Trump is right on H1b and H2b visas … and immigration generally
Before getting into the detail of American immigration policies, it is important to keep several truths in mind – and disregard the untruths.
America is a nation of immigrants. We are one of – if not THE – most immigration-tolerant nations in the world. That is an evidentiary fact. That is why we have such a diverse population that exists overwhelmingly in racial and cultural harmony — with only extreme fringe examples of racism.
White anxiety is a phony issue
Those who claim that the majority of White European Americans oppose all immigration out of fear of losing power to ethnic minorities are advancing false narratives to divide for political gain. That narrative relies on the absurd notion that there is an existential division between Whites of European ancestry and the rest of the world – people of color, as they are currently mislabeled. In reality, most Latinos consider themselves to be White – as do many who come from African nations, such as Arabs, South Africans, and some Asians. According to the census, almost 60 percent of Americans are … White. That is by far the largest racial demographic.
For most Americans, the test of immigration is NOT how a person looks, but what they believe, their skills and their character. There is a difference between a person who comes to America to embrace the basic principles of American exceptionalism and concepts of democracy – in other words, to become an American — and a person who arrives to undermine those values and traditions – to either superimpose or stand apart from traditional American values and governing principles.
America needs immigrants
The second important truth is that America needs — and benefits from – immigration. It is the secret ingredient in the nation’s ability to grow and prosper. The immigration of the most intelligent and skilled workers has been a key factor in America being a world leader in commerce and technology.
The argument — that immigrants take jobs that current citizens need and would take – is patently equally false – and on two levels. We have long had temporary work visas so that foreigners could work in America at jobs that the indigenous population was not willing to take on. That was naturally most obvious in our southern border farming regions. But such temporary or seasonal farm workers from south of the border were also working in states like Michigan and Illinois.
Immigrants create jobs
The second fallacy also relates to immigrants taking jobs – as if the number of jobs is somehow fixed. The assumption that they are taking a limited number of jobs away from citizen workers is invalid. Every migrant worker is both a producer AND a consumer. Growing populations create a need for more goods and services – ergo a growing number of jobs. That is how the economy grows.
America particular needs the highly skilled workers since the American education system is failing at almost every level. There is a reason why Asians generally dominated the top ranks of student achievement – and a reason why so many Asians are involved in the most demanding disciplines – math, science, cyber technology, etc.
We see the problem for the United States in various world education ratings. (I once attended the high school graduation of the daughter of a friend. The school had an International Baccalaureate program for the best and the brightest. Of the ten graduates awarded a Baccalaureate certificate eight were Asians. That was not an outlier. I have seen that same fact as a senior consultant to the boards of education in Chicago and Detroit.)
Some argue that America should put more emphasis on vocational training as opposed to the more demanding technical disciplines. That is only half true. There is need for vocational training as a means to restore America’s industrial base. BUT it cannot be at the cost of the more demanding educational curricula – especially since many of the new blue collar jobs demand technical skills. (If you doubt that, check out auto repairs. That old grease monkey has been replaced with a computer savvy mechanic. Entire factories are run by robots and Artificial Intelligence.)
Without a highly skilled workforce America merely becomes the industrial drone service for the nations that provided progress through research, discovery, creativity, ingenuity, invention and development. Those who produce technological progress will be the world leaders. That has been the strength of America since the start of the Industrial Age.
(I have often opined that one of the critical differences between China and the United States is our ruling classes. Our ruling class are lawyers. In China, the ruling class is composed of engineers. Lawyering tends to retard progress. Slow things down. Create arbitrary liability leading to a litigious society. Engineers invent, design and build new products and advance technology to be commercialized for the benefit of all. It is the reason China has overcome the American lead in critical areas — such as Artificial Intelligence and cyber technology. The terms of the ubiquitous cell phones, I have seen – in many trips to China – that the average Chinese citizen has phones technologically more advanced than American phones. Just one example. The Chinese were using their cell phones for retail purchases decades before that was a widespread practice in America. Whoa! A major digression. Sorry.)
It is the failure of the American education system that has given the best-and-brightest designation to students from other nations. That makes it all the more important that we import the best and brightest from those nations.
The H-1b and H-2b
Sorry if my preamble ran a bit long, but I thought a little background would be enlightening. So, I shall now weave back to the current controversy over H-1Bs and H-2Bs.
America issues a variety of visas for special purposes. They are among the means by which foreigners enter America LEGALLY — to provide visas for highly skilled workers (H-1B) and for unskilled workers (H-2B). These often lead to what is called “permanent status” and eventually citizenship. Other visas are temporary, such as those issued to foreign students and visitors.
There are other means to LEGALLY arrive and stay in America. Folks in war zones or under persecution can request asylum at an American border port of entry or at the American consulate in their country. Those crossing the border may remain in America until their cases are vetted in an immigration court. That is the part of the immigration system that has broken down – and is being abused by the Democrats’ long standing open border policies.
The H-1B and H-2B are the proper and legal means to admit and vet immigrants. That system works fairly well in bringing in the workers America needs to grow and prosper. Vetting is critical because it prevents those from entering the country who are criminals, non-productive and undeserving of asylum. You can see the problem when you understand that more than 80 percent of those illegally crossing the southern border are NOT eligible for asylum – and are not properly vetted. And yet President Biden kicked open the southern border more than any past President.
There is a small percentage of Americans who do not believe in immigration … period. They come from both sides of the political spectrum. They ignorantly believe that every new immigrant takes a job away from an American.
If there is a personification of the extreme anti-immigration position, it is gadfly Steve Bannon. However, his significance as a political influencer has been waning for years – ever since Trump booted him out of the White House early in his first term. Bannon played no role in Trump’s 2024 victory. He played no role in the transition. He will have no role in the Trump White House.
At the moment, the anti-Trump media focuses on a small percentage of MAGA voters who are pushing back at his support for H-1B and H-2B visas – and at the same time ignoring the anti-immigration folks in the Democrat column. The left-wing media is exaggerating and sensationalizing the reality of the MAGA opposition to Trump on immigration. It is not a major revolt against Trump by his base.
There are three things to keep in mind. H-1Bs and H-2Bs are good and necessary. Trump is correct in his support of them. He has the support of the vast majority of his voters in terms of legal immigration policy – and most of the nation. And, more importantly, Trump will not face election again. He can disregard the extreme elements opposed to all immigration just as he has fought against those who have produced the open borders crisis.
In terms of immigration, Trump is spot on. Most Americans agree. It is one of the major reasons why he is moving back into the White House.
So, there ‘tis.
Like Moses descending the mountain, Hoirst reads his tablets he’s been writing for decades. He dredges them up, dusts them off, polishes them, but does not factually update. And we all know what happens when you polish a turd. This is actually a good article, IMO, a good subject, but it’s replete with Horistian conclusions, sometimes pronouncements, without merit in many cases as he weaves his tale. And not too much slamming of the Democrats, almost looking for a win-win as he goes against the even more rabid right’s attitudes on anything foreign.
But I do question a number of the pronouncements where the author tells us it’s just common knowledge as in everyone knows it so it must be true. Or based on his experience, so it must be globally true.
Question: if the author believes Trump’s recent statements, did he look at Trump’s first term where he restricted H1B’s before Musk paid him for a Mush-teachable moment? The restrictions were in 2020, perhaps the author can’t remember. Does the author not know how Trump rigged immigration to let Melania get in under the “Einstein exception” visa and then bring her parents in via chain migration? She used, with Trump’s behind-the-scenes-support, the EB-1 getting in for “extraordinary ability” and “sustained national and international acclaim”, really big tits and great hair, like Einstein. The father, a communist party member, lives in Trump’s cabana right next to the nuclear secrets. Yeah, immigration the right way, eh? Whatta guy. And the author notes Trump’s favoring H2B’s, although I cannot find any Trump support beyond all the H2Bs he has working on the cheap at his businesses. I challenge the author to show Trump support for H2B’s; think that may be a bridge too far until the deportations force him to change his tune on that one. Doubtful Musk cares, so doubtful the Mump Regime cares.
Trump summed up his real thoughts in his first debate: ““First of all, I think and I know the H-1B very well. And it’s something that I frankly use and I shouldn’t be allowed to use it. We shouldn’t have it,” he said. “Second of all, I think it’s very important to say, well, I’m a businessman and I have to do what I have to do.” See Larry, and that’s why I sold pot: I’m a businessman and I have to do what I have to do. And now it’s legal so I did what I did ahead of my time because it, and I, were right for me, myself, and maybe the nation…. Heh, heh, heh. But does the author question the veracity of a guy who took actions against, now says he’s for, but offers no actions based on that? A guy who has been known to tell some whoppers, to pivot on a whim, but always say it’s the truth and he’s the smartest, and he’s never wrong. Sound familiar? No, not me…. heh, heh, the author. Get it?
Today, Horist believes all that he says to be the gospel of the 40-year pundit and that all should believe the word. Problem is not everyone agrees with a lot of what he says, especially the conclusions without adequate factual support. He often omits facts, sources, and links while saying things like: “America is a nation of immigrants. We are one of – if not THE – most immigration-tolerant nations in the world. That is an evidentiary fact. That is why we have such a diverse population that exists overwhelmingly in racial and cultural harmony — with only extreme fringe examples of racism.” Now I want to believe but I am from New Jersey and we will buy the bridge, but only if the price is right! Just saying “it’s evidentiary, without evidence is not enough. He does it a lot in this piece. He likes to play “camel’s head inside the tent” meaning if you get them to says yes once to the obvious, the camel’s head is in the tent and the body will follow your next statement, no matter how ludicrous. So who can’t believe, “America is a nation of immigrants?” I mean even the Native Americans came from somewhere else. Pretty sure you can say that for all of North and South America. Then he boldly states “if not THE – most immigration-tolerant nations in the world. That is an evidentiary fact.” No, you have shown no evidence of that beyond that fact we have a lot, so what, so does the entire continent. You have to have evidence to be evidentiary and all he has presented is that we are a nation of immigrants. While that is pretty easy to swallow, it does not mean we are immigrant tolerant. Or are we even a nation of immigrants? Are slaves considered immigrants? Or maybe they are just forced immigrant workers without pay? But even if we swallow nation of immigrants, and even with slaves representing 40% of the South in population way back when and 15% of the nation today being some generations away, how does that make “THE – most immigration-tolerant nations (sic) in the world” ring true? And, if we are so tolerant, why does the author rail so much about the treatment of blacks, aka at some point immigrants, in our intolerant cities? Which is it?
There are many factors to immigration, our strongest point is our economy. And yes, that is buttressed by our vision and how we live by the rule of law protecting all, immigrant or domestic. However, Canada is a nation of immigrants and I am just guessing they are more tolerant that us. How about Australia, New Zealand? Did you know France is one of the easiest countries to gain citizenship? Portugal and Spain are hot vacation and immigration destinations right now.
If the author bothered to look, to simply google “most tolerant countries for immigration, he would find the US is rated highly, but a handful of others are rated higher, and many countries are rated similarly. I did, and what you find is everyone rates “tolerant” or “most favored” with different metrics, but no matter how they choose, the US is generally not number one. Now I knew Portugal was a hot vacation spot right now, the breaks bring world-class big wave surfers, prices are good, government OK, but to live? Wow. And France rates number one for easiest path to citizenship, go figure.
No Larry, I like facts and just telling me it’s so does not fly even if you attempt to attach it to a factoid that I do believe for a similar topic.
And somehow hearing a Magarat speak the JOYS of immigration under Trump just made me coffee spew into the laptop…….Nope, don’t matter the price, I am not buying that bridge.
I spell my name: danger. Let’s be frank about it.
More on when the myth fits the spin, the myth must be true. Feelings before fact never works.
“America particular needs the highly skilled workers since the American education system is failing at almost every level.” Of course we need highly skilled workers. Always have. But failing at almost every level? Not bloody likely if you research the facts.
I live in New Jersey so with the number one public school system in the land, Princeton, Rutgers, and more —- not sure what the author means. When I look it up, America is not number one, many of our students are being left behind, but if you want a great college education, you come to America. Somehow “failing at every level” seems to speak to the heart of the matter, but not the mind. And that statement on failure leads to “There is a reason why Asians generally dominated the top ranks of student achievement – and a reason why so many Asians are involved in the most demanding disciplines – math, science, cyber technology, etc.” Bwhaaat? Yeah, so what is the reason? You seem to present two choices: our educational system is bad and Asian’s better which would be weird for Asian Americans OR we are stupid, they are not OR we be bad parents, they be not. In the next paragraph he alludes to “world education ratings,” but he does not divulge. Then he waxes poetic down memory lane: “ (I once attended the high school graduation of the daughter of a friend. The school had an International Baccalaureate program for the best and the brightest. Of the ten graduates awarded a Baccalaureate certificate eight were Asians. That was not an outlier. I have seen that same fact as a senior consultant to the boards of education in Chicago and Detroit.)” I have warned the author often about the use of anecdotal data as conclusionary data, or even relevant, but he continues this false logic. Anecdotes will never be valid statistical data and results.
For Asians and the American education system, there’s precious little statistical info supporting or denying the author’s allegation supported by his personal anecdotal story. And not sure what relevance his school consultation or whatever brings to the table. Just don’t know. How long ago was that? It was Detroit and Chicago. Just kidding on the cities. I love Chicago, but Detroit was harder to love in my time and onl made the airport due to plane screw up, and that was not a good experience at all. But I digress so, here’s mine: “When I heard that Paul Wei was this year’s Highland Park valedictorian, I asked myself, “Does an Asian kid finish at the top of the class every year?” That would be an interesting trend, given that only 3.5 percent of the school district is Asian, according to a May 2010 demographics study. So I dug into our archives and found out that the answer to my question is no; it’s just a coincidence that an Asian kid has finished at the top of the class in each of the three years that I’ve been working at this newspaper. I had to go back 11 years to find another. Here are the 21st century’s Highland Park valedictorians.” Uh oh, somebody went an anecdote further than the author and concludes the author gonna need a bigger boat of facts.
But wait, there’s more. The Boston Globe looked at 93 valedictorians and concluded that 53% were foreign born, yup a giant foreign spread of 5 whole students. Asians represent 21%. However, Blacks represented 37%. Oh my that seems to bust the author’s feelings on both Asians and Democratically oppressed urban Blacks…. Oh my. 16% were White. Does that mean they are stupid or just underrepresented?
In general, we can use graduation rates as an indicator and indeed, Asians fare better, but not by much. It’s “school year 2021–22, the U.S. average adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) for public high school students was 87 percent, 7 percentage points higher than a decade earlier. Asian/Pacific Islander students had the highest ACGR (94 percent), followed by White (90 percent), Hispanic (83 percent), Black (81 percent), and American Indian/Alaska Native (74 percent) students.”
I think the author lives the myth, believes the myth, and spins the myth to his own intent.
FYI: I do agree with where the author is going with all this. Matter of fact, as of two decades ago, I was well in front of him with this thinking. I will detail later, post coffee. It’s a late day…..
I spell my name: danger. And facts are our friends, anecdotes are friendlier though. Just not always factual.
Frank, maybe Larry needs to explain why if our education system is failing at all levels, then why did Xi Jinping send his daughter to Harvard? Why do so many Chinese and other foreign elite send their children to American universities. Also, Larry does not realize the inequities in the Chinese education system. If you look at the totals in the whole of China, and not just the East Coast Elite, their system is still rather shabby. This reason, and the fact that they do not have many universities (thus admissions are tough) like we do, and the fact that many of their parents want them to have an American diploma and job, they send their children here for their education.
Yes, Larry is the spin master and we are the spin busters. Yet he accuses others of dishonest writings and lack of journalistic integrity.
I am wondering when he was last in China. There seems to be a lot about the country that he missed.
“America particular needs the highly skilled workers since the American education system is failing at almost every level.” Of course we need highly skilled workers. Always have. But failing at almost every level? Not bloody likely if you research the facts.
I live in New Jersey so with the number one public school system in the land, Princeton, Rutgers, and more —- not sure what the author means. When I look it up, America is not number one, many of our students are being left behind, but if you want a great college education, you come to America. Somehow “failing at every level” seems to speak to the heart of the matter, but not the mind. And that statement on failure leads to “There is a reason why Asians generally dominated the top ranks of student achievement – and a reason why so many Asians are involved in the most demanding disciplines – math, science, cyber technology, etc.” Bwhaaat? Yeah, so what is the reason? You seem to present two choices: our educational system is bad and Asian’s better which would be weird for Asian Americans OR we are stupid, they are not OR we be bad parents, they be not. In the next paragraph he alludes to “world education ratings,” but he does not divulge. Then he waxes poetic down memory lane: “ (I once attended the high school graduation of the daughter of a friend. The school had an International Baccalaureate program for the best and the brightest. Of the ten graduates awarded a Baccalaureate certificate eight were Asians. That was not an outlier. I have seen that same fact as a senior consultant to the boards of education in Chicago and Detroit.)” I have warned the author often about the use of anecdotal data as conclusionary data, or even relevant, but he continues this false logic. Anecdotes will never be valid statistical data and results.
For Asians and the American education system, there’s precious little statistical info supporting or denying the author’s allegation supported by his personal anecdotal story. And not sure what relevance his school consultation or whatever brings to the table. Just don’t know. How long ago was that? It was Detroit and Chicago. Just kidding on the cities. I love Chicago, but Detroit was harder to love in my time and onl made the airport due to plane screw up, and that was not a good experience at all. But I digress so, here’s mine: “When I heard that Paul Wei was this year’s Highland Park valedictorian, I asked myself, “Does an Asian kid finish at the top of the class every year?” That would be an interesting trend, given that only 3.5 percent of the school district is Asian, according to a May 2010 demographics study. So I dug into our archives and found out that the answer to my question is no; it’s just a coincidence that an Asian kid has finished at the top of the class in each of the three years that I’ve been working at this newspaper. I had to go back 11 years to find another. Here are the 21st century’s Highland Park valedictorians.” Uh oh, somebody went an anecdote further than the author and concludes the author gonna need a bigger boat of facts.
But wait, there’s more. The Boston Globe looked at 93 valedictorians and concluded that 53% were foreign born, yup a giant foreign spread of 5 whole students. Asians represent 21%. However, Blacks represented 37%. Oh my that seems to bust the author’s feelings on both Asians and Democratically oppressed urban Blacks…. Oh my. 16% were White. Does that mean they are stupid or just underrepresented?
In general, we can use graduation rates as an indicator and indeed, Asians fare better, but not by much. It’s “school year 2021–22, the U.S. average adjusted cohort graduation rate (ACGR) for public high school students was 87 percent, 7 percentage points higher than a decade earlier. Asian/Pacific Islander students had the highest ACGR (94 percent), followed by White (90 percent), Hispanic (83 percent), Black (81 percent), and American Indian/Alaska Native (74 percent) students.”
I think the author lives the myth, believes the myth, and spins the myth to his own intent.
FYI: I do agree with where the author is going with all this. Matter of fact, as of two decades ago, I was well in front of him with this thinking. I will detail later, post coffee. It’s a late day…..
I spell my name: danger. And facts are our friends, anecdotes are friendlier though. Just not always factual.
One other thing Larry left out. Those millions of illegal immigrants that have come in over the last 4 years? Most of them are taking jobs most Americans don’t want, and what’s more, most of them are paying into SS so I can continue to collect SS, along with millions of other Boomers.
Yes, Andrew, I totally agree with your statement, although I have seen many articles on how our companies are laying off or had to lay off employees and are now only hiring immigrants. Not all, but some are. How is that fair? Those immigrants are illegal. No green cards.
There has never been anything fair about how business operates in this country. I’m really looking forward to what Trump and his party of billionaires are going to do to improve this problem.
Very good points Frank!
Yes Larry is sparse on facts but long on assertions without facts – which is usual. And lets face it, Melania got in because her exceptional skill was screwing Trump – she was able to get that little mushroom head into her somehow. Trump and Musk have both been big time violators of the H1B process!
Larry was dead wrong in saying that many GOPs and Dems fringes are against immigration. I actually found a very recent Gallop survey article about it. GOP leads Dems in anti-immigration by 3 to 1. See my comment. Another Larry lie. He cannot deny GOP being against it so he lumps Dems into his calculus to make it sound better.
Yes Larry forgets how Trump rigged the system for Melania and her family and many others. And nobody has mentioned that Trump initiated an instant visa program if a foreigner had $500K or more and were willing to bring it to the USA and start a business then they were in like Flynn.
And Larry eviscerates the public school system, yet the GOP has been the one to consistently gut the system, then bitch how bad it is. I know this first hand! And now they want to trash the Dept. of Education and throw it all back to the states – and Larry voted for this!!! States Ed systems with no federal control or guidelines will lead to chaos and many inequalities. It will also make our education system very anti-black, anti-brown, and anti-immigrant. But Larry does not mind contributing to the decay!!!
Yes, Larry definitely dusted off those tablets from the last century when he did some CONsulting work for Chicago Ed system. As a teacher, we hated those CONsultants because they really did not have a clue what was going on, nor did many of their ideas ever really work. But they sure did bilk the system out of money that could have gone to teachers for classroom supplies!
Tom … Didn’t you make all these same bogus points in a previous comment — to which I more fully responded? Having short term memory issues?
Tom …. You last paragraph is nothing but a pile of brash egotistical statements that are all bs. You sit in the same classroom everyday and think you know more than the folk on the board who operate the entire systems — budgeting, performance numbers, curriculum, constructions, discipline issues, labor \negotiations, etc etc. etc. Tnings you know nothing about. You say consultants “do not have a clue”. Ideas that rarely worked. Bilking the system. You are just offering a mindless ASSinine rant — making up shit. I think if you took a tour of NASA you would claim to know more than the engineers and crews running the agency. I once told you that arrogance and ignorance is a bad combination — and you excel at both. And your TOMfoolery is there for all to see.. (Notice how I picked up on your sophomoric CONsultants dig. I do not usually engage in such low class debating, but I made an exception in your case…..LOL)
I agree Andrew! And just wait till they are gone. Who will pick the food? Maybe AF will get out on work release from the institution to pick our lettuce.
However, they have also taken over the construction industry which many Americans do want those jobs. The greedy contractors just do not want to pay, nor do people want housing prices to go up by 30%.
And I worked for a large corporation with the death star symbol. Many large tech corps are using H1B’s to hire for jobs that do not require some sort of rare skill and/or knowledge.
And if I remember correctly, Melania got in on an H1B. Her special skill was feeding Trump’s lust.
It’s a tough call either way.
Since their are two Tom’s here now, one I-Tom or Independent Tom, and one Evil Tom or ET. I think this is IT given the institutional work release snark….
IT: food is HB-1; while Larry says Trump all HB-1 ready, Trump has not said that, that I can find. Funny since he hires so many. Trump was against HB2, I have printed his quotes above, but the Mump Regime has 180’d on that and now Trump is for it, Horist is happy, Horist has little memory of Trump R1.0. Or anything else except his catalog of commentaries over the decades.
Melania got in under the Einstein HB which I detailed as: “Does the author not know how Trump rigged immigration to let Melania get in under the “Einstein exception” visa and then bring her parents in via chain migration? She used, with Trump’s behind-the-scenes-support, the EB-1 getting in for “extraordinary ability” and “sustained national and international acclaim”, really big tits and great hair, like Einstein. The father, a communist party member, lives in Trump’s cabana right next to the nuclear secrets. Yeah, immigration the right way, eh? Whatta guy. And the author notes Trump’s favoring H2B’s, although I cannot find any Trump support beyond all the H2Bs he has working on the cheap at his businesses. I challenge the author to show Trump support for H2B’s; think that may be a bridge too far until the deportations force him to change his tune on that one. Doubtful Musk cares, so doubtful the Mump Regime cares.” The Einstein is a special HB that fast tracks citizenship.
Do you have supporting facts for saying immigrants “have also taken over the construction industry which many Americans do want those jobs.” That’s news to me.
But on AT&T et al; I was one of the guys doing the hiring for a fair number of labs positions. Even though I was not labs, I held the budget, so kibitzed on their hires, but also hired a number for my needs. When you are doing new product, things like trade shows, demos, betas, etc become very specialized . The way it worked was I did not pick the salary and low cost was the last thing on my mind given it was not my responsibility. Nor did I look for citizenship status, not my responsibility either. As far as my hiring, there was no directive beyond “get the best talent you can.” NOW —- having a good number of folks from India; these folks having many relatives with similar skills sets, YES, I did hire a lot of folks from India; even from the same families. But they were referred, I knew they were skilled, and, most important, I knew they would be loyal and work harder than almost anyone, except me. FYI: I don’t think the HB1 is for “rare” talent as you say, just specialized which basically means high tech, med, etc. But like I said, hired a lot and there was no directive.
Funny story: one kid I hired, new software development masters, Cornell, was hired to set up demo’s and tradeshows. Yeah, this stuff was tough in that we were doing IPTelphony over cable but connecting to T-spans to get to the network. In those days, there were so many T-span variables that it was never right on day one from the telco and hell to get it right. Guaranteed these guys would go 24 hours a stretch, and then some. So at the end of one miserable set up at the Dolphin/Swan at Disney, 14 hours of 80 degrees and high humidity, I grabbed the kid and we went to Epcot. We’re in the long line….get to the end……and he has to pay. I mean he is pushing me away to pay. Finally, I have to actually pull him out of line and explain that, in America, workers cannot pay for the boss, for anything. Took me 15 minutes to gain acceptance. Later, we were walkin’s at California grill, they sat us at tiny cocktail tables on the glass with our knees in our chins, hunched over these tiny tables but ever so happy to get a seat at dusk after working 14 hours, again, the second day, but we had a demo!!! Suddenly, the light go down, the shades go up, and the fireworks start. I leaned over the table and said: “Parag, when you bring your wife over, bring her here and at this moment in your dinner, say “this is America.” Lots of laughter then. He was a great guy, great support, and so glad to give him his start in the company. And yes, he, wife, and growing family still an asset to America. As is his older brother who was the reference.
All I can say is “give us your best, your brightest, my family is ready to compete, I have made sure of that as my parents made sure for me, and together, we can compete against anyone in the world.” Hey, I love a good bubba, but let’s face it —- nerds rule in the post industrial computer age and that specialty is not based on birthplace. I will take diversity of mind over racial purity or nationalism any day of the week. Made me a good penny and certainly had more fun. Still love being rural, from West Virginia with a slight stretch, living in my post civil war home festooned with renewable and sustainable modern advantages, as well as meeting new folks from new places. Variety is the spice of life.
But on this one, all we really know is what Trump said after Mush pushed his hand up his butt to puppeteer him. From the past, we know he hires hb2’s, but has not talked about support, Mush does not hire them. We know Trump confuses all this shit up on a regular basis, and after restricting hb1’s in 2020, now he’s for them, but there is no Trump policy, no plan, so really given the past and present, we really don’t know what the fuck Trump will do with these visas. Do we?
And he rigged the game to sneak Melania in and then used chain migration to bring the parents across, including the commie party member Trump let’s live a stone’s throw from the nuclear top secret documents. So I guess he support illegal immigration too. And is Barron really a dreamer?
WOW! Three chapters of the novel Jesus Frank is writing. I suspect he loves facts because if we provide them, then he gets the facts from us, being lazy to get them on his own. I have seen quite a few articles on how other countries, especially Japan having the brightest school kids. Japan has better math programs than the U:S. I can’t provide facts on that, but I have seen the information many times throughout my years. However, I do not see why anyone has to provide facts for Jesus Frank. Although, newspaper businesses rely on them, or, used to anyway because we are all now finding out how today’s newspapers are totally lying about nearly everything. SO, why do we have to provide facts for one reader, Jesus Frank? We don’t! He is telling all the authors how to run their website where he does not have that right. Now, Marijuana: Jesus Frank broke the law back when marijuana was illegal even if it meant it was to save his life. There were other legal jobs to get even back then that he could have gotten instead of being lazy. This shows Jesus Frank cannot be trusted, can’t be trusted to follow any laws. Who knows when he will break another one. He is a criminal just like I have said a few times here. Another: what right does Jesus Frank have to “warn” an editor when he himself is not an editor on this site? That one floored me. Anyone think maybe the FACTS Jesus Frank uses are only what he cherry picks for his rhetoric? Where is the proof his facts are correct? Maybe they are, maybe not or are partially right? I really don’t care. I like to look things up for myself not rely on someone else’s (facts). Well, enough of my blog. My fingers hurt from typing. I’ll stop – for now! Truth is key!
From the mind, or lack thereof, of AmericaFirst and a few comments mostly about her attacks of me, the person, and few on the subject, or my comments.
“WOW! Three chapters of the novel Jesus Frank is writing.” Uh, two chapters, one’s a repeat – system ditched one then brought it back. “I suspect he loves facts because if we provide them, then he gets the facts from us, being lazy to get them on his own.” Say what? Facts? You providing? Me using them? You have yet to respond to a many a request for factual support from myself and many others. You have few facts, less with actual, valid, support. You even state a half dozen of our leaders are clones.
“I have seen quite a few articles on how other countries, especially Japan having the brightest school kids. Japan has better math programs than the U:S. I can’t provide facts on that, but I have seen the information many times throughout my years.” OK, here’s your fact: you read articles, but can’t provide facts. But don’t you say that newspapers always lie? Or is it you only believe the articles you read that agree with you and the rest are lies?
“Although, newspaper businesses rely on them (facts), or, used to anyway because we are all now finding out how today’s newspapers are totally lying about nearly everything.” Fucking incredibly stupid statement. Who is more likely to being telling the truth, newspapers or AF? Where is proof of her lies.
“He is telling all the authors how to run their website where he does not have that right.” This is not true and cannot be proven to be true.
“Jesus Frank broke the law back when marijuana was illegal even if it meant it was to save his life.” Bwhaaaat? Is she believing “reefer madness,” “just say no?” that pot kills? Where do people like Horist and her come from: Hooterville? FYI: I have worked for w2 wages since I was 14, often holding multiple jobs. Lazy? This is a lie. I even started my life in blue collar to walk a mile in those shoes. Restaurant (every job from dishwasher to chef), landscaping, lawnmowing, construction, painting, prison work release team manager (did not last long on that one), call center operator (before 1-800), ice cream truck vendor, and many more. Took me a year or more to come into the warmth from construction, just could not take one more winter of that……..
“This shows Jesus Frank cannot be trusted, can’t be trusted to follow any laws. Who knows when he will break another one.” Yes, you are correct. You fucking don’t know much of anything. However, I do live by the law and if I break them then I am more than ready to pay the piper. Pot — sure, I had the money and lawyers already, not an issue really given the law and suspected penalties in my region for a middle-class white college kid with no priors — the risk was worth the reward and the reward was not money, not the top priority there. But I do have friends that paid a heavy price for a trivial offense. Usually there were other factors. Traffic laws – give me a break. Permits, come on. My house was built without a permit to begin with. But, if you ask me do I support Trump’s reduction of regulations —- YES, in many cases especially codes and small business. I don’t see how anyone can operate a small business with all the red tape, tax codes, etc. You have to hire a fleet of legal and financial management for tax, payroll, and operations and the system focuses on the small offenses easier to prosecute than the Trumps and Musks of the country.
“He is a criminal just like I have said a few times here.” And that’s a bad thing? I am not an adjudicated criminal. I just told you about something I did that was criminal 50 years ago, not that bad though, and legal today. I’m more like a rebel, like a Jessie James, not a Bonnie and Clyde. Like Southern Moonshiners, not Chicago mobsters. And not caught, not punished.
How about you confess your sins? Come on, tell us how you have never broke a law, never sinned a little sin. Come on. And you, with full knowledge, heartily voted for a sexual abusing, defamer of woman who is an adjudicated felon awaiting sentencing while his company is felonious, adjudicated, and punished. Many of this associates, best friends went to jail. And you voted for him. Was because you like it when he “grabs em by the pussy?” Is that legal in your book? Is it OK? Because you love him, you voted for him. What’s up with that?
“what right does Jesus Frank have to “warn” an editor?” I didn’t. It’s obvious that the “warn” definition of “informing someone in advance of an impending or possible danger, problem, or other unpleasant situation” is what I meant. Your statement is stupid and IF you had looked, you would see that experts say: “No, anecdotal evidence is generally not considered valid on its own because it relies on personal experiences and stories, which can be biased and not representative of a larger population, making it unreliable as a standalone piece of evidence to prove a point; however, it can sometimes be useful for generating hypotheses or illustrating a point when paired with other facts.”
“Anyone think maybe the FACTS Jesus Frank uses are only what he cherry picks for his rhetoric?” How many times do I have to say: PROVE IT? But you never do because you can’t.
“Where is the proof his facts are correct? Maybe they are, maybe not or are partially, right?” I generally list the sources, and check them out on You tend to say facts don’t matter, here’s the truth. NBL.
“I really don’t care. I like to look things up for myself not rely on someone else’s (facts).” Yeah, this is the same lady who is waiting, and dating, “the signal” that never comes. The lady that says over a half dozen of our leaders, including Biden, are clones, and that President Trump has been running the show since 2020.
“Truth is key!” Got that right and not much else. Or at least that she can actually prove as truth, with facts, sources, links, whatever.
This article gets a Stop The Spin (STS) rating of 5+. It is a HUGE bologna sandwich!!! Here is why:
1) France is the most tolerant. Italy is pretty tolerant to. We are tolerant but that is only the middle and left. Right is not tolerant. Right wing MAGA is very intolerant.
2) There are many examples of racism against legal immigrants. Just ask the Japanese, Chinese, etc.
3) The “Great White Replacement Theory” is well embraced by the radical right Trump voters. And by the way, most Latinos consider themselves Brown, persons of color. Some Latinos are light skinned by they are still included in the 2020 Census as “Latino”, not White. Where are your statistics or survey on your claim Larry?
4) For most Americans, the test of immigration is NOT how a person looks WRONG again Larry. Most Americans think color when they think immigrants. They do not think, “diplomas, or wannabee American, or share our values”. Thanks to Trump and MAGA, immigrants have been advertised as criminals, poor, moochers, theifs, job stealers, etc. Larry, you are spending too much time in your white ivory tower world.
5) Please define “American Exceptionalism”? It is definitely not you Larry.
6) Larry says, “The immigration of the most intelligent and skilled workers has been a key factor in America being a world leader in commerce and technology.” Part true but many of the intelligent is going to France, Germany, UK, China, Sweden, these days but you would not know that if you stay in your ivory tower in Boca. IF America is a leader in Tech as you say, then why be so scared of the Chinese having passed us.
7) Larry thinks immigrants are only taking jobs Americans do not want. Hey Larry, look at how immigrants have taken over the construction industry. Look at Indians taking over IT, many of whom come in on H1B visas because they are paid less. H1B and H2B are being overused to supplant American workers. Trump uses them a lot!!! And so does Musk!! Are you telling me that Americans cannot design and build Teslas?
8) Larry criticizes the American Education System as “failing” yet he voted for the party that wants to discontinue the Dept. of Education and throw it all back on the states which will put the entire system in disarray and make Larry’s assertion come true! . Hmmm, as a Math Teacher for ten years, I taught many in Calc who got scholarships to Duke, UNC, etc. But Larry was a consultant for a few years to the Chicago Ed system so now he speaks for the whole USA Ed system.
9) Asians dominating the top ranks is because they have better family parenting skills. But Larry does not mention the fact that there are also many Asians that do not dominate the top.
10) Larry says, ” The Chinese were using their cell phones for retail purchases decades before that was a widespread practice in America. ” Larry does not mention several things like 1) China has a state sponsored program for purchasing on phones called WeChat. Americans (particularly MAGA) do not want state sponsored payment apps. China has national ID’s for going on trains, Americans (particularly MAGA) do not want National ID’s. Larry, when was the last time you were in China. I just got back from another trip. Did you look at their eldercare system? Did you look at their social security system that is in big trouble? Did you happen to notice that Chinese citizens obey or get their WeChat and Internet cut off? Did you happen to notice that many subjects are not allowed to be discussed on WeChat? Did you happen to notice the high youth master degrees unemployment rate? Did you happen to notice that 40% of their high speed train lines are vacant and not in service? Did you happen to see all of the boom cranes that are not moving because they were abandoned in place when EverGrande / real estate collapsed and there was no money to remove the cranes, and building are crumbling? When was the last time you were in China?
11) It is the failure of the American education system that has given the best-and-brightest designation to students from other nations. YES LARRY, blame the education system THAT THE GOP HAS SYSTEMATICALLY GUTTED!!! As a retired Mathematics Teacher, I can tell you that any teacher will be happy to tell you which party is gutting the public education systems – it is the GOP. And then they turn around and blame the education system for being bad.
12) Larry lies and spins when he says there are many from both sides that absolutely do not believe in immigration. Truth is, almost all of them are MAGA and GOP rednecks. Larry lies and does not offer any stats to back up his statement. A majority of Americans (54%) say that “controlling and reducing illegal immigration” should be a very important foreign policy goal for the United States, up from a previous all-time low of 42 percent in 2018. Nearly nine in 10 Republicans (86%) view this as an important goal for the United States—an all-time high in Council polling—while only a third of Democrats (34%) say the same. This is why Trump and the media focuses on the MAGA hardliners. They are the majority!!! LARRY, RESEARCH FIRST, TRY THIS ARTICLE FROM ** and get informed, see the proof of your lie.
13) What Trump and Musk will NOT focus on is the overuse of the H1B program – and it is way overused!! I saw it first hand when I worked for the Death Star for 20 years. It is being used in many cases to hire foreign workers that do not have a specialized hard to find skill in the USA. I worked aside of some of them, they were average and because they are on visas, the corporate rules are different with regard to compensation, worker rights, etc. Indian engineers were going for $45K while US engineers were going for $65K. So naturally, since the rules are easily bent and/or do not apply to foreign workers on visas, and since they come cheaper, corporations are happy to write their job descriptions that lie and then hire a foreigner. The problem is that the H1B program is overused and not monitored. Trump and Musk both like the H1B program because an H1B cannot walk across the street and get another job. They are captured employees. If they leave their job they can be deported. The Dept. of Labor needs to be more engaged on this issue – but Trump and Musk will not allow it!!!
I think H1B is good and useful, but being way overused. Trump and Musk are both big users of this program. They like the way it gets around a lot of labor laws and allows them total control over their foreign employees that do not have labor protections under the law. This system is ripe for a big clean up!
Tom the arrogant independent … I had a little time on my hands so I will make an exception from my habit of ignoring your silly and meaningless rating system and all the bullcrap that follows. Also, I fear my lack of responses has made you more outrageous in your rebuttals. Maybe it is time to show you up for the bs artist you are but providing a more specific response so you do not go around fooling others as you make a fool of yourself. So …
1. I have no idea how could come to such a completely stupid retort. You have no basis for your opinions of France and Italy, and the FACT remains — as I said — America is ONE OF THE MOST tolerant nations. You misrepresent what I wrote … as usual.
2. You refence to cultural and system racism against Japanese and Chinese goes back the late 1800s and early 1900s. Maybe that is your age showing. Asians have been fully assimilated in the American culture … check out movies, television news, advertising, big businesses (especially in the tech world), small businesses (restaurants, nails shops, etc.). And the medical profession. Two of my favorite doctors are migrant Chinese. We have even had one run for President. Perhaps it is your personal prejudice that is seen here. Projecting?
3. The so-called White Replacement theory is just that … a bogus theory advanced by the left to race bait. The juxtaposing of White Americans against what is idiotically described as people of color is a divisive and racist tactic engaged in by the left. Theory? Maybe. Fact? No. And according to the census, the United States has a 60 percent White population. The 40 percent is composed of Blacks, Black Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, Pacific Islanders,
4. More racist stupidity. MOST Americans –by far — approve of immigration that is LEGAL The origin or “race” does not matter. It is the character that counts. Criminals etc. need not apply. You again malign the American people. Maybe YOU think color when you think of immigrants, but you are an arrogant fool to think that you are representative of the greater American culture.
5. Do your own research. And there you go again with your hominin insults. On the other hand, I do see you as an exceptional American — an exception from all the things that make the American people great. Back at you, you old geezer. LOL
6. Boy, this is a blend of bs and stupidity. Your failing logic again. I am sure some highly technical people go to France, etc. But that does not negate that a LOT come to America. (Can you ever make a point without adding a personal insult? Geez!!). And AGAIN, you misrepresent my point. I have argued that we are losing our leadership to places like China and India. And the Chinese leadership in tech is NOT from immigration as, you wrongly suggest. China operates virtually on a non-immigration policy. Their high tech talent is home grown and educated. That is why America tries to keep many of the Chinese students who are here on student visas.
7. Yet another misrepresentation of my writing and opinion. I do NOT believe that immigrants only take jobs that Americans do not want. I have talk about lots of high tech jobs being filled by immigrants. (Good God! Are you so blinded by Horist hatred that you have lost your effing mind?) The point I was making is that immigrants take AND CREATE a job. That is how the economy grows. This retort from you is gross ignorance of the facts, economics — and my writings.
8. It is no coincidence that the American educational system began declining compared to other top nations with the advent of unionism and the Department of Education. I could write a book on that correlation, but for now, I will just say that we see this issue very differently. I have long favored the abolition of the Department of Education – and the return to any legitimate federal interest back to the Department of Health and Human Services – originally called the Department of Health, EDUCATION and welfare.
9. This is simply a stupid response. Of course, not EVERY Asian is at the top of the class. Duh! But they do DOMANTE when viewed in terms of numbers and percentages. And it is NOT primarily based on parenting — although that is a factor. It has to do with EDUCATION!!!
10. Another nonsensical and unresponsive reply. My point was that the Chinese are more advanced in technology than we are – and that is not a good thing. The cell phone was merely an example. Get it? An example. Your distraction into WeChat and other social issues in China have NOTHING to do with my point. You are off on your own tangent … hoisted by your own petard … and cutting off the branch upon which you sit.
11. I see no example in which the GOP policies are gutting American education. in fact, the GOP has long supported educational choice so that students can get the best education possible — rather than languish in all those inferior schools run by Democrat political machines in our segregated cities. You are a typical left-winger who believes that the instruction — the brick and mortar – is more important that student education.
12. LOL You are one nutcase. Of course, most Americans — and even higher percentage of Republicans — believe in LEGAL immigration. You cannot even correctly read your own research. What is your point?
13. If you believe that immigration is critical to the growth of the American economy — as I do — and that the most talented and skilled immigrants make the greatest contribution — as I do — I am not sure it is even possible to overuse the H1B visas. I think we should get all the talent we can. And remember, they do not take jobs from Americans but create new jobs as consumers. I hope that bit of economic reality does not get your old brain more addled than it already appears to be.
It is good to hear that Trump and Musk are big users of H1B visas — bringing high quality talent to America. Perhaps it is the reason that Musk has benefited America with his high tech enterprises … Tesla, SpaceX, battery company, tunnel boring company, AI companies and many more. I am not sure that any one person is doing more good for America and the American workers than Musk. He is creating a lot of those jobs Biden brags about.
That about enough wasted time in my day. Need to go on to more productive and pleasant pursuits. I just felt the need to use this one occasion to set the record straight and show you up for the obsessive old fool you have become.
1) See Frank’s link. You are the idiot on this one.
2) Crimes against Asians are up significantly since Covid. Just Google the federal task force on the topic. Again, you are the idiot on this one!
3) Again you being dumb. It is MAGA people that are believing in this. Go talk to them.
4) Again you show ignorance. Just look at how Trump characterizes immigrants. Many MAGA repeat what Trump says.
5) Your lame answer. I simply asked you to define it. You do not seem able, as usual. If you cannot define it, then you lose the argument. All I am doing is holding you accountable for your faceless claims!
6) Again you show ignorance and lack of knowledge. You show you have not been to China in a long time. And you show ignorance on the numbers going to share their expertise with EU countries. Just last week the CEO of an American tech firm left for China. You are really out of touch on this issue.
7) You cannot read Larry. I named specific industries. Most construction workers are Hispanic. Many Indians here in the IT field on visas. H1B is being way overused. American workers paid properly to build homes and work IT can also grow economy. Get a grip old man.
8) Yes we disagree. It is much more than just allowing each state to assume education responsibilities. You will end up with 50 diverse education system with no standard which will bring chaos to college admissions and transfers, free and reduced lunch programs, etc. Not a good idea and I do not believe you have fully thought this out.
9) If you had spent 10 years in the general Ed classroom your opinion would be different. My point was that in general, most Asian parents require more scholastic excellence than most non-Asian American parents. Again Larry you show lack of depth of knowledge on the much broader issue. Do ten years in the classroom. Then I will consider you qualified.
10) Again Larry, you show your ignorance. You spoke of using phones for purchases, and that is what I addresses using WeChat. My other point is Americans, many MAGA hold back such technologies because of privacy issues. You really need to learn how to see the bigger picture Larry dear.
11) Again you show stupidity big time! Those educational choices ARE what is taking away funding from public schools that you complain about!!! GOP policies at state levels gut the public school syste. NC was ranked around 20th in the nation before the GOP super majority in the state house. Now we are 35th.
12) You are showing you are the king dunce on this one. Reread it! GOP has a 3 to 1 lead in opposing immigration of any type. You make it sound like it’s equal for both parties. It is not!!! 66% of Dems favor immigration. Again, reread what is actually written!
13) When you create new jobs by cheaper immigrant labor, you displace higher paid American workers with lower wage foreign workers which can have a net effect of less money in the economy (and do not forget foreign workers send American dollars to their families in their home country), AND, you suppress the wage scales for American workers!!! This does not build the economy the way you think!!! Stop being an economic dumbass!!!
1. yeah, that was an interesting story, and news to me, nice that you picked up on it too. Weird given all the issues France has with immigrants feeling persecuted, segregated, and racially branded.
Another great skewering, not sure why Horist does not research your/our points. He’s got to know we support with facts, often links, so his Trumpian braggadocio style of win-lose, I’m right, you’re wrong, because I tell you so, just does not cut it.
That’s right Horist, your days of being cock-o–the-walk in your tiny pbp chicken coop are over; the fact checkers are here.
Facts are our friends. Get some friends Larry.
Frank Danger … Alas … Claiming that you and Tom are real “fact checkers” doth not make it so. Nor does your propensity to site biased and outlier opinion sources. To me, you are a couple of pompous old geezers ranting from your balcony with nothing better to do in life than to engage in petty political bickering and venting your spleens with misinformation, accusations, spin, mischaracterizations and lies. Lies like pretending you guys are actually fact checkers. Long live Waldorf and Statler. LOL
Hoirst: as usual, you talk a big game, use a lot of snarky generalizations, but cannot toe the line. You will not step in the ring and throw a real punch. All you do is scream accusations, generalizations, lame names, but NO FACTS.
And then you have the nerve to make up the lie: “your propensity to site biased and outlier opinion sources,” as if PBS, NPR, The Hill, BBC, Reuters, and so, so many more of my sources are “outlier opinion sources?” At least they are better than YOU. YOU who starts the fight and then whines it’s the other guy that did it. Just like they said about you oh those many years ago as you found it necessary to leave Chicago post being spanked. And you like the story……
SHOW US my “site biased and outlier opinion sources.” I am actually sure you will find at least one. And for every one you find, I will show you ten that I used that are not.
At least we source, link, and quote sources. You mostly just pull your facts right out of your ass.
Your conclusion is stupid: “To me, you are a couple of pompous old geezers ranting from your balcony with nothing better to do in life than to engage in petty political bickering and venting your spleens with misinformation, accusations, spin, mischaracterizations and lies.” Funny from a guy born with a 1950’s mind, a guy who decries name calling as he does it over and over and over. A guy whose entire career is based on “petty political bickering.”
But SHOW US some: “misinformation, accusations, spin, mischaracterizations and lies” or STFU since you don’t have a clue what to do.
SHOW US, quit the word clusterfuck and show us the money, show us the name calling, the insults, the misinformation, the spin, mischaracterizations and lies. Because Tom just caught you in one about France et al. He sourced it. It’s real. And you still don’t have a clue. Here’s a buck, buy one.
I spell my name: danger. And he does not.
Frank Danger… Insults and hysterical personal attacks are your stock in trade. For a guy who loves to attack you have very thin skin. And your constant and obsessive focus on moi suggest something — jealousy? Insecurity? Still, I am flattered that my commentaries are such an important part of your life. I just wish you could deal with them in more mature and rational manner. A little objectivity would not hurt.
Hey! I just noticed that if you drop the “D” you are Frank Anger. Very subtle, old man — but vert apt..
1) See Frank’s link. You are the idiot on this one.
2) Crimes against Asians are up significantly since Covid. Just Google the federal task force on the topic. Again, you are the idiot on this one!
3) Again you being dumb. It is MAGA people that are believing in this. Go talk to them.
4) Again you show ignorance. Just look at how Trump characterizes immigrants. Many MAGA repeat what Trump says.
5) Your lame answer. I simply asked you to define it. You do not seem able, as usual. If you cannot define it, then you lose the argument. All I am doing is holding you accountable for your faceless claims!
6) Again you show ignorance and lack of knowledge. You show you have not been to China in a long time. And you show ignorance on the numbers going to share their expertise with EU countries. Just last week the CEO of an American tech firm left for China. You are really out of touch on this issue.
7) You cannot read Larry. I named specific industries. Most construction workers are Hispanic. Many Indians here in the IT field on visas. H1B is being way overused. American workers paid properly to build homes and work IT can also grow economy. Get a grip old man.
8) Yes we disagree. It is much more than just allowing each state to assume education responsibilities. You will end up with 50 diverse education system with no standard which will bring chaos to college admissions and transfers, free and reduced lunch programs, etc. Not a good idea and I do not believe you have fully thought this out.
9) If you had spent 10 years in the general Ed classroom your opinion would be different. My point was that in general, most Asian parents require more scholastic excellence than most non-Asian American parents. Again Larry you show lack of depth of knowledge on the much broader issue. Do ten years in the classroom. Then I will consider you qualified.
10) Again Larry, you show your ignorance. You spoke of using phones for purchases, and that is what I addresses using WeChat. My other point is Americans, many MAGA hold back such technologies because of privacy issues. You really need to learn how to see the bigger picture Larry dear.
11) Again you show stupidity big time! Those educational choices ARE what is taking away funding from public schools that you complain about!!! GOP policies at state levels gut the public school system. NC was ranked around 20th in the nation before the GOP super majority in the state house. Now we are 35th.
12) You are showing you are the king dunce on this one. Reread it! GOP has a 3 to 1 lead in opposing immigration of any type. You make it sound like it’s equal for both parties. It is not!!! 66% of Dems favor immigration. Again, reread what is actually written!
13) When you create new jobs by cheaper immigrant labor, you displace higher paid American workers with lower wage foreign workers which can have a net effect of less money in the economy (and do not forget foreign workers send American dollars to their families in their home country), AND, you suppress the wage scales for American workers!!! This does not build the economy the way you think!!! Stop being an economic dumbass!!!
Tom … You posted this already. Short term memory problem worsening? You entire response is that I am lame, idiot, stupid, dumb, ignorant, etc, etc, etc, LOL Not a single bit of evidence against my rebuttal of your nonsense. You obviously resort to childish name calling when you cannot offer an intelligent response — which is quite often. Ignorance, arrogance and now mindless anger. Your intellectual weakness and lack of basic knowledge is showing — especially when you start talking economics. Cheap insults do not cover that up — they expose your ignorance for all to see.