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Biden Downplays Chinese Spy Balloon Incident – A Treasonous Appeasement

Biden Downplays Chinese Spy Balloon Incident – A Treasonous Appeasement

In a recent statement, President Joe Biden addressed the Chinese spy balloon incident that occurred earlier this year, suggesting that it was “more embarrassing than intentional” on the part of the Chinese regime. Biden expressed his hope for improved relations with China and mentioned his desire to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping in the coming months to discuss areas of potential cooperation. The weakness and appeasement of his response is remarkable, unless you apply some context.

We argue that Biden’s response reflects a willingness to appease China rather than confront its alleged threats to U.S. sovereignty. We believe that this statement is motivated by Biden’s personal fear of China, rather than what is best for America. In short, evidence indicates that Biden is compromised by the Chinese.

Rumors surrounding the influence of China on President Biden have persisted since before his election, primarily fueled by allegations of Hunter Biden’s financial dealings with Chinese entities. Recently, records obtained by GOP lawmakers from a Chinese bank revealed millions of dollars flowing to members of the Biden family, including Hunter Biden and James Biden, the president’s brother. These documents, provided by Cathay Bank after several American banks declined to release them, have raised concerns among critics who claim that Biden is compromised and that his conciliatory stance towards China is a consequence of this alleged compromise.

The ongoing investigation into the Biden family’s finances has further intensified these concerns. The discovery of a suspicious $3 million wire transfer from two Chinese businessmen to a Hunter Biden associate named John “Rob” Walker has drawn attention. This payment, revealed through bank documents obtained by the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, has raised questions about the nature of these financial transactions and the potential implications for national security. Critics argue that these findings indicate a decade-long pattern of influence peddling, raising troubling questions about whether President Biden has been compromised by foreign governments through his family’s activities.

The Chinese spy balloon incident, which involved the entry of a Chinese-owned surveillance balloon into U.S. airspace, sparked criticism of the Biden administration’s handling of the situation. Many prominent figures have argued that the balloon should have been shot down earlier, emphasizing the need to safeguard U.S. security and sovereignty. Lawmakers have called on the administration to release the FBI’s findings regarding the incident and provide a comprehensive account of how the spy platform was allowed to enter U.S. territory.

Despite these concerns, President Biden continues to bend to China’s requests, particularly as Secretary of State Antony Blinken embarks on a trip to Beijing with the aim of improving diplomatic relations. Biden cites the existence of “legitimate differences” between the two countries but believes that dialogue with President Xi can help address these differences and foster cooperation. However, critics argue that Biden’s willingness to engage with China without a more forceful response to the spy balloon incident undermines the U.S.’s stance on protecting national security.

Anticipating the outcomes of Secretary Blinken’s meetings with this context, there are concerns that the negotiations may heavily favor China, potentially resulting in an unfavorable outcome for the American people. Potential trade agreements stemming from these talks could mean the profit or loss of hundreds of billions of dollars and huge geopolitical advantages for China.

This also raises apprehensions that various pressing issues, such as China’s widespread technology theft, the intimidation of Chinese Americans, the reported corruption of university personnel, the alleged presence of 25,000 Chinese spies in the U.S., and other concerning actions by China towards the United States, may not be adequately addressed or resolved. The one-sided nature of the negotiations, as feared by some, could potentially overlook these critical challenges and their impact on U.S. national interests and security.

It seems the millions invested by China to corrupt the Bidens is paying off.

China Has the Goods on Joe, Dishes Biden Bank Records

China Owns the Bidens – $3 Million in Brand New Evidence Exposed! 

Is Biden compromised by China? 

Biden sells out US to China with UN climate deal

China’s New Leverage is Inflation – Biden is About to Fail Again

About The Author


  1. frank stetson

    The bottom line here is Daniel has no proof, just allegations, rumors, friends of friends, and whistleblowers who don’t provide salient testimony, often because they can’t be bothered to show up.

    That’s Daniel’s proof. And he has piled it so high that it just must be true.

    Daniel even has the nerve to say that a friend of Hunter’s got paid by the Chinese and therefore Joe is guilty of being bought. Yeah, Daniel agrees to that one. Psssst, I got a bridge, or a Trump-Russia conspiracy whistleblower…….to sell you DO

    Comer, who has been investigating this since 2020, on his June investigation summary update said: “I don’t think anyone in America … would think that it’s just a coincidence that nine Biden family members have received money.” (but do the same for Trump and you be branded a WITCH) “We believe that the president has been involved in this from the very beginning. Obviously, we’re going to continue to look,” he added, characterizing Wednesday’s update as the “beginning stages” of his investigation.” (If if’s and but’s were wishes and nuts, then everyday would be Christmas.)

    Come back when you have actual smoking-gun evidence or a witness. You’re embarrassing yourself Comer and making the naïve DO’s of the world look bad.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      All of the connections have been made. Unfortunately your psychosis does not allow it to process in your mind.

      • Mike f

        Joe, Ok, show us the evidence. So far, just allegations. Oh, you can’t point to any actual documents? I see….

        • Tom

          Again Mike f, please read my statement to Frank. There are reasons why the evidence is not being released. But the evidence is there according to the US banks and the Chinese bank did hand over the evidence to the FBI. FBI is not releasing it, but the Chinese did announce they gave it over. The evidence is complicated as it went from the Chinese to a third party who paid Biden family members by depositing into their LLC accounts that have no products or services. It will take a little time to crack this nut. The important point is the perception and damage it does to the Independent voting block that he will need to win in 2024. IT is doing a lot of damage. See **

          • Frank stetson

            No one is doubting that the bank records are true. There’s just no quid pro quo, access, or other favors for payments to Biden family members to Joe Biden and so Daniel’s jump to Joe is treasonous is premature conviction, as is the Republican way.

            Ivanka got numerous expedited Chinese permits which turned into dollars for someone working with Trump, with security clearance. Jared got Saudi Prince billions right after leaving service, perhaps for services rendered. Perhaps for the Don to hold the Saudi-backed golf tournament. How many millions did Don’s business pull in from the Chinese, Russians, Saudi’s and others just at the DC hotel which he had to sell right after leaving the White Grift House. No of this was wrong by tesm Weaponization.

            These people have not shown the evidence and so far, when they bring anything into the light, it falls on its face. You know nothing except what they say. Let them prove something with actual evidence

            Comer, Greene, Biggs, Gaetz, Jordan, not one of them got anything tangible yet. Comer even fessed up to the fact it’s still just a beginning, six months into it.

      • Frank stetson

        I gave you Comer’s conclusions which are long on suppositions and short of evidence.

        Feel free to do better than lynching Biden just because a friend of Hunter’s got some Chinese money or even Joe’s brother.

        Show us the documents. Have witnesses actually testify. Gilbertson accusations are worth as much as his unwavering belief in The Big Lie and that Trump should remain as President.

        Comer wins on FOX, not in Congress pr Court. Weaponization is 6 months old, the dozens of Jordan whistleblowers have not been seen, depositions or even interviews not produced, and the four on the floor of Congressgot shot down. Comer so far is in the same hot water and treading hard to stay afloat.

        I am all for investigating any possible offenses against the law. I hope these guys continue leaving good investigations. But at six months, they can be said, that this investigation has uncovered little of anything of value to prove that Joe Biden is being paid by the Chinese, Ukrainians, or anyone else.

        • Tom

          I agree that I am also for investigation. Problem is Biden is blocking it by blocking the organizations that would show the evidence because he appoints their leadership. This is why I think the whole DOJ ought to be under the Supreme Court and unable to be influenced by either political side.

          • frank stetson

            They have the bank records showing money going to the Biden family from Cathy Bank that match the US SARs; I believe the Republicans have them. Not sure why they have not released.

            I do not know of any organization “blocking” information unless it’s part of an ongoing investigation or case like the Mar A Largo document disaster.

            I admit, for a brain-dead old man who can’t keep his balance, you all have him as some sort of criminal mastermind outplaying you at every turn. Then again, someone can tell you “I need a favor,” and you smell, no stink at all, or even “I need you to find 11,700 votes” does not strike a bell for you. Or “no, I have no more documents and no, you can’t take a shower, use the pool, or have a stage show — not now….” But the Chinese pay Hunter Biden’s friend some money and Joe Biden committed treason. Harsh, man. Whatever happened to innocent until… have some real facts at least.a

    • Tom

      Frank, the only reason that Daniel has no proof of the spy balloon being intentional is because it is tough to prove an intention. But the fact that a spy balloon came over our country is disturbing to many Americans. The fact that the weaponized Biden DOJ will not release the contents of the balloon is the reason Daniel has no proof. It is not that proof is not out there. It is that Daniel cannot access the proof.

      With regard to Biden family accepting money from China, China’s national bank actually did supply the proof. That is documented. Our banks have documented and sent a statement to the FBI stating the 150 financial alerts triggered by the Biden family. But Again, there is proof but Biden’s selection, Janet Yellen will not release it, and so the banks are marching to her orders. But for some reason, China was happy to release it. Sounds like a warning shot to me!!! Again, the Biden weaponized DOJ and FBI are not releasing the proof. Check out the government org chart. You will find the FBI is under the AG, and the AG is under the DOJ in which the leadership, Biden in this case, selects the head of the DOJ.

      So the statement “Daniel has no proof.” is a bit disingenuous because the proof actually exists, Daniel is just not cleared to lay his eyes on it. This is why I feel the whole thing should be investigated.

      But the real thrust of the article is, “Is Biden compromised?” I think the answer is yes. China releasing that bank data sent chills down Biden’s spine. Now he fears the Dragon. Fearing China means he is compromised, otherwise, why fear? The change in attitude about the balloon is the evidence that compromise exists.

      Bottom line is that just because the DOJ or FBI will not release the evidence is in itself not evidence that the evidence does not exist.

  2. frank stetson

    DO got his dander up, this time it’s Biden as China’s pawn.

    DO claims “his hope for improved relations with China and mentioned his desire to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping in the coming months to discuss areas of potential cooperation” to which DO asserts: “The weakness and appeasement of his response is remarkable, unless you apply some context” such as “Biden’s personal fear of China” because the most powerful man on the planet needs to fear anyone because DO has “evidence indicates that Biden is compromised by the Chinese.” That’s some strong shit, DO.

    All we need is some context, like undisputable truth backed by compelling evidence and facts of why Biden did not drop bombs for balloons. DO delivers:

    “Rumors surrounding the influence of China on President Biden have persisted” “primarily fueled by allegations of Hunter Biden’s financial dealings with Chinese entities.” Well, that tears it: rumors and allegations about his son…

    Worse yet, “records obtained by GOP lawmakers from a Chinese bank revealed millions of dollars flowing to members of the Biden family, including Hunter Biden and James Biden,” oh no, more Bidens not being Joe.

    “The discovery of a suspicious $3 million wire transfer from two Chinese businessmen to a Hunter Biden associate named John “Rob” Walker has drawn attention.” Yup, dead banger that if someone Hunter knows gets paid by the Chinese, that Joe is in on it, whatever it is, up to the heels of his shoes. Now, for sure, Joe owes the Chinese because a friend of Hunter’s got paid by them. Smoking gun.

    “Critics argue that these findings indicate a decade-long pattern of influence peddling, raising troubling questions about whether President Biden has been compromised by foreign governments through his family’s activities.” Same assholes that have no issue with Trump asking the Ukrainian President to weaponize the Ukrainian DOJ to dig up dirt on Biden, Or Manafort who put the previous Putin-backed grifter Ukrainian President into power, or Flynn who lied about dealing with the Russians, Sessions who recused himself from Trumpian activities because of illegal contacts with the Russians. Or Sator, Russian born Blackrock guy and senior Trump advisor, — not to mention all the millions these folks, including Trump, fleeced Russia for — Trump, over $40M in free Russian dollars on one real estate steal, I mean, deal. Oh yeah, Trump’s bank, which mysteriously gave him loans he clearly did not deserve, a bank caught for massive Russian money laundering, gave Trump hundreds of millions in loans for inexplicable reasons. The other guys just got ten’s of millions, in cash, for Russian “services” rendered. At least these Republicans could treat crooks the same no matter which side of the aisle. Or the millions in deals Ivanka made with the Chinese AFTER Trump was elected, no smoking guns there from these stalwart protectors of law and odor.

    “the balloon should have been shot down earlier, emphasizing the need to safeguard U.S. security and sovereignty,” not shooting them down has been a standard option used under Trump, Obama, Bush, who knows…. Trump missed at least three of them DO….

    “Despite these concerns, President Biden continues to bend to China’s requests, particularly as Secretary of State Antony Blinken embarks on a trip to Beijing with the aim of improving diplomatic relations.” Sorry, DO, I missed the part where you cite evidence of Biden bending over as if he has been bought.

    “Biden cites the existence of “legitimate differences” between the two countries but believes that dialogue with President Xi can help address these differences and foster cooperation.” Again, where were these protectors of nations as Trump said this to North Korea?

    “However, critics argue that Biden’s willingness to engage with China without a more forceful response to the spy balloon incident undermines the U.S.’s stance on protecting national security.” How?

    “Anticipating the outcomes of Secretary Blinken’s meetings with this context, there are concerns that the negotiations may heavily favor China, potentially resulting in an unfavorable outcome for the American people. Potential trade agreements stemming from these talks could mean the profit or loss of hundreds of billions of dollars and huge geopolitical advantages for China.” If “ifs” and “buts” were candy and nuts, wouldn’t it be a Merry Christmas?

    “It seems the millions invested by China to corrupt the Bidens is paying off.” It seems that DO has his head firmly up his but arriving at conclusions based on allegations, rumors, and wacky conspiracy theories without foundation or actual evidence.

    Where are the witnesses? Where is the documentation showing a quid pro quo from Biden to the Chinese. Biden isn’t ever rich. There might be a case here, but Comer has not brought it and DO may have bought it, but the emperor thus far, has no clothes.
    Comer admitted on June 12th, that he does not have the goods yet. He has spent months and has turned up nothing that directly links Joe Biden to a crime. Now he says there are recordings, the FBI has them, and he has subpoenaed Wray to get them. He demurs that he has not a clue if they are legit. The FBI replied it had investigated and there is no substantiated bribery. Grassley even went so far as to say that the party isn’t “interested in whether or not the accusations against Vice President Biden are accurate or not.”

    “Here’s what we know. There are 20 shell companies at least, and probably more, that were laundering money from foreign nationals, including Romania, and money was being sent less than two weeks after Joe Biden left there as vice president, delivering foreign aid and talking about foreign policy,” Comer contended. “This form 1023 alleges the exact same thing happened in Ukraine.”
    The playbook is the same for the Republicans: make a big stink on FOX spewing horrible accusations, allegations, rumors, backed by invisible whistleblowers followed by a complete failure of follow up with actual facts.

    I hope they find something beyond innuendo. DO should be ashamed.

    “I don’t think anyone in America … would think that it’s just a coincidence that nine Biden family members have received money.”
    “We believe that the president has been involved in this from the very beginning. Obviously, we’re going to continue to look,” he added, characterizing Wednesday’s update as the “beginning stages” of his investigation.

    And so it begins with the conclusion and nothing in between, so far, as Comer admits.

  1. How can you blame Biden for keeping Ukraine a free democracy and Trump, we will see, but looks like Trump…

  2. Larry, So glad that you are recovering from your medical issues-I would hate to go through the next 4 years…