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Top 10 Reasons Why Joe Biden Should Be Impeached, Ranked

Top 10 Reasons Why Joe Biden Should Be Impeached, Ranked

It’s about time.

Hunter Biden was indicted and the impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden has begun.

This week, Republican Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy held a press conference announcing an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden to potentially remove him from the White House as President. A formal vote for the impeachment inquiry has not been held yet, but the House is free to further move forward with its investigations into the matter with the announcement.

While the move will likely never pass through the Senate, despite any potential evidence that may be shared by the House, it is still good for the people to see this action being taken to address the issues that have come up since Biden has taken office. This too may be just a distraction from a lack of action in the House and the potential for a coming government shutdown October 1st, but we shall see.

None of this is likely to matter, but for fun and for the sake of consolidating information, here are my top 10 reasons why Joe Biden should be impeached, ranked.

10 – Iran Deal on 9/11

On the anniversary of 9/11, Biden finalized a deal with Iran to free prisoners. Instead of committing to a deal where the 5 prisoners in Iran were swapped evenly for 5 of our own prisoners from Iran, we decided to extend the deal to include freeing up an additional 6 billion dollars in funding to Iran without any additional rewards for the exchange granted to the United States. This sets a terrible precedent moving forward, where foreign enemies feel emboldened to take more US prisoners in the hopes of receiving a financial reward for doing so. At least no taxpayer dollars are being used here, but there is no excuse for appeasement towards a country that we still classify as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Is this enough to validate an impeachment? No, but it is still lame and still makes America look weak.

Not to mention that Biden didn’t show up to the 9/11 memorial that day and even lied about being in New York during the events on the day of 9/11, but that’s all besides the point.

Still lame.

09 – Classified Documents Investigation

This is still being investigated at the moment, but looking at how Trump is being treated for the same offense (while being President, as Biden was Vice President), should Biden be impeached if he is found to have not handled the documents properly?

Some were stored at the Biden Penn Center and transferred to Chinatown in DC, so is there a connection between China, Biden and these documents?

More were stored at his house in Delaware, but there was no FBI raid.

Trump has his house raided while Biden is on a near constant vacation at the beach.

Seems unfair and stands to show more of the imbalance of power and the possible weaponization of the judicial system when looking at the two cases.

Also, as a voter, I don’t really care about document storage. If the people vote for the President, I’d hope that that President would have the power and understanding to handle any document they please, before and after holding office. We vote for a President, we don’t vote for secret classifications and the understanding of intelligence, and I believe intelligence shouldn’t have more power by law than our elected officials. If a President decides to share information, any information, they should be allowed to do so because the people gave them the power to do so in the first place. The people didn’t give any power to the intelligence agencies or solely government plans.

Biden supposedly has still not been interviewed in the investigation about the matter.

08 – The Selloff of Our Strategic Petroleum Reserve

As of July 2023, the Biden administration has sold off 291 million barrels of our oil reserves. These are stored for states of emergency and war, but were sold off to keep gas prices low. Looking at prices today, that effort has failed and now we are left with the lowest levels of our strategic reserve since 1983.

The scale of this failure will only be apparent as necessity unfolds. If we went to war tomorrow, this would immediately turn to be a dire issue for the United States.

On top of that, an estimated 900,000 barrels of our strategic reserve were sold to a Chinese owned oil and gas company that has ties to investment firms linked to Hunter Biden. Did his family make money off of this sale?

A plan to begin slowly rebuilding our reserve was announced earlier this year, but that plan was canceled by the Biden administration in August.

Grounds for impeachment? Not quite, but, again, it’s still lame.

07 – Afghanistan

While I do agree that leaving Afghanistan was a good choice in the end, the way that mission was executed completely failed. Common sense would tell you there is an order of operations to properly remove our forces from the land. Take out the citizens. Take out the allies. Take out the weapons and equipment. Take out the soldiers. Mission complete.

Instead we took out some citizens and allies, then took out the soldiers without removing any equipment, materials and weapons from the land and left some citizens and allies behind in a country that would soon be falling apart.

We left behind an estimated 80 aircraft vehicles, 42,000 pieces of military equipment and 48 million dollars of ammunition totaling at least 7 billion dollars of loss.

Not to mention the contract dogs that were left behind.

Not to mention the people falling off of planes trying to escape in a hurry.

Not to mention the 13 soldiers killed in the suicide bombing on August 26, 2021 due to Biden’s policies that allowed the Taliban to free the bomber from prison before the evacuations were complete.

Not to mention the 120,000+ people we brought back from Afghanistan and placed elsewhere around the world. 97,000 of those have been said to have come to America, but the exact numbers are seemingly uncertain. I’m sure the Biden administration will appreciate the influx of future voters.

This never had to happen.


06 – Daughter, Women & Children

Maybe this should be higher on the list, but there isn’t the evidence to put it higher up.

First, consider the diary entry written by his daughter, Ashley Biden. In it, she wrote, “Hyper- sexualized @ a young age. What is this due to? Was I molested? I think so – I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma… I remember having sex with friends at a young age; showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate)”. I feel sorry for her and it’s a shame to even write this, but Biden is the President so things like this, sadly enough, do matter.

For women, we all have had a laugh at him inappropriately sniffing others. It seems goofy, but it is weird. Then there’s the inappropriate touching and closeness. None of that amounts to much other than just being weird, but then there are the accusations as well. What about the claims of Tara Reide, Vail Kohnert Yount, Sofie Karasek, Ally Coll, Caitlyn Caruso, Amy Lappos or Lucy Flores? No crimes, but all creepy and weird.

And then there’s the kids. Have you ever seen any of the videos scattered around the internet of Joe Biden interacting with children? It’s actually gross and some of the most creepy video footage I’ve seen in my entire life. And there’s not just one video, or a few, there’s at least a dozen that I’ve seen and every interaction I see between Biden and children makes my body tense up. I don’t know what is going on there, and again no crime, but all creepy and weird.

How on Earth do we have a creepy and weird President?

I don’t want to know what I don’t know here, but maybe somebody should take a look.

05 – An Open Border

Stopping the wall. Restricting states’ rights to defend their own borders. Masses coming across every day. Tens of thousands of kids lost. Human trafficking. Drugs. Fentanyl. Too many problems to address in this article, but an epic failure and a definitive reason why a lot of people need to be removed from their positions of power. Everyone that has allowed this to happen should simply be fired. It won’t stop as long as it helps the future voting block and is just allowed to continue.

In my opinion, this should be grounds for impeachment in itself.

04 – The Weaponization of the Government Against Political Opponents

Trump. January 6th. Conservatives. Christians.

All have become targets in a country that they love.

How they have been treated the past few years and even further looking back at the past 10 years or so is in conflict with what America is supposed to represent. Freedom of speech. Freedom of assembly. Freedom of religion. The way these pillars of the American ideal have been brought down by the actions of the current administration and the collective mechanisms that have functioned around Joe Biden’s ascent to power make me feel deeply disappointed in the system that I would like to love too.

If you’re Trump you should be free.
If you’re a Trump voter you should be free.
If you were at J6 and didn’t hurt anybody or damage anything, you should be free.
If you protest peacefully, you should be free.
If you’re a conservative you should be free.
If you’re a Christian you should be free.

And any opinion, virus, belief, problem or event should never change that.

03 – Mental Capability

I do not think Joe Biden is mentally able to function as President of the United States. Sometimes it’s funny and does generate a good laugh, but the entirety of this failure is far beyond the power of humor to soften. It is viscerally painful to watch him speak, especially at events when the world’s eyes witness his broken machine as a reflection of our current standing and a representation of the decay of modern America. If we are serious at all about being a nation that will continue into the future, we cannot have people in power that are so lacking in leadership, respectability and capability.

I call on you to go watch his recent speech at a meeting during his world tour Vietnam. The entire speech was a slow motion train wreck, from recollections of dog faced pony soldier to trailing rants on Chinese appeasement, telling everyone that he needs to go to bed to literally having his mic cut off mid sentence and being kicked off stage. It is essential viewing if you need further understanding to the question of his mental capability.

This, more than any other event listed above so far, is actual grounds for impeachment. If Democrats had any common sense, this is where they should actually be able to agree with Republicans. But, in my opinion, neither Democrats or Republicans, the majority, the uniparty, actually don’t want the real problems to be noticed, want nothing to change and want the status quo to continue.

We should never have such weak leadership in America.

02 – Family Corruption Making Money with Hunter Biden and Foreign Influence

Here’s the true issue at hand.

Democrats want to say that there isn’t any evidence, but not to question the allegations that are being made is peak ignorance and absurdity. If the Biden family is cutting backroom deals with China, Russia, Romania and Ukraine making millions of dollars and laundering that money through 20 fake shell companies – I’m pretty sure that matters.

Unless all of the sudden America is just a communist country and I just happened to miss the notification on my phone.

Democrats have rallied around the idea that there is no evidence to support the impeachment inquiry, ignoring evidence from Hunter Biden’s laptop, testimony from Devon Archer, Tony Bobulinski, Eric Schwerin, Patrick Ho, leaked text messages, bank records, IRS whistleblowers, fake names, bribes, unexplained income, tax avoidance, shell companies, 80 visits in the White House as Vice President with Hunter Biden business associates, fake name pseudonyms to cover it up, 20+ phone calls, Joe Biden’s own statements about ousting Viktor Shokin and being caught lying on many occasions about such events ever taking place.

No evidence or too much?

If they were honest at the start about any of this, maybe it wouldn’t matter. But all of this happened and all of this was lied about leading up to the election of Joe Biden as President. Not only that, but it seems apparent that some of these happenings have had a lot of help being covered up as well.

You know he is the ‘big guy’.

And what has to happen to cause a man, Hunter Biden, to say in a recording about his own Dad that, “He’ll talk about anything I want him to… he thinks I’m a god.”

Not good. Not good at all. None of it.

01 – Violation of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution

This is the most important issue to me.

The collusion of the Biden administration, the DOJ, FBI, CDC, intelligence, big tech, social media and big pharma to censor American voices is a big deal, and a court just ruled that it was a violation of the 1st amendment and rightfully called on them to immediately stop.

Everyone involved in the censorship of any American should be removed from their position to a more fitting position of work without power over others. There can be no violations of our constitutional order from within our own system.

This should never be allowed and should result in an immediate impeachment.

Still, I doubt anything will be allowed to change.

This top 10 was meant to be funny, but I’m not laughing.

I didn’t even talk about the inflation reduction act and the failure of ‘Bidenomics’.

It’s all just such a mess.

I don’t have any expectation of the impeachment inquiry. I honestly doubt that it will go anywhere and that in itself is a shame. Maybe something will come of the investigation, but looking back at previous investigations I doubt that anything will be taken seriously. Nothing changed with Durham. Nothing changed with Hilary. Nothing changed with Benghazi. Nothing changed with most every internal investigation since JFK and nothing changed with Biden.


Things can still change.

On God, maybe they actually will.

Personally, I believe with all my heart that true change will come.

I just don’t know how.


For now, we the people should just keep learning.

About The Author

Jacob Machine

9 albums, 3 books & 2 movies. Come check out my new daily show on X @ jacobmachine3 Enjoy your weekend!


  1. frank stetson

    Ten reasons to vote for Joe Biden:

    1. “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK?

    2. “It will be wild.”

    3. “She does have a very nice figure… If [Ivanka] weren’t my daughter, perhaps I’d be dating her.”

    4. “I think if this country gets any kinder or gentler, it’s literally going to cease to exist.”

    5. “I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.”

    6. “I will be phenomenal to the women. I mean, I want to help women.”

    7. “If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?”

    8. “When you see the other side chopping off heads, waterboarding doesn’t sound very severe.”

    9. “I’m the most successful person ever to run for the presidency, by far. Nobody’s ever been more successful than me. I’m the most successful person ever to run.”

    10. “In 2016, I declared: I am your voice. Today, I add: I am your warrior. I am your justice,” he said in March. “And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution.” “Like Jesus, I have been indicted for your sins.”

    How many of you have me on your list as wronging or betraying you and country? If Trump gets his wish, do you plan to exorcise all marxists, communists, and liberals? Sorry Machine Head, but this highway star says you be smoking on the water to believe you will ever convict Joe on the evidence seen so far is ALL TEN OF YOUR STUPID ATTACKS ON THE TRUTH. You probably can’t even impeach even though the House is yours. Hell, you’ve had over three years to roll out your “dozens” of whistleblowers to bring down your own Republican controlled FBI and you trotted three out, two were blown away. FOX/X ain’t a court of law nor the House floor and you are not a lawyer.

    And Hell is coming, the law is coming, justice will be done and the truth will prevail. Good luck with your inquiry but I am betting on 4 indictments, over 90 charges, close to 40 being felonies. You are in denial without realizing it’s a river in Egypt. NY is a slam dunk, FL looks strong, DC has a judge known for harsh 1.6 sentences, and GA —- perhaps a wild card but on TV —– priceless. And the more he mouths off, the faster these trials will start. Go for it big guy, call for violence, call your army out, let’s get it on.

    • Dan tyree

      Frank you’re a damned fool. So shut up about Trump and tell us how retard joe has made our country better. People across America are even in so called blue ( commie) states can’t stand the stupid bastard. If you supporting retard at least tell us what makes him better. He ain’t even calling the shots. He’s a damned puppet for bathhouse Barry Obama and his crowd. But I want you to vote for how you feel you should. No matter how fucking stupid y are

  2. WEs

    Reasons not to vote and impeach Biden. He lies regularly(Said he used to be a truck driver, said he graduated at top of his class in college, says economy is doing great, said he was at Martin Luther King march, says white supremacy is the greatest threat, says the climate is the great threat, says the border is secure, China is good, cancels Alaska pipeline in his first week leaving workers without a job, doesn’t take any questions, getting the vaccine will stop the virus, wearing a mask will protect you, end of fossil fuels is good, giving Ukraine help is the most important thing, allowing balloons to cross the United States, calling, with others, January 6 an insurrection, lying he knew anything about Hunter’s business dealings, using CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, to lie, and Big Tech to censor. Other threats. Pelosi, Capitol Police, FBI, DOJ are irresponsible for January 6. Flooded the border intentionally bringing record numbers of illegals, terrorists, fentanyl and other drugs, crime is up in every Democrat run city, weak prosecutors and judges allowing criminals out of jail, and putting others in jail for disagreeing with the Biden policies. Encouraging or supporting child sex change mutilations, CRT, punishing and arresting parents that want to know what is being taught. Not calling out crimes that our race related other than white against black. Touching children that are not his without parents permission. Allowing nudity on the lawn of White House. I am tired. There is more.

  3. frank stetson

    wes, do you have any proof for anything you say?

    for example, what policies has Biden pushed that “Encouraging or supporting child sex change mutilations, CRT, punishing and arresting parents that want to know what is being taught.” be specific please because I can find nothing and therefore conclude you are full of it.

    or when has he been accused of “Touching children that are not his without parents permission. Allowing nudity on the lawn of White House.” remember, you said “children” as in plural (that means more than one).

    And please prove how: ” Pelosi, Capitol Police, FBI, DOJ are irresponsible for January 6″ because we seem to be putting the wrong people in jail, lots of them, and the Jack Smith DC indictment seems to be way off base if you can prove this.

    do I hear blithering or crickets? because certainly you are too weak, stupid, and willing to accept the most outrageous of lies.

    facts are our friends. you seem to have no friends.

  4. Darren

    Frank, your views usually form some form of argument for the Failed Left.
    But to try to defend the 10 listed fails for impeachment means you do not have a solid grasp on reality.
    You can listen to the Balloon Juice posted by the uneducated Left or finally come to your senses
    and realize you are nothing but a foolish patsy mouthing the failed Left agenda.

    Sorry this is a topic you can not board everyone with as you post statistics produced by the left for the left.
    Again, the left is mostly uneducated individuals being controlled by their elected educated left.

    Everyone reading this is just wondering if you are with the educated or uneducated because your arguments
    conform to the lap dog mentality of the left!

    Here is to $6.00 gas, enjoy it you fool!

  5. frank stetson

    Ten more reasons, in Trump’s own words, to vote for Joe Biden:

    1. “The answer is there has to be some form of punishment.”

    2. “It’s really cold outside, they are calling it a major freeze, weeks ahead of normal. Man, we could use a big fat dose of global warming!”

    3. “I was down there, and I watched our police and our firemen, down on 7-Eleven, down at the World Trade Center, right after it came down”

    4. The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.

    5. “To be blunt, people would vote for me. They just would. Why? Maybe because I’m so good looking.”

    6. “If you look at Saddam Hussein, he killed terrorists. I’m not saying he was an angel, but this guy killed terrorists.”

    7. “John McCain is not a war hero. He’s a war hero – he’s a war hero ’cause he was captured. I Like people that weren’t captured, OK, I hate to tell you.”
    8. “I look very much forward to showing my financials, because they are huge.”

    9. “My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body.”

    10. “All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me – consciously or unconsciously. That’s to be expected.”

    The law is coming, justice will be done and the truth will prevail. Spend your good money on bad lawyers, good luck with your inquiries, over 90 charges, close to 40 being felonies looks like a rap tough to beat. If he does, maybe he should be President. What happens when he loses? What are you going to storm then? Who will you physically attack this time? NY is a slam dunk, FL looks strong, DC has a judge known for harsh 1.6 sentences, and GA —- perhaps a wild card but on TV —– I can’t wait. Kee0 mouthing off, only two more days until the judge responds. It’s going to be great to see him muzzled. Probably get Mush and Fucker to carry his water.

  1. Frank Danger .... Lots of opinion and not a scintilla of evidence. Where is your proof, old man? Funny how…