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Remember Tulsi Gabbard? Well, She Remembers Harris and Not in Good Way

Remember Tulsi Gabbard? Well, She Remembers Harris and Not in Good Way

One-time Democratic hopeful and long since vilified by her own party, Tulsi Gabbard, should serve to remind us of Kamala Harris as a flip-flopper who runs from her record instead of standing on it. In Gabbards own words when she shared a debate stage with the now-Democrat nominee, “Senator Harris says she’s proud of her record as a prosecutor and that she’ll be a prosecutor president. But I’m deeply concerned about this record.”

“There are too many examples to cite,” Gabbard went on. “But she put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana. She blocked evidence — she blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California. And she fought to keep a cash bail system in place that impacts poor people in the worst kind of way.”

Harris really should have been prepared for Gabbard’s allegations. Instead, she appeared flabbergasted and flat-footed. From the stage, she delivered a lengthy boilerplate answer about how proud she was of her work as attorney general of California, failing to respond even to a single point Gabbard had raised.

Gabbard’s comments went viral.

At around the same time, Senator Kamala Harris broke out with a couple of viral moments of her own. Among other things, she heavily insinuated that former Vice President Joe Biden was a racist for working with segregationist senators to oppose busing.

These two events marked the beginning of the end of her 2020 campaign. Harris peaked in July, and it was all downhill from there until she ended her campaign in December 2019, before a single primary vote had been cast. Who could have imagined that she would have failed-upward to become the Vice President and now four years later, leading the Democratic ticket?

And yet, this flawed candidate, this DEI hire, wants the American public to think that somehow, she and her record have changed.

Republicans and Donald Trump seem to be having trouble identifying who Harris is, where she is most vulnerable, and how to best attack her. They should take a page for Democrat Tulsi Gabbard.

Gabbard’s targeted attacks were and are revelatory – a reflection of the chameleon-like malleability of Harris’s political principles that have been part of her being throughout her career. Harris began her career in politics as a tough-on-crime — or rather, as her campaign put it in 2003, “Smart on Crime” — prosecutor. She upset Terence Hallinan, a bleeding-heart, soft-on-crime incumbent San Francisco district attorney with the help of former boyfriend Willie Brown’s political machine. Seven years later, Harris was amassing a conviction record as bad if not worse than Hallinan’s.

The old Harris was cautious, calculating, ambitious, happy to call herself California’s “top cop. The new Harris, who first appeared about six years ago, is an entirely different animal — not just a lot more progressive but someone always eager to prove just how far left she could go. This Harris wants to show that if you’re woke, she’s even woker, the first to jump on every leftist bandwagon.

This ideological transformation, and her current attempts to backpedal from many of these positions she took up just a couple of years ago, exposes Harris as someone whose political ideals change easily to suit the political situation. And that is what the Trump campaign needs to exploit if they want to derail her momentum.

About The Author


  1. Joseph S. Bruder

    Tulsi Gabbard left the Democratic Party in a huff after she was roundly defeated. Now she’s “helping” Felon Trump get ready for debates that he won’t show up to. Her biggest donors were Russian-friendly businessmen, and she’s made remarks in support of Putin. She belongs in the Republican Party with Felon Trump.

    She can say whatever she wants… it’s just sour grapes, and Dems don’t care about her.

    • Randy mast

      Dems can’t argue about the facts, can’t believe how dumb the left is when you wake up it might be to late. Do you really want the government controlling everything,

    • James Dexter

      ahhhh boohoo felon Trump, sorry but that will get over turned.

      • Tom

        Doubt it.

  2. frank stetson

    BS showing fear as he trots out drummed-out Tusli, a chameleon herself, to whine about Harris changing over time, as if change is bad. Then claims she is more left than AOC, more woker than woke (can that even be done), and many other baseless claims using traditional conservative dog whistles.

    Being a Clintonian Democrat, I used to love Bill’s flip-flops as he was swayed by people and polls even adopting Republican ideas if he thought it was by the people, for the people. When is listening, change, and adaptation bad.

    Even Trump has changed. Today its 2021 Trump running to replace Trump 2016 who previously was a liberal Democrat. These are three very different men. He embraced all things Democratic most of his life until he discovered the grass was greener on the other side, so he embraced the conservative side. He had some ideas, wanted some change, and became President. Then, in 2021, he tried to retain power, seize power, and when caught for his nefarious deeds, became the spiteful, vengeful, hateful, curmudgeon running in 2024 describing America as a failed, third-world nation with no future unless you elect him to be King. Now that’s a BS story left untold for obvious reasons: BS seems to reject growth and change…….

    • James Dexter

      NO, he didn’t try to seize power good lord. Unless you’re talking about democrats.

      • frank stetson

        James D: he sat for over three hours watching on TV as his people, the people he invited to DC, breached and ransacked the Capitol building stopped the election process for hours. Unless you don’t see stopping an election as seizing power, Trump did. Unless you don’t see the guy who with one phone call can stop the people he invited to DC that were stopping the election, retaining him in power, not doing a damned thing for over three hours, Trump did.

  3. Americafirst

    Thank you so much, Stetsybaby. All your beautiful words in all the posts have helped turn so many of us to the right after all the disgust of left theology you exhibit. But I digress. I think it’s time for some enlightening. I decided to tell two jokes because of all the horrible political junk on both sides. After all we all need a laugh to get through it. Here they are: (1) Kamala Harris. (2) Stetsybaby. Lol LMAO LOL

    • frank stetson

      Frank goes into his favorite Irish bar and orders a round for the house; the bartender sets them up.

      Suddenly, a 10-inch Donald Trump jumps out of the Frank’s shirt pocket, runs down the bar, and kicks over the set-up. Frank shakes his head and motions to the bartender to set them up again.

      The bartender goes to work and then asks Frank, what’s with the little man to which little Donald Trump sticks his head out and begins to swear and rant about the decline in America, how the left weaponizes everything, corrupts media, the courts, the government and then little Trump calls the bartender a commie asshole and worse (his words). He went on for 20 minutes.

      Frank explains: I was in the old country, up by Sligo, and I captured a leprechaun offering three wishes. First, I asked to be rich, can you set them up on more time on me. And then keep them coming, don’t worry about the cash. Matter of fact, get them all dinner too. On me. Then I asked to be God’s gift to women and see: he motions to the 40-foot limo outside festooned with a dozen Trump-girlfriend types. Like was good or so I thought.

      Suddenly the little Trump pops out, gives a 45-minute rally speech, while taking shots complaining one nicked his ear. The bartender asks: come on man, what was the third wish?

      I asked for a 10-inch prick.

      Ba dum, bump.

      • Tom

        Great joke Frank! Thanks for the levity!

        • Harold blankenship

          Probably a queer bar since it’s Frank’s favorite Joseph and Tom were probably there

  4. Tom

    Thanks BS for another BS article.

    As an independent, I only have two thoughts on this article:

    1) Even if there is any truth in this article (which cannot be verified) the article is very biased as evidence by the statement mid article that says, “And yet, this flawed candidate, this DEI hire, wants the American public to think that somehow, she and her record have changed.”

    2) Tulsi is an enraged moderate Dem who acts more like a Republican than many Republicans, and, cannot seem to work out her anger. Helping Trump might be a good thing for her stability. And it might get her a gig if Trump wins. Let’s face it, you do not socialize with Trump because you yearn for a warm stable personality that is fun.

    3) What Tulsi has to say at this point is irrelevant on two levels: 1) It is four year old or more info – which is an eternity in politics. 2) People grow and change as they mold their careers. We all do this. 3) AND MOST IMPORTANT – the alternative to her is orders of magnitude worse, is a felon, only cares for himself, power, and money; and will not have a problem taking your freedoms away! Like Mr. Walz said last night, and he should know as a coach, you do not write a playbook like Project 2025’s manual and not intend on using it!!!

    • tom

      Yes, I know, there were three items and I said two. I added item 2 after I wrote the previous sentences. So yes, I can count.

      • Americafirst

        There you go again Stetsy. Lazy, lazy, lazy. You need to admit you don’t know how to research. You probably never made it past 6th grade in school – at least that’s what you portray when you say things like Not a clue what u mean. You are so lazy you can’t even spell real words out and have to code them. Either that or you want to be a dictator and make everyone else do your work for you. You always tell others to look things up. Maybe you need your diaper changed. You do have more than a clue, liar.

        • frank stetson

          AF:????? Not a clue what u mean?

          • Tom

            The inmates at the sanitarium have time on their hands. LOL

  5. Darren

    I can not believe the the Stupidity of some of these remarks.
    All of you belong in California were you can Barry you heads in the deep ocean sand.
    This is what is happening to you over hatred for Trump!
    If Camal win this election, good bye to gas, as you can not afford it.
    Good bye to property as she will want to own it.
    Good bye to the production of food as they will want you to eat the Governments.
    Good bye to you Medical choice as you will loose you choice.
    Good bye to getting out of the Hospital alive if you are not a working tax payer.
    These are just some of the thing awaiting you, the rest to horrible to mention.
    Some of you make money in the Stock Market.
    You think this is going to go unnoticed, you will be taxed higher.
    Pensions, retirement accounts, you will retain just enough to survive.
    She is telling you all this as the Ass Holes jump up and down at the convention
    Thrilled to just be there.
    The Last 18 months were just the start of this Puppet government.
    Right now the master hand is up her Ass.
    While her hand is going to be up YOURS!

    • Frank stetson

      Darren seems to be thrashing with very little evidence supporting his wild unsubstantiated allegations. As far as I can tell, Harris plans to continue supporting the Biden/Harris energy plan. This plan does not end the use of gas. It doesn’t via tax incentives the purchase of EVs.

      Under Biden/Harris we deliver much more oil than Trump ever did. I do not see the oil industry, imploding anytime soon.

      As to the rest, Darren seems to just get deeper and deeper into a weird sense of hallucination fabricating what Harris will do based on Republican dog whistles, urban myths, and things she said over a decade ago. I just don’t see any support for any of these statements in anything that Harris has said. There really isn’t even that much of a plan out there except it appears that she’s going to adhere pretty closely to the Biden/Harris plan that we’ve been working for the past three years.

      The mainstay difference in this plan is to build out the nations economy from the middle versus the Trump plant to pray for trickle down from the top. Same old, same old.

      Unlike Darren, most pundits have noted that she seems to be leaning more towards the center while still more progressive than Joe. I am hopeful and anticipate that once in office and peering ahead of the possibility of a second term, she will lean even more towards the center, while trying to hold the progressive left. It’s a balancing act that Joe probably failed at, which didn’t help when compiled with his age. Hopefully, Kamala can walk this tightrope better.

      • Americafirst

        Nope, Stetsy, Darren got it correct. Kamal said so himself right on tv. Where were you? In LaLa Land?

        • Frankbstetson

          AF:????? Not a clue what u mean. Got a link?

      • AC

        Conservative’s hogwash theories contrived and twisted rationalizations create a what is hoped to provide some smoke screen like cover to obscure Trump’s real reasons for another presidency, Fear drives him to madness. But he will eventually be sentenced to jail time.Next year beginning January 20 instead of being inaugurated he will be incarcerated. It’s time for accountability to focus on Trump and his skating away from justice’s charges paid.
        Conservatives are being hoodwinked by a long time professional confidence man. What does one say to excuse themself when they are fooled not just once or twice, but over and over. Wisdom is seeing through people’s purposed to fool and obstruct others and whose one motivation is self interest. Trump is all talk in falsehoods through butchered English phrases. After a 90 minute harangue made of largely unconnected thoughts. What does the Trump voter remember after a Trump rally speech? Nothing productive is recalled from Trump talking. What republicans parrot is heard from FOX and Newsmax and other like sources.

    • Tom

      Darren, I think Trump has you all worked up over nothing. He is filling your head with lies. What is wrong with building the middle class? What is wrong with young people being able to afford a house and start their American dream? What is wrong with all school kids eating lunch? What is wrong with preserving Medicare and Social Security for our elders who sacrificed? What is wrong with affordable health care and prescriptions that are as affordable?

      What are you scared of Darren? Do you have anxiety that maybe a Dem female minority president can move this country forward?

      When your in bed do you have fear or nightmares that you will not be able to suckle Trump ever again?

      Does the thought of a cleaner environment bother you at night?

      Are you afraid of losing your supremacy?

      After four years of Trump, is your wallet so empty that you cannot afford gas?

      Release your pain Darren!!! Tell us of your anxiety. What really bothers you??

  6. AC

    Tulsi Gabbarrd, what she doing these days? She wasn’t relevant as a democrat and now she’s not relevant for Trump either. Trump is showing his desperation if he’s scraping the bottom of the Democrats’ barrel.
    If the right runs with Tusi’s tales then Trump’s tail is next up. He will soon find out when he’s a jail bird if he thinks he is still the most good looking guy in the room.
    Pathetically, the right will vote for Trump without a second thought. Talk about your silly stupid people. Faith in Americans on the right doing the right thing after all has been renewed when Trump’s rallies are half full of empty seats and many who did go, got up and left while was speaking from the stage.
    Another Trump precedent, who leaves in the middle of the lead act’s performance and why would they? Buyer’s remorse?

    • Tom

      Many on the right seem to be reaching a state of desperation! Seems like they cannot handle hope and joy – Trump has kept them in anger and misery for far too long. They are like lost sheep and do not realize their shepherd never cared about them – he said so at one of his rallies. He actually said, “I don’t care about you, I just want your vote!” And they all sucked it up thinking it was funny. They did not realize this was one of the rare times that Trump was telling the truth. They are in a state paranoia. Darren is literally losing it in his post just like Trump does in his tweets. Darren has more misspellings in this post than any of his other posts. He is in distress! Somatic symptom disorder!!!

      • Americafirst

        Tommi, Gee, the entire internet is loaded with fed up people from both the right and the left that are saying the Democrats are desperate. Says they are scared. Kamala was executed for treason in 2017 and is being played by an alternate. Gitmo files said so. So many Democrats leaving their party with so few leaving the Republican party. I, personally hate both parties. There is no difference in them. They are all the same. Party together, have dinners with each other, Stick up for each other all behind the scenes while putting on a hate you dialog against each other all for the public to see and hear. Just as you show a hate you attitude for all the people posting here except for the baby and two others. Your prejudice is showing exponentially. For your information and the baby, Trump definitely is going to be arrested sometime around the 19th of September. CAUTION HERE, BE CAREFUL FOR WHAT YOU PARTY FOR WHEN THAT HAPPENS. it MAY JUST BITE YOU IN THE BUTT. One of the biggest jokes of all time is you! You make me laugh. I do enjoy your rhetoric. You are even correct a little bit sometimes. Thanks for the laughs. I love you.

        • frank stetson

          AF: No facts, no sources, and a lot of obvious wrongs.

          First there is no way any of us can know what the “internet is loaded with.” on any topic. Period.

          Kamala was not executed on any date and there is no Gitmo files that say so.

          Political party membership is evenly split and Republican inroads minor as of 4/24 according to PEW.

          Yes, there have been stories about blacks, the younger set, hispanics, unions, all leaving the Democrats, but whose to say they all didn’t come back day one of the Harris announcement? Sure seems like a lot of energy from blacks, the young, hispanics, unions and such.

          What we, Tom, AC, JSB, and other liberals hate here are the lies, bad facts, and hate, so if you not feelin the love, look there.
          Try having a rational discussion on the facts and see if you end up in the same place. Sure, I’m a junk yard dog and once I sink my teeth into a discussion, I don’t loosen my bite UNLESS you come up with sane, countervailing facts. If so, I will announce my conversion.

          FYI: pretty hard for “Your prejudice is showing exponentially.” Think about it. Again, go to the facts, argue your case, if your facts are good, we will see your point. Or just have an opinion, we can say we don’t agree, but hard to say your opinions are wrong.

          “CAUTION HERE, BE CAREFUL FOR WHAT YOU PARTY FOR WHEN THAT HAPPENS. it MAY JUST BITE YOU IN THE BUTT.” How exactly are we to be harmed IF we don’t adhere to your wishes here? What are you suggesting?

    • Joseph S. Bruder

      The real bottom of the Democrats’ barrel was Robert Kennedy Jr. Tulsi Gabbard was a close second.

      Someone above said Trump was at one time a liberal Democrat. Nah… He was a racist misogynistic slumlord who cared about nothing but profits and building up his name. Flirting with the Clintons and Democrats at the time was purely about getting close to power for the money and recognition it might bring him. A perfect fit for today’s Republican Party.

      • Tom

        Good point JSB! I agree, Trump only does anything for attention and self gratification. Being around successful people makes Trump feel successful.

  7. frank stetson

    ” Kamala was executed for treason in 2017 and is being played by an alternate.”

    Got source? Got link? Got tin foil hat pulled down tight?

    • Tom

      Yeah Frank, that’s pretty laughable. Mentally ill people have discovered PBP!!! Next she will tell us that elephants really can flap their ears and fly! Or maybe that light bulbs really do suck in darkness!

      • Americafirst

        You are sick, Tommi. You are an elephant that can sh*t and fly. Damn yo9u anyway, you are worse than Franki. You need help. You just have to deliberately slam me and everyone else. Make you feel like a man? I bet you are not even a man, A man in trans masks like Kamala. Okay, BIG MAN. Just how small are you? as small as a roach!

      • Joseph S. Bruder

        “Have discovered”? Try “are running”…

        • frank stetson

          JSB: hey, hey, hey…… everyone allowed to have an opinion and point of vies and PBP does attempt to allow free speech although they ban some speech but don’t know why, don’t think it happens, don’t care apparently. And they could work on the pointless personal attacks, foul fucking language, and personally —– the lack of facts to support the spew —–

          But it’s a fun place to hear what’s on their minds, research, and practice a little writing. And even meet a few virtual friends.

          Just seems to bad that we used to do this with more humor and caring for each other as citizens. Now some want to watch, enjoy putting pain in strangers, and applaud violence if they don’t like the victim’s politics. But some of that’s American and PMP just makes money on it.

  8. frank stetson

    I’ve been to Disneyworld and seen the elephants flying!!!

    Then again, “have you seen the saucers?” I have……

    Funny on the lights —– I just put in LED spots with brightness adjustable. I would swear the LEDs light more things they hit but less air and the incandescent or halogens light more air so seems like more light although you can see the same with either.

    Never will get that watts, lumens, or kelvins measurements and what they mean.

    All I know is I command a couple dozen lights from my iPhone and soon will construct an automated routine to make it look like there’s people all over this place. Pretty funny really. But two days ago, caught on camera and watched live a 300lb, so small, bear mom with two cuddly extremely young cubs two feet from my door. So glad I put the spots in, that’s too close. But so, so cute. Probably gonna be hell next Spring with three bears in a one-bear space. Gonna be crowded until they move out.

    • Tom

      Watts is a unit of energy/power. 746 watts = 1 horsepower. So if you have a two horse power electric motor, it will draw 1492 watts. At 120 volts that would be about 12 amps, so you would need a 15 amp circuit breaker.

      Lumen is a SI measure of light output called luminous flux. More useful for you would be a foot candle. If you go to lows and buy an LED lightbulb it will state lumens. If you divide lumens by 10.764 you will have the food candles. For reading a text document, one should have a minimum of 60 foot candles at the document level.

      Kelvin is a unit of thermal dynamic (heat) energy. 4000K is considered the heat energy of pure sunlight. The closer to 4000K, the closer an artificial light source is to pure sunlight. The higher the Kelvin units, the hotter the light source burns, thus the brighter.

      I have been to both Disneyland and Disneyworld. Never saw an elephant fly except for the Jumbo movie. Although I have seen a pink elephant.

  9. Frank stetson

    Harold, thanks for asking, but alas, I have never been to a gay bar, don’t know many Irish gay bars but you seem quite well versed about both. Your name being Harold Blankenship and all.

    I do have gay friends, women friends too, and enjoyed working and even being managed by both. My mentor is a woman, an army brat, and we stormed many a hill in corporate America. In my first job, editor/consultant, I had a gay manager, he was really rich, old NEngland money, family name on Plymouth rock, yet he caught aids, sadly ,and died. He and some friends offered to take me dancing one night, I passed, because I was scared like you back then, but a memorable evening none the less. They guys were next stratosphere rich. But dancing not for me.

    So tell us, how do you know so much about the gay lifestyle. It’s anonymous, feel free to tell us more about gay bars you have been to.

    • Seth

      He didn’t die of aids. It was food poisoning. He ate a bad weener. Silly faggot. Dicks are for chicks

      • frank stetson

        Well, Seth, he died young, tragically, horribly and painfully and if you need to make a demeaning joke about my friend, then that’s on you. What kind of man does that? How much hate? How much frustration? How much pain you must be in to display such depravity and disdain to a stranger you don’t even know.

        I lost quite a few friends to aids; got a demeaning joke for each of them Seth? Or how about my straight friend who lost his leg — is that funny too? Or the kids shot at Uvalde, they were Latino American, have a hoot for them?

        I am a firm believer in Karma or what goes for it: may your kind words be returned to you ten fold.

        • Seth

          Your queer friends have died from aids? Hmmmm. You mentioned karma. I wonder…. Who knows? All I can say is that it’s sinful to be queer. And tell us. Why did you hang out with them? I would never want others thinking I’m a faggor.

  10. frank stetson

    Seth, as I a matured I realized you can’t tell others what to think and you shouldn’t be so weak as to care anyway. As I would say to you: fuck em if they can’t take a joke.

    I am sorry that you think gays are sinful. I take people as people, all created equal, and I try to treat them as such under the “do unto others” sort of thing. You think them sinners, laugh and make jokes when they die tragically, and can’t even hang with them lest your friends get the wrong idea about you. My friends wouldn’t do that or they wouldn’t be my friends, but hey, you roll like you roll.

    Now all of that is really silly when you consider that IF you associate with humans, you are already hanging with sinful gays, doing business with sinful gays, and Lord only knows what you would do if your kid comes out. Not going to be pleasant so chances are they will hide themselves right in your own house. Oh my, the horror of it all.

    You do know that being gay is not contagious, right?

    My other close friend who happens to be gay was lucky, caught it later, and the cocktail allowed him to survive and lead a good life. For a decade I didn’t know his preference, he didn’t say, I didn’t ask, and no one could ever tell. But his husband couldn’t take it and they split up. Sad because it had been a decade of a very stable relationship. Before he had aids, before I knew he was gay, and just after my wife was told she had MS, we spent the night together talking, he helped me work through it, masterfully, and I will always be in his debt for that. In those days, MS was mysterious, the treatments draconian, and my wife and I were terrified even with the best support on the planet. My friend was a lifesaver, literally. He is gay, you think him a sinner, but to me —– he’s just a good man that went way out of his way to help another man thought the challenges of life. I think God liked that moment, it was a good one.

    So, do what you will, say what you will, think what you will, but people are people and you will be more in harmony with God if you take them at their words and actions with peace and love instead of fear and hate. Gay people are no better or worse than you. In the eyes of God too.

    • Seth

      God don’t apologize for His teachings. My understanding of the Bible is that being queer ain’t the main problem. We all are sinners in several ways. But it’s the nature of us regular people to try to not give people any ideas that we ain’t normal.

  11. Frank stetson

    Why dobyou need tobsignal normal? What is normal? Normal here ain’t normal there? Tour point is tou are normal and anyone not like you ain’t.

    All humans are created equal in God’s eyes. You don’t have to act on it but don’t act against it. It’s the law. You can mouth off any way you like, but do it by me and I will speak up, I will speak out, and call you for what you are.

    They are just folk, been that way since the dawn of man. There’s good, there’s bad, some are racist too. Judge them as individuals, not as a group. Or are all magarats the same?

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