Fully Vaccinated Woman Dies of COVID on a Cruise Ship

Did you hear that a fully vaccinated woman died of COVID after obtaining the virus on a cruise ship? Probably not, because her unfortunate demise does not fit with the left’s narrative on the effectiveness of the “Fauci Ouchy.”
A 77-year-old woman who traveled on a Carnival cruise ship from Texas to Belize died of COVID-19.
“According to the Belize Tourism Board, twenty-seven persons tested positive for Covid-19 aboard the Carnival Vista cruise ship, which stopped in Belize in early August.
Marilyn Tackett, a retired Sunday school teacher from Oklahoma, boarded the Carnival Vista in Galveston on July 31, “so excited to take her first trip outside the US,” her granddaughter Tara said on a GoFundMe page.
“While on the Caribbean Cruise, she got sick and diagnosed with covid in Belize,” the relative said.
Tackett went on an outing in Roatán the day before she was diagnosed, on August 3, when the ship anchored at the island approximately 40 miles off the northern coast of Honduras, according to the Amandala of Belize.
According to the local news outlet, when the ship docked in Belize the following day, the fully vaccinated woman decided not to join on an adventure in the country, but her children left the ship for the trip. When Tackett’s family returned, she was having trouble breathing, so they contacted the ship’s medical staff, who performed a COVID test, which came up positive, according to the Amandala.
According to the outlet, the ship’s doctor told her she needed to be put on a ventilator and made plans for her to be transported to a private hospital in Belize that required a $5,000 payment before she could be admitted.
Tackett’s insurance did not cover the cost, so her granddaughter reportedly collected funds for her admission to critical care through GoFundMe.
The critically sick lady was eventually flown back to the United States in an air ambulance, but she died of the disease on August 14.
“We just wanted to get on here and thank all of you for your support, love, and prayers. Memaw fought as long as she could,” the family said on its fundraising page, citing Tackett’s nickname.
“To know she’s reunited with lost loved ones and that she’s basking in The Lord’s presence now is a huge comfort.”
“We’ll always miss and love her and continue to keep her legacy alive. We’ll continue to walk in Faith like she taught us and try to spread love and kindness like she did. Please continue to keep her children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren in your prayers as we lay her to rest. And please know we love and appreciate you all,” they added.
When the Carnival ship reached Belize City around August 11, it had 27 COVID-19-positive passengers on board, 26 of whom were staff members, the most recorded cases on an American ship since the cruise industry reopened this summer.
The Vista, the first Carnival ship to set sail this year, carried over 4,000 guests, and 99.98 percent of the staff, as well as the overwhelming majority of the passengers, were vaccinated, according to the company.
According to ABC 13, Carnival has denied that Tackett caught the virus on their ship, saying in a statement, “almost certainly did not contract COVID on our ship” and that the staff was dedicated to protecting the guests’ health and safety.
“We are very sorry to hear about the death of a guest who sailed on Carnival Vista. Regrettably, there is a fair amount of disinformation about the circumstances of this matter,” Carnival said in a statement.
“The guest almost certainly did not contract COVID on our ship, and she was assisted with expert medical care on board and was ultimately evacuated from Belize after we provided a resource to her family. We have continued to provide support to her family and are not going to add to their sadness by commenting further,” the statement added.
The company said that it has taken extra health and safety precautions.
Vaccinated passengers must now show both documentation of vaccination and a negative COVID test at check-in, according to the news source. Unvaccinated passengers must be tested twice, once before boarding and once after disembarking.
Bill, I did read this! It is news worthy. In fact, 4,110 fully vaccinated people have died of Covid.
However, having the vaccine increases your odds of surviving Covid by 91%.
But carry on, you are doing more for the Democratic voting base that you could imagine. Keep urging your readers to not get the vaccine. The old, the frail, the republicans.
I think it’s great democrats want to get vaccinated and get all the boosters I think now the boosters have gone from every 8 months to every 5. I say keep pumping that crap in yourself at what point will it be too much? Do they know? NO they don’t so I think all you stupid democrats will be dropping faster. I have never had a flu shot and I have never had the flu, taking Zinc and vitamin D lowers your risk by 75%. So getting vaccinated your saying only helps 16% more I think I will remain unvaccinated. Sounds like you’re not very informed but typical for a democrat.
This has to be the dumbest comment yet typical for a democrat, just repeat what you’re told and remain uninformed. I’m waiting for you democrats to keep getting these boosters every 5 months, you be the Guinea Pigs I will sit back and watch how much it takes before you all start dying from that/
Tying are part of this great excitement, You are the control group.
Best of luck to you !
As far as being sheep, there’s only one political party taking Horse de wormer…Stock up on your horse paste. !
Many, many have died from the vaccine. Look it up! The vaccines do not work. If they did we would not keep getting Covid after being vaccinated, and we would not need boosters every 6 months, which I just read they want. The fact is the vaccines are making the pharmaceutical company’s very rich , as well as Dr. Fauci, and the politicians who are using Covid to keep everyone in masks, and under control. Stop being a puppet and start paying attention to what is going on. If you are listening to the main stream media you are very uninformed. If we had treated this like we have always treated the flu, we would be done with it by not,
When you get the flu shot, it is the expectation that you are doing so to lowering, not eliminating, your chances of getting the flu. AND, if you do get it, the chances of you getting seriously sick to the point of hospitalization is limited.
Vaccines are not making the pharmaceuticals very rich. In fact PBP wrote a commentary about how badly big pharma is getting screwed since the Government made their vaccines public property.
The Netherlands treated this like the common flu, they are not done with Covid either.
All of this information is readily available. Maybe it’s time to come out of your school chamber.
We will cough on the commiecrats
Best plan is to use therapeutics; Regeneron monoclonal antibodies treatment -or- the highly effective hydroxychloroquin. Both known to be safe with many years and dosage histories in the millions. Far better & effective alternatives to another, a 5th, 6th or 108th booster BS the morons are advocating. And these ‘new jabs’ have nothing more than a short, shallow history regarding safety & side effects.
A better plan is to get vaccinated and wear a mask when appropriate, and not get sick in the first place.
Regeneron is brand new, given the cost it’s doubtful it has dosage histories in the millions. Hydroxychloroquin is not a legitimate therapy for COVID-19. You may as well stick with the horse dewormer. The COVID flu vaccines have dosage histories in the 5 BILLION range.
There may well end up being a yearly booster, and before I die I may be up to booster 30 or 40. It depends on how many idiots don’t get vaccinated in the first place. It would all end (or could already have ended) if everyone had gotten vaccinated to start with. But no, Trumpists want to “own” the liberals, so they’re prolonging the pandemic as long as possible (the downside being that 2% of them die doing it). I’ll take 40 boosters if it means I get to live another 40 years – too bad all those Republicans who “owned” me will be dead.
That “vaccine” may as well be Sprite Zero for all the good it does.
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