seen a new post from him.
I wouldn’t dare to tell you what Larry is thinking, doing, or playing with. That would be presumptuous
And, Bill, your exhaustive research only came up with Democrat scandals? Not a single Republican righteously conservative was caught in your dragnet? That is oddly inconsistent with individuals’ elected into public office who have allegedly acted in ways perceived as unacceptable and inappropriate in a female acquaintance’s opinion. As, this conduct is not partial to one party more than another. It is perverse to be sure for any individual given public trust that they would elect to indulge in behavior deemed disgusting by any standard.
Every official deserves what ever consequences are dealt out. But, segregating Democrats in a class by themself.
So, what then is the motivating point for this journalistic exaggeration of the First Amendment’s freedoms as to speech in posted commentaries? Informational content needed by constituents may be one. Opening old wounds by stating points of settled controversy to gratify one’s own partisan bitterness identifies another reason. Possible, it’s for keeping an assignment required and subject is open along ant-Democratic Party lines.
In all, this piece does nil for the author’s credibility in journalism, nor does he do the least damage to the Dem Brand. These indecent incidences are a matter of record, no great revelation.
Set your AI program, as you had done to glean this piece, to the Republican Party and its individual elected membership’s indiscriminately targeting female associates, interns, private secretaries, etc, etc, etc. Such a trove should not require much searching and surely not a lot of time.
Thank you for your support headlined on PBP..
Like with your PBP cohort Mr Larry H’s contributions, even when taken with a mere grain of salt, it’s all unpalatable.
Nonetheless, measuring the conservative GOP fringe PBP pulse is informative not for edification purposes. It’s mainly to be forewarned in order that one is fore/ armed.
Since, personally my political orientation happens to be apolitical or politically agnostic. Wrongs done by any party, person, and formed ideology are anathema. Those involved, pseudo journalists, right or left political orientated, elected individuals, and all others who seek to contribute something to the Republic and its intelligence in total should concentrate on being part of a solution. Understanding that at present, PBP’s authors’ composing of opinion commentary is less a problem than all are an irritation.
Measure for measure blathering is it, similar to pebbles in one’s shoes on a long hike or sand packed in one’s sandals walking along a beach pathway..
So, says this unapologetic apolitical voting citizen fully aware the our Constitution is the law of the land under which we expect equal treatment, fair judgment, and just accountability..
Well I think your first mistake is thinking that Bill actually did research. More likely he read an internet article and decided to make a point of it.