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AOC Won’t Ever Be President Because “Americans Hate Women”

AOC Won’t Ever Be President Because “Americans Hate Women”

Progressive firebrand Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she can never be elected president because “Americans hate women.” 

No, not all women, AOC, just you!

But this reporter’s opinion, notwithstanding “The Squad” leader recently said, it’s unlikely she could ever be elected president of the United States — because so many people in America “hate women” and “would never let that happen.”

The self-described socialist speculated about the possibilities of her launching a future White House bid in a wide-ranging and fawning cover interview with GQ magazine which was published on Wednesday, Sept. 7 

AOC said that while she tries to hold onto the belief that anything is possible, her experience in Congress has “given me a front-row seat to how deeply and unconsciously, as well as consciously, so many people in this country hate women.”

She went on, “And they hate women of color,” added the 32-year-old, who was described in the article as the “political voice of a generation” and “bona fide culture celebrity.”

“People ask me questions about the future. And realistically, I can’t even tell you if I’m going to be alive in September. And that weighs very heavily on me. And it’s not just the right wing. Misogyny transcends political ideology: left, right, center,” the democratic socialist continued.

“I admit to sometimes believing that I live in a country that would never let that happen.”

The Queens representative said she struggles when young girls tell her they want her to be president one day.

“It’s very difficult for me to talk about because it provokes a lot of inner conflict in that I never want to tell a little girl what she can’t do,” she said. “And I don’t want to tell young people what is not possible. I’ve never been in the business of doing that. But at the same time….”

In addition to being a woman, the legislator claimed that her opposition to Wall Street could also hinder any potential bid for the presidency.

“Could [former President Barack] Obama have gotten elected without the kind of financial support that he had?” she said. “I don’t know.”

AOC, who often finds herself at odds with her own party, also lamented how, even if she were to be elected commander-in-chief, she’d face the wrath of the political system — from the Senate to the Supreme Court — that she says would impede her goals.

“There are still plenty of limitations,” she claimed. “It’s tough, it’s really tough.”

Elsewhere in the interview, the congresswoman spoke of the “open hostility” she encountered from her own Democratic Party colleagues after taking office in 2018.

“It was open hostility, open hostility to my presence, my existence,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

“Since I got here, literally day one, even before day one, I’ve experienced a lot of targeting diminishment from my party. And the pervasiveness of that diminishment, it was all-encompassing at times. I feel a little more steady on my own two feet now.”

She concluded the sentiment by saying,  “But would I say that I have the power to shift the elected federal Democratic Party? No.”

About The Author


  1. MikefromTexas

    I love women just not idiots.

    • huh?

      You love women so much that you would force a woman to carry a baby she can’t afford or doesn’t want? Force her to marry a man she doesn’t know or love so he can support her and her child for a couple of years before he runs off? Destroy her chances of ever advancing in the workforce by making her raise children she doesn’t want or is not ready for? Endanger her life if there’s a problem with the pregnancy? Make it more likely she’ll get pregnant by limiting birth control, women’s health care clinics, and prenatal care? Force her to follow your religious beliefs?

      Texas pays 87 cents to women for a dollar earned by men, and in state government the average salary is $44,685 for women and $60,323 for men. Texas ranks 50th in baby wellness checks, ranks 34th in clinical care for infants and 48th for adolescents, ranks 50th in uninsured women, ranks 43rd in maternal mortality, ranks 44th in school funding per child, and ranks 46th in child hunger. Texas was in the bottom 3 for protecting children from COVID.

      According to a CNBC study, out of the best places to live, the Lone Star state was 49th out of 50 – Arizona took the dubious crown in 50th place. Child and health care, the environment, crime, and discrimination were all factors that earned the Republican-controlled state an “F” grade. Texas is 39th in opportunity, 37th in crime, 40th in environment. I used to work for a Texas-based company, and the state of Texas has very lax laws about age discrimination. But good news, TX is number 2 best state for business (at the expense of the workers!)

      So, Texas hates women and pretty much all of its citizens, except wealthy business owners. As much as you claim to love women, you continue to vote for candidates with 1860 slavery attitudes who do everything they can to take away rights from women (and minorities, and immigrants, and children). Based on your comment, you must REALLY hate yourself.

      • Tim

        Stfu asshole. AOC doesn’t qualify as a woman.

        • huh?

          Wow, such a brilliant reply! I guess we can count on you as one of the men that “loves women”, but votes against their best interests.

          • Ben

            Huh hell. Pay attention!!!

    • Micala


      What to do with those sex starved females? Force them to take a class on “INTROSPECTION” so they can find out “why” they keep destroying themselves with men instead of presenting a happier, more responsible persona that everyone admires and wishes to have as a friend!

      Too many Women today have allowed themselves to be swept away by the Feminist propaganda (which hasn’t helped many women but hurt more women who try to better themselves)! Instead of listening to the crazy rantings of out of control Feminists, women need only to listen to their inner self, be confident about their convictions and most importantly, RESPECT THEIR BODIES and do not use them as tools to a personal end! When female’s bodies become tools and not protected from pregnancy, the whole female persona becomes lost, confused and fragmented!

      All women want to have the respect of those in Society! Some just get lost along the way and think abortion facilities are the answer to their dreams of promiscuity. When making that specific choice, they have also sacrificed parts of their hearts and definitely their Souls!


      • Micala

        As for AOC, she is guilty of running her mouth BEFORE putting her brain in gear! That always shows the inner workings of one’s brain — or lack of brain power!

        I truly don’t think AOC is stupid, she just gets in over her head by making unresearched ideas/actions and APPEARS TO BE IGNORANT. She isn’t, just a wee bit over enthusiastic with no control of her emotions! Another candidate for the much needed “INTROSPECTION” trip to find out “why”!

      • B

        What about the sex-starved men? I remember a lot of horndogs in highschool, college, and beyond. A lot of them worked very hard to persuade a woman to have sex, and then lost interest in her. For every man who has sex, there is a woman who has to deal with the consequences (except in the 5% or so of the time that the partner is a man). Women who are aware of their choices are the responsible ones.

        If you had a one-night stand with a woman, and never expected to see her again, but she shows up 6 weeks later and says “I’m pregnant”, which would be your response?
        – “What do you mean the rubber in my wallet for 2 years failed?”
        – “Oh, I thought I pulled out in time”
        – “fuck off, I’ve never seen you in my life, don’t come back”
        – “I know nothing about you, but I’ll marry you anyway… we can always divorce later if it doesn’t work out”
        – “if you’re lucky someone will adopt it”
        – “Raise the baby on your own, and I’ll pay support for the next 18 years”
        – “It would be a hardship for you to have the baby at this stage of your life. It’s up to you, but I’ll pay for an abortion”

        Your answer will be very illuminating… Are you a stand-up guy who would take responsibility? Or let the woman fend for herself (with your baby)?

        Will you force the woman to give up any hope of finishing her education or advancing along a career path to be the caretaker of your child for the next 18 years? Make her take low-paying jobs during what would have been the most productive years of her life so she has the schedule flexibility to care for YOUR child?

        Do you expect her to adhere to your religious belief that life begins when the egg is fertilized, even though there’s not even a brain until the 25th week? What happens if her body can’t handle the pregnancy, or there’s something wrong with the fetus? Would you risk the life of this stranger so you can have a child that you probably would want nothing to do with?

        What’s really at risk is not her reputation, it’s her life for the next 18 years. YOUR reputation depends on your answers.

        • Joe Gilbertson

          And of course you have never done that…

          And of course, it is not the woman’s responsibility if she gets pregnant right? And of course, raising children is a fate worse than death.

          Everything you just said is idiotic.

          • B

            You just don’t want to face the fact that men are as much as fault as women if there’s an unplanned pregnancy. A woman doesn’t make herself pregnant by herself, there is ALWAYS a man involved. Either the law takes away the choices of both parents (demanding that the father marry the woman, or pay 18 years of child support), or the law allows the woman the freedom to choose what she does with her body. Anything else is not equal rights under the law.

            Raising children is fine, but a woman should be able to decide when to devote her life to that. Raising a child interferes with school, employment, career, and mental health, and many women are not prepared for the realities of raising a baby (alone, or in an abusive relationship, or family shame, poverty, or whatever the reason). If the state takes away a woman’s choice, then she becomes livestock at the mercy of any man who can impregnate her – forcibly or not. Some states are already giving the father of a fetus the right to veto an abortion, even in the case of rape or incest, at the same time banning both abortion AND birth control.

            What do you think I said that is idiotic? Put up or shut up. Explain your views instead of just insulting mine. I think you can’t, because there is no logic or thinking behind your views, just a knee-jerk “Conservative” reaction.

          • Joe Gilbertson

            So you are admitting that men can’t get pregnant and that women can’t get pregnant without a man?

            Its good to know you agree with conservatives on this.

          • frank stetson

            And you admitted, through lack of disclosure under repeated requests, in the other Horist thread that you can’t support your claim that the EIA data and talk track is wrong and that Trump policies created the net-export status for US oil, which the EIA claims is just not true. Never was. And you couldn’t find it in yourself to walk back your misstatements when proven wrong and unable to contradict except with a tepid “I told you so.” Come on man, either toe the line or walk it back. Especially before you castigate others supposed misstatements. Be fair.

          • Joe Gilbertson

            Frank, I didn’t admit anything of the sort. I just don’t have time to respond to your distortions of current events, nor the time to straighten out your confused logic.

          • Frank stetson

            Wow. You must be busy.

            It was a simple statement by the EIA basically indicating your comment that they were wrong incorrect. A lie.

            You said you already presented the info, five times,so one might conclude it would be easy for you.

            I guess not.

            You never really did have the data, did you.
            And like Trump, you’re not big enough to walk backbyou silly statements.

            No, you just pile more on top. Shameful.


      • M

        What about the sex-starved men? I remember a lot of horndogs in highschool, college, and beyond. A lot of them worked very hard to persuade a woman to have sex, and then lost interest in her. For every man who has sex, there is a woman who has to deal with the consequences (except in the 5% or so of the time that the partner is a man). Women who are aware of their choices are the responsible ones.

        If you had a one-night stand with a woman, and never expected to see her again, but she shows up 6 weeks later and says “I’m pregnant”, which would be your response?
        – “What do you mean the rubber in my wallet for 2 years failed?”
        – “Oh, I thought I pulled out in time”
        – “fuck off, I’ve never seen you in my life, don’t come back”
        – “I know nothing about you, but I’ll marry you anyway… we can always divorce later if it doesn’t work out”
        – “if you’re lucky someone will adopt it”
        – “Raise the baby on your own, and I’ll pay support for the next 18 years”
        – “It would be a hardship for you to have the baby at this stage of your life. It’s up to you, but I’ll pay for an abortion”

        Your answer will be very illuminating… Are you a stand-up guy who would take responsibility? Or let the woman fend for herself (with your baby)?

        Will you force the woman to give up any hope of finishing her education or advancing along a career path to be the caretaker of your child for the next 18 years? Make her take low-paying jobs during what would have been the most productive years of her life so she has the schedule flexibility to care for YOUR child?

        Do you expect her to adhere to your religious belief that life begins when the egg is fertilized, even though there’s not even a brain until the 25th week? What happens if her body can’t handle the pregnancy, or there’s something wrong with the fetus? Would you risk the life of this stranger so you can have a child that you probably would want nothing to do with?

        What’s really at risk is not her reputation, it’s her life for the next 18 years. YOUR reputation depends on your answers.

  2. LMS

    No, that’s not true. We will put a female in that believes in God, has morals integrity and has the ability to run a country.

    Sorry AOC, you are a woman child that is a socialist who should have her degree rescinded due to your financial and world ignorance, stupidity, typical millenial entitled attitude, and lack of morals and scruples. In short, go back to being a bar maid where you are perfect for the role!

  3. John J

    American’s love women, only hate assholes, regardless of gender

  4. Jerry Leonard

    This is what passes for representing New Yorkers, please can we relocate it to the west coast and flush repeatedly.

  5. William Pennekamp

    AOC is entirely wrong as usual. Americans love women. It’s just that they don’t love big mouthed lying bitches like her. She needs to go back to being a barmaid. When her customers there get drunk enough even she can look good until she opens her nasty mouth.

  6. Sick&Tired

    AOC …. Would Never be Close to being a President – Even IF, Her Skin Color was PINK. !!! The Female Nerd. !!

    • Tim

      It all pink inside

  7. x

    AOC has a point… There are at least 8 men here who would never never vote for a woman for President. No woman would ever live up to the ideals they have in their lizard brains. A woman that has what it takes to run for national office is constantly vilified by men like the 8 above – “slut”, “nasty”, “nerd” (pot calling kettle black)!, “even if she was white”, “pink inside”, ignorant, stupid, lack of brain power… the list goes on, and is typical of the right-wing idiots on this site.

    Well, gentlemen (and I use the term loosely), she’s a college graduate, and she’s a Representative in Congress. She’s nationally recognized. She probably has more of a path to the Presidency than she thinks, and a damned sight more than any of you yahoos. Fortunately, you right-wing Conservatives are only about 15% of the voting population, so it really doesn’t matter what you think. More relevant will be her timing and the state of the country when she is ready. As far as she’s concerned, you can all eat shit and die, and she’ll take her chances in 20 years.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      So you claim to know exactly what Republicans will do? And you actually believe that “Americans Hate Women”?

      AOC was a bartender. She was at her peak of intellectual capacity when she was five. She has shown her stupidity many many times. Of course you may be right. After all you elected Biden, whose mind is so weak he needs to be told when to stand and sit.

      • X

        Yes, she was a bartender. Now she’s a Representative in Congress. I know that none of the right-wing crackpots that visit this site would vote for a woman. They’re threatened by strong women, as you obviously are.

        You insult her 3 times in 3 sentences, and yet she is still Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, and you’re just a schlub running a third-rate “Ode to Trump” website. She put in the hard work to get where she’s at, and you have… this.

        The same applies to President Biden. He ran a good race against Trump, beat him fair and square, and now the country has stability, as opposed to constant chaos with Trump. You just can’t admit that Trump was a bad President, a poor loser, and a lifelong criminal. Instead you have to constantly insult a great President. He put in the hard work, has been respected in Congress for 40 years, and Trump is a loser FPOTUS who stole classified documents and will be charged under the Espionage Act, among other things.

        • Joe Gilbertson

          And she just said “Americans hate women” She did not say Republicans, she said Americans. Do you agree with that or not?

  8. mike

    just not this woman, Just like Hillary she made it all about her and I never cared for or about her either, Warren, Waters, Feinstein this just the tip of the iceberg. There are men I don’t like so to say she will never be POTUS because she’s a woman. just just plan ******. It’s there attitude they think they are greater then thou

  9. frank stetson

    AOC is a freshman representative in the People’s House; the mere thought of her running for President is ludicrous.

    Who cares what she says?

  10. tom williams

    Even being a full-time Republican, I can see that some of the stuff AOC wants makes some sense. For instance, we DO need to wean ourselves off of fossil fuels for at least one reason that’s never talked about… the fact that oil and natural gas and even coal are all FINITE resources and when they are gone, they are GONE! I fully back research, development, and implementation of alternate energy sources and renewal of NUCLEAR power including the new small-scale reactors similar to those used to power ocean-going ships in the Navy. 70 years of use and NO accidents. Sounds pretty safe to me.
    The real problem with AOC’s ideas is that she thinks just waving a magic wand will make her goals happen. I worked for nearly 40 years as a practicing Civil Engineer and know for a fact that you cannot set an arbitrary date to say, “We will replace all gasoline and diesel powered vehicles with electric vehicles by 2035 or 2040, or whenever. Public figures continue to make such idiotic statements all the time. You can’t push the scientists, researchers, and designers of such things with deadline dates and expect them to produce such technology on demand. You can’t go in to work thinking, “Today I’ll be brilliant and come up with the answer to this technical problem and it will design itself.” These things take time. Remarkable progress is indeed being made in renewables such as wind and solar. We already have the solution to the need for sufficient domestic water supplies because we have the technology to desalinate seawater NOW! It’s just the tree-huggers still standing in the way. Yeah, there are about a dozen plants on the West coast in operation with about an equal number of additional units planned. We need to accelerate that and build lots of them ASAP. With the ongoing decades-long drought, it’s imperative.
    AOC needs to focus on what we CAN do and not on what she WANTS done on HER schedule. That’s her problem.

  11. Janice D

    As a life-long basically biological/behavioral woman who definitely preferred not woking in a “hen house”, I will state that I absolutely abhor AOC, her “squad” and everything she represents. She is so full of herself she makes me nauseous. The combination of ignorance and arrogance is everything that is wrong with the modern Demo-Fascist party that she personifies. Topped off by astounding vanity.