Where’s Joe Biden after Final Fall from Grace?

Since his abrupt departure and subsequent dropping out of the presidential race, Joe Biden has become an object of suspicion and speculation while supposedly recovering from COVID-19 at his house in Delaware. Back in December 2020, a month before he was sworn in as the 46th president of the United States after an election widely criticized as rigged and stolen from President Trump, Joe Biden made an interesting statement about what would happen in his political future. In the presence of his Vice President elect Kamala Harris, Biden told CNN that in case of his campaign getting “out of whack” or disagreement on something important, he’d just develop a disease and retire.
It turns out Biden was likely sharing the pre-approved script for his reelection campaign. After his presidential debate debacle in late June, his campaign suddenly seemed to have spiraled out of whack, not a little but enough for his donors to dump him while many in the Democratic Party urged him to step aside; in other words, Biden was asked to get lost. While Jill Biden seemed intent on dragging her senile husband into staying in the race, the effort didn’t last more than a couple of weeks. Next thing the world knew, Biden allegedly developed a disease, COVID-19, though no independent verification of that condition was ever made.
Wearing no mask and practicing no social distancing, the alleged COVID-19 patient was instantly put on a plane and sent to Delaware as if to be hidden away. This sparked the speculation that he might be ready to drop out. And the speculation came true. On Sunday, July 21, Biden announced on X (Twitter) that he had decided to drop out of the race.
While another post quickly followed on the X page of Joe Biden, endorsing Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee for 2024, many people noticed an obvious issue with his signature at the end of his letter – it is notably different from his regular signature. Conservative commentator Owen Shroyer posted a scan of Biden’s regular signatures from other documents against the one on the recent letter. Shroyer wrote: “It’s not his signature. This is a blatant criminal forgery and a coup.”
Conservative author and social media influencer Juanita Broaddrick, an alleged victim of sexual assault by Bill Clinton, also posted a scan of the two signatures and wrote: “something smells.”
The speculation that Biden did not sign this letter or even wrote it himself quickly grew into the question of Biden’s health status. Is he okay, awake, even alive? There has been no video or picture of Biden since he was last seen getting off the plane in Delaware. Independent journalist Kyle Becker posted a list of points summarizing the rapid series of events surrounding Biden’s abrupt disappearance and the end of reelection bid. He included the point that Biden’s family, specifically his brother Frank Biden, has implied that Joe Biden may be terminally ill. Becker ended his list with the question Where is Joe?
At the time of this writing, this question is still trending on X even though he reportedly called Kamala Harris on Monday at his former campaign headquarters. Reporting on their call, the New York Post wrote:
President Biden’s speech was disturbingly slurred and raspy Monday as he called in to his former campaign’s headquarters to vouch for his chosen successor Vice President Kamala Harris.
Skeptics wondered whether it really was Joe Biden speaking live to Harris instead of being a recorded audio played over the phone.
As Kamala Harris appears to be in seventh heaven for quickly receiving the green signal from Biden to get in the driving seat of the 2024 presidential campaign, she needs to be formally declared the Democrat nominee for 2024. For now, the question of Biden’s health status overshadows her campaign – a question which interestingly doesn’t seem to bother the leftist mainstream media.
Failed Pakistani ex-pat journalist wannabe Dumpster sinks to new levels of paranoia, conspiracy, and paranoia is this piece where he attempts to beat a dead horse, once again, as is the way from this man from the land that protected Bin Laden.
He was on TV, live, last night.
“an election widely criticized as rigged and stolen from President Trump.”
“ he’d just develop a disease and retire.”
“the alleged COVID-19 patient was instantly put on a plane”
“his signature at the end of his letter – it is notably different from his regular signature”
“ this question is still trending on X”
Skeptics, sure…..
New York Post —– the paper that Trump pays to plant positive stories and squelch negative ones: a Dempsey prime source of truth and paid-for speech…..he gets it free….
X trends —- Dempsey’s favorite source for the truth
Independent journalist Kyle Becker, Independent meaning no one will hire this guy…..
Conservative author and social media influencer Juanita Broaddrick, an alleged victim of sexual assault by Bill Clinton —— influences Dempsey with every word……
Conservative commentator Owen Shroyer who in June 2023, Shroyer pleaded guilty to illegally entering a restricted area near the United States Capitol building during the January 6 attack. He was arrested and charged in August 2021. On September 12, 2023, he was sentenced to 60 days in jail. He lied about Trudeau’s pedophilia using a fake news source, sued by Sandy Hook parents in Alex Jones case for lying, Infowars sued, lost $50M.
Bottom line: this story is sourced to liars, no ones, and X trends. Dempsey is in good company.
Dempsey: he quit. he’s a lame duck for five months. Talk about the issues and leave the man in peace. He’s done more to serve this country than you ever will, even if we include your service to Pakistan where they are just so glad you left. Please do us the same favor. And take your stupid AI photo with you.
The title of this article is so offensive to this Independent / Unaffiliated voter that I did not bother reading the article.
I did read Frank’s comments and join his sentiments.
Go back to the hole you crawled out from Ernestine, wherever that is.