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Lawmakers Announce Russia Sanctions Deal – Will it Pass?

Lawmakers Announce Russia Sanctions Deal – Will it Pass?

As announced Saturday, a bipartisan group of Senate and House negotiators has finalized a sanctions package aimed to punish Russia for its alleged meddling in the US presidential election and its military aggression in Syria and Ukraine. 

The bill, which also includes stiff penalties against North Korea and Iran, could pass before Congress breaks for its August recess.

“Given the many transgressions of Russia, and President Trump’s seeming inability to deal with them, a strong sanctions bill such as the one Democrats and Republicans have just agreed to is essential,” said Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY). 

The big question now is whether Trump will allow the bill to pass. A veto would fuel more speculation about his supposed links to Russia. An approval risks angering Russian President Vladimir Putin, with whom Trump has long sought to cooperate. 

“Congressional aides say they expect Trump will sign the bill because it will likely pass both chambers with strong, veto-proof majorities,” reports CNN. 

The bill includes a special review process similar to legislation passed in 2015 that gave Congress a vote on whether Obama could lift sanctions against Iran. 

If Trump tries to suspend or terminate the sanctions against Russia, lawmakers will have 30 days to decide whether to allow or reject his action. 

“The legislation ensures that both the majority and minority are able to exercise our oversight role over the administration’s implementation of sanctions,” explains Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD). 

In June, the Senate voted 98-2 on a sanctions bill that targeted Iran and Russia, but not North Korea. Congressional aides worry that some Senate Republicans will complain about the additional penalties.

“My preference over the last month had been for the House to take up and adopt the legislation that passed the Senate 98-2; however I welcome the House bill, which was the product of intense negotiations,” says Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD). “A nearly united Congress is poised to send President Putin a clear message on behalf of the American people and our allies, and we need President Trump to help us deliver that message.”

The House will vote on the bill on Tuesday.

Editor’s note: This shows that Congress is not immune to liberal media propaganda.  It has already been established that nothing Russia did had any influence on our election. We have already expressed that Russia is always meddling in everything, just like the CIA is always meddling. If we impose sanctions on people who meddle, we might have to put some pretty severe sanctions against Germany right now. Since they have just been outed as having spied on America, fair is fair.

In my opinion, Congress is meddling in the business of the President. How can Trump set policy with Russia if he can not control the narrative?

I get the feeling this won’t pass, if it faces a Trump veto. Stay tuned.

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