Racial Slur Caught on Sex Tape, Hulk Hogan Terminated by WWE
The world’s most famous wrestling star has been cut off, torn from the history books, and kicked out of the Hall of Fame. Why? For using the “N word” in a secret sex tape made eight years ago.
A sex tape recently released on Gawker features Hulk Hogan and Heather Cole, ex-wife of radio personality Bubba the Love Sponge Clem. The Hulkster allegedly launches into a “racial tirade” sometime during the film. Apparently what he said was bad enough for the suddenly racially-sensitive WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) to cut him off. While some believe using the “N word” is reason enough to be kicked out of an organization, Hogan’s offensive language was recorded in secret, in a private tape, eight years ago. Hogan is suing Gawker for $100 million.
WWE refused to say why they trashed Hulk, saying only that they were “committed to embracing and celebrating individuals from all backgrounds as demonstrated by the diversity of our employees, performers and fans worldwide.”
A few individuals have stepped up to defend Hulk Hogan, such as ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith, who asks why WWE threw its most recognizable star under the bus so quickly.
The 61-year-old former wrestler has been communicating about the incident with his 1.3 million Twitter followers, retweeting messages of support from fans and celebrities. Hogan says he feels “overwhelmed by love,” but his retweet of the following message from a fan has gotten the wrestler into even more trouble:
“Bi-racial President Obama uses N word, is applauded and keep his job. @HulkHogan uses N word, is vilified and loses his job.”
While the question is valid, sending such a controversial message when the liberal sharks already smell blood in the water is a bad idea.
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