Trump Shooting Cover-Up: Thomas Crooks’ Body Gone and Destroyed

The most important piece of evidence in the failed assassination attempt against President Trump has already been destroyed by the federal government. The dead body of the alleged assassination attempt suspect Thomas Crooks was allowed to be cremated just 10 days after the shocking attempt on Trump’s life.
The FBI, which has been investigating the assassination attempt but suffers from lack of credibility, quietly released the body of Thomas Crooks to his family for cremation ten days after the attempt on Trump’s life in Butler, Pennsylvania. This fact came to surface only last week when Republican Congressman Clay Higgins of Louisiana, who is part of the bipartisan House task force investigating the shooting, revealed it in his preliminary report.
Higgins, a military veteran who worked in local law enforcement in Louisiana for many years before winning his House seat, requested to examine Crooks’ body in the first week of August. That’s when he learnt of, what he termed, “a disturbing fact” – the body was gone. Higgins wrote:
“On J23, Crooks was gone. Nobody knew this until Monday, August 5, including the County Coroner, law enforcement, Sheriff, etc.”
Higgins called the FBI’s release of the suspect’s body for cremation without permission from the House investigative task force an act of obstruction. In his words:
“This action by the FBI can only be described by any reasonable man as an obstruction to any following investigative effort.”
The disposal of the body before any lawmakers from the House task force could examine it means that the task force would not be able to verify whether the autopsy report presented to them matches their own observations of the body. In other words, they would have to take the feds’ word on it.
As reported in Newsweek (August 16), Higgins also noted that the coroner’s report and the autopsy report are both late.
Commenting on the news of the cremation of Crooks’ body, investigative journalist Steve Baker told Blaze TV that the suspect’s body should never have been turned over before multiple agencies had the opportunity to examine it and document their observations.
Conservatives on social media expressed outrage at the obvious cover-up and questioned the disposal of Crooks’ body.
Payton Kelly wrote, “We are watching one of the most important coverups in American history right before our eyes.”
The news about the cremation of rooks’ body also strengthens the conviction that it was an inside job.
A day after Higgins’ report made news and sparked a backlash against the FBI for its apparent cover-up attempt, the FBI fired back in its defense and told Fox News that it is not interfering with the congressional investigation into the shooting targeting Trump in Butler, PA, on July 13. Fox News wrote:
The agency said that Crooks’ body was released to his family after coordination with the coroner’s office as well as state and local law enforcement partners “in keeping with normal procedures.”
There is no story here.
There is nothing to learn from this corpse.
No one in Congress has any expertise in this.
Everyone involved, including ED should be ashamed. PBP should retract this horrid story. Leave these parents be. Go torture your own family instead.
The Bible calls lefties like you and your potato VILE!!! You vile satanic left won’t inhabit the earth and very soon.
K; you do know that the fbi likes to track domestic terrorists and the threats they make.
How do you plan to end it?
He’s talking about God’s judgment. Not vigilante crap
Sorry, I did not realize you all speak to or for God.
Got any lottery picks?
Because if you all can pick my expiration date; I’m hoping God will tip you off.
Personally, I think speaking for God is prideful. God likes humble more.
But if you all predicting extinction of half the country, God forbid you are right. That’s over 100, 000,000 deaths. You gonna catch the plague. More important, if you are transferring your own hate, you b in hell before me for that little piece of grace.
Haters gotta hate. Hate will never get the frustrated out of that rut.
Don’t answer Satan’s questions.
Eric, don’t judge lest u b judged.
Here come da judge, here come da judge.
Judge unto others ass u wood half otters judge unto u.
Sock it to me, sock it to me.
Weird is as weird does.
Again, the right-wingnuts who call Democrats “snowflakes” are all up in a tizzy. Reminds me of the witch saying “I’m melting” in the Wizard of Oz… This will keep the conspiracy nuts going for the next 20 years, long after Trump has died in prison!
Now, Fox News wants to go back to Hawaii and look up Obama’s birth records (again). Is Tim Walz a Chinese spy? Is the Deep State really out to get us? Fox Rews is ranting that Obama is the cause of all the election problems and will be making mischief for the next 20 years! Kamala’s numbers just CAN’T be bigger than Felon Trump’s, no way! Crook’s body is gone! Did you know he actually was at the same gun range as some DHS folks? Inside job! Is it a coincidence that a Crook shot at a crook? You be the judge!
I swear, the better that Harris does, the crazier the RW conspiracy theories get. Nothing but desperation. They’re in the Denial stage of grief.
Actually your colored girl is losing traction. Very little if any bounce from the circle jerk called a convention. Trump is going to clean her clock. I also read that the bitch weaseled out of a debate. Stupid coward bitch
“colored girl”? Why don’t you just go ahead and use the N-word. We know you want to. I’m sure it’s what you say around your home, in front of the children.
81 million people tuned in to last night’s Democratic convention. That’s as many people as voted for Biden in 2020, about 8 million more votes than Felon Trump got. It’s going to be a blowout – I’m predicting 100 million votes for Harris/Walz, and maybe 50million for the Felon/fake-hillbilly ticket.
Yes, colored girl. So many Democrats saying woman of color. Means the same thing. And what does it matter? All races are human unless you don’t consider your own self as nonhuman. As an artist, I will tell you something about color. ALL colors, even black and white are color. They both are in the color spectrum. White people are not white. They are flesh colored. Don’t you know any better than to categorize human beings for color? You would have been hanged in past history for your remarks.
AF: Try as you might to whitewash it, if you can’t tell that Blakenship issued a totally racist remark in a racist fashion, you really missed it.
First, —- she’s a woman who left the girl behind decades ago. Same as calling a man Boy, or you calling me Baby. Mean to belittle, to demean by not recognizing them as an adult but instead, a child.
Yes, everyone has a color, but “colored” means “not white” as if race is important to be called out.
You know this and yet you choose to defend racism by whitewashing the meaning of what was said. It takes balls to stand up to racism, it takes nothing to ignore, it take something completely different to defend or deflect racism and protect the originator.
This sentence is a double negative – which is illegal in English.
Your sentence: All races are human unless you don’t consider your own self as nonhuman. Should be “human”.
Looking forward to the second coming of Christ when vile lefties and morons like your potato get permanently removed from the earth. No fags and liberal psychopaths allowed into the millennial reign of Christ. Especially vile potatoes like idiot biden.
I thought the rapture would take all of you so-called christians butt-naked up into the heavens. I can’t wait until you’re gone and we get a little peace and quiet around here. Don’t worry, we’ll burn all your clothes and donate your worldly posessions to minority charities.
Baby killer Kumula is going suffer the vengeance of eternal hellfire and brimstone. But that every vile lefty commie pig.
HB: don’t get cocky Luke….. Debate is 9/10, Trump capitulated to the original format and coverage. The convention is ongoing, so of course they did not get a convention bump yet. But you delude yourself if you believe she is not get a bump on top of the wave she is already riding. Your guy has gone from winner to whiner bemoaning crowd size, Hannibal, electric sharks, he’s better looking than Kamala, bragging about putting his pants on in the morning, dinging Lincoln for not making a deal in the Civil War, and something about Robert E Lee fighting uphill?
“No, it’s genius what I’m doing up here, but nobody understands.” HB seems to understand, sigh.
All your racism and name calling aside, another sign of your fear, the polls say Kamala has not only caught up, but is passing Trump in many locations, including swing states. The 9/10 debate will change things, but so far, Kamala and Tim have hit their marks, have outdone Trump/Vance at every turn, and let’s face it —- Democrats are felling pretty good that we listened to your endless droning on about Biden’s age and decline.
Now old age and decline is on you. Maybe Don will pass the torch.
The shine is coming off of kumala. Now she’s too damned chicken shit to debate Trump and people expect her to stand up to possible future enemies? Total bullshit. She’s not a strong woman. The only thing strong about her is her smell. But a change of underwear might help that
The debate is on 9/10. Anything else is a Trump dream that may or may not be accepted. You have to meet every challenge the bully taunts you with. Especially if the momentum is going your way. Especially if the challenge is to meeting on his home field advantage, with his fans, his referees, and we know he cheats at debates as much as he cheats at elections, or tries to.
He wants her on FOX on 9/4. Yeah, who would take that? He bemoaned Lee having to March uphill at Gettysburg as a mistake. Meeting Trump on FOX with a FOX audience is another march uphill.
She’s winning, he’s not, he’s failing, she’s sailing.
Keep your pants on until 9/10 and then it’s game on!
Actually the cunt ain’t winning. So your trolling is useless. She is behind in most polls on several issues. Especially the border. Killery Cunton was ahead in the polls up to Election Day. Of course, with help from the comrades counting votes she could “win”. But she will never govern me
Archie – The good news is that Russia is welcoming foriegners who immigrate to their country. If you don’t want to be governed by a black woman, you can join Felon Trump as a guest of Putin.
The bad news is that they’re drafting immigrants to fight in the Ukraine. Wouldn’t that be special to escape from Democratic rule and get hit by an American bomb for your efforts!
Sorry Archie, even with your foul language, Harris/Walz is up two points over Trump nationally, and is closing in for the swing states to take the Electoral as well. Yes, she has a tough row to hoe on the border but she will shove the bipartisan immigration bill up Trump’s ass and he will not be smiling.
As far are rigging the election and you being governed, each of us will be governed by whoever wins. Unless you are telling us you are leaving? As far as rigging, Trump is feloniously guilty of attempting to rig the 2016 election by paying hush money to his porn star spanking girlfriend to squash bad news about his sexcapades. We also learned, on the record, with perjury attached, that he paid to place fake news before the election. For the 2020 election, he has not be convicted of rigging yet, but his two Trump lawyers pled guilty to the same indictment he is on. He’s just too much of a pussy to fight it out in court, so delay, delay, delay (and I don’t mean “delay the playboy model”). But his lawyers say they did it, they say he did it, and they say they will say exactly that in court: Trump attempted to rig the 2020 election too.
Hillary was not found guilty of election rigging like Don. Not even indicted.
Biden was not found guilty of election rigging like Don.. Not even indicted and Comer has had four years to do so.
But I am glad you are already thinking about what happens when Harris/Walz lead the country. Good for you.
No. Kumala is not leading. The polls go back and forth. But people are going to see the czar cunt get it shoved up her ass. And if she’s elected I hope everyone who voted for her loses everything they got. That wouldn’t happen to me or mine. A country boy can survive. I’m inspired. I’m going to get my fiddle and play that Hank Williams Jr song right now. And be reminded of the record on criminal justice and her being the cause of much crime. Especially in the people’s republic of commiefornia Plans are in place
What? Like YOU? Stetsy
Remember the vile men of Sodom? SUFFERING THE VENGEANCE OF ETERNAL FIRE! 2 Peter 2:6
Present tense.
Same thing vile lefty trash like Kumula and Bidunce get.
Stetsy, Hillary is not Hillary. That woman you see now had cosmetic surgery to look like Hillary. Hillary was executed for multiple treasons and other crimes at 9:05 pm December of 2021. I have a video of the hanging. Pea green pantsuit. She lost a shoe when the rope tightened, when the floor opened up under her. I was sad.
So, if Trump really is guilty of doing a porn star, then what about all the women, girls and little ones Biden raped and killed some of them. Democrats are deliberately keeping mum about that. There definitely is real information out there on videos showing Biden doing just that, so was Obama, Shumer, Shiff, Pence Hillary and her lover Huma Abadin. The videos made me throw up when I first saw them. Oprah was there, too as so many elites of Hollywood, corporate heads of businesses, pro sports, + so much more. Zelenski, too. Too many to list here. If one cares, these videos can be found. If you use the net, you know how, but I will say, Stetsy does not want to work his little fingers to find out nor others that post here, because he wants to be a Dictator. Word going around on many websites is about the DNC wanting Kamala to be the nominee for POTUS. Kamala is talking communistic rhetoric which is against the law. It’s Treason which makes everyone involved with the nominee guilty of Misprision of Treason. They are trying to bring in Communism which is now Overthrowing our government. That IS out on the net. Oh, I don’t give a flying f what you traitors think, say or do to me about this TRUTH I put out!
Newsflash. It’s announced this evening that Trump has a 3 point lead over heels up Harris nationally. That’s in spite of the so called convention of lies. Can’t wait until the debates
Hanmon: got a source or link?
Hammon: if you are talking the Rasmussen Poll alone, you could be correct. But if you look at any other poll, or an averaging of polls —– it’s Harris by two points or more and growing. The point being she’s got the momentum.
Here is The HIll’s view of ALL POLLS: *https://elections2024.thehill.com/national/harris-trump-general/*
I am with JSB IF the debate falls to Harris for the win, then the momentum could turn into a landslide. The more Trump talks, the worse it gets. He’s old, thrashing, being ever weirder, old, sweaty, orange, and leaning more into Project 2025 every day. Did he even bring Corey back?
Why don’t you point us to links of those videos? I’d really love to see what you’re talking about.
please, give us a link to that video!
Please! Send us links to those videos!
I’ll bet you don’t, and can’t, because they don’t really exist.
AF has no videos. She can’t support her spews.
Just who are you talking about or talking to here. You give no names for anyone to respond to. If it was me, the videos were from Gitmo. Want to go there to get them or view them? They are already aware of certain individuals. We are watching. Since you choose to laugh at me, put me down, send hate to me and make others hate me, you are to me a criminal, so go to Gitmo, PLEASE?
AF; you saw the videos, your claim. Show them or stfu.
BUSTED for lying.
Can’t support her statements, never been to gitmo. Didn’t think to hit “copy” or tape via smart phone.
Biden, he’s the Man! He is going to Save All of us!
He will defeat Trump! He has all of Hollywood Backing and they are smart people!
Everyone needs to get on the band wagon and support Biden.
Biden Will save us!
30 days later! who the F cares about Biden!
You have a new false idle!
I just read all of the comments. I am shocked at the hate coming from the right and how paranoid they seem to be.
As far as this article goes, I thought the article was stupid. What the hell do people in Congress want to do with the dead body of someone? Seems like this is just a MAGA attempt to undermine the FBI again. The FBI did the right thing in the right way!
Once the body of Crooks is cremated, before it has not been independently seen by an investigator, we will never know definitively that the coroner’s report and the autopsy are true and correct. The FBI knows that.
Yeah, cuz the bullet between the eyes might have been contributory…..
What are you looking for and why wouldn’t any further investigation be tainted. PBP may be corrupt. Wait, we are all just characters in an alien video game they download for free. Where are the zombie? We need zombies.
But Trump murders 250,000 with his weak ass covid response; we rank like 220 out of 240 countries. And that fucking murder is OK and don’t need no stinkin investigation. After all, you got crooks. You got Hunter. You got Joe’s auto loan…..
Frank stetson, wannabe cowboy, is captured by the dark side. He’s a useful idiot for the forces of evil spewing lies to hide the identity of who he works for. Ignore him, for he is has become an ignorant beast against humanity, culture, beauty, and light. He has fallen from grace and works with his master to bring suffer on earth.