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Trump strips Intel alums of security clearance

Trump strips Intel alums of security clearance

President Trump issued an Executive Order that stripped 51 intelligence officials of their security clearance.  It means that they are no longer entitled to security briefings – or more importantly, available to consult with government intelligence officials on current security matters.   While most of them are nameless below the public radar officials, a few are top officials of U.S. intelligence agencies – including former CIA director John Brennen and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.  Since they are former officials, there is no real downside to lifting their clearance.

Of course, the anti-Trump media describes the cutting off of the security clearances as simply retribution.   I suspect that is certainly part of Trump’s motivation.  But in this case, I think Trump has solid grounds for his action.

Let us first consider what these folks did.  Under the guidance of then Secretary of State Antony Blinken, this group of intel professionals committed an unforgivable action.  They signed a public letter stating that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian hoax.  That was a lie.  They ignored the facts … the truth.  They simply followed the propaganda script being spread by the White House. 

They put their names to a public document that was 100 percent untrue – and for only one reason, to provide political help to the Biden campaign.   They certainly knew it was a lie – especially such top officials as Blinken, Brennan, Clapper and others.

Every one of those who signed the letter had committed the worst wrong intel officials can do.  They willfully spread false information for partisan political purposes – propaganda.

If it is retribution, it is well-deserved retribution.  In fact, I think merely removing their security clearances is insufficient punishment for what they did.   I would launch an investigation – Congress or Department of Justice – starting with Blinken. 

Did he abuse his power as Secretary of State in promoting the lie as a part of a political campaign?  We are told that the Secretary of State is non-political. Did He violate the Hatch Act?

How did it happen that the FBI and other incumbent officials also spread the lie at the behest of the White House?  It was a cover-up – so what did they know and when did they know it?

If all they suffer is a loss of security clearance and concomitant damage to their reputation, they are getting off easy.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Joe Gilbertson

    This was treason, they perverted their positions in the intelligence world to express a premeditated lie to influence an election. We are well beyond campaign shenanigans here. If you are trusted with secret intelligence you are required to keep those secrets. Making up intelligence to cover up a crime is every bit as treasonous as revealing secrets and in this case was at least as damaging. Jail time is warranted.

  2. frank danger

    Oh my but the ire of Frick and Frack; Gilbertson and Horist. Do they write Broadway musicals? In yet another bold move to unify the nation and prove that they are indeed the party of law and order, the Felon King has stripped these 50 guys of security clearance because he can. Over a letter.

    Hoirst calls it insufficient. Gilbertson ups the ante further stating: “This was treason.” Joe would have 50 citizens face the death penalty for doing their jobs. Good luck, buttercup. More likely one of these guys will have the balls to sue. Unfortunately we will end up paying for the sin, the sinner will never pay, he’s immune.

    Horist continues: “But in this case, I think Trump has solid grounds for his action.” Yeah, indictments any day for sure. “…..his group of intel professionals committed an unforgivable action. They signed a public letter stating that the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian hoax. That was a lie. They ignored the facts … the truth.” Actually not, read the letter. Horist is the one not reporting the facts. The estimates, cya’s, and caveats are there in the letter; you will never win in court with that. Hillary would have a better chance going after his for the hush money destruction to her campaign as Trump has been shown in court to trying to rig that election.

    “Every one of those who signed the letter had committed the worst wrong intel officials can do. They willfully spread false information for partisan political purposes – propaganda.” Coming from the party of misinformation, lies, and propaganda, I wonder where the line is. Starting with the Sharpie, the felonies, the server-farm’s worth of lies, his covid response granting us 222 ranking for death out of 238 counries. This is really hypocritical.

    “I think merely removing their security clearances is insufficient punishment for what they did. I would launch an investigation – Congress or Department of Justice – starting with Blinken.” Yeah, get Comer and Jordan to lead it. I will take bets…..

    And finally, “Since they are former officials, there is no real downside to lifting their clearance.” This is not true. Trump has taken hundreds of years of experience out of the mix making Russia stronger than ever. Without access, these guys cannot even help advise us when the chips are down. Sure, you can blithely say we don’t need these cads, but these cads are the best we have and what you offer is Tulsi Gabbard. I know Joe disagrees, but given his experience, is this not a lot of experience we are throwing out with the bath water? And while we found it’s not the Russians, the letter is not off base given what we know at the time it was generated.

    On the letter: bullshit. Here it is and they, in no way, say anything except, based on our experience we can see this, though we can’t be 100% sure, we can see this as something Russia would do. Here’s the letter, read for yourself since Joe and Larry won’t. *chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/*
    From the letter: “We want to emphasize that we do not know if the emails, provided to the New York Post by President Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, are genuine or not and that we do not have evidence of Russian involvement — just that our experience makes us deeply suspicious that the Russian government played a significant role in this case.”

    Good luck in your cases, Larry and Joe.

    OK, the laptop. You could not make this shit up. First, Hunter drops off a non-working, water-damaged laptop full of shit including nasty pictures. Who the fuck does that without backing off the pc and dumping the contents? Hell, I would disk-wash the thing. Or pull the hard drive. Hunter must be on drugs to do it. Oh yeah, forgot. Then the guy who Hunter gives it to: a blind Trumper who “identifies” Hunter as the guy he saw (heh, heh). He gives the laptop to the FBI, he gives a copy of the drive contents, to Rudy and Bannon, who give it to the NYPost…. How does a blind guy see what’s on the drive and why does he make a copy of his customer’s pc? Now, I am pretty sure that a real-candidate would have given it back to Hunter saying “I will not go here.” But, it’s Trump. What is muddy is how did the hard drive copy even exist; who made it and why? The FBI took the laptop in 2019 and these copies emerged in 2020, October 2020 to be exact right before the November election.

    I am sorry, but really, if the tables were turned, would you hang Trump and his protectors if we got Eric’s tawdry laptop details in October of 2024? Or would you cry foul, it’s a witch hunt, they lie and worse.

    Bring on the investigation. Let’s find out. But be sure to follow the chain of evidence from blind Trumper through Rudy/Steve and all those copies and tell us ——– what’s real, what’s not, and are there any signs of false flags planted by anyone, Russia, Chinese, or whatever.

    Meanwhile: Joe, did Hunter get convicted for any data on the drive? “Making up intelligence to cover up a crime” is true, but first — they did not, and second — what is Hunter’s crime as determined from the laptop data?


  3. Christopher

    A Traitor is Still a traitor , Snake , viper , cannot be trusted , no matter how it works out
    it will not change
    Liar s who have proven track record s of deciet and corruption should never be allowed to give advice
    They will never change thier allegence to evil and those they serve

  4. Darren

    Frank, Really, you are defending the clowns that Lied To YOU!
    Lied to the American people!
    Do you like to argue for the sakes of arguing?
    These people altered the course of history and gave money and aid to our enemy’s.
    If this country was at war, their treason could warrant an execution
    by altering the country in a matter that could aligned it with our enemy!
    Getting ride of a security clearance is the same as a school kid getting expelled
    for pulling a fire alarm at school.
    What part of Russia are you from?

    • Frank danger

      How did they lie? They made the best assessment, based on their knowledge and experience, with all the proper cautions and caveats?

      What money did they give to our enemies?

      What aid did they give to our enemies?

      And you call for execution of 50 people but your case will not hold up in court.

      We proved in court that Trump paid hush money to stifle more sexcapades on top on Access Hollywood to alter history and steal the 2026?from Clinton but that adjudicated felony does not raise your ire.

      I say lock them all up, but we proved it in court and I don’t think you can with mete rhetoric. Read the letter and show us the treason.

      The Slovakia part. What part of Trump’s balls do you kiss first? Wise guy.

      And what you lose is hundreds of years of experience in an emergency where all you have for expertise is a Tulsi Gabbard or zero experience.

      • Jamie Owens

        The FBI knew the laptop was real for almost a year. I’m sure that everyone in the inter circle knew about it.

  5. Rex Holmes

    The bogus “crimes” (times 34!) Trump was charged with “election interference”, a ridiculous and novel tangle of legal gymnastics in a kangaroo court that determined that 34 payments to his lawyer were not legal expenses as recorded but campaign expenses. This was done to ruin his chance of becoming president again. Talk about election interference! This travesty will be reversed on appeal. Unfortunately, the deranged enemies of this man are still able to call him a felon for now.

  6. Ray Doyle LFP WA

    excellent now start investigations on every one of them. you know they conspired and lied to America the entire time they were in office.

  7. frank danger

    Ray, the chance you find anything, given the way the letter is written, is slim. But investigate away; Comer and Jordan spent four years and all of those millions to get those who weaponize the government, Joe Biden, the entire Biden crime family, and they got nothing but some air time on Fox etc. Feel free to spend your time and money chasing ghosts. FYI: unless you want to be found, listing your name and address may be counterintuitive to your goals. Looks like quite the pleasant town though.

  1. Dangie, yes I like Putin a million times better than Democrats and RINOs. And yes I'm glad Trump is like…