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Former Mexican President Apologizes to Trump

Former Mexican President Apologizes to Trump

On Wednesday, former Mexican President Vicente Fox apologized for his vulgar comments made in regards to Donald Trump’s plan to build a wall along the Mexican border. He even went so far as to invite Trump to see Mexico on his dime.

The comments that Fox is referring to were made earlier this year, when he said that he would not pay for Trump’s “f-cking wall,” and also called the candidate “Ignorant…cracy…egocentric…nasty.”

In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, Fox said, “I apologize. Forgiveness is one of the greatest qualities that human beings have, is the quality of a compassionate leader. You have to be humble. You have to be compassionate. You have to love thy neighbor.”

Despite his apology, Fox still did not seem to side with Trump’s ideology, saying “I don’t think he should follow the strategy of attacking others, offending others, to get to his purpose. There are other ways and means of doing it. I invite him to come to Mexico and to see what Mexico is all about.”

Fox also said he believes it’s important for the U.S. and Mexico to continue their strong relationship, citing how the U.S .benefits from cheap Mexican labor.  

Trump’s only recent comment: “We are building the wall and Mexico will pay for it.”

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