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Pope Francis offers his political “blessing” to Gavin Newsom

Pope Francis offers his political “blessing” to Gavin Newsom

Politicians of all faiths – but especially Catholics – love to meet the Pope.  They think photos with the Holy Father provide a mantel of morality to their public services.  Of course, that is blatantly political BS. 

It is all about optics – not issues or policies.  They are not there to negotiate with His Holiness over the Pope’s anti-American immigration statements … homelessness … wars … or (Heaven forbid) abortion.  Nope!  They are there for the photos and papal endorsements — something they can use in their campaign advertising.

Remember how President Biden traveled to Rome to meet Pope Francis?  According to Biden, the Pope said the President was a “good Catholic.”   Personally, I think that is malarky.  True, Francis is more than a little weak on imposing the Church’s official opposition to abortion, but to actually call Biden a “good Catholic” would require his Holiness to … well … lie.

Now it is the Catholic governor of California Gavin Newsom who traveled to Rome to appear at a climate change confab and to kiss Francis’ … ah … ring.  The outspoken advocate of abortion on demand was invited by Francis to speak at a Vatican conference.  The takeaway for Newsom is papal praise for suspending the death penalty in the Golden State … mishandling a homeless crisis … supporting open borders … and embracing the radical left’s policies on climate change.  Newsom also used the occasion to take political campaign shots at Trump.

As with Biden, there was no reported discussion between Newsom and  Francis on one of the hottest issues this American campaign season — abortion.  Nothing.  It appears Francis again avoided the troublesome topic altogether.  But that is how the Peronist Pope deals with issues.  They are informed more by his left-wing politics than his Catholic morality and his duty as the “keeper of the faith.” 

It is no wonder that Francis is the darling of the radical left – which usually despises the Vicar of Rome.  But that was when the Pope actually stood up for Catholic doctrine and morality – and was a friend of democratic institutions and an opponent of the godless authoritarians.  But this Pope, however, is the left’s go-to guy.

While the Pope does not uphold the Church’s position on abortion, he is not hesitant to inject himself into American domestic politics if it comports with his radical left-wing views.  In a recent and rare sit-down interview with CNN, Francis condemned efforts to secure the American border.  He is one of the world’s leading advocates of open borders.

Francis is at odds with much of the Catholic hierarchy on abortion – cardinals and theologians.  They have called out Catholic politicians who support abortion-on-demand – and demanded that Biden be barred from the sacrament of Communion.  No President has fought for unfettered abortions more than Biden – but he is a “good Catholic” in the words of the Pope — alleged words. 

Several cardinals recently blasted Biden for making “the sign of the cross” at an abortion rally – describing it as “blasphemy.”  Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the Springfield, Illinois diocese says Biden’s sign-of-the-cross at the pro-abortion campaign event made “a mockery of our Catholic faith.”

I do not expect American Catholic politicians to take orders from the Pope.  I personally disagree with a lot of Catholic theology – and did so even when I was a Catholic.  After disagreeing on all-male clergy, gay rights, contraception, and a bunch of other activities judged sinful by the Church, I politely withdrew.

My issue with Biden and Newsom — atop my disagreement on abortion — is their hypocrisy.  Playing up their Catholicism as a badge of morality while violating one of the core moralities of that Church is … hypocrisy.  My issue with Pope Francis is that he engages in his own hypocrisy by offering his blessing and imprimatur to left-wing politicians like Biden and Newsom even as they reject the Church’s moral requirements.  Francis proves himself to be more of a member of a global political establishment than a defender of the faith over which he presides.

And as far as those photos are concerned, they should be viewed as nothing more than celebrity tourism pics for the family album.  That should not be seen as political canonization.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. frank stetson

    It’s sort of like your feelings on Trump: love the policies, not so much the man….. They love the man, not so much all the policies…… Either the man IS the policies, or not. Doing both would be hypocrisy.

    • Archie

      Newsom was blessed by the devil

      • Sher

        Newsome= Loves China, now the pope, destroyed California, Loved the lockdown and draconian measures while he partied and dined. All these people are serpents.

        • frank stetson

          Oh no, Sher says California is destroyed although they own the 5th largest economy. In the world. Wonder what’s in Sher’s wallet for whatever bum fuck state she’s in. USN ranks it 37th overall including crime and other factors which is not great, but not destroyed. The worst states in that review are mostly in the South with Florida being the high-ranking outlier.

          BUSTED. Not destroyed. Not great, but an economic powerhouse that no one should write off at the peril of the entire nation.

  2. frank stetson

    Archie Bunker: I set out runnin’ but I will take my time because a friend of Newsom’s Devil is a friend of mine. And if I get home before daylight then I might just get a little sleep tonight. Yeah, Arch, we’re going to Hell in a handbasket, but at least I’m enjoying the ride.

    You seem so bitter. Take a chill pill. Chillax. Get out off the gutter. Step up on the curb, with me.

  3. OrlandoRican

    I pray almost every day that God finds something for this Poe to do in heaven. Soon, please.

  4. Tom

    This article gets a Stop The Spin rating of 5+. Here is why:

    NOTE: Considering Larry claims not to be a religious person, he should not even delve into this type of article. But like Trump, Larry seems to feel he knows it all, especially about Catholicism – something he abandoned long ago.

    1) Larry starts his article by judging who is good and who is not good. He accuses the Pope of lying in his usual backhanded way.

    2) Larry does not have the social intelligence to realize that Presidents have to be one way in their political life and can be another way in their personal life. In Biden’s personal life he has not had any: Divorces, Abortions, Infidelities, harsh attitudes toward homeless and immigrants, nor has he ever called US Veterans losers. While Trump is rarely seen in a church, Biden can be found on Sundays in church. Seems to me like the real liar in this article is, yup you got it again, LARRY!!! 🙂

    3) Larry who has on several occassions stated he is not a religious man and does not sign up to any religion attempts to judge the Pope as left wing informed instead of being informed by his Catholic faith. This shows Larry’s ignorance because the Catholic faith is based on the teachings of Christ who said such things as, “to turn the other cheek”, advocated forgiveness over prisons – he told Barabbas to forgive all of the Roman persecutors of Jews , advocated social harmony, and while being nailed to the cross he actually forgave those nailing him and those that caused him to be nailed when he prayed to the Heavenly Father to “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.”. What Larry does not realize is that Jesus was very much a liberal in his social conduct and relationships, while being a conservative in the conduct of his private life. It becomes obvious the damage that Larry has done to himself by not having a religious life – oh but he claims to be spiritual. I just wonder which spirits he is listening too!

    4) If Larry wants to discuss “godless authoritarians” he should start with the premiere example, Trump! Trump is a man that rarely is seen in a church yet holds up a bible during his inspired insurrection. Then Trump “endorses” a particular bible and stuffs a copy of the US Constitution in it – something that rightfully upset the GOP evangelical wing. God does not need Trump’s endorsement, but as the narcissist he is, he has not learned this. Trump sees himself as a demi-god.

    5) Larry again conflates a politician’s personal life with his public government life. Larry is a hypocrite. He has often claimed that the president has to be the president of ALL of the people. Yet, 70% of the governed people are pro-abortion – so Biden is being the President of all of the people but suffers criticism from Larry and the right wing for advocating for what most of the people want. And then he criticizes the Pope for not addressing the issue of abortion with Biden / Newsome. I wonder if Larry also criticizes Jesus for not addressing the issue of slavery with the Roman government, and, Jesus actually advocated that if you are a slave, then serve your master as best you can. How does that sit with your judgemental ass Larry????

    6) Larry is ignorant on the Pope’s position on abortion. Larry says the Pope does not uphold the church’es position on abortion. This is incorrect, simply flat wrong. Pope Francis said on recently that abortion is “murder”, even soon after conception, but appeared to criticize some U.S. Catholic bishops for dealing with U.S. President Joe Biden’s pro-choice position in a political rather than pastoral way. The Pope does not think the sacrament of Holy Communion should be denied to someone who gets an abortion or supports abortion – he sees this as a political agenda, not a practice of sound Catholic doctrine. So Larry is clueless on this issue.

    7) Larry says, “My issue with Biden and Newsom — atop my disagreement on abortion — is their hypocrisy. Playing up their Catholicism as a badge of morality while violating one of the core moralities of that Church is … hypocrisy. ” What Larry is advocating is that they act like Catholic theology in their public office – which would make them and their office an extension of the Catholic Church. Again, even though Larry purports to be a Catholic (a long time ago), he has never fully understood the concept of public life versus private life. Politicians must serve all of the people. Many people who want abortion as an option voted for Biden to the tune of about 70%.

    Larry calls the Pope a hypocrite yet he is all in to support Israel which is just about the easiest country to get an abortion in. I have mentioned this before and Larry has always ducked the topic just like he accuses the Pope of ducking the abortion topic. If Larry were that strong on anti-abortion, he would denounce Israel for their liberal abortion policy – yet he does not do this. Larry is the biggest hypocrite of all!!!

    • Archie

      The Catholic Church is a cult. They are liars and false teachers

      • Tom

        Based on the definition of “cult” we see that a cult is: a group which is typically led by a charismatic and self-appointed leader, who tightly controls its members, requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant.

        MAGA is such a group. It has many deviant beliefs such as the election being stolen, Dems are communists, only Trump can save the country, Jan 6th insurrectionists are heroes, and a belief in Trumps vision of a “unified reich. 🙂

        • Sher

          Biden had an affair with Jill while she was married. Her ex-husband also was harassed by Biden’s. Biden on tape: No one f…’s with the Bidens. Goes back to Arafat being told in order to make the agenda work against Israel you must make it a humanitarian cause. Arafat, it may not happen in my lifetime, but it will happen. Israel 2 days before attack were again at the courts of the UN. 10/13/1792 the first cornerstone laid at the WH. 10/13 call for jihad had substance. A speech given by Hamas also included being against the red heifers in Israel. We are in spiritual warfare, Check out China in our schools, universities expanding with their belt and road initiatives, bringing in their people, installing their technology, thousands of cameras etc. Some are waking up to what is happening, some will not. Xi and UN are closer than most people know or care. Talk about a beast system. Be glad we still have the freedom at present to read, be able to open your mind and see what is happening in this world. We are now in a truth over (their) facts verses their facts over truth. talk about how everything gets twisted, We all need their versions of their new dictionary too.

          • Tom

            What does any of what you said have to do with the Pope. Horist’s article proposes the Pope is a liberal and identifies with the left. Please try to stay on topic.

        • Archie

          Hey dick head Tom. Doesn’t that also apply to the hot heads in the democrat party? I know that you’re a so-called independent but you are in their camp. And you people, yoose people if you live in New Jersey, are nothing but a bunch of cultists out to destroy our republic. If I were you I would write in a name if I didn’t like trump. He’s going to be re-elected no matter what you idiots do.

    • Sher

      Read the UN agenda, US and member states are following the draconian measures that are being pushed to destroy the Nations into a OWO/NWO. What we are seeing is not what the majority of people want. Bible tells us we will see these things happen. Glorification of evil. That is what the transformation of the US is. 2015 world leaders came to the US and signed on for their agreement to follow them. The people of all Nations had no partake in. We all our literally fighting for our God given rights. Everything is being geoengineered, including the people. We are passed the sun worshippers. The Pope’s 10 commandments on climate change June 19, 2015. Did you see the breaking of the 10 commandments for climate change. A must watch. Israeli activist smashes climate change 10 commandments atop Mt. Sinai
      Yosef Abramowitz imitated Moses’s smashing of the 10 biblical commandments in a demonstration against climate change. 11/21/2022
      God is being downplayed, while they are and have been doing everything that God created. Havari referred to “some God above the clouds. Yet claim we all can be gods. Biden team running on “Battle for the soul of the Nation” They know what they are doing, but as the Bible also says many will fall away. Pelosi for the US started the ball rolling in 1992. Nancy Pelosi. Agenda 21 speech (10th February 1992) Nancy Pelosi. Each president has expanded on their goals since. UN 2023 Told Nation states to accelerate their goals with all things they have learned and to use technology. We all are in a fight against evil. Eradicate hunger was a strong statement, but has now softened to End hunger and calls out all resources available, including philanthropists to push the goals. Obama, Bush, Clintons and wives started an NGO flying illegals into the states. All the references to shut people down when they don’t agree. Homophobia and all the other words. It comes from the 2019 human rights of the UN published in 2019. Human rights replaced God given rights for all people. Appreciate information from all sources, this is how you can discern what is good and evil. Take away those rights and we will continue the struggle for all people to be free. We have Nations for a reason. UN is no Nations. Think about all the people disassociating themselves as being individuals, these are the goals of little global citizens to be locked down at whims of the controlling elite. Tedros is a criminal, look that up. Gates is not a Dr. and the pope is not a follower of God, but is leading the flock in the opposite direction. He is different. God did not change, people did.

  5. larry Horist

    Tom … I gave this one a quick scan since I noticed you invoked by name so often. Every point you made is either false of irrational. I cannot know whether your lies and misrepresentations are malicious or merely ignorance. virtually nothing you said about me in this screed is remotely true. You completely misrepresent what I have written as your straw man arguments — as usual. Maybe it is a reading comprehension problem — or you, like Frank, are so emotionally over heated in your desire to attack me personally that you allow all accuracy and decency to be waived.. What you attempt to pass off as counterpoints are irrational and illogical. The intellectual weakness of our writing is revealed by the use of so many childish ad hominin insults. You writing are nothing more than arrogance and ignorance driven by personal animosity. That is why your writings have no impact on me or any influence beyond Frank. He may be the only one who actually reads your wordy crap — and vice versa. Come on man, grow up or get a grip. Although I am not sure either is even possible at this late stage in your life. So … I stand by my commentary as the refutation of each of your points. Oh … I also noticed that you have put me over the top of your silly 5-level scale. I get a 5+. I love it. LMAO I still seem to have gotten a couple goats named Tom and Frank. LOL

    • Tom

      Well Larry, if you feel nothing that I wrote is true, then stop the general bullshit you love to sling and actually state what I said and make your specific counterpoint. All you do is give high level insults and accusations but you rarely actually make any good counterpoints. Let me help you since you appear disabled in this area. Also, no need to pull Frank into the discussion. Please learn how to make your opinions stand on their own without dragging in other people. And by the way, I am not doing ad hominin insults, I am directly attacking what you said because what you say is either false or spun beyond belief. Your screed is basically ad hominin insults because you did not state any counterpoints that directly attack my points. So let me make it easy for you. Please notice my points below. Directly make counterpoints to my points if you are man enough to do so!

      My points are:

      1) You are judging the Pope.

      2) Biden has a public and personal life. Biden is seen in church. Trump lies about his faith and is never seen in church.

      3) Jesus was very much a liberal in his social conduct and relationships, while being a conservative in the conduct of his private life. The Catholic church is a reflection of Jesus’s teaching and mannerisms – which you have lost due to lack of faith and a pretend spiritual life.

      4) Larry wants to discuss “godless authoritarians” he should start with the premiere example, Trump! Trump thinks and acts as if he is some sort of demigod.

      5) Biden must govern for all of the people and should not run his office as a theological extension of the Catholic church. And 70% of the people want abortion one of many pregnancy solutions. So Biden is correct in what he is doing.

      6a) Larry is ignorant on the Pope’s position on abortion. You totally got this one wrong. The Pope has always called abortion murder. So how are you going to defend this one?

      6b) The pope is in disagreement with some American bishops (two specifically) that have denied Biden Holy Communion based on his abortion stand. The Pope considers these two bishops (and those that agree with them) as being political when the Pope thinks that people who get abortions need pastoral care. Big difference and you did not recognize this Larry!

      7) Larry purports to be a Catholic (a long time ago), he has never fully understood the concept of public life versus private life. Politicians must serve all of the people. Many people who want abortion as an option voted for Biden to the tune of about 70%.

      General point: Larry is a BIG HYPOCRITE!!! Larry calls the Pope a hypocrite yet he is all in to support Israel which is just about the easiest country to get an abortion in. I have mentioned this before and Larry has always ducked the topic just like he accuses the Pope of ducking the abortion topic. If Larry were that strong on anti-abortion, he would denounce Israel for their liberal abortion policy – yet he does not do this. Larry is the biggest hypocrite of all!!!

      NOW LARRY, there are my points. Provide point specific counterpoints that counter my points instead of the worthless screed you gave me. Be a real man Larry!!! And you should appreciate my STS System because I can already see that it has made you a more aware and better writer. You should be thankful for me! I make you better!!! And you very few readers that you actually have seem to enjoy my STS System. I am glad you like it too.

      • larry Horist

        Tom .. do you really expect me to waste my time reading what you have written over and over? You want my counterpoints to each of your highly spun enumerated bs? Okay! Here it is. Read the commentary. It is all there for you to fret over.

        • Tom

          There you go again LArry with a meaningless comment. Yes if you are going to make such accusations of me in your worthless screed, I should at least expect that you would have enough spine to tell me and reference evidence of where I have supposedly lied or spun something.

          The only highly spun BS is your whole article. That is why I wrote my wonderful enumerated response. I am countering your false narrative – thus reading your worthless dribble again will do no good. I made it easy for you by condensing my points. Also, the numbers should make it easy for your to follow.

          So, let’s start with 6a and 6b. Please show your evidence that the Pope does not uphold the Catholic church’es position on abortion. I will start with this article that says you are full of shit about what you said. Please take one minute and scan this article from the Catholic News Agency (CNA) at ** I think if you take one minute, you will see how really stupid your comment about the Pope’s position on abortion really was – it was sheer idiocy!!! It is you trying to create a mythical Pope just like you create mythical Toms and Franks!

          • larry Horist

            Tom … What is with you and Frank that makes you think we are in some sort of ongoing dialoged. I write my commentaries. You respond. And for the most part that closes the loop. Your assuming that I am somehow obligated to respond to your garbage is nutty arrogance. And besides, this commentary is 4 days old. You are wasting your time in some delusional belief that people are actually reading this stuff at this time. It is like wanting to get you writing in a 4-day old newspaper. You need to reintroduce yourself to realty old man.

          • frank stetson

            Horist, when have I given you the impression that I was expecting a reply, much less your continual linkage of Tom and myself merely because we both post a lot and contradict your opinions? It’s like a freebie you toss in to your ad hominem.

            I have gotten used to not expecting facts and sources from you. I never anticipated you responding, especially since, beyond Gilbertson, no one responds, most don’t even have bio’s. Which is really funny for The Dumpster since his bio is plastered all over the web.

            Like lately when I asked for a link to the blackconservative podcast, and you ignored. I expected that you could not provide a source. Pretty typical.

            Frankly, I would rather that you not respond. Don’t need to waste my time reading personal attacks of low moral value from a minor player in the political scene and one, like wrong-way-Corrigan, who will always be remembered for losing to Spanky the Clown. And as far as your thin skin over supposed Stetson launched personal attacks that never happened except in your mind: playing the victim as you do is just like Trump. Always picked on, target, poor, poor Horist. But, as usual, show me the imagined insults or STFU about it and quit boring us.

            And fyi: I get more responses that you round here. I have many more folks, like you this time, just referencing me out of the blue too. Guess what, unlike you that thinks that’s important, I do not care. Not important.

      • Frank stetson

        Horist’s point; he like goats……

        • larry Horist

          Frank Stetson … Are you totally insane over your obsession to be the Horist counterpoints on all things — opinion and personal? You and Tom repeatedly ask, beg and challenge me to respond. I have repeatedly told you why I do not. You opinions, accusations and insults are your opinions — mostly bs. Nothing has changed … your obsession nor my disinterest in playing political volley ball with you guys. Comprende?

          • frank stetson

            I can’t speak to Tom, that’s your peccadillo, but I do not “challenge,” I ask politely for sources and links. And I never “challenge” you to respond. I often ask you for proof, no different this time or just STFU. You whine, you cry, you generalize ——- but specific proof —– you got nuttin,

  6. Dave

    Never thought I’d see the Holy Father shaking hands with a minion of the Antichrist.

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