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“Nudge” is the Left’s Gentle New Word for Brainwashing

“Nudge” is the Left’s Gentle New Word for Brainwashing

Let’s talk about the word “nudge.”

It was first used in Google research. Indeed the word “nudge” is meant to be soft, gentle and benevolent so that you shouldn’t be worried about it. However at Google, it referred to the insidious “nudge” that they found to influence people’s opinions as their data feeds were subtly manipulated (they noted this in particular with political issues). They see the “nudge” as something that makes up for human weaknesses. And of course, they will tell you what your weaknesses are.

Google has decided to hide this concept. Now, a “nudge” in Google is just a reminder option for email.

Good camouflage, Google!

But the leftists are using this principle and the word “nudge” to justify manipulations.

An Australian Bank has decided they are going to examine all of your banking transactions, measure them for carbon impact and then develop your “carbon footprint” so they can “nudge” you to be more carbon neutral.

Think about this. A bank, whose only job it is to keep your money safe and available, has taken it upon itself to examine your life and try to change you for what they think is “better.” What right do they have to presume?

This is as overt as it gets.

Of course, we know that Google and Big Tech are still doing this, I experience it every day as a publisher of conservative news. We see this in Google searches, we see this in the lack of propagation of conservative memes on Facebook, and we see conservative thought leaders, including the President of the United States, banned on Twitter. We get just a bit more favorable take on liberal news an less exposure to to conservative news.

We get “nudges” in almost every television show. You rarely see any show or commercial that doesn’t have its token gay, black, Hispanic and Asian representation.  Rarely do you see conservative values represented, and shows with a conservative bent have been famously canceled and banned.

We are in the age of information. We have known for a long time that data is useful, that advertisers want to sell us stuff, and they can be persuasive in getting us to buy crap we don’t need. They gather data about each and every one of us and use it in their messaging. This is bad, but we have gotten used to it.

But this is different. This is the furthering of political opinion using our own private actions against us, without our permission, often without our knowledge. They callously use our private data to which no one else should be privy, and they purposely manipulate us to further political ends.

Maybe I’m tilting at windmills. Maybe I’m crazy for expecting better of society.

But I’m not willing to give in.

Are you?

About The Author


  1. John J


    • Joe Gilbertson

      More likely they will attempt to nudge Biden back in…

  2. Rat Wrangler

    “Nudging” has been around for a very long time. In the past, we called it “marketing” or “advertising”, where facts were subtly pushed or ignored, so that customers would buy certain products and services rather than others. Google cannot “nudge” me, as I always get my information from multiple sources, including direct access to servers in other countries. Until Congress makes libel, slander, and defamation of character criminal, rather than civil, offenses, and prohibits the banning of any material online for any reasons other than moral, such as the famous “Carlin Seven” words, we will always have issues such as this.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      Rat, you are the exception, a lot of people just look at the first source google shows them, or read their feed in facebook. Its a huge issue.

  3. frank stetson

    Joe assumes the “nudge” comes from Google. It’s actually wink, wink, nudge, nudge where it all started many Monty’s ago:

  4. ben is back

    “I laughed, I cried, it became a part of me.” Selma from Night Court. I honestly don’t have a clue where this one comes from except that poor, poor, abused conservatives getting beat up again by snowflakes. Listen to Joe’s laments:

    I experience it every day as a publisher of conservative news.
    We get just a bit more favorable take on liberal news an less exposure to to conservative news.
    We get “nudges” in almost every television show.
    shows with a conservative bent have been famously canceled and banned.
    This is the furthering of political opinion using our own private actions against us, without our permission, often without our knowledge. They callously use our private data to which no one else should be privy, and they purposely manipulate us to further political ends.
    Rarely do you see conservative values represented,

    WAAAAAH; this from the guy who proudly states FOX has more viewers than all MSM combined, yet the snowflakes dominate conservative minds with nudges. Yellowstone espouses only conservative views and it’s top rated. Whatever. But then he lets the cat out of the bag:

    “We get “nudges” in almost every television show. You rarely see any show or commercial that doesn’t have its token gay, black, Hispanic and Asian representation. Rarely do you see conservative values represented…”

    Tokens? Really? You do know US demographics, right? And you admit that you think any show with gay, black, Hispanic, or Asians is not representing your conservative values? Well, I can see your point; there’s no divisive hate that you seem to like. As long as America is a rainbow and Joe is a tighty whitey from the righty, his party will see the ever-shrinking Republican party circling the bowl. One can only wonder how the covid death count will further erode the party as more Republicans are dying from “just the flu.” But they died free men…..

    Joe, you even have conservapedophile, wink wink nudge nudge, sorry, that’s conservapedia, that lists all your TV shows nudging conservatism a lily white demographic:
    Me thinks thou protest too much ado about nothing burgers against the wall.

    suck it up butter cup, it’s art. it’s freedom of speech. it’s woke and you ain’t even got your eyes open with your head so far up Trump’s butt.

  1. Joe Gilbertson: where are you going with these threats? My free speech is facing intimidation, sometimes physical threats. Is this…