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Trump Declares Withdrawal from the Globalist WHO

Trump Declares Withdrawal from the Globalist WHO

In a major blow to the leftist-globalist World Health Organization (WHO), President Trump withdrew from the organization on Monday as he signed a bunch of top-priority executive orders to stop and reverse the destruction of the previous administration.

Trump sat down to sign executive orders almost immediately after the inauguration ceremony at which he was sworn in as the 47th President of the United States. Declaring the withdrawal from the WHO, President Trump slammed the international organization for misleading the world on the origin of the COVID-19 global health emergency as well as ripping off America. In his words (Reuters, January 21):

“World Health ripped us off, everybody rips off the United States. It’s not going to happen anymore.”

The WHO has a long history of serving as the international platform of wealthy pharmaceutical corporations, thus spending hundreds of millions each year in the distribution of useless and dangerous vaccines around the world, promoting abortion services, and incorporating the leftist-globalist woke agenda in health-related issues and measures.

On Tuesday (January 21), conservative pro-life news site described the WHO as:

The WHO is notoriously pro-abortion and pro-contraception, has pushed the harmful COVID inoculations and lockdown policies worldwide, and has tried to establish global control, stripping nations of their sovereignty through its totalitarian pandemic treaty.

More recently, the WHO raised serious concerns among conservatives when it prepared a global health treaty to bind all signatories to following the organization’s rules in case of a future global health emergency. The treaty essentially attempts to take over the health system of member countries and bind them to follow what the WHO deems the appropriate response to a health emergency, including censorship of speech opposing its health measures.

While the Biden administration indicated a willingness to consider signing the treaty, Trump’s timely victory as the new President and immediate withdrawal measure have warded off that threat to America’s autonomy in its public health decisions.

On its end, the WHO is not happy with losing its top donor. In recent years, the U.S. contributed nearly $1.3 billion to the 2022-2023 budget of the WHO and nearly $1.5 billion for the 2024-2025 budget of the organization. Not surprisingly, the WHO expressed disappointment over President Trump’s decision to leave it. Reuters cited WHO spokesperson Tarik Jasarevic as:

“We hope that the United States will reconsider, and we really hope that there will be constructive dialogue for the benefit of everyone, for Americans but also for people around the world.”

Commenting on the issue, conservative commentator Natali Morris shared an X post on her show Redacted from Whitney Webb that asked conservatives not to be too excited at Trump’s withdrawal declaration. Her post said that Trump’s past effort to cut the WHO funding resulted in simply redirecting that funding to Bill Gates’ vaccination programs. Given the recent meeting between Gates and Trump, it’s better to learn more about Trump’s plans in the public health sector.

It is also worth noting that President Trump’s order to leave the WHO doesn’t take effect immediately; per the terms of the membership, the organization needs a year to process the withdrawal order. Thus the U.S. will practically leave the WHO early in 2026 provided that Trump doesn’t change his mind.

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  1. Darren

    That means the WHO has 12 months to come up with a new Pandemic
    then Lie about its origin’s!

  2. JR

    My advice for President Trump: Run away from the WHO clowns and don’t look back!

  3. Tom

    As an Independent, I am neutral on this. Trump is isolating us. But on the other side, how can the WHO assessed contributions for the USA be 14.53% and China is only 0.35%? How can China have four times the number of people as the USA but only contributes 1/41st of what the USA contributes. See ** Seems like this is a voluntary organization of world class bureaucrats who really don’t do much for the major contributors and transfer the funding to their own incomes and some to the minor contributors. I sort of agree with Trump on this one, and that is not often. Isn’t this the organization that waffled at China and never did get to the truth on Covid 19?


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  1. Frank Danger .... Lots of opinion and not a scintilla of evidence. Where is your proof, old man? Funny how…