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Florida Doctor Refuses to Treat Unvaccinated Patients

Florida Doctor Refuses to Treat Unvaccinated Patients

The Liberal Left gets all up in arms when a baker refuses to make a wedding cake for a gay couple, but they are perfectly OK when a doctor denies lifesaving treatments from unvaccinated patients!

There are reports that a Florida doctor is refusing to treat patients that cannot prove they have received the COVID-19 vaccine. Linda Marraccini, a family medicine doctor in South Miami, sent a letter to patients informing them that because the Pfizer vaccine has been approved for general use by the Food and Drug Administration, unvaccinated individuals will no longer be allowed to attend in-person appointments at her practice.

“This is a public health emergency — the health of the public takes priority over the rights of any given individual in this situation,” Marraccini wrote in the letter obtained by NBC Miami. “It appears that there is a lack of selflessness and concern for the burden on the health and well-being of our society from our encounters.”

The decision comes amid a nationwide spike in COVID-19 cases and the emergence of new variants like the highly transmissible delta variant. Florida’s 7-day rolling average of new cases is the second-highest of any state. The state has the second-most people hospitalized with COVID-19. 

Ethical, and possibly legal implications aside, Marraccini’s policy is scheduled to go into effect Sept. 15, but she told Newsweek she will continue to see unvaccinated patients who have not found a new practice by that date via telehealth visits, particularly those who need prescriptions or who have not received the vaccine due to hardships.

However, “We will no longer subject our patients and staff to unnecessary risk,” Marraccini said. 

The letter also states that she will work with patients who have a valid medical reason for not receiving the vaccine, though she notes that such cases are virtually nonexistent, according to most medical professionals.

While Marraccini told Newsweek the response to the policy has been largely positive, some backlash online has accused her of violating the Hippocratic oath, a pledge of ethics that many medical professionals uphold, which largely centers treating any ill patient to the best of one’s ability.

According to USA Today, Marraccini is also not the first doctor to refuse to treat unvaccinated patients. In August, Alabama physician Jason Valentine announced in a now-deleted Facebook post that he would not see anyone who is not vaccinated as of Oct. 1. 

About The Author


  1. Dan Tyree

    If his home starts burning the firefighters should refuse to help him

    • Poor White Boy

      The ‘/doctor’ is a pitiful SHE

      • Dolores

        Females are vicious, mean spirited, have zero heart. That’s why all genocidal tyrants use them too commit, order or engage in genocide. Mao,MOHammed,,Hitler,Marx,pol pot idi amin etc etc.
        A woman can kill their child or children, go get their nails done,or go too McDonald’s and get a big Mac.

        • Tony L Bell

          So true.

        • Anonymous


    • Poor White Boy

      SHE…where iare my comments?

  2. Joseph S. Bruder

    Well, there’s always a free and easy recourse for the patients – GET VACCINATED. Then they won’t get COVID, and they’ll get their doctor back. Otherwise, they’re LOSERs and a drain on the whole medical system. They increase our health care and insurance costs. They put everyone who gets sick or injured at risk because they take up space in hospitals. They infect a small percentage of vaccinated people. They serve as a pool for a new strain of COVID to develop, and the next one would be 10 tmes worse. It’s 10 times worse than welfare fraud.

    Every doctor and hospital in the country should do this. Tomorrow. All at once, so the losers can’t just switch providers. In fact, if Biden or the CDC would “strongly request” that hospitals and doctors so this, the pandemic will be over , in say, a month – long enough for the losers to die off.

    • Dan Tyree

      Joseph quit bullying people about that stupid vaccine. When people are being attacked and threatened that’s when you get more resistance. And you worry about health care costs? The party that wants free gimmee gimmee for everyone. If you think that health care is expensive now, wait until it’s “free “. Especially insuring illegal wet backs.

      • Donald King

        But, as far as I can determine, all those illegals streaming across Obama/Harris/Biden’s open southern border are not being forced to get vaccinated in order to get all those freebies at taxpayer’s expense. This administration is a total, complete, disaster!

      • Joseph S. Bruder

        OK, Mr. Smart Guy… Let’s compare costs….

        If 350 million people in the US get vaccinated, at say, $10 per shot, that would be about $7 billion total.

        On the other hand, if 5% of the US population has to go to the hospital for a week, at a cost of about $50,000 (probably a low-ball estimate, a heart/lung machine alone costs $10,000 per day), that’s close to a trillion dollars. Not including 2% of everyone infected dying, not including the loss in productivity, not including the disruption to businesses because of loss of key and experienced personell, not including the increase in unemployment, not including the supply chain disruptions. Economists are expecting the global GDP to drop by about $2 trillion per year as long as the pandemic continues.

        Do you think a pandemic has no consequences? if so, you’re even more delusional than you appear from your writing… That’s why governments go to great lengths to pay for strong health organizations, and react quickly when breakouts occur (well, Biden did, but Trump pretty much fucked up his response).

        • todd

          You are assuming that the vax works , if that wear the case, why does Israel have twice the covid cases per capita than the USA with their 85% vax rate . The science proves it creates a good antiboby response initially but drops off substantially in 4 to 6 months and they do not work well against variants which natural immunity does.If it’s a perfect vax then why do the vaxxed need to be protected against the unvaxxed? According to Dr malone a pioneer of mrna vax the vax creates super variants and virology science supports this. Try a little research before regurgitating liberal media lies

      • Joseph S. Bruder

        Insurance for my wife and I runs at about $25000 per year. The cost in Switzerland, the “gold standard” of government health plans is about $5000 per person, less than half of US health care costs. It’s a for profit industry – Insurance companies do nothing but take your money and shell out 30-40% of it to pay for your health care “benefits”. Don’t you think the US could do better than tiny Switzerland?

        Government is nothing but a big insurance company anyway – they put laws and policies in place to protect against possible attacks by foreign adversaries, provide safety nets in case of economic downturns, keep people healthy and educated in case they’re needed for wars (the only reason that Depts of Education and Health were created), they have resources in place in case of pandemics and natural disasters, they even provide pensions in old age (since private companies couldn’t be trusted to do it). Why not health care? Without a profit motive, it will be WAY cheaper.

        • Brenda Hadley-Romano

          I don’t care what all of you anti-vaxxers think. I believe in the vaccines and I feel safer having it. The research shows that the people who are dying from the virus and the variants are largely unvaccinated. I also believe in healthcare for all. It would save our country so much money because they can get drugs at lower costs. If other countries can lower their costs by having medical care for all, we can too.

    • Anonymous

      Well in the first place, there wouldn’t be a sky rocket of the virus, if our so called president would focus on our borders, letting anyone coming in, and not deman , for tests and shots . But yet he demand it to us, that we’re citizens? Plus what happen about , that once we take the shot , will all be protected, of not getting the virus. People that have taken it still get it. Plus now it’s more then one shot, we have take.. Comon sense it’s all lies, we been feed. We give in to all the lies, later we’re all gonna be their puppets. There’s too many Blind people out there. They must wanna be controlled, Now we can see how many people believe. That the Sky is falling

    • Pat

      I am willing to bet ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY that the moron above (Joseph Bruder ) is a democrat. As well as one of the dumbest people on earth, oh wait, that’s Democrats as whet he is saying is 100% false and anyone reading his BLOOB above can see that he, in the typical democrat way take only that they want from information sent out and stand on that. All of what this fool wrote is wrong. I especially love his compassion for others, especially those who believe in a way that is on the other side of the fence from his. Joie, have a wonderful life you considerate and loving person.

      • Joseph S. Bruder

        First of all, any refugee standing at the border waiting to get in is more likely than US citizens to have COVID shots. We (and by that I mean YOU) have one of the lowest vaccination rates in the world. And secondly, I’m sure the first question at the border is “are you vaccinated for COVID” and they don’t let them proceed until they are. Immigrants from any country have to take a whole host of vaccinations before they can come in.

    • Navycorpsman42

      The real losers are people like you, Joe. You bought the lies hook, line and sinker. If you’re vaccinated, what do you care if I am or not. You’re safe, right?

      • Poor White Boy

        Problem with ones like Joe, they now know their days are numbered and are trying to brush it off as a problem with free thinking, freedom loving people. This all came about after it was announced a few years ago that the first human to live forever has already been born….so what does the NWO have to do to get rid of the little people??? Look around at the walking dead that are still alive….Pelosi, Biden, Warren, Waters….get the idea?

      • Ben

        Navy, as a peckerchecked,
        How do you reconcile you stance with all of the millions of vaccines you administered to teenage sailors?

      • Joseph S. Bruder

        Sure, I’m safe… and I won’t be infecting other vaccinated or unvaccinated people (or children) with COVID either. But you’re not safe. You could also give COVID to your family, so they’re not safe. And all the unvaccinated people are not safe (200,000 new infections every day and dying at a rate of 1600 per day now), and are disruptive to the economy, to business, to family life, to anything approaching a normal life. And you create a petri dish of new cases that could develop into the next more deadly strain of COVID, which makes everyone less safe. Life in this country won’t go back to normal until everybody who can gets vaccinated.

        I know, you want to “own the libs”, maybe make Biden look bad by prolonging the pandemic… Do you really want another half-million people to die just to make a Democratic President lose as many people as Trump did? Maybe that’s not your own goal, but it certainly is a cynical political calculation by Republican leaders. THEY are certainly vaccinated, whether they tell you or not. You’re just a rube being manipulated by a bunch of rich guys who have money and power. Are you willing to die (or kill your family) to help them stay elected?

        Employers can’t find enough workers, and low end workers who can’t telecommute can’t get good jobs. In the meantime, goods are getting more expensive because of COVID-related supply disruptions,. When was the last time the Republican party actually did something for you? The only thing that Trump managed to pass during his term was the give-away to the rich, and I doubt that helped anyone who visits this website. It helped him, and a lot of members of Congress and their donors.

    • Norma

      You are kidding, right ? The hospitals are FULL of “covid” patients who were injected ! The experimental injection does NOT keep one from getting covid, NOR does it keep one from transmitting it to others !! Are you not paying ANY attention ?

      • Joseph S. Bruder

        cite your source. The CDC says “breakthrough” infections are less than a few percent.

    • Anonymous

      Can’t you see how delusional you sound. Vaccinated people infects more than unvaccinated folks. They carried a viral load that is higher than someone without a shot. I suggest you start looking for real information in the matter as supposed of listening to the same script. People need to open their eyes to really see what is happening now days. Look deeper and use your critical thinking to see what escape your eyes…

    • DAn

      Your suggestion that vaccinated people cannot get the virus is clearly wrong. That is what the CDC and Fauci told us last year and, like so much of what Fauci has told us, it has proven to be wrong. Unvaccinated people can get the virus and spread the virus. Vaccinated people can get the virus and spread the virus. The only difference between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated is that the vaccinated are less likely to be hospitalized or die. Those that chose not to get the vaccine are choosing between the risk of having to be hospitalized or die and the risk of a vaccine that has not been tested long term. Whatever happened to, “my body, my choice.” Or is that decision only reserved for those who wish to kill a fetus? Villiainizing the unvaccinated when they pose the same risk of spread as do the vaccinated takes us down a slippery slope. You are essentially attempting to punish those who you claim are engaging in risky conduct. Are we later going to be able to deny health care to people who have smoked because smoking is risky behavior? Or deny care to overweight people because they engage in eating habits that present a risk to their health? This virus shelters in animals. Accordingly, it will never be “over” as suggested. Not in a month. Not ever. We have to find a way to live with it. If you have been vaccinated and, as you claim, cannot get the virus, be happy with your absolute immunity.

    • Darren

      Vaccinate people are like born-again Christians. It’s their way or no way and they condemn the others. De La Hoya, who was currently training for a fight, is fully vaccinated and is currently in the hospital fighting Covid. There are tons of fully vaccinated people with covid in the hospital but you will not hear about this from mainstream media because of the agenda. The Vaccine is not the one-stop or only solution to ending this pandemic. WEARING YOUR MASK, RESPECTING PERSONAL SPACE, AND SACRIFICING CONCERTS AND SPORTING EVENTS TEMPORARILY WILL END THIS PANDEMIC YOU PRIVILEGED ENTITLED F**K. How did the most populated country in the world, China, get covid under control before there was a vaccine? Go back to the previous sentence and read again YOU PRIVILEGED ENTITLED F**K. The people, vaccinated or unvaccinated, who are walking around without a mask indoors or in crowded places are the real losers and peace of shits out there. My daughter is under 12 with a heart transplant so she cant get the vaccine. I do not qualify for the vaccine because of underlying issues. Does that make me a loser and I should die because I can’t get the vaccine? I am not going to judge anyone who does not want to put chemicals in their body that has recently been developed and is being forces upon us with no LIABILITY on the provider should their be any long term effects. Why should we accept all the liability and gamble with our health or even our life? Are you serious? The f**k outta here.

      • Doug

        If born- again Christian’s offend you you should take it up with God the Bible says unless you’re born again you cannot even see the kingdom! If you could read the Bible for your self. Many just want to warn you if you live like the Devil, then you must be a Devil . I heard a story, a man died and was at the gate of Heaven, Saint Peter was there the man said I’m trying to get in Saint Peter said I don’t see your name on the list he said I gave $10 in the offering plate Saint peter said just a minute let me go talk to God Saint Peter came back , The man said what did God say Saint Peter said God said give him back his $10. So the man did not get in he came to church but , did not see fit to commit himself.

    • darren

      Vaccinate people are like born-again Christians. It’s their way or no way and they condemn the others. De La Hoya, who was currently training for a fight, is fully vaccinated and is currently in the hospital fighting Covid. There are tons of fully vaccinated people with covid in the hospital but you will not hear about this from mainstream media because of the agenda. The Vaccine is not the one-stop or only solution to ending this pandemic. WEARING YOUR MASK, RESPECTING PERSONAL SPACE, AND SACRIFICING CONCERTS AND SPORTING EVENTS TEMPORARILY WILL END THIS PANDEMIC YOU PRIVILEGED ENTITLED F**K. How did the most populated country in the world, China, get covid under control before there was a vaccine? Go back to the previous sentence and read again YOU PRIVILEGED ENTITLED F**K. The people, vaccinated or unvaccinated, who are walking around without a mask indoors or in crowded places are the real losers and peace of shits out there. My daughter is under 12 with a heart transplant so she cant get the vaccine. I do not qualify for the vaccine because of underlying issues. Does that make me a loser and I should die because I can’t get the vaccine? I am not going to judge anyone who does not want to put chemicals in their body that has recently been developed and is being forces upon us with no LIABILITY on the provider should their be any long term effects. Why should we accept all the liability and gamble with our health or even our life? Are you serious? The f**k outta here.

      • Joseph S. Bruder

        Hey, careful when you talk about born-again Christians – that’s prime Republican constituency. There are probably lots of them lurking about on this website…

        De La Hoya is one of the few people in the world whose life might have been saved by COVID… Belfort beat the living crap out of Holyfeld.

        How did China get COVID under control before the vaccine? The government is a dictatorship. If they say no travel, they mean it. They welded apartment doors and gates shut. They put military guards and roadblocks around cities. They mandated masks at all times in public immediately. They isolated people with COVID. They tracked it. They CONTAINED it. They didn’t let it spread to neighboring cities.

        Like Trump, they hid it at first, like it was a sign of weakness. Unlike Trump, they gave up that strategy within a week or two, in favor of “Damn, we need to do something FAST”. I was driving home from my parents’ house at Christmas, when I first heard reports that it was doubling every few days, and the death rate was 2-5%. I knew then, it was BAD, and it would be worse here. I knew Trump would mishandle it. Trump was denying and downplaying the public health risks even after it was clear that it was breaking out all over the US. That fucking idiot caused the deaths of half-a-million people just by not telling people it was serious. And the ironic thing is, if he had taken it seriously and been honest to the American people (something literally impossible for him), he probably could have gotten re-elected (except for the whole Russian election collusion and blackmailing Ukraine things)

        • Joseph S. Bruder

          One more comment – OF COURSE, there are medical exceptions for not getting the vaccine. You (and your daughter) have legitimate medical excuses. It’s partly for your protection that everyone else should get it. I don’t count you as one of the losers. The losers are the ones NOT wearing masks, NOT geting the vaccine, and NOT limiting contact with other people, for no other reason than they listened to Trump or FOX news. Most people on this website arguing against the vaccine are just stupid.

          You should check with your doctor again about getting the vaccine. Some people have been assuming that they can’t get it (and I’m not saying this is necessarily your case), when in reality those underlying conditions are all the more reason to get the vaccine. Most likely, your daughter could get the vaccine, it just wouldn’t do any good because her immune system is compromised. However, if you CAN safely get the vaccine (at 5 billion doses, it has a pretty good track record, even though there are still a small percentage of break-through cases), it’s one less path of transmission to your daughter. Be safe!

    • Tony Bell

      Wow, quite self righteous and so wrong. There are always exceptions to prove any rule. Just the fact you put “they” into context as an adversary proves you are mean spirited and the “loser”. Seems we should all be working to help one another not disparage and outright alienate. Even wishing death on them. Take a long honest look in the mirror, you won’t like what appears back at you.

      • Joseph S. Bruder

        This from the guy who agreed above that “Females are vicious, mean spirited, have zero heart.” Your (presumed) wife is in your profile pic… does she know you think like that?

        They, the unvaccinated patients of that doctor, the LOSERS, lost their health care provider, and are at risk of severe illness and death. Premature death is “losing” when there is a free and safe vaccination to prevent the illness.

    • BC

      You might be the dumbest motherfker I’ve ever heard in my life.

    • Poor White Boy

      Yep YOU WILL as most of the ones getting sick around here are the vaccinated, who are spreading it and getting it. All the unvacced we know are just fine. Tell Satan I will not be joining you

    • Dale Brown

      Dear Joseph

      You trust in the creators of the Virus and I’ll trust in God creator of all things. May God have mercy on our nation and save us once again. In Jesus Christs name.

      • j

        The vaccine creators are working hard to save you. God, on the other hand, will happily take you and deposit your sorry ass in Hell for not taking advantage of the knowledge he has given his creations.

      • Joseph S. Bruder

        I trust the creators of the vaccine to do everything they can to save as many people as possible.

        God will happily take you and deposit your sorry ass in Hell for ignoring the wealth of knowledge that he’s given to his creations.

    • Anonymous

      No mention at all of people who had Covid19 and now have much better immunity as a result according to current investigative studies. No further vaccine needed. This Dr needs to have her license removed.

    • Poor White Boy

      Hey Joseph …who are you referring to the ILLEGALS that have come here by over a MILLION so far this year, bringing disease and Covid with them and UNVACCINATED? Than they are bused around the USA to keep the virus going so your leftie overlords can keep the people under control, scared and deprived of FREEDOM. Put you life in order as it will be coming to an end soon by way of your jab.

      • Joseph S. Bruder

        Well, last I checked, both Mexico and Canada have higher rates of immunisation than the US. And illegal immigration is around 400,000 per year, compared to 40 million people who have gotten COVID. Since you can’t do math, that’s about 100 times more than illegal immigration.

        And COVID got its start in the US from business people who traveled legally to Italy for a conference. From there it spread across the US, aided by a President who downplayed it and turned mask wearing into a political statement instead of a health measure.

    • Tom

      I agree! And fair is fair. If it is their right not to get vaccinated, then she should have the right not to treat them and risk exposure which she might then transmit to other patients. I think its great that she is doing this. More docs should do this!

    • Darren

      Vaccinated people like Joe are like born-again Christians. It’s their way or no way and they condemn the others. De La Hoya, who was currently training for a fight, is fully vaccinated and is currently in the hospital fighting Covid. There are tons of fully vaccinated people with covid in the hospital but you will not hear about this from mainstream media because of the agenda. The Vaccine is not the one-stop or only solution to ending this pandemic. WEARING YOUR MASK, RESPECTING PERSONAL SPACE, AND SACRIFICING CONCERTS AND SPORTING EVENTS TEMPORARILY WILL END THIS PANDEMIC YOU PRIVILEGED ENTITLED F. How did the most populated country in the world, China, get covid under control before there was a vaccine? Go back to the previous sentence and read again YOU PRIVILEGED ENTITLED F. The people, vaccinated or unvaccinated, who are walking around without a mask indoors or in crowded places are the real losers and peace of shits out there causing this virus to linger and mutate. My daughter is under 12 with a heart transplant so she cant get the vaccine. I do not qualify for the vaccine because of underlying issues. Does that make us losers and we should die because we can’t get the vaccine? I am not going to judge anyone who does not want to put chemicals in their body that has recently been developed and are being forced upon us with no LIABILITY on the provider should there be any long-term effects. Why should we accept all the liability while gambling with our health or even our life because of a global crisis? The Government wants us to do the responsible thing by taking a chance on this new vaccine but take zero liability? You guys have no problem pumping vaccines into your bodies as long as you don’t have to wear a mask you probably consider only fit for animals and minorities. Selfish losers.

    • Guess

      Both work for pharmaceutical company both are on the board both get kick backs when people get vaccinated and then the vaccine is not even for the virus , And how in the world do the unvaccinated infect the vaccinated? How stupid are you, drinking the Kool-Aid

  3. frank stetson

    Darn, there goes my hypocrite radar as the defenders of personal responsibility, personal choice, freedom of choice, go belly up because a liberal exercises the same right.

    Then Bill pulls the ole false equivalency test saying denial of a wedding cake to gay folk is comparable to denial of service due to covid. Bill, last time I checked, being gay is not contagious except at Dan’s house. Last time I checked, being gay will not put you in the hospital, on a respirator, and then dead. Over 650,000 dead Americans from covid; pretty sure the gay-disease death rate is far, far lower. Apples n oranges, false equivalency.

    And the doctor provides a slew of alternatives and work arounds. If you are physically unable to get the vaccine, she will work with that too.
    The baker just talked trash and said no. FYI, he just got fined for pulling the same shit for a transgender person so really not the same. anymore.

    George Washington issued the first vaccine mandate in 1777. We wouldn’t be able to talk this smack today if there was not that 1777 vaccine mandate. “On February 20, 1905, the Supreme Court, by a 7-2 majority, said in Jacobson v. Massachusetts that the city of Cambridge, Massachusetts could fine residents who refused to receive smallpox injections.”

    Based on that ruling: “The U.S. Supreme Court has denied review of Indiana University’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for employees and students, leaving in place the rulings of lower courts in favor of the university’s requirements.”

    Mandates, and more importantly, decisions made by individuals and government in favor of public health have a great history, of legal and otherwise, of support. Chances are this doctor’s decision will stand if we are a nation of laws:

    The very notion of denying vaccine mandates is anti-American, illegal, and has lost almost every court case coughed up to defeat them. Good luck. Why it’s even a political issue is beyond my pay grade. I think the science pretty much says how stupid you are to avoid the vaccine, unless you have valid health reasons. All you have to do is look at a map, see where the vaccines are, see where the cases, hospitalization, and death are, and even a total moron should be able to put one and one together to get two. They are getting sicker, dying more often, in Trump country because somehow vaccines are seen as a liberal threat. Frankly, the liberal threat is you killing yourselves for no reason. Trump got the vaccine. Trump’s inner circle got the vaccine. Republican governors are saying get the vaccine. And now this doctor says: I would rather not see you unless you have the vaccine. Only a person deciding not to get the vaccine would even raise an eyebrow. And like I said: the truth and facts conclude that person is one brick shy of a wall…..

  4. Anonymous

    The doctor is a loser who wants to steal peoples money and kill them in the hospital for something that is a simple cure nothing more then the cold or flu .

  5. Poor White Boy

    May she get covid an leave the planet. We don’t need chicken little hate mongers as ‘doctors’

  6. JoeyP

    May he GET COVID from his VACCINATED patients . . . That would be GREAT!. One Enlightened Patriot.

    • Poor White Boy

      I agree but, SHE should get covid and leave the planet, as we don’t need chicken little ‘doctors’ spreading their fear and hate and poisoning the Earth .

      • Joseph S. Bruder

        She has been vaccinated herself (as has all of her staff and patients) – besides a relatively low chance of even getting COVID, if she does get it, she has an even smaller chance of getting hospitalised, much less dying.

  7. Hubert Cornwell


    • Joseph S. Bruder

      Hey Hubie… before you blow a gasket, read my post again… Are there any facts that I misstated? Intelligent people can argue over the facts of the issues without going crazy… You might want to get some therapy for your anger issues, though…

  8. Tony Bell

    Here is something to consider:

    “There are a lot of patients being injured,” one registered nurse shared. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”

    She is not talking about a little fever or chills after this shot. She personally witnessed the deaths of six people from vaccine injury. She said post-injection patients are experiencing “urinating clots of blood, paresthesias (burning or prickling sensation), gastroparesis (stomach stops processing food), altered mental status, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrests, new onset seizures, new onset diabetes. I have patients who can’t walk anymore.”

    All because of these shots.

    But don’t expect to see any of these symptoms on the list of side effects for this jab.

    • Joseph S. Bruder

      Cite your source for this… any proof that it’s real, much less true?

  9. Anonymous

    It is a proven fact that you are not immune to COVID even if your vaccinated. I’m really tired of all the baseless threats on people’s civil liberties. We have a constitutional right to make a choice for ourselves. This doctor should have his license pulled and no longer be able to practice medicine. He took a hypocratic oath and he has broken it.

  10. Mike

    Totally agree with the doctor. There are longstanding requirements for vaccinations in order to attend schools, be in the military, etc. only the ignorant are refusing to get vaccinated without a medical condition preventing it-and they are prolonging the epidemic. Unvaccinated people should not be allowed to eat indoors, at restaurants, go to indoor gyms, take cruises, etc. In addition, insurance companies should recuse to pay Covid related medical expenses for the unvaccinated. Stubbornness has no place when it comes to public health.

    • Poor White Boy

      Hey lil, Mikey…read and absorb Tony Bell’s post. Wake up ….although it is too late for you maybe you can save you kids or grandkids some day.

  11. Ben

    So much for sincerely held beliefs huh?
    I don’t see why the patient doesn’t go to another Dr.
    This is akin to the gay wedding cake, right?

  12. Dom

    Let the lawsuits begin.

  13. Lee

    Apparently, the Biden administration & other dictator liberals aren’t concerned about illegal immigrants or afghans being flown in without paper,s, masks or covid tests…less known vaccines! Just need to keep control over American citizens! I wonder if they will require this dr & others to give those people medical treatment exemptions!!

  14. Walt Miller

    This all a bunch of propaganda and dictatorship to control all the people in this country. These people want to control all our lives and take our freedom away from us.

    • Ben

      You were soooo close! It is a bunch of propaganda. Trump’s Operation Warp Speed got us this vaccine. Trump himself took it and has urged his cult to take it. Yet the radical right’s propaganda machine has whipped its sheep into a frenzy.

  15. diane mcshannock

    I am one of those “losers” who is resisting the vaccine. I am not against getting any vaccine. I believe in choice. How would you feel if the powers to be decided that EVERYONE must cook with peanut oil. EVERYONE! And you were allergic to peanuts? Would you resist, or just be a dumb stupid idiot and do what you were told? What if you had all kinds of allergies? I am not generally afraid of vaccines. I get the flu shot every year, but I am very sensitive to medications and must monitor every new drug I take. I have not found an antibiotic that I don’t react to negatively. Other medications? Some give me violent headaches 24/7. Some make my blood pressure go up. Some make me gain weight. One drug gave me chest pains. Even ointments cause problems. Put an ointment on a sore and end up with a rash all around it. Sometimes. I literally have to think outside the box. Many doctors don’t listen or don’t get it. I lost a good friend this year. She was in her 80’s and had lung cancer. Then she got Covid 19 and got deathly ill. After that, she got the vaccine and got sick again and died shortly after. I don’t believe covid was the cause of death, but I do believe that it contributed to her death. I have been working hard for years to get my body to do it’s own fighting because of my sensitivities. What do you want to do with people like me? Lock us in a closet? Give us the jab and watch us die? A lot more is going on that is not being revealed.

  16. frank stetson

    Suddenly, when I donned my mask after getting my vaccine, I realized I was no longer free but instead under the heel of the jack-booted thug of the State. I totally lost control of my life with my freedom totally taken away from me. It didn’t matter, I was already surrounded by illegal aliens, infected, and air dropped into my neighborhood like a scene from Red Dawn. I tried to speak in Spanish to them, but apparently they only understood Pashto.

    Then I personally witnessed the deaths of six vaccinated people next to me from urinating clots of blood, paresthesias (burning or prickling sensation), gastroparesis (stomach stops processing food), altered mental status, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrests, new onset seizures, new onset diabetes. Some could not walk anymore. Amazingly, these six dead people died from over a dozen different symptoms, few of which have actually ever been seen. Yeah, I lost that much freedom, apparently freedom to think.

    Like the prophet said: “TOUGH SHIT. GOD BLESS A FREE USA.”

    • Joseph S. Bruder

      If ONE nurse saw all those symptoms and saw 6 people die, and yet close to a million people went through mass vaccination sites in my state and didn’t report any of those symptoms, I would say that the nurse is the actual Angel of Death. I mean seriously, what the fuck is she doing to those people? If one medical professional suddenly has patients dropping like flies around her, they begin to suspect them of being a mass murderer.

      Truthfully, I think that Tony is just full of shit and/or found that on some anti-vax website somewhere. Not a bit of truth to it. If he sends us his source (which I doubt will happen) we can probably follow it right back to Snopes.

  17. frank stetson

    Diane, most vaccine mandates come with exclusions for medical reasons. Give it a break. You are safe under most mandates. For other vaccines, other vaccine mandates, school vaccine mandates are the norm across the entire country. Only Mississippi, which in a weird decision, is suing the Fed over the current mandate, does not allow religious or medical waivers for it’s current school vaccines mandates for Polio, Smallpox, MRA, and the other dozen diseases for which vaccines are already mandated across the entire country. Go figure, the most restrictive vaccine mandate state in the Union, is suing the Union over a less restrictive mandate. That ought to be a great case to follow. The first mandate was in 1777 issued by George Washington to save our troops from Smallpox and make us a free democracy where public health was deemed more important than individual choice starting before our country was even born, started by the Father of our Country, and our vaccine mandate maven!

    Joseph, it is usually not to hard to uncover these fools and their misbegotten sources of information. First, throw away any information from mass media outlets, any State organization, any mainstream association or think tank…. And then look for those unassailable sources outside of reality.

    The one comes from the Liberty Counsel, that evangelistic 501c founded in 1989 by a husband/wife team; the husband is a Falwell alumni. It’s a ministry too, gotta pay those bills. The Southern Poverty Center, who none of us should believe, rates them as an anti-LBGT hate group. Supposedly, freedom of speech and teaching religion is their wheelhouse, so anti-vaxing is a new opportunity for these folks to squeeze some donations.

    To be honest, they have broadened their mission before going after abortion, adult bookstores, don’t ask/don’t tell, even came out against anti-lynching if that double-negative makes sense. Most of the cases they have launched in court have crashed and burned. The did get a school not to read a book by a transgender and they do support the 1.6 insurrectionists as true patriots of the nation as do they support The Big Lie. You just gotta expand if you want to stay in business!!

    That’s the font of this truth, this information, is output from a Southern Baptist Evangelical LGBT hate organization which loses most of it’s court cases. The information is based on an unattributed anonymous source with no second sourcing because there is no second source. Not really sure there’s a primary source.

    According to Liberty Counsel: ““There are a lot of patients being injured,” another registered nurse shares. “I’ve never seen anything like this.”

    This RN personally witnessed six people die from taking the COVID shots. Post-injection patients are experiencing “urinating clots of blood, paresthesia (burning or prickling sensation), gastroparesis (stomach stops processing food), altered mental status, respiratory arrest, cardiac arrests, new onset seizures and new onset diabetes,” she says. “I have patients who can’t walk anymore.”

    All because of the very same shots Biden and other tyrants want to force on every American, no matter the disastrous human collateral.”

    So, all you have to do is what they ask next, when Liberty Counsel follows that earth-shattering “news” with: “Defend FREEDOM by supporting the Liberty Counsel Legal Fund today, and a generous Challenge Grant will DOUBLE the IMPACT of your donation.”

    But this anonymous source that we can’t second source is just the tip on the iceberg. LC says: “As of Aug. 6, 2021, a terrifying 571,830 total COVID shot injuries, 51,242 hospitalizations, 16,044 permanent disabilities and 12,791 deaths had been reported to VAERS—more than any other shot in history! And those who don’t die may experience a severe allergic reaction, partial paralysis or a heart attack!”

    And they back this up with: “Worse yet, according to the CDC, those numbers represent less than 1% of the total number of COVID shot victims!” Of course, the CDC support is simply taking total shots, a CDC number, against the made-up “terrifying 571,830 shot injuries” to come up with a part-true, part-lie, lie. Try USA Today: “A CDC spokesperson confirmed there have been no reputable reports of widespread deaths tied to the COVID-19 vaccines.”

    This same quote blasted through the right-wing blogosphere, but never could be second-sourced, backed up, or defended. Same quote in twenty places does not make it true.

    The danger of this misinformation is people actually believing it and not getting the vaccine because of it. That’s apparently a real danger and evangelists, as a group, are at one of the highest risk in this regard as they seem to believe anonymous uncollaborated sources for their truths about the virus and the vaccine.

    This one is BUSTED. It can not be verified through any other source and this source is anonymous as found by a evangelistic LGBT hate group in the Falwell world of science and medicine. It can not be proven to be true, or even close to true.

  18. Donald Cook

    Suspend His Licensee, He took a oath, to serve all. He is a Coward.

  19. Frankstetson

    As I read through this post, again, I thought to laugh, but then I cried.

    A few days ago, hundreds of Qanon people lined the streets outside our Daly Plaza in Dallas awaiting the second coming of John F Kennedy Junior who they believe is not dead will be running as trumps vice president in 2024. I wonder how many anti-VAXor’s here joined that herd.

    The facts are in and they are pretty consistent across the globe. The VAX is safe, it works, and there’s a very probable chance that it’s even better than natural immunity. Meanwhile, we still keep racking up about 1600 deaths a day. That’s a pretty good sized high school in size and scope. Every day. Has shortened our average lifespan. It is the number three killer now in America. The vast majority of these deaths are unvaccinated, except for a few immuno compromised vaccinated breakthroughs. That makes them unnecessary deaths. There are no accidents here, It is not gods will, There are no politics, there is no liberty of healthcare; there is just a really poor decision. The facts are in. You can see it in the statistics, you can see it on the map. It is mostly the unvaccinated and predominantly in trump country. Even in “liberal states” with higher numbers, those numbers are usually in counties that Trump took in the last election. It’s time to smell the coffee.

    Get the shot, join the team, make a difference.

  1. Frank Danger .... Lots of opinion and not a scintilla of evidence. Where is your proof, old man? Funny how…