World's Worst Mother to Speak at DNC Convention
In a summer rife with police killings, Hillary Clinton has invited the mother of an attempted cop-killer to speak at the DNC National Convention.
Everyone knows the name Michael Brown – the 18-year-old black man who was shot and killed in Ferguson, Missouri in August 2014. This is the mother responsible for raising this guy, for instilling his moral values, supervising his education, developing his social skills and making him a productive member of society.
What many people seem to forget is that Brown was high on marijuana, and had just stolen several items and physically roughed up the manager of a convenience store when he was intercepted by police officer Darren Wilson. Brown attempted to steal the police officer’s gun, in what can only be assumed as an attempt to shoot him, before fleeing the scene. This altercation is what prompted officer Wilson to shoot Michael Brown.
His death spawned the extremist group Black Lives Matter and started a debate between civilians and police that shows no sign of stopping.
Michael’s mother (Lesley McSpadden) and “step-dad” had run-ins with the police shortly after Brown’s death. Lesley’s boyfriend, an ex-con named Louis Head, incited a violent riot in Ferguson following the news that officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted for her son’s “murder.”
Lesley got into trouble a few months later when she reportedly assaulted and robbed Pearlie Gordon after an argument regarding “justice for Michael Brown” T-shirt sales.” What makes matters worse is that Ms. Gordon was Brown’s grandmother (the mother of Michael’s true father). Gordon played a significant role in Michael’s early life, probably because Brown’s parents were teenagers when Michael was born.
Michael spent much of his childhood bouncing back and forth between parents before he started living with his friends. At the time of his death, Michael had been living with his other grandmother, Desuirea Harris (who also participated in the attack on Gordon).
Yes, Michael did commit a crime and should have been punished – but he need not have died. The true tragedy here is that Michael never lived with two real parents who cared about him and could have prevented his death… but he suddenly became important when there was money to be made after his death.
Lesley McSpadden is the worst mother of all time and should be blamed for her son’s death. So why the hell is she speaking at the DNC?
Editor’s note: I know its not PC to criticize peoples’ moms, especially one who has lost a child. But let’s tell the truth. If she were a better mom, her son whould not have died.
Federal money should be withheld from Illinois. And the Trump justice Department should bring charges against the governor for interfering…
Frank, you were never cute. Just nasty and horrible and you know it.
Yeah, Jim. I like what you said. Remember, Kamala was a prostitute.
I like the cut of your jib. Read the whole thing. Interesting points.
This article well earns a Stop The Spin (STS) rating of STS 5+ because once again Larry puts on full…