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Domestic violence …  left or right?

Domestic violence …  left or right?

Ever since the riot on Capitol Hill, the media has had “right-wing political violence” on serial loop as an evergreen left-wing subject.  To advance their mendacious narrative, they get amnesia of the hundreds of riots and violent actions by those on the left that occurred for decades before January 6, 2021.  Outside of the Capitol Hill event, it is almost impossible to find comparable right-wing violence in numbers and outcomes as left-wing violence – and virtually nothing beyond an occasional lone wolf.

Virtually all the reporting on “right-wing political violence” since January 2021 has been speculative or predictive — with amazingly disappointing results for those doing the speculating and predicting.

Remember how mobs were predicted to re-appear on Capitol Hill to participate in an anniversary riot on January 6, 2022?  With knees symbolically trembling, then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi underscored the fearmongering by calling on the National Guard and erecting fencing around the area.

On that day, approximately 200 people assembled on Capitol Hill with permit in hand –outnumbered by police, military and reporters. They heard a few speeches and went home without incident.

And also remember, that the prediction at the ti8be assembling in cities across the country in a mood for violence.  And what happened?  Apparently nothing reportable – and you know the media would have hyped two drunks overturning a police car into the lead story of the day if they could spin it as a right-wing incident

Remember all the predictions of potential violence if Trump was indicted?  Or the fearmonger reports of possible violence when he goes on trial in New York?  And all those security fences, barriers and closed streets?  And what happened?  A few supporters cheering the former President.  No confrontations with counter-demonstrators.  No attacking police.  No arrests.

We are told that out of sight, there is the forming of a grand insurrectionist population, arming themselves for a violent uprising – a future coup attempt.

FBI Director James Wray has frequently weighed in with his narrow claim that “right-wing domestic violence” is the greatest threat to American peace and harmony.  He monitors right-wing groups and conservative religious organizations.  The Department of Justice under Merrick Garland referred to concerned school parents as potential “terrorists.”  He later backed down in an attempt to unring that bell.

Yet, no such concern expressed for the REAL violence that has occurred in our Democratic-run cities over several decades.  Riots that have destroyed neighborhoods, leaving people homeless and without local businesses – and injuring citizens and police, and killing some.  They are real – and not theoretical – examples of domestic violence.

Democrats and the media have long held that the rise in antisemitism is due to right-wing hatred.  Now that the scab has been pulled off of America’s antisemitic sentiment, what do we find?  Left-wing antisemitism on steroids that — has been hitherto on the back burner in our acclaimed left-wing academic institutions.  Antisemitism is seen in the news reports on left-wing platforms –reports that sympathize with protestors and rioters.  These are REAL examples of antisemitism and Real acts of violence against Jewish students by left-wing agitators fostered by the curriculum of left-wing academic institutions.

They say that Trump’s rhetoric is inciting POTENTIAL violence.  The word “potential” is important because despite his historic over-the-top attacks on various perceived enemies or turncoats (which I have consistently condemned), there has been no significant violence from the right as a result.

I emphasize … that is NOT to say that there are not some nutcase lone wolves out there ready to commit what can be seen as right-wing violence.  Such crazies exist — and we see them surface from time to time.  But they are not exclusively right wingers or motivated by Trump.  These whackos come from the right, the left or mostly from other motivations, such as religious intolerance, terrorism and mental health. 

Today we see the left-wing violence on college campuses across the nation.  The perpetrators include students, outside (and often paid professional) agitators and faculty. The violence is clearly anti-Semitic.  With calls for death to Jews and the annihilation of the State of Israel.

And what about the reality of systemic institutional racism in our major Democrat (left-wing)-run cities that impose oppression, violence – occasionally deadly – on a segregated and impoverished Black community?

Perhaps the imbalance between right-wing and left-wing violence is so stark because of a cultural acceptance of left-wing violence as a norm.  Not only is it not addressed as criminal – with perpetrators held accountable by law enforcement – but it is celebrated by the radical left as noble.

As a free speech extremist, I believe in the right to assemble and protest.  But those rights have limits under the law.  No one is entitled to take away the constitutional rights of others to express themselves – interfere with the right of others to go about their daily business without being obstructed, accosted, intimidated, assaulted, or injured.

An objective accounting of political violence in America clearly establishes that the greater problem comes from the left – historically and currently.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.



    Wow. “Mendacious narrative.” Beyond mendacious being a Horistian fav, the use of mendacious is a pretty broad brush to cover all journalism on right-wing violence since 2021. It is also blatantly not true. Can’t be 100%. That’s a mendacious thought.

    Most of the violence is actually right-wing. There was much right-wing violence leading up to the 1/6/2021 Republican attack on the Capitol and Democracy that Horist conveniently avoids. Granted, most of the attackers of the Capitol were there for show. But there was a core element hell bent on the destruction of Democracy. And a President who munched burgers, watched on TV, for over three hours before someone on his staff called in the troops. Sweeeet.

    And there is little doubt that Trump’s rhetoric plays a part in all this. Perhaps not for the hard core, many have been at it for years, but for the common man, not enraged to protest and often caught up in events well beyond a protest. Can one tie Trump as inciting? Of course not. Is it easy to believe. A lot of coincidences say YES.

    Sure, the Summer of Floyd was a protest highlight for the left; most we peaceful, but certainly some violence. And the left has rose again against Israeli apartheid of Palestine. But this right-wing thing brewed for all of 2020, blew the roof off on 1/6/2021, and these folks are prepping and threatening again. I am sorry, but when Don says he will be dictator if he wins, when he says he should have total immunity, yeah — not good. And if he loses, he promises violence just because he can’t face losing.

    A little history: around 2010, Tea Party, and I am on my white horse, in my suit of armchair armor, looking for the violence perpetrated by TPs. Couldn’t find any, and I am a pretty good looker. So I went for angry words —— fuck, I was hard-pressed to find a curse word on a protest sign. Mark me impressed. But Horist, like Trump, has come a long ways baby.

    It’s clear that, up until this year, and for the last TWO DECADES, Republicans have been more violent that Democrats. At least according to the facts as evidenced by CSIS, a bipartisan and centrist think tank on the subject.

    Before 2021, during 2020, I, and others, should have seen the individual events happening across the nation as linked at least in spirit, but perhaps even practice or training for the event yet to come. Like sharks against a shark fence, Republicans kept pushing to see if they could find weakness. Who can forget Gretchen Whitmer, the Governor of Michigan’s kidnapping plot by Trumplicants. But it’s the smaller affair threads that we did not weave together into the Republican fabric of societal animosity. Republicans began practicing for the Capitol by attacking State Capitols where they encountered surprisingly little defense and not much punishment either. Some saw it as a good sign.

    In April of 2020, gun-toting protesters rushed the Michigan State Capitol after Trump tweeted “Liberate Michigan” as if marching on Trump’s command. A group, wearing camouflage fatigues with semiautomatic rifles slung over their shoulders, watched from the gallery to intimidate lawmakers. Two were later charged in a failed plot to kidnap Ms. Whitmer and bomb the Capitol.

    The House in Idaho restricted seating for a special session in August, 2020, social distance during the Trump pandemic. Maskless protesters shoved past Idaho State Police and security guards, broke a glass door and demanded entry. House Speaker Scott Bedke, a Republican let them in. “You guys are going to police yourselves up there, and you’re going to act like good citizens,” he told them, recorded on YouTube. Remember hearing rumors how Capitol Police let them in?

    In December, 2020,021 Republican Representative Mike Nearman allowed armed protesters to enter the Oregon State Capitol through a side door. Nearman circled the building to sneak in form the other side. Only one vote against kicking him out. Protesters included the Proud Boys, Patriot Prayer, and supporters of QAnon. Police got hit with mace, building was vandalized and two journalists were assaulted and injured.

    Many of these people in all three of these events were arrested after the 1/6/2021 Republican attack on the Capitol to stop the election and retain Trump as King. There are more of these protests like the Shaman’s in AZ and others. A conspiracy — probably not. Inspired by Trump — for sure.

    In 2020, CSIS said: “ Right-wing extremists perpetrated two thirds of the attacks and plots in the United States in 2019 and over 90 percent between January 1 and May 8, 2020.” Going deeper, they added: “Between 1994 and 2020, there were 893 terrorist attacks and plots in the United States. Overall, right-wing terrorists perpetrated the majority—57 percent—of all attacks and plots during this period, compared to 25 percent committed by left-wing terrorists, 15 percent by religious terrorists, 3 percent by ethnonationalists, and 0.7 percent by terrorists with other motives.” For the same time period, and extracting 9/11, CSIS notes: “ In comparison, right-wing terrorist attacks caused 335 deaths, left-wing attacks caused 22 deaths, and ethnonationalist terrorists caused 5 deaths.” I have attached the report which, year after year, lays the blame on the right-wing featuring the Republican party, sometimes as noted above, even their public office holders contribute.

    Yes, with the Hamas attack followed by Israel’s retribution, the left has risen again, mostly the young collegiates, but with outside agitators and all the stuff you get when you prolong your protest, things are certainly not altogether peaceful. But I am pretty sure that the right has more might brought to bear in their fight. And now Trump promises retribution and to be a dictator if he gains the throne. If he loses, he promises violence. I am just not sure how Horist can come to his conclusion except with blinders on by narrowing the scope to recent events.


    • Archie

      Frank do you spy on little kids when they shower or change clothes? You fit the profile. Do you fantasize about sex with a dead woman? Or man? I hope not a child. Tell me it ain’t so!!!! But I’m only asking. Not accusing.

      • Frank stetson

        Archie, don’t you have better things to do than vent your frustrations on a total stranger with fabrications from your own fantasies?

        What scintilla of evidence do you have beyond your own life of failure? I did some research here and reported on it. You spew.

        You just not able to create a cogent argument much less hold a decent conversation. True testament to the failure of public education.

    • larry Horist

      Frank Stetson … Another reference to the four year old and questionable CSIS report? You actually believe you present facts, when you mostly produce references that are aligned to YOUR opinion You are only fooling yourself — and you know what that makes you? LOL


        Keep those blinders on nice and tight Mr. Horist. Is Horist just too old to be accurate. Can he be questioned based on information left out? Thumbnail summary: No, Larry, just because a report is four years old, it dones not mean it’s inaccurate. You must know that.

        He states: “the CSIS report you cite is more than four years old — and it can be easily questioned based on information it leaves out, over emphasis on the Capitol Hill Riot.” Uh, should Horist be really using ageism as his defense? Hasn’t he been running the same Democrats-as-racists-creating-slavery-city stories since the 1970’s, or earlier…. Aren’t a lot of his nefarious examples pre 1900? Seems really weird for old men to reject older data JUST BECAUSE it’s old.

        But wait, there’s more. He claims “over emphasis on the Capitol Hill Riot” when it never mentions it. It was 2020 Horist, the Republican Assault on the Nation’s Capital to Stop the Vote and Retain Trump in Power occurred on 1/6/2021. You covered 2021 and on; that’s three years. I provided the previous 20 years to show you’re wrong. IF we put them together, you are still wrong. Sorry Charley, no tuna there.

        What info left out? It’s a 20 year review that ends in 2020. There’s even a database. You gots a different set of facts? Oye.

        Fuck your other duplicitous diatribe and let’s duolog on your facts while avoiding your frivolous fantasies about The Muppets.

        I don’t think the article ever “suggests threats that never happened in the subsequent four year,” it was a 2020 thing. Even if it did, why would that be a bias, much less “strongly suggesting that it was flawed or biased analysis?” Does not make sense to me, can you clarify?

        “The report seems more like a conclusion looking for evidence — or perhaps just caught up in the political zeitgeist of the times.” Horist shit opinion without supporting evidence provided.

        “This is just another example your claiming “documentation” when you only cite opinion pieces that conform to your own.” That could be, how about proving it with some evidence.

        “Citing another person’s opinion or analysis is not fact based, but that is all you have to support your MENDACOUS postings.” Yes, on the opinion, gee you telling me opinions are not quantitative evidence? You, really? But citing another’s analysis can easily be fact based. Otherwise, we all can pick up our marbles and go home.

        MENDACIOS POSTINGS. Fuck off Floridian. Like I said, you see a lie, point it out. Not generalities, broadbrush, and opinions —- but show us the beef. Show us the specific example of a lie. Otherwise, STFU and go home.

        Horist, you generally admit if it’s four years old, it’s not good. That’s just not true and you know it. For CSIS, they are a premier, bipartisan think tank on this shit. It is what it is; additive to the 2021-plus view you printed. If you really thought old news, you could have freshened it up by ** Even a child can do it, so unless you are too old.

        But — old data is not necessarily bad data UNLESS replaced by new FINDINGS. Of course, in Florida you are probably used to burning any books that are four years old…. (just kidding, of course) Only the ones with rainbows.

        I honestly did not want to take this one farther, but Horist beingfull of Horishit, next I will look at 2021 and beyond, as he did, where I will gather he self-describes a Horist’s ass, pugnacious prick that he be. And keep them ad hominem attacks coming: it’s Friday, a good day to respond to trash with trash.

        • larry Horist

          Frank Stetson …. LMAO again!!! If you are looking for your goat, I got it … again. And you close with a full-scale name-calling Tourette’s Syndrome attack on me. LOL You may have broken the record for the number of childish tantrum name-calling insults. And this from a guy who claims to be above such pejoratives and then proves to be the number one user of ad hominin attacks. LOL I should be ashamed of myself for taking advantage of you. You are just too easy and too predictable — a victim of you cranky obsession. LOL I guess I should go back to ignoring you since all we get now are long repetitious rants. You seem to have run out of material.

    • Deanne

      I’ll bet you’re vaccinated,… ALL the violence has been left wingers, I haven’t heard ONE CONSERVATIVE commit violence, not one. You libs are hilariously brainwashed

    • Lisa

      OMG, you are talking like a demon dem, WORD FOR WORD…get your head out of your ass


    Deanne, yes, I am vaccinated and have never had covid. Or the flu since covid. One or two colds though, thank you very much for asking.

    As to you observation. On this one I would say you must be crazy. Have you not heard what happened on 1.6.2021? Did you think any of the examples I noted above did not occur?

    I did not even dive deep into Buffalo mass shooting or the Allen Outlets in Dallas where the gent sported RWDS patch….. That stands for Right Wing Death Squad which sounds violent, and this guy was violent — killed 8 —- and even though MTGreene blamed his “spic” heritage — don’t matter —- he sported a patch highlighting RIGHT WING DEATH SQUAD.

    • Harold blankenship

      What happened on jan6 2021 was caused by lying bastard leftists scum. Don’t try it again. And you morons are too stupid to pick a candidate that ain’t suffering from dementia. Yes, that could happen to me and probably will. But I’m not trying to be president. With the polls showing Biden sucking hind tit and if that holds up to Election Day don’t tell us that he won. HELL NO!!!


        I don’t think you will find many “leftists” in that crowd except the ones you hallucinate.

        Check the court records, I think they are all Republicans that got locked up. Maybe some Independents, but not from NC :>)

        • Archie

          Leftist would not have been charged

          • FRANK STETSON

            Why is that Archie? During the summer of Floyd, over 90% of all protests were peaceful. Of the less than 10% that did have violence, 14,000 were arrested in almost 50 different cities, most for low level misdemeanors. Nineteen people died. Many were charged on Federal Counts, the longest sentence was given to a right-wing terrorist. Go figure. However, many leftists are serving time over the Summer of Floyd.


    Horist commented about my looking at the past, a historical angle he uses often like when he casts modern democrats as racists based on their history before slavery’s end in America. He conveniently starts his clock on this story as of 1/7/2021. Gee, I wonder why? Can you say – SPIN?

    I agree, terrorism, domestic or otherwise, is down in America for the past two years. It you exclude 1/6/2021, some think it’s been falling since 2016 with an uplift in 2021 after 1/6/2021. IMO, Horist minimizes the effect of lone wolf actions in lieu of the big show: protests. I mean which is worse — a large scale affair in a public place pretty much an announced possibility or a lone nobody striking out anywhere, mostly safe zones, taking victims by surprise and wiping out anyone he can. To me, it’s a toss-up, both are a terrible blow to the nation’s psyche and a life-changing heinous tragedy to those involved, their relatives, friends, and neighbors.

    I think I have shown that over time, most domestic extremism of a violent nature, in America, is caused by the right. In total, to date, even with recent events, it’s the right at the helm of harm to our nation. Violent harm that is. They may be smaller, lone wolf, affairs, but they are mostly right-wing extremists. The same extremists that want to misdirect your attention to terrorist crossing our open boarders, when in truth, the terrorists are already here and they are us. Right-wing us.

    I agree that the press is hyperventilating hyperbole casting the right as ending democracy since 1/6/2021. There is a point to that given 1/6/2021 where Republicans seized the Capitol, closed down the Congressional completion of the nation’s election to the highest office in our land, threatened to kill the Speaker and the Vice President, killed one of their own, and ultimately were defeated ending up in jail. Our President, defender of the nation, the most powerful man on Earth sat back and watched all this for over three hours, munching burgers, tossing them at the wall when disturbed, and ultimately, someone on staff had to call the National Guard in to defend the Capitol and the Nation. I guess an attack on Congress stopping the vote with the intent to retain King Don on the throne strikes a nerve. The events of 2021, including the arrests, put a damper on right wing activities. There were no attacks in the rest of 2021. Instead, the right learned from its failed mission to take over, recalibrated, rebranded, and deployed technology to create a distributed network of lone wolves fed by misinformation, disinformation, and lies by people who make their living in this manner or even from unfriendly nations.

    One poll puts 30% of Republicans at agreement with: “Because things have gotten so far off track, true American patriots may have to resort to violence in order to save our country.” The number goes through the roof for those who believe Trump’s false claim that President Biden and the Democrats stole the 2020 election. You can see that on PBP often.

    Covid artificially suppressed terrorism plots and attacks, probably. But lockdowns, isolation and stress have exacerbated factors escalating extremism. A 2024 storm could be coming. In 2020 and 2021, gun and ammo sales went through the roof. Stetsonian logic says more guns = more gun deaths. Not much way out of that one. How it comes is the open question.

    Horist complains about the liberal MSM narrative espousing right-wing extremism as the death of democracy. Perhaps some hyperbole, but Republicans have normalized their narrative about election interference, weaponized sections of government, the legal system, and the corrupt Democratic political machine. They regularly compare public health officials to Nazis. Judges to fascists. Institutions to corrupt criminal enterprises. Public servants like Fauci, Merchan, Romney, and Pelosi need around-the-clock personal security for their entire families because of active threats. Even volunteer pool workers and school board members face frequent death threats. Paul Gossar (R-Ariz.) tweeted an anime video showing him murdering his Democratic colleague Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) and swinging swords at President Joe Biden. Vulgar language and even euphemisms like “Let’s Go Brandon,” hiding the vulgar language to denigrate Biden are common from bumper stickers to baseball caps. We used to see this shit on the fringe, but now our elected officials and candidates spew venom regularly. Today, the extremists attack lower and lower levels of our society’s human infrastructure. Election workers are at risk. Teachers. School board members have to look over their shoulders. Extremism trickle-down has occurred. A guy in Texas shoots his neighbors for being Democrats. Grass root extremism attacks the grass roots.

    After 1/6/2021, the rats went underground, but their spew filled the airwaves to be celebrated by the right as the epitome of free speech. The blogosphere is filled with this crap plus a plethora of “how to” take the next step when you have had enough. Lying is in style, as long as it’s legal there is little repercussion and much reward. People like Jones and Carlson get caught with big lies and their careers get better. And the extremist network went underground, distributed, fed by an internet where lies are the norm. Lone wolves sound better to Hoirst and others than a huge protest, but they are not. Each lone wolf attack weakens the moral fiber of our society and, combined, they will change our lives forever. For example……

    The rest of 2021 was pretty calm. In 2022, within Horist’s window, a lone-wolf Republican extremist killed ten, injured three of which 11 were black. Around 20 died during the entire Summer of Floyd. This guy even posted the crime. His manifesto referenced The Great Replacement Theory and, while he hated FOX, he basically quotes Tucker. Talk matters. Lies matter. It’s the Buffalo Tops Supermarket massacre.

    Beyond the initial surprise and shock, instantly folks in this part of Buffalo had to scurry and drive longer for food. Today, many cannot re-enter the store. Family members like the 3-yr old waiting for his father with his birthday cake were caught in total surprise; they radiate an unimaginable pain to friends and family across and beyond the community. Forever. Police are ever vigilant, ever present in the community now, not exactly what the neighbors desire. Many have left, home sales are hard, many feel trapped because no one wants to move there anymore. This shit has long term and wide spread effects. One lone wolf at a time, one neighborhood at a time.

    In a Blue Blood episode on terrorism, Frank announces his biggest fear and it’s not the protests, not the 9/11 attacks, but the lone wolf, low tech, terrorist attacking innocent targets not even on the watch list. He’s got a point. This shit matters and we minimize it at our own peril, Mr. Horist.

    Later in 2022, the attack on Club Q, an LGBTQ+ bar in Colorado Springs killed 5 and injured 19. Sure, the five are dead, probably seen as deviant by many, but don’t minimize the wounded, many who are traumatized for the rest of their lives. Their pain extends through the community and beyond. Two day later, a church was defaced with slogans relating to the terrorist attack after they had published consoling statements they were punished for their compassion.

    Though smaller in scale, there were other hate-related white supremacist killings in 2022 as well, including the alleged hate crime murder of a Black man at a gas station in Tracy, California, in May 2022, by Jeremy Wayne Jones and Christina Lyn Garrier. Jones has multiple white supremacist tattoos, including the phrase “white pride” as well as an “88,” which is a white supremacist numeric code for “Heil Hitler.” In October 2022 in Wisconsin, Joshua Scolman, a white supremacist inmate with alleged ties to the Wisconsin Aryan Brotherhood and who had previously written about his violent fantasies, including killing Black people, fatally stabbed a Black inmate and attempted to stab another. A QAnon adherent in Michigan who killed his wife, then died in a subsequent shootout with police; an anti-government sovereign citizen in New York who allegedly stabbed to death a man who tried to intervene in an argument between the sovereign and relatives; and a convicted Capitol storming defendant killed a woman by crashing into her car in what was described by authorities as a suicide attempt to avoid serving years in prison. Not necessarily terrorism but certainly right-wing terrorists doing the deed.

    I can go on but suffice it to say there are hundreds of lone wolf right-wing extremist violent crimes and hate crimes over the time period. These are crimes done in the support of an ideology. And whether a single perpetrator or group effort, dead is dead, terror is terror. I will list more later. My point is like mass murders, these affairs may be smaller in scope than a protest, but tear at our communities and social fabric. For mass murder, the numbers are so statistically small they really don’t matter against the statistics of gun death or death itself. Just a handful every year. But Vegas, Uvalde, and the rest leave a societal scar that takes forever to heal. Buffalo is not healed. Colorado Springs is not healed. The numbers may be down, but the effect is not.

    “With knees symbolically trembling, then House Speaker Nancy Pelosi underscored the fearmongering by calling on the National Guard and erecting fencing around the area.” Really, trembling, Pelosi? Maybe that was anger. At least she wasn’t “Do the Hawley” and hauling ass from the terrorists like a frightened school girl after seeing a mouse. That will never get old.

    Recap: Numbers for US domestic terrorism are down but still much higher than foreign terrorism from boarder crossers. Most of the lone wolf activities, and there is way too much even if numbers are down, is RIGHT WING EXTREMISTS. The past two years were banner years for gun and ammo sales; the personal armories are well stocked. While “big show” protests get all the fanfare, these lone wolf activities have similar effects and when added up, are much worse than what we encountered in the Summer of Floyd. Much of these activities stem from lies, misinformation, disinformation, etc. that is the bread and butter of right-wing media.

    • Jim wampler

      Holy shit Frank!!! You said 90% of Floyd protesters were peaceful? Tell that to the people who had their businesses and property destroyed by hood rats. And tell that to the great American hero Kyle Rittenhouse who had to shoot three white trash just to survive. Thank God he wasn’t convicted. People were ready to take action. People like Kyle should be held up as role models for young people. And show that defending yourself is ok.


        When is one thing not like another. Mr Wampler: first I said 90% of the protests. Protestors, I am not entirely sure. Around 14,000 were arrested. But I was referencing the percentage of protests featuring violence. And remember, some of that was right-wing. At least based on the folks in jail and their political ideology.

        That means at 10% of the protests, there was some violence. Some of those arrested are right-wing extremists, fyi. But given the 10%, guess where “the people who had their businesses and property destroyed by hood rats” were… although not sure the perpetrators were all hood rats; like I said, right-wing extremists were in the mix, Kyle was in the mix, it was a lot of people over a long time.

        And yes, my heart goes out to any businesspeople or residents effected just as I feel for the 140 police injured on 1/6/2021. One guy lost his fingertip, PTSD all over the place, about 40 got covid, plus 200 National Guard came down with it, a few heart attacks, concussions, broke and fractured ribs, cuts, chemical poisoning, these attackers seemed to be better prepared for personal violence. My heart goes out to all these innocents victims. Most police actions last minutes, this one was over five hours…..

        Does not change the statistics, nor does your opinion.

        As to Kyle. Well, 17-year old Kyle is now 20-something Kyle and he’s living day to day whoring himself out to the hard-right rabble for his pieces of sliver and trying to go-fund-himself to a better life as he begs for money every time FOX has him on. The court case is was it is, but he should not have been there, he went to protect no one but himself. He was hunting. It’s OK, now he is broke according to his lawyer, he’s getting booed off the stage, will finish his new book, can he even write? Sell a few, and get ripped off for the effort. The court cases go on, he is being sued for wrongful death by Huber’s father, as it should be. Remember, in civil suits, it’s not “beyond a reasonable doubt.” I have a feeling Huber will see it through and could care less about the money. The estate of Rosenbaum also filed suit last year. If he loses one, he will lose the other, and while I hate to see anyone destitute, it’s a real joy to know he will not profit from his actions.

        He may be your hero, but I think he put himself in the wrong place, wrong time, and for his own self-gratification and now wants to profit from his actions. I hope he is happy with the results and the update should give folks pause to consider before taking actions like these.

  4. larry Horist

    Frank Stetson … First the disclaimer. I did not read past the first graph. I just do not waste time on your long tedious and mendacious (I know you like that word) rants and personal insults. But I should at least respond to you misrepresenting my opinions and writings,. If it is willful, you are just a liar, If it is not, you are having senior mental acuity problems.

    You wrote: “Horist commented about my looking at the past, a historical angle he uses often like when he casts modern democrats as racists based on their history before slavery’s end in America. He conveniently starts his clock on this story as of 1/7/2021. Gee, I wonder why? Can you say – SPIN?”

    I look at both the past AND the present institutional racism where Democrats hold one-party rule. You suggest that I do not put the January 6 Capitol Hill into the mix. Are you totally losing it? The first few graphs of the commentary address that event. I have written many times since then about that riot and my opinion that rioters should get punished. What you criticize is my putting things into a perspective– which you apparently cannot do or understand.

    Frank, I know you fancy yourself as a person devoted to facts and civil discord, but you are neither. Oh … and in that other rant where you claim I am passive-aggressive … you are half right. When it comes to you, I am most certainly passive. That is why I take a pass on responding to most of your bs.

    • frank Stetson

      Horist spews: “If it is willful, you are just a liar, If it is not, you are having senior mental acuity problems.” Or a third viable alternative: Horist has his head firmly planted where the sun don’t shine and his best thoughts intertwine.

      His current lament, skipping over the passive-aggressive crap meant to denigrate me by dismissing me out of hand, is that I said, on this piece, he starts the clock on 1/7/2021. That is still true, as far as I can tell. Nice that he’s arguing based on the facts, right? Now he adds: “I look at both the past AND the present institutional racism where Democrats hold one-party rule. You suggest that I do not put the January 6 Capitol Hill into the mix. Are you totally losing it? The first few graphs of the commentary address that event.” Uh, remember when you said: “nother reference to the four year old and questionable CSIS report” where he questions data based on age but appears now to look well beyond four years back to make his point. Just saying. And the only 1.6.2021 discussion in this piece is to set a date and circumstance for your analysis to begin.

      Then he adds: “I have written many times since then about that riot and my opinion that rioters should get punished,” not to mention he has many friends who are black jews with disabilities, but what does any of that have to do with his argument? He gives to charity and adopts too.

      “What you criticize is my putting things into a perspective– which you apparently cannot do or understand.” Gee, it seems that it IS your perspective I am questioning. Worse yet, I did not question it, I just provided additional data going back in time. And then, pugnacious passive-aggressive prick that you are, you went full Lethal Weapon Mel Gibson crazy on me with your mendacious attack. I was just trying to add data, a different perspective, some facts, to your story that should lead someone to conclude: there is still violence, although less than previous years, but it IS MOSTLY RIGHT-WING EXTREMISTS. Of course, you have no push back to that. So, you launch yet another personal attack for diversion and your own personal delight.

      And then you judge: “Frank, I know you fancy yourself as a person devoted to facts and civil discord, but you are neither.” What? Devoted to civil discord? Where did you pull that tidbit from? I am hardly a activist, not even a frequent flyer at protests. And civil discord? I think you trump me on that one, if you catch my meaning, if you get my drift.

      And his close: “Oh … and in that other rant where you claim I am passive-aggressive … you are half right. When it comes to you, I am most certainly passive.” Yeah, and I still have that bridge to sell.

      “That is why I take a pass on responding to most of your bs.” Actually, you can’t respond to my “bs” because you are unable so, instead, you call out the dogs of war so you can feel that you won. Not sure what, but certainly not the argument because all you can do is launch the personal attacks, again, and avoid the truth, the facts, the real thing.

      Really, let’s stick to the discussion, and leave the pugnacious prick stuff at the door. You might even learn something, and God knows, you could use some new material. But you are the best here, congrats.


    It’s funny, Horist says that looking before 1.6.2021 is old news, dated data, but yet claims: “Yet, no such concern expressed for the REAL violence that has occurred in our Democratic-run cities over several decades. Riots that have destroyed neighborhoods, leaving people homeless and without local businesses – and injuring citizens and police, and killing some. They are real – and not theoretical – examples of domestic violence.” Gee, isn’t that well before 1.6.2021 and based on data over four years old? Go figure.

    FYI: most of these examples are sourced from the ADL, however, the statistics are from normal MSM outlets, think tanks, and the like. I did not use ADL stats, their database is anecdotal. The point is that while large scale protests are down, at least until the Hamas attack and war protests, lone wolf extremist violence is still with us and while the numbers may be lower, the effect is similar and now felt in our own backyards as well as many public “safe zones.” The right-wing has distributed there organizations, messaging, and continued violence. Many times, this time it’s personal using right-wing extremist grievances’ against their neighbors and communities where they live. And it is mostly right-wing extremist violence. That’s right, instead of the cities, it’s coming to your neighborhood now.

    In February 2022, where right-winger Benjamin Smith claimed civil war was needed against the leftists, allegedly opened fire on a group of left-wing activists gathering outside his home to go to a protest at a nearby park. He shot six people, killing one, before one of the activists was able to disable him with return fire.

    NOTE: No police officers or corrections officers were killed by extremists in 2022. First year since 2011 that no such murders occurred. Since 1990, there have only been three years like that.

    In 2023 we have at least seven:

    Police in Oregon arrested Proud Boy Allen Lloyd Swindler and his girlfriend, Sierra Sioux Jennings in June of 23, charging them with second-degree murder in the death of a man.

    In August, enforcement officers in Phoenix, Arizona, arrested three people, one anti-gay, another white supremacist, following the murder of a gay man beaten to death outside his home.

    In August, Phoenix police officers arrested three people in connection with the murder of a gay man who shared a house with two of the suspects. The victim was allegedly beaten to death in his driveway. One of the suspects had history with white supremacist movement. This one is still open re: hate crime.

    Also in August, in Florida, white supremacist Ryan Palmeter opened fire at a Dollar General store in a predominantly Black neighborhood in Jacksonville, killing three people before shooting himself. A manifesto written by Palmeter and released by law enforcement in January 2024 revealed that the shooter was inspired by previous white supremacist killers such as Brenton Tarrant, that he espoused ha

    Again, in August, Joshua Wahl arrested in Alaska for the alleged fatal shooting of a man and a woman found dead inside their home. The motivation for the killing is unclear. In FL, Federal prosecutors charged Wahl with cyberstalking and making threats against a sheriff in Florida who had become well-known for opposing white supremacy. Wahl has a history of that, including an alleged claim: “I also got away with trying to blow up a synagogue.” Wahl ended that post by claiming that he was “an actual terrorist!”

    In August in CA, Travis Ikeguchi allegedly shot and killed a shop owner after an argument over a rainbow Pride flag that the shop owner displayed outside of her shop. The shooter had an account on the fringe social network platform Gab, where he posted anti-LGTBQ+ screeds, promoted conspiracy theories and advanced other far-right beliefs.

    June 2023 OR Proud Boys member Allen Lloyd Swindler. The body of a man alongside I-5 near Canyonville. Shot to death. Three-percenter. Police still investigative terrorism and hate crime uplift.

    January, 2023, incident near Nogales, Arizona, a guy fatally shot an undocumented migrant passing through Kelly’s property near the border. Kelly has claimed that he only fired warning shots. Prosecutors in the case have claimed that he was motivated by “his political views, ideas and animosity toward migrants.” Court will tell.

    The statistics are indeed lower since 1/6/2021, but overwhelmingly right-wing domestic extremists. Not foreign terrorists coming across our Southern border. Numbers are lower, but spread is greater. Now instead of concentrated in metro areas, cordoned off by police, the lone wolf strikes anywhere, anytime, seemingly without provocation except his right-wing hate fed by right-wing propaganda across the blogosphere. I agree with Horist that the numbers are down, have been coming down since 2016. That’s great. I also agree the press is hyperventilating on right-wing extremism, the end of democracy, and Trump. But there is something there. People are being cut down by right-wing extremists across the entire nation. Wherever there are Republicans, the risk is higher of a lone wolf moving the chain from godd guy with a gun to mass shooter of liberals. And Horist brushing it off by comparison to left-wing protests in major metros over the past decade or more diminishes that fact.

  6. larry Horist

    Frank Stetson … you are proffering more bs. You select the incidents that you see as right wing violence and ignore not only the left wing riots, but all the individuals cases of left wing violence against police and citizens. I did not see the assassination of two police officers in NYC on your list …or many other examples. You are like the drunk using the light post more for support than enlightenment…. LOL. And you mischaracterizations of my commentaries seem more like desperation from an obsessed and wounded old man. It is really pathetic And a foolish old may at that. Do you know how may people go back and read days old commentaries — and even fewer, if any, the comments?. You are communicating to an empty room…LOL I address my comment to you, but you address hem to some imaginary large audience. PBP commentaries get great coverage. Comments good, but not as much. Past commentaries have a significant drop off. It is like a three-day old newspaper. The only reason I am aware of what you write on my commentaries is because I get an automatic email. Otherwise you would be totally anonymous to me, too. Bur if this gives you some weird feeling of self-importance … enjoy. And always remember that you right of free speech does not include an obligation to be taken seriously…lol

  7. frank Stetson

    Horist states: “In a previous commentary, I noted that most of the unconstitutional, illegal and violent protest in America has been produced by the political left – with the 2021 Capitol Hill riot as a notable exception.”

    In a previous commentary, I provided statistics from the last 20 years showing that Horist’s notations are blatantly false and most US extremist violence is right-wing, with or without the 1.6.2021 Republican Attack on our Nation’s Capitol to Overturn the 2020 Election and Retain Trump as King. And while domestic terrorism statistics are lower, they have been going lower since 2016, including the Summer of Floyd and the 1.6.2021 Republican Assault on the Nation’s Capitol to Stop the Election and Retain King Trump on the Throne, they are still mostly coming from the right; just more lone wolf actions now.

    For PRO LIFE, Hoirst, with apparent rose-colored glasses, wrongly concludes “Again, these right-wing demonstrations were carried legally and peacefully, out without violence, injury, vandalism or arrests.” This again is blatantly untrue, and here’s just a bit of proof.

    In 2021, there were 2o criminal prosecutions and one civil case under the FACE Act against a total of 46 defendants, involving charges for disruptions at abortion clinics. On the other side, four protesting abortion rights activists accused of spray-painting threatening messages last year at three Florida reproductive health centers that counsel patients against abortion.

    For more violence either in formal protest, lone wolf, or “organized” loan wolf actions up to May, 2023: **

    And for even more: **


    I do agree, and have noted earlier that The Tea Party was a unique phenomenon of non-violent protests, and not even much vulgarity, if any at all. At one time, long ago, I really looked. No can find. However, in the wake of WACO and other hard right smack downs, there might have been a lull. Remember, yesterday’s 2010 Tea Party is today’s Freedom Caucus sans RINOS, i.e. moderates. Same beast, different master. Most of the Tea Party is gone, but what remains and those who followed on don’t sound non-violent anymore and that’s what matters: TODAY.

    BOTTOM LINE: Once again Horist is attempting to incite folks against the entire left, all liberals, as perpetrating all the violence mostly to pull at your emotions over the recent spate of college protests against Israel’s apartheid and tactics to get Hamas. Now he says: “When it comes to social protest, those on the left do not believe in a rule-of-law.” With all due respect, GFY. Democrat leaders have embrace the rule of law, stand against all illegal violent acts, whether at protest or otherwise, have said it publicly and loudly many times, in many places, and you are BUSTED, again.

    Horist does not mention that polling indicates that 30 percent of Republicans, and 40 percent of people who “most trust” far-right news sources, believe that “true patriots” may have to resort to violence to “save” the country — a statement that gets far less support among Democrats and independents. Horist has a violence cheerleading section that he appears unaware of. And they are probably armed.

    “Do the Hawley” is the epitome of your party. Fist pump the insurrectionists for the cameras and then try to secretly run away from the very violence you fist pumped like a frightened school boy. The bitch killing her dog because it deserved it is a Republican. The Republicans waving guns at their political opponents because they think their voters like it. Your leader, a digital rapist who cheats in elections, business, finance, and even steals from charity, you absolve and will vote for a third time so he can be Dick-tator for a day, seek revenge and retribution, and steal free speech and choice from the voters by stalling his legal cases until after the election. Tell us about Democrats and the rule of law……

    In October of 2021, at an Idaho rally, a speaker asked: “When do we get to use the guns?” The audience applauded. “How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?” He was a state representative, a Republican, and he later called it a “fair” question. Not gonna walk it back.

    The leading candidate in Ohio’s Republican Senate primary unleashed a video demanding Republicans resist the “tyranny” of a federal government that pushed them to wear masks and take F.D.A.-authorized vaccines. “When the Gestapo show up at your front door,” the candidate, Josh Mandel said. He’s the grandson of Holocaust survivors and he added: “you know what to do.” They know what their voters want and they are willing to go the distance.

    Paul Gosar, Republican of Arizona, tweeted an anime video altered to show him killing Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and swinging two swords at Mr. Biden.

    McCarthy initially condemned Jan. 6 saying: “violence is never a legitimate form of protest,” later joked about hitting Nancy Pelosi in the head with a gavel when he becomes speaker.

    A Republican House Representative posted a video targeting two Democratic candidates issuing a threat if they passed laws he did not like. Ken Buck stood in his Capitol Hill office and pointed at his rifle mounted on the wall. In the Capitol. The nation’s house. He added: “I have a message for Joe Biden and Beto O’Rourke. If you want to take everyone’s AR-15 in America, why don’t you swing by my office in Washington, D.C., and start with this one.” Then he reached for his stars-and-stripes-decorated rifle, brandishes, and smiles as he says: Come and take it.”

    Horist’s Presidential choice, three times, Mr. Law and Oder, Mr. Trump encouraged his rallies to “knock the hell” out of protesters, praised a public official body-slamming a reporter, and in an on-air interview actual defends rioters yelling “hang Mike Pence.” This guy does not even know what a trigger is and how to pull it.

    It is no wonder that most of the violent domestic violence, in protest, comes from the right. It is lone wolf right now, ever since the 1.6.2021 failure to stop the 2020 election and retain Trump in power, but the year is young.

  1. Oooops, wrong pew, wrong spew, but u getvit and I’m still good with op and followup. I spell my name:…

  2. For once Larry and I are on the same page. Putin is the MOST dangerous person on the planet, anything…