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Trump Assassination Attempt: Conservatives Not Buying the Lone-Actor Narrative

Trump Assassination Attempt: Conservatives Not Buying the Lone-Actor Narrative

President Trump was shot in an attempted assassination at his campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13. It’s history repeating itself – the history of the American deep state putting those patriotic leaders in its crosshairs who refuse to bow down to its anti-American agenda.

Failing to take down President Trump, who thankfully and by an incredible play of luck – or call it divine intervention – survived the attempted assassination by a shooting from the roof of a building in the area. The federal government and anti-Trump media instantly started the cover-up operation for the suspected deep state’s hand in this crime.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) wasted no time in issuing the statement that “its investigation so far suggests the shooter acted alone,” as reported by Forbes while adding that the agency is investigating the assassination attempt as a potential case of domestic terrorism. The Gateway Pundit pointed to the FBI’s subsequent statement that they can’t access the shooter’s phone data. The story cited Elon Musk asking on X (Twitter):

“How do they know he acted alone if they can’t get into his phone?”

Jesse Waters of Fox News questioned the very credibility of the FBI, reminding that this is the same agency that conspired against President Trump by creating the Russia-collusion hoax and launching a coup against Trump’s presidency.

Independent journalist Mindy Robinson commented that the FBI’s statement on its inability to access the shooter’s phone sounds like a confession that they are scrubbing the data that likely proves their hand in the crime.

While the federal agencies are likely working on their side’s cover-up of the invisible hands behind the failed assassination, more than one veteran snipers have stepped forward to offer their expert analyses of the treasonous crime’s footage and concluded that it was a planned and coordinated attack on President Trump from inside the government including the local agencies or police force. Here’s the analysis from veteran sniper Mathew Murphy.

Another sniper with 14 years of experience in Canada’s JTF2 posted his analysis, concluding that the shooter certainly had help from inside the government.

But the deep state’s cover-up extends beyond the government agencies and mainstream media telling people not to engage in speculation or finger-pointing. On July 14, conservative journalist and commentator Laura Loomer posted the video of an advertisement by BlackRock and showing the wannabe assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks as one of the people featured in the ad. In a follow-up tweet, Loomer reported that BlackRock deleted the video without offering any statement.

And while the deep state’s political and media tentacles are busy in the cover-up, Biden continues to struggle with reading from the teleprompter and pronouncing common English words. In his short, scripted statement after the assassination attempt on President Trump, the dishonest and mentally handicapped Democrat lost his battle with the speech in a combined brain-tongue malfunction. Biden was heard saying that he believes in resolving “our differences” at the “battle box”. And he had no qualms repeating it.

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  1. Ron C

    Why don’t they just call the NSA with the shooters name and the computer will spit out anything Crooks has done since he had a cell phone!

  2. Ray Doyle LFP WA

    Garland, Majorkas, Wray, obama, and biden have to be very upset that yet another of the illegal get trump schemes has failed.

    Soon they will assign a bunch of 4’11’ teenagers to trump secret service detail and assign the entire CIA to assassinate him.

  3. Tom

    This article is all a bunch of conspiracy rubbish by MAGA cult paranoids! They are busy convincing each other in the cult that the government is definitely against them. This all started with Trumps son, then Vance yelling that the Dems had something do with it. The investigation had yet to begin and they were already crying foul.

    1) Phone searches by government is a touchy issue thanks to the U.S. Constitution and the protections from illegal searches. Warrants need to be secured. And if it is an Apple phone, the company has been very difficult to work with regard to access keys.

    2) Does anyone in their right mind think a 20 year old kid would be recruited as a professional shooter when there are professional shooters? That just simply does not make any sense at all. But lets also remember, the GOP pushed for presidential immunity. So if Biden ordered it in his official capacity as president to protect the country, he cannot be touched!!! Now maybe the GOP realizes the serious nature of such a stupid immunity decision by the Supreme Court!

    There seems to have been a lack of communications or at least lack of understanding as to which organization was supposed to secure the building rooftop the shooter used. Since the shooting, the Feds have said they screwed up. They said it should have been their job and are investigating the breakdown. There will be firings and resignations.

    As an Independent / Unaffiliated voter, it is sickening to see this MAGA cult propagating such stupid conspiracy theories which only complicate matters and makes the FBI’s job harder since they must now defend themselves against these stupid theories while trying to run a complicated investigation! This is simply another way of MAGA using a situation to do its intended purpose, to tear down the government of the USA. And as an Independent and a US Veteran, I despise their effort and will never vote GOP until MAGA is gone.

    And Ernestine, you are simply tearing down the country I served for! You suck.

    • RJ O'Guillory

      …how much do you earn being a troll?

  4. frank stetson

    RC: think what’s stored, unless trigger words, is meta data so this might be harder than you presume. Gilbertson seems to know this stuff, maybe he will weigh in.

    But for Dempsey……I have often noted how, as a journalist, Dempsey is an utter failure. He must have something on Joe to stay employed. He is biased, unfair, and unbalanced. On this one, he sinks even deeper into his depravities offering misinformation, disinformation and attempts to incite violence with his false rhetoric. Why not, he isn’t even born in America……why does he hate us so?

    Dempsey says: “the history of the American deep state putting those patriotic leaders in its crosshairs who refuse to bow down to its anti-American agenda.” This is an incendiary lie of the worst kind. He does not and can not prove what he says. He lies.

    “Failing to take down President Trump,” is Dempsey’s way of blaming liberals for the actions of a Republican. This is a heinous, incendiary lie.

    But wait, there’s more. A lot more. Dempsey blathers: “The federal government and anti-Trump media instantly started the cover-up operation for the suspected deep state’s hand in this crime.” He cannot even define the deep state, any deep state players, much less a cover up. He continues to fabricate at will.

    The best conspiracy is the open-ended question that can never be answered: ““How do they know he acted alone if they can’t get into his phone?” So, because Dempsey does not know, it confirms it was a conspiracy. I might ask: “how can we know it’s Elon Musk just because it says so?”

    Then he quotes Waters using that same false logic this time it’s: “we caught them once so they must still be guilty.” Except in this case, he did not catch anyone. Plus why would we listen to anyone with the same last name as Maxine Waters. How do we know they are not related and in collusion. I have caught Dempsey in a lie, so everything he says is a lie? Hmmmmm, he could have a point with this fractured fairytale.

    The next rocket scientist he believes says it takes to long so therefore they are fucking with the data. And she guarantees she is pretty sure based on her lack of evidence that it must be true. Yup, pretty sure is absolutely sure if fitting Dempsey’s putrid paradigm. The ole conspiracy bit to create a truth by stating something that cannot be proven or disproven. Perfect. How long did it take Dempsey to post this. NYPost had it long ago. Dempsey must be hiding something. He might be a pedo. Did you see his picture?

    Then, for shooting expertise because he cant’ find it in America, he goes to a Canadian with a gun who says he must have had help to make that shot… Yeah, from the grassy knoll no doubt.

    And the BlackRock thing was fully described as they took the ad down. Dempsey misses it.

    Dempsey is bad and getting worse as he publishes incendiary disinformation attempting to stir up Trumplicants with misinformation and fake news.

    • Tom

      You are correct Frank. Demsey Dumpster is lower than prehistoric whale shit!

      And as far as his statement about leaders refusing to bow down to its anti-American agenda – this sounds like it comes straight from the Mullahs in Iran or other Middle East country that is against the USA. I am all in favor of the Demsey Dumpster going home.

      My understanding of the Patriot Act is that they can only collect what is called “metadata” which is the “who/where from/where to/ time and duration of call/ type of data. I do think they can collect pics sent over the internet – at least this is what the Snowden interview revealed. John Oliver interviewed him and you can watch it here at ** for the details. It is pretty shocking ! Bottom line, do not send your dick pics over the internet. Either use Fedex or UPS. 🙂

      I agree with you on Black Rock. I personally do not use them but lets face it, any time a company has a problem with the content or actors in their commercial, they usually take the commercial down immediately. Think Subway and Jerrod and pedophilia. Black Rock is no different. I am sure they do not want a segment with the shooter in it on their commercial. I wouldn’t either. But the point is the ridiculousness of the Dempsey Dumpster. Who ever he is, he does not understand US marketing practices, and, this is an example of pure conspiracy by implication. He knows that his statement will be hard to prove either way. But the Mindless MAGA Minions (3M’s) will gobble it up and slurp it down!

  5. Tom

    If anyone is interested in the truth, you can go to ** and read the updates rather than listen to these stupid conspiracy theorists!

  6. RJ O'Guillory

    …a lot of Deep State Trolls on this page being paid to counter the intelligent analysis of these people. I wonder how much the Deep State pays it’s Trolls?

  7. Frank

    Actually, one is enough if the Secret Service ground rule is that assassins are allowed to get off five or six shots at Republican candidates before taking any action.

    • Jim wampler

      Of course it was a political hit job. Why else would the secret service stand around with their thumbs up their asses and almost got trump killed. Surely they couldn’t be that stupid. That lets me know that our government is getting more dangerous. Frank and Tom are trying to navigate people to the fucked party called democrats. But we the people are mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. You shit head lefties are showing your real character by trying to bully the SCOTUS. Not on our watch. By the grace of God Trump will probably appoint new justices. Can’t wait.

  1. You make an interesting point. Do we need to keep minting pennies? The US as minted some 500 billion pennies…