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Biden summons congresswoman from the dead

Biden summons congresswoman from the dead

At a recent White House event, President Biden apparently mistook the occasion for a séance.  He repeatedly called on the deceased Indiana Congresswoman Jackie Walorski to return from the dead.  After a couple of unsuccessful attempts to have her stand and be recognized – and scanning the audience (pictured above) — he muttered, “I was told she would be here.”

In fact, Walorski had died in a tragic auto accident in early August.  There have been no reported sightings of the Congresswoman since – ethereally or otherwise.

This is not a small gaffe – like mispronouncing a name.  The sudden and tragic death of a congressperson is BIG news around Washington – and elsewhere.  It is the kind of thing you would remember – especially if you were President of the United States.  The staff would be running into the Oval Office to inform the President.  He would be ordering condolences to be communicated to the family.

But let us give Biden the benefit of the doubt – that he did not get the memo at the time of Walorski’s death.  He was obviously briefed on the subject since it was to be included in his remarks.  We know he was told because he said, “I was told she would be here.”  At least he imagined he was told. 

I assume they must have told him why Walorski was to be included as part of his presentation.  Didn’t Biden wonder why he was “honoring” this relatively obscure member of the opposition party?

Apparently, references to Walorski were not included on Biden’s pocket que cards – the thing that has instructions for the Chief Executive as if he were a child.  In case you forget, a revealed card showed instructions to enter the room, sit down in his chair, greet the guests, ask the president of the AFL/CIO a question (virtually), thank guests and leave the room – things any experienced politician can handle without notes.

Since Biden often pulls out these “que cards” when answering questions or not reading directly off the teleprompter, one wonders how Biden could not have had the information on a que card or the teleprompter.  Maybe he just forgot to pull out the cue card.  It is frightening to think that he might need a que card to remember to retrieve his que cards.

As in the case of all of Biden’s gaffes, it was up to the White House to perform political triage.  In this case, it made matters worse.

In an attempt to explain – and make the Biden gaffe appear to have a modicum of rationality – White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was commissioned to be the voice of the spin.  She claimed that it was just an impromptu comment because Biden had Walorski “on top of his head.” She is fibbing.  It was not impromptu since Biden said the staff told him Walorski would be there. 

Jean-Pierre became increasingly irritated as reporters continued to pursue a better explanation of the Biden gaffe.  If Walorski was on his mind, how come he did not know she was dead?  The deceased congresswoman apparently was not on his mind — or on his notes.

It was certainly a great embarrassment for the President.  It might have been left at that if it were not for the pernicious questions of Biden’s mental acuity.  This is not the sort of thing an average person would forget after hearing the news – and later being briefed and prepped by staff.  Are we to believe that Biden was clueless as to why he was bringing up Walorski’s name after all that?

No matter how Jean-Pierre attempts to spin it, Biden’s gaffe appears to be a rather significant “senior moment.”  This is not a slip-of-the-tongue.  Biden obviously lost a major memory or events and what he was told.  He was prepped to make it a planned part of his presentation.  This is the sort of senior moment that makes friends and family cringe – or an entire nation.

Incidentally, at the same event, Biden referred to the audience “in the room.”  The event was held outside in the Rose Garden on a right sunny day.  Come on, man!

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. ben is back

    Is Larry having a Biden moment re-submitting the ERNEST DEMPSEY story on the exact same topic?

    Senior moment itself?

    Maybe Larry needs cue cards regarding what stories have been posted…..

    • larry Horist

      Ben is back. You really are not very bright. First of all, I did not “re-submit” another authors commentary. You apparently do not know what “re-submit” means. We do not coordinate our writings. Commentators often proved their perspective on the same events. If you want to engage in meaningless nasty insults, you need to at least get the story straight. Geeeez!

      • ben is back

        Often a “re-submit” includes changes, revisions, modifications. Thus the need to re-submit, sometimes. Of course, many seniors think both articles are completely different.

        But in this case, to clarify, I meant —- same exact topic, same issues, similar commentary. Hey, no insult intended, I didn’t do the copy/enhance/paste. If you are insulted, imagine ERNEST DEMPSEY being jacked off by being one-upped by another supposed author.

        Thanks for the update on the Horist process —- no coordination, check!

  2. Mike

    Just a slow news day-Larry didn’t have any other stories to denigrate Biden with so he decided to rewrite a story written a few days ago by someone else on the windbag post. (Gets paid by the word you know…)

  3. frank stetson

    Yeah, this was a mistake.

    • Larry kuhn

      Biden is draining our oil supply and sending much of it to China. Are you lefties still proud of your brain dead leader? But not my leader. Notice that I said “your leader “. You idiots deserve each other.

      • frank stetson

        “Biden is draining our oil supply and sending much of it to China.”

        BUSTED: as in mostly untrue. Not totally, but mostly given the choice of words by Mr. Kuhn.

        We have sold oil to China for years. Did it under Trump, and now Biden. Get over it. We actually buy and sell things from China, wake up and smell the coffee. Sales to China peaked under Trump, there are down in 2012 under Biden. BUSTED.

        You did it under “your leader,” Donald J. Trump, are you still proud?

        Biden follows the law established by Congress in 2015 that helped make the possibility of being a net exporter, a reality. It also took a radical demand shift, like the pandemic, to truly make it so under Trump (no it was not Trumpian energy policies, it was the pandemic Larry, Joe, and others). Our Strategic Reserves which were established in the mid 70’s as a reaction to OPEC fucking around.

        The goal of this release was to help relieve Putin’s global price pressure and therefore just about anywhere we sold it would meet that goal. Get it, global price issue solved by global response does have America in mind. Under the law, we must sell to the highest bidder. Same law when Trump was King. But, we did not sell directly to China, don’t think we ever have from Strategic Reserves. We did sell to US subsidiaries of Chinese oil and perhaps other buyers who resold to China. Estimates are that maybe 4M of the 250M barrels sold, around 1.6%, to these Chinese companies. And it helped set world oil prices which Biden has brought down with these and other policies.

        1.6% is not “Biden is draining our oil supply and sending much of it to China.” BUSTED

        The Strategic Oil supply is at its lowest levels since the last emergency. There is still over 66% of our original supply left; we are down about 1/3rd of a tank :>) Does not seem like Biden is draining our oil supply and he most certainly did not send MUCH OF IT to China, less than 2% of this release and that was through highest-price-offers made by US companies and US subsidiaries of Chinese companies, not direct to Chinese companies. By law, by Congress, Biden cannot touch that. Nor should he.

        At least you left Hunter out of it……

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