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Trump Responds to Billionaire Steyer’s Impeachment Campaign

Trump Responds to Billionaire Steyer’s Impeachment Campaign

The billionaire and avid democratic party supporter, Tom Steyer has spent over $10 million on a national TV ad calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump. 

This is Steyer’s latest anti-Trump effort and is demanding “that elected officials take a stand.”

Steyer goes as far to say Trump is “mentally unstable.”

“A Republican Congress once impeached a president for far less. And today, people in Congress and his own administration know that this President is a clear and present danger who is mentally unstable and armed with nuclear weapons,” says Steyer in the ad, which stars himself.

“Like you, I’m a citizen who knows it’s up to us to do something,” says Steyer directly to viewers.

The ad is being aired in New York and California, along with on national on cable TV. Steyer is funding the campaign entirely on his own and isn’t pulling funds from his NextGen America political apparatus.

The ad directs viewers to that features an open letter from Steyer where he criticizes the president on some of his actions and policies.

“He has threatened to reduce aid for millions of American citizens in Puerto Rico who are struggling to survive without drinkable water or electricity — a move that would be a total dereliction of his duty. And every day, Americans are left bracing for a Twitter screed that could set off a nuclear war. These actions represent systemic attacks on our nation’s future,” writes Steyer.

Trump was quick to put Steyer on blast.

“Wacky & totally unhinged Tom Steyer, who has been fighting me and my Make America Great Again agenda from beginning, never wins elections!” tweeted Trump early Friday morning.  

“Steyer then followed his Twitter response to Trump with another series of tweets, addressing citizens and politicians to support his impeachment campaign: “I have been fighting your racism and corporate groveling from the beginning and always will. Americans deserve much better. Americans across the board know you’re a danger to the people of this country. @NancyPelosi @SenSchumer it’s time to take a stand. Hundreds of thousands of Americans are adding voices to the movement to impeach this President. It’s only a matter of time until he is gone. Sign our petition today and tell Congress to impeach Impresident Trump,” writes Forbes.  

But the wildly expensive ad isn’t all that Steyer will be spending his millions on. He told Forbes that it will also be supported by a multi-million-dollar digital advertising campaign.  

Only a few Democrats, including Congressmen Brad Sherman of California and Al Green of Texas, have introduced impeachment measures in the House, but Steyer is the first to dedicate so much funding to this cause.  

Other organizations have launched campaigns with the same mission on petition outlets.  

“Steyer’s petition comes on the heels of, a campaign run by non-profit organizations Free Speech For People and RootsAction, which has so far recruited 1.2 million signatures. In August, the Impeach Donald Trump Now campaign crowd-funded just over $5,000 for a billboard less than a mile away from President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago country club in Palm Beach, Florida, calling for petition signatures,” writes Forbes.  

This ad could potentially be the start of Steyer’s plans to run for president himself.

He has been considering running for California governor in 2018 and then president in 2020. This proves that he certainly has the funds to do so.

Author’s note: Should it be allowed that the 1% take advantage of the political system like this? Shouldn’t there be a cap? This is the danger of big money in politics. A billionaire like Steyer can casually launch a $10 million propaganda campaign. That is a lot of influence to wield on a whim just because he can as a billionaire. It’s important to point out that this is a problem on both sides though. Also, why can’t people respectfully accept that Trump was elected by the majority of Americans? He won fair and square. It’s time for the Democrats to get over it.

Editor’s note: How do you restrict donations to political causes without running afoul of the First Amendment? Not sure how to solve this problem.  Watch for Larry Horist’s commentary tomorrow.


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  1. Bruce Lindsay

    Steyer you are just one of the many idiots with big mouths. I only wish I could draw, I would indeed do you justice.
    I hope you spend more than a mere 10 million and go broke. Your cause is wasteful indeed. Because we stand with this real man, not some piece if garbage slinging nut.
    YOU ARE A JOKE and possibly related to Bernie Sanders, a nut does not fall far from the tree
    Bruce Lindsay Glassboro NJ

  2. Rc

    Another perverted rich communist agenda reprobate. Iam sure your slogan be Make America Communist no secrete . The word is out on you radical insane Hollyweard psychos Narcissist killers of all morals God An family . If you really cared about this country you’d help clean up skid row feed the poor give them jobs remember the story of the rich man & the beggar . That’s you an you will see when your in Hell no one hear you cry . Money may buy you what you what here but He’ll will substain your soul an evil you invoke . You should be An pray you be hung for Treason with all your friends .

  3. Pj

    Tells us Tom how you made your money on the back of coal in underdeveloped countries. Help destroy America coal mining companies then go overseas to invest in coal mining. You are the most unamerican fool. You have no honor or pride for America. Just another brown shirt puppet for world order. Hillary lost!

  4. Bill Waller

    I think he has something to do with the whistle blower he been pushing impeachment from day one.

  5. raygun

    Yeah, Steyer, you and your globalist twin brother, Georgie Soros, are menially retarded with the commie disease. No body wants a socialist utopia with all of your unicorns and comrades. Give it up, you are still living in the Woodstock age.

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