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Thanks to Trump, Millions of Americans are off Food Stamps

Thanks to Trump, Millions of Americans are off Food Stamps

As reported this week by the USDA, nearly 4 million Americans have dropped out of the SNAP (food stamp) program since President Trump’s first month in office.

The decline puts SNAP enrollment at its lowest level since November 2009.

Enrollment peaked in 2013 during the Obama Administration but started to decline following a series of laws requiring SNAP recipients to work, volunteer, take classes, or participate in job training.

Other factors in the decline include further reform efforts by the Trump Administration and economic growth following the GOP’s tax reform package.

“A central theme of the Trump Administration has been to expand prosperity for all Americans, which includes helping people lift themselves out of pervasive poverty,” says Agriculture Sec. Sonny Perdue.

Imposing work requirements in government assistance programs “restores the dignity of work to a sizable segment of our population, while it’s also respectful of the taxpayers who fund the program.”

SNAP enrollment has also declined in response to a proposed policy that would block legal immigrants from gaining permanent residence status if they participate in welfare programs.

Enrollment in SNAP by new immigrants has dropped 10% in the past five years.

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  1. Razorback

    Deport all illegal immigrants! Secure our borders. Enforce our visa rules and deport all overstayed visa holders! Approve no birth right citizenship. Eliminate the visa lottery system. Make E-verify mandatory for all employers!

    • Nunes

      Agreed. Add: Anyone employing Invaders will be given minimum prison sentence of 1 year, no parole.
      Secure Border: Our American History shows that we used Fort-ifications, Fort-resses, Forts to protect our Patriots in Revolutionary War, Forts ranging from our current North to South on East Coast area protecting our people from many dangers and battles, Forts protecting our Cavalry (Military) and Pioneers moving Westward, Forts protecting Americans in battles of 1800’s and onward. Forts to our farthest West.
      Many Forts developed into cities towns villages that chose to retain their Fort name. Fort Myers, Fort Lauderdale, FORT WORTH, on and on.
      Let us now Honor our American History of Protecting our people by adding a new Fortification across our Southern Border: FORT SOVEREIGN USA.
      Ports of entry staffed with Border Agents and Military retired, and others. Offices ceiling to floor glass to enable full vision of all activities. Check In Points showing large copies of our Declaration, our Constitution, Amendments, Rule of Law under lighted glass in ENGLISH. No other language.
      Large Metal Plaque with Names, Ages, DoB and Date Murdered to honor all our Border Agents murdered by Invaders; names of Angel Mom’s and Dad’s and names of their children, child’s DoB and date Murdered by Invader. Leave space to add any and keep those plaques updated.
      Those items will show people wanting to get into our country that we are DEADLY serious about Justice, and adherence to our Laws. FORT SOVEREIGN USA says it all.

  2. Julia Weber

    I do not want any illegals to be on food stamps or assistance programs the tax payers are burden enough with all the misappropriation of funds now we need to take care of our citizens first

  3. Jadi

    The right of citizenship obtained by birth should be taken away from all those whose parents and grandparents were not born here, they should be returned to their countries, without exception. This land is only for families who have lived here forever. Wait! That means … There would be no more Jews, Italians, Indians, Chinese, Mexicans, etc. I do not know…

  4. Jc

    It’s true that the number of people enrolled in SNAP initially increased during the Obama administration — reaching a peak average monthly enrollment of 47.6 million in fiscal year 2013. That rise was a consequence of the deep recession that began in 2007, according to a 2012 report by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office.
    However, as the economy recovered and poverty and unemployment rates decreased, so did SNAP enrollment, according to the USDA’s Economic Research Service. Enrollment was down to 42.7 million in January 2017, when Obama left office.
    That decline has continued under Trump.
    Enrollment went down by 1.35 million from January 2017, when Trump took office, to December 2017, according to the most recent monthly figures from the USDA, which administers SNAP. By comparison, enrollment declined by 1.88 million over the same time period in 2016 when Obama was president, from 44,852,347 in January 2016 to 42,969,079 in December 2016.
    But Campos-Duffy’s statement was turned into a meme that has been circulating on Facebook, and other websites published stories making similar claims. For example, the Gateway Pundit posted a story with the headline: “TWO MILLION Leave Food Stamp Rolls in Trump’s First Year — Saving Country $3 Billion Annually.”
    Some Facebook users flagged the story as potentially false, and others emailed to ask us if the meme is accurate. Both are misleading.
    There are two things wrong with the claim: It credits Trump with the entire decrease in fiscal year 2017, even though he wasn’t in office for a third of the fiscal year, and it ignores a years-long trend in the reduction of food stamp recipients. If anything, the rate of the decrease in people receiving food stamps has slowed under Trump.

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