Matt Gaetz is a joke … seriously

President Trump announced that he was going to nominate Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz as Attorney General. The smoke you smell on the coasts is not from brush fires. It is the left-wing establishment’s hair on fire – which makes me laugh.
In my opinion, Matt Gaetz will never be Attorney General – and I believe Trump knows it.
If reports are accurate, the announcement about Gaetz was made at the last minute by Trump personally. Gaetz was not on the list of likely candidates for the nation’s top law enforcement office, which means that he did not go through the transition team’s vetting process. The announcement itself seemed off-handed and unserious.
There are a lot of reasons why Gaetz would not be a good choice as Attorney General. Personally, I have always viewed Gaetz as a grandstanding sleaze bag. That may seem harsh, but it is how I have seen him throughout his congressional career.
He was the primary provocateur of the GOP revolt against House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. I was never a fan of McCarthy — as evident in a number of past commentaries – but removing him from that post at that time was political malpractice. It put the House through a prolonged,15 vote embarrassment.
The fact that the GOP ultimately wound up with a much better House Speaker in Mike Johnson does not justify Gaetz tactics and antics. Gaetz was not an enthusiastic supporter of Johnson – and has since expressed misgivings about the Speaker. At one point, he even talked of trying to oust Johnson.
Critics of the Gaetz appointment point out that he was once under investigation for sex trafficking – a case that involved a 17-year-old underage girl. A Gaetz friend is currently serving time for his involvement in an associated case.
However, Gaetz was never indicted. The charges were dropped by the Biden Department of Justice in 2023. Under American rule-of-law that means Gaetz is to be considered to be innocent of the accusations no matter what you believe about his alleged involvement with an underage girl. It is sleazy of Gaetz critics to keep harping on that issue since the DOJ could not make a case. There is more than enough to criticize without resorting to slander as a response.
Gaetz has also been the subject of a congressional ethics investigation – and a report was to be issued at any moment. I say “has been subject of a congressional ethics investigation” because Gaetz resigned from Congress – and that immediately shut down the ethics investigation. In fact, his effort to end the ethics investigation appears to be the ONLY reason for his sudden resignation. If the Ethics Committee report on Gaetz is not released, I suspect it will be leaked.
Just for the record, Gaetz also has a DUI conviction. That may be notable, but not all that significant in a world in which a lot of folks have one – including political figures.
When I say Trump’s proposing to officially nominate Gaetz is a joke it is because Trump must know a Gaetz nomination will be a very steep uphill effort in the Senate. Virtually impossible. Trump’s motive may have already been achieved – and that is setting all that lefty hair on fire.
He poked the left-wing hornets’ nest and dominated another news cycle. He them in panic with their speculative doom and gloom reports. Mass resignations at the DOJ. Trump put them back on their absurd “end of the American Republic” campaign narrative.
I see no way that a Gaetz appointment would obtain enough support in the Senate to confirm him for that post – and perhaps any post in the federal government. Frankly, I would be surprised if Trump followed through with an official nomination. Upon hearing of his being named for the AG post, I immediately conjured up enough names of senators who I believe would vote “no”.
Gaetz, himself, realizes that he would never get the necessary votes in the Senate. In a past Newsmax interview, there was jocular speculation of an “Attorney General Gaetz.” Gaetz conceded that he would never get sufficient votes to be confirmed by the Senate.
Is there another reason for floating out Gaetz name? Perhaps it is just to give Gaetz cover for resigning from Congress to pursue the AG job. That is possible, but there is no reason for a nominee to resign before confirmation. Also, his resignation reduces the GOP narrow majority in the House. The resignation has more to do with the ethics probe than the AG nomination.
But … what about one of those recess appointments?
When the Senate is in recess, a President has the power to make a recess appointment. The appointee can serve in the post in an acting capacity for up to a year – maybe more. But the Senate has to be in recess – not just on a short adjournment.
That distinction came to play when President Obama attempted to make recess appointments when the Senate adjourned for a holiday. The issue went to the Supreme Court which decided that Obama had abused his power, and those appointments were nullified.
(Contrary to the impression you get from the anti-Trump news media, Trump did not invent the recess appointment — and is not the first President to make such appointments. Although not a recess appointment, it is noteworthy that the current head of the Labor Department is an “acting” Secretary of Labor who took over the post upon the resignation of her boss. The point is, she is holding a job without Senate confirmation. But I digress.)
Since a recess appointment can be made only when the Senate is in recess, the question is … will the Senate go into recess at any time in the next couple years for no other reason than to allow Trump to make such appointments? It does not have to do so. It can function quite well without an official recess.
Trump has proposed that the Senate go into recess so he can make such appointments. I am not convinced that it will. That would surrender a lot of power to the President. It would circumvent and undermine the balance of power that the Founders so carefully crafted in the Constitution.
The possibility that Gaetz could get a recess appointment should be enough for the Senate to not go into any recesses simply to give Trump recess appointments. I do not believe that Gaetz will ever be confirmed by the Senate – at least I hope not. I do not believe he will ever serve as Attorney General. But … Trump sure knows how to craze the crazies. And seeing all that hyper hysteria from the left is worth the good laugh.
So, there ‘tis.
I think his confirmation depends on how anxious Trump is to bring him on board. A great many folks have said he is not qualified to run the DOJ, but I don’t think that’s the goal.
His job is to rip it apart.
Both Gaetz and Trump have been victims of weaponization of the DOJ. Gaetz’ sole mission will be to find and destroy the people who are coopted by the Democrats, in the DOJ and the FBI.
Trump might find someone (or might have someone in mind) who is more subtle in accomplishing this mission, so Gaetz may end up as cannon fodder. But in this case the cannon fodder is the shot across the bow.
Joe …. absolutely. Trump is a disrupter of the establishment. Voters sent him there to do that.
Larry, not all “voters”. There was about a 2% difference in voters for Trump versus Harris, and, over 13 million voters did not vote for some reason.
Tom … Trump won the popular vote …. won every battleground state … increased his vote by 3 percent of more in thousand of countries (Harris up 3 percent vote over 2020 — zero counties). Trump improved with Blacks, Latinos and women. He won a majority of the Arab vote. Even Dems are calling it a realignment. Yes the popular vote was close, but this ain’t horseshoes. You are trying to put lipstick on a pig, old man.
It was rigged I tell you. I have no evidence so it must be true. I’m having a rally on the 6th, be there. It will be wild. I,ve got the Humble Foys coming, Bowi’s Buggaloo Dudes, and many more tourists. No magnetometers. .
”The smoke you smell on the coasts is not from brush fires. It is the left-wing establishment’s hair on fire – which makes me laugh.” That says a lot. Larry is of the win-lose camp where people enjoy other people’s pain of loss and gloat in their victory. He does not know the people he’s laughing at, he enjoys putting pain in a stranger.
I have never laughed at the Right’s pain nor do I enjoy their losses.
Between his sexism, name calling, woke shaming, DEI shaming, he has spent a lifetime acting like this. I harken back to the Chicago Reader story that Horist likes where it is said: “He’s like the kid on your block who was always getting into fights but always swore he never threw the first punch.” Or ” The Tribune’s Tom Hardy used to deride him as “Uncle Larry,” a cranky ideologue.”
I think they are wrong. Larry likes the win-lose and rejects the win-win. He needs to score and keep score. Who’s on top matter and who’s on bottom deserves derision.
I do not write this to change Larry, that won’t be done. I write this to describe Larry’s typical actions whether it’s “fried chicken” racism, lame sexist jokes, or making fun of his perceived political enemies. Larry, again, you won. Act like it. Be better than a man, be a gentleman. That’s this man’s view from the balcony, as you call it.
Be conservative, but the best path for all is the win-win, win-lose is a sucker’s game since ultimately it comes back to haunt you.
Oh yeah, sorry about the Lawrence. I will stop that, not very funny really. I did some checking, interesting name choice.
Larry is the nickname, diminutive, or shortened name for Lawrence or Laurence. Laurence comes from Laurentum, a town in old Roman days named for the Laurel Tree. There were few Larry’s as the full first name in America until the 1930’s when Larry as the formal first name became popular, peaking in the 50’s and basically dead by the 90’s. Think the same thing happened to Harry and Garry….
Makes sense.
Frank Dander … Stranger …. Stetson. Your obsessive criticism is marked by gross ignorance, pettiness and childish insults and sarcasm. Your obsession with the Larry Horist of you mendacious and malignant imagination is sad . That and the frequent name changes — and lying about it — suggests a problem with mental stability. Your deep research in the things written about me shows your obsession. Of the hundreds of thousands are media references to me, you deep dive for a couple of comments that you can spin as unflattering. You created a personality profile because my mother preferred Larry over Lawrence. Really? That is just whacko. I know you cannot allow yourself to believe it, but you constant carping have no impact on me emotionally or intellectually — and I am not at all the person you describe. Personally, I consider you a pathetic light weight with a notable self-esteem problem — mentally incarcerated by your obvious obsession. You rarely write about my commentaries, but use you access to this platform to lie, complain, attack and insult. I really pity you.
Wow Larry, quite the defensive rant.
Lithium dude.
‘Twas and an opinion piece supported by a number of facts, none of which you counter, most of which are direct quotes. so glad we agree on the facts.
You calling me names again is somehow me being obsessed. Well, sure sounds like the Chicago reader quote is spot on as you doubled down as the kid on the block.
Such a sensitive one. Such a thin skin. Yelling at me for what others said.
Yeah Larry really does have a bit of a thin skin behind is false projection of strength! I think all of Larry’s name calling is his way of saying “I love you buddy!”
Thanks for sharing your opinion, Larry. You are wrong.
Mike Brady … You mean you think Gaetz is the right person for the job?
I think a recess appointment would be ideal for the purpose of cleaning out that rat’s nest. After all, in 2 years it would need Senate approval at which time you could get your nice, nice guy in after all the dirty work is done.
This article gets a Stop The Spin (STS) rating of 3. Here is why:
1) Larry does not give any credit to American parents. It is not just the left. Independents are also concerned that this pedophile and sex trafficker who flaunts the laws when ever he can might even be considered for such a position, much less get it. This shows just how unstable Trump really is.
2) This selection is totally motivated by revenge, and in this case, both Trump and Gaetz have an ax to grind. Neither is concerned about the American people. And the DOJ is supposed to be all about protecting the people.
3) Larry laughs at the selection. Whether this is a serious selection or not, this goes to show that Larry’s mind is a bit warped. In the past, Larry has shown through his jokes and some serious commentary that he has a lack of sensitivity, and this is just another area where that lack shows. Nobody should ever laugh at a pedophile sex trafficker being suggested for appointment to the highest Justice position in the most powerful country. This is a serious issue.
4) Larry is correct, the DOJ decided to not prosecute the case. But he glosses over why the DOJ made this decision. It was because one witness was not viewed as credible since she entered the porn industry. The other witness who had sex with Gaetz said she would testify to the drugs but not the sex. However, just this week, a new witness has spoken that she has seen Gaetz having sex with under-aged women at Florida parties he attended or held.
5) However, while Larry laughs, there are other organizations that surely have the information on Gaetz and can use it to get their way such as Russia, China, etc. Think about the extortion’s that can happen, the compromises to our security that can exist, the sensitive information that can be covertly passed to enemies if Russia plays its “Gaetz card”. Is that funny too Larry?
6) Think about Trumps desire for mass recess appointments. Gaetz could slip through and then our national security nightmare will begin. Is that funny Larry?
7) Larry omits the fact that the reason Gaetz resigned 3 days before the DOJ Gaetz report release is because the DOJ stated they would not release the report if Gaetz resigned and was not in Congress anymore. This is a form of admission of guilt that there are some things in that report that he does not want the nation to know because it would ruin his career. Is this funny to you Larry?
While I agree with most of Larry’s closing paragraph, I disagree with his closing statement when he says, “And seeing all that hyper hysteria from the left is worth the good laugh. ” There is quite a bit of concern (Larry says hysteria) from right, center, and left, and Independents. And it is righteous concern that Larry is laughing at. Is Larry stable?
Larry is attempting to conflate the reader’s mind that all of the concern is about Gaetz. True Gaetz is probably the source of significant concern, especially to legislators because his office is the one that would go after the congressmen and senators. But Larry is hiding from the reader that there is much concern about the other suggested appointments that Larry does not mention such as Kennedy, Gabbard, Noem, Hegseth, Homan, and Collins. There are many reasons why these aforementioned picks are not qualified and are concerning to people across the political spectrum.
The reasons for Trumps success are several. One statistic says Trump dominated the “uninformed voter” category 27% to 13%. The good that may come from this insanity is that voters in this group will start to have remorse and will seek information before voting in 2026. News agencies will begin to package their news in shorter snipets rather than long reports that are too long for American attention spans. When those uninformed voters understand what MAGA and Project 2025 are all about, there will be backlash that may lead to the disassembly of MAGA and Heritage. Only time will tell. But for now, many across the political spectrum will suffer as the USA becomes more like Russia.
Larry will just laugh.
So there ’tis… now you have both sides.
TOMMY, YOU’RE QUIT THE BSer!!! The DOJ/FBI needs a deep cleansing enema!! And all the paragraphs you spit out makes me and others believe you’re full of leftist ideology!
LMB. Thank you for your response. I am simply reporting what Larry omitted, that’s all. Most everything I stated is party neutral. I even said I agreed with much of Larry’s last paragraph. There is significant push back coming from Republican congressmen and senators on more than one Trump pick. Larry omitted much of this. Are all the Republican objectors Leftists too? It seems more an issue of people not wanting to hear the full truth. So often both sides criticize me. No big deal.
Tommy … Tommy …Tommy. You are so off beam. I am laughing at YOU and all your pompous puffed up bs — and you silly rating system. YOU are the hyper hyperbole I am laughing at. You are so typical of the up tight paranoid left-wing politically correct whiners and cry babies. And when you mx that with the Larry Horist obsession you share with Frankie, you get your current state of emotional derangement. You self proclaim to represent fact and truth when you are merely a declining old man shaking your anger fist in the air spewing narrow minded propaganda for no discernible impact on any one — and with an increasingly apparent reading comprehension problem. The air must be getting thin on that balcony your occupy. And then you claim to do it all to make me a better writer. THAT is the funniest thing of all.
I am working on a comedy script that has an old geezer in it, and I use a combo of you and frank as my inspiration. Or maybe make it two old geezers in the spirit of Waldorf and Statler.
BTW, I told a number of friends about your calling AF “petrified whale poop.” It gets hearty laugh every time. You just do not know how absurdly funny you are.
Again Larry kvetches over personality and does not counter a thing Tom said.
Thanks for your response Larry. Your venomous responses always tell me that I hit home, and that I told the truth that you would not tell. You are a predictable sure bet to get angered by the FULL truth! And my rating system is teaching you accountability which is a double bonus for you!!! This is very good therapy for you and I am happy to be a part of your aging social therapy plan!
So Larry, please tell me where I did not tell the truth, and add a little supportive info.
Please remember to take a break to change your adult diaper. We don’t want the better part of you running down your leg buddy! 🙂
Yes, Tommy cares about you!!! 🙂
What I find amusing is both sides doing things requiring the Supreme court to take actions.
Are not most of congress attorneys?
So the supreme Court has nothing better to look at than extreme pushing from both sides.
William Shakespeare might have been right ( get rid of attorneys )!
This is a favor to Gaetz, but it is up to him to make it work.
I for one am good with that.
Everyone speaks of political revenge, and for 8 years that is all we witnessed!
I do agree with your thoughts in the first three sentences. But being fine with a sex trafficker and pedophile is ok? If the report becomes public and shows that the evidence existed that he is a sex trafficker and pedophile, will this change your mind? By the way, the person collecting the money and getting Gaetz under aged women was convicted and is serving time now.
So you do agree by your statement that Trump has been engaged in political revenge??
I agree Darren, it is amusing. But do you really agree that it is ok to have a sex trafficker and pedophile in charge of the DOJ? If the report becomes public and shows the evidence did exist, would you change your mind? Do you know that the man that got Gaetz under aged women and collected money from him that he paid to have under aged women at his parties was convicted and is serving time in Federal prison?
Larry, your sentence that the hysteria is from the left is a LIE as proven by the Guardian.
Guardian ( a right wing paper) says, “Donald Trump’s decision to nominate the far-right Republican congressman Matt Gaetz as attorney general has sent shockwaves through Washington, including the president-elect’s own party.” Read more at *https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/nov/13/republicans-matt-gaetz-trump-attorney-general* I should have considered this lie when I rated the article. It would have given you an STS-4 rating.
Tom … Yes shock waves. But it is still those on the left — like you — who have they hair on fire. Most of the reporting I have seen talks about the chaos on the left. You would be more credible if you were not so obsessed as an anti-Horist.
Larry, you lied by omission in this case by steering your reader’s thinking that only the left has shockwaves. Truth is, I have seen several GOP interviews on the right. Several of them are melting down as well. I am NOT an anti-Horist. Far from it. I am a “pro-truthist” and would love to see you present the FULL truth so people can give comments either way. Letting people make up their own minds and comment would provide more readership.
My comments are only meant to give yours and my readers the full truth. I am sorry that you have such a fragile defensive personality that you take me as being “anti-Horist”. It is all part of your therapeutic plan to fully develop you into a caring human being! Just consider me to be your potter, and you are the clay. Yes, some of my responses will hurt no doubt, but you will be a beautiful tea cup in the end!
By the way, I am an Independent. Do you need another explanation? 🙂
Biden is a sick pedophile and rapist.
What is your point?
Actually Darren, I am not sure what your point is since the article is not about Biden nor did I mention Biden. Are there some sort of official charges against Biden for the crimes you state? I do not know of any DOJ report on Biden. Please inform me. Thanks!
While there are allegations from 1993 from a lady that Republicans convinced was in danger so she fled to Russia, smart. But no indictments. In May of 23 she asked Putin for citizenship, denied, and in July of 24, returned home after Republican funding dried up. She was of no use to you at that point. Must be a great case if Comer and Jordan have not picked it up.
Trump was held liable for sexual abuse and defamation in the same case for what the judge called “digital rape” and rape in the common parlance of the word. There were numerous witnesses attesting to similar Trump behaviors. He did not sue any one of them for defamation — maybe he likes it.
Shall we match allegations of Trump vs. Biden. You’ve got one; I have dozens.
There is no indication or allegation of Biden pedophilia. Darren’s fantasy perhaps?
In November of 2024, 100 hours of tapes were released from Epstein detailing his relationship with Trump. It appears their relationship was long and tight. On the tapes, you can hear Epstein saying how Trump liked to “f—” his friends’ wives and first slept with Melania on the “Lolita Express.” He claimed Trump a serial cheater on his wives, and we now know, based on convictions, his charity foundations, university students, and the tax Gods.
There’s also many accounts of his peeping on his teenage beauty contestants.
Remember, he’s a convicted felon, tax cheat, charity cheat, and more….. He attempted to rig the 2016 and 2020 elections, who knows about the 2024, but three on a match, right?
Now Darren: I have facts about Trump’s sexual abuse charge, life with Espstein, and the beauty contestants. What have you got? One lady who even Comer and Jordan won’t touch.
Good luck.
Hey Darren, so how’s the data dump on Biden sexual abuse and pedophile allegations, investigations, and convictions coming?
Seems cat may have thy tongue.
Larry, Trumps spat of nominations are made from not low hanging fruit. These are ground gatherings that no one would pick nor pay full price for and eat. Ground gatherings get thrown in with silage and feed to farm swine.
Ex-rep Gaetz is a throwaway expendable sycophant in Trump’s calculus. I agree with you on the point of the very unlikely case that his nomination would survive Senate scrutiny. Enough Republican senators dislike the smell of him in Congress to over ride their somewhat loyalty to Trump.
Gaetz took himself out of his seat in Congress out of his fear that the HR investigation report was about to be released 48 hours later, Friday the 15th of this month. He probably would have jettisoned his seat whether or not Trump made the announcement. Gaetz could not let a scathing report go public. He had tried to squash the investigation but failed each time. His only recourse as he saw it was a cut and run strategy. Congressional rules apply and an investigative report supposedly dies.
However, as you point out these things have a way of leaking into media sources close to the investigation. Many are the slips from the cup to others lips. Curious minds must wait.
Is there no end to Trump acolytes promised a position in the Trump administration if not an associate maintenance person job. I fear Trump has more madness up his sleeves. Maybe these ridiculous nonsensical nominees are Trump’s retribution aimed at the left for the embarrassment caused by the left’s fact checking exposure of falsehoods by the ton. Still, doesn’t Trump realize he won and the left did not. His party will numerically have a majority in both Houses of Congress, he is going to be in the WH, and his SC appointees control SCOTUS. What more does he want than he has already has coming in January.
Gaetz could well be out of Trump’s mind and off his to deal with list. Gaetz should return to where he came from. Florida’s governor may appoint a replacement. Gaetz had just won another 2yr extension in Congress. Why didn’t he withdraw from that race with doing the honorable thing for his district? I know why given Gaetz’s character flaws and his crooked personality. He may have trusted Trump to save his worthless butt. Even the Hail Mary toss Trump threw Geatz he could not catch. Gaetz was on the defensive team, he had been placed on the DL, and he failed to show for the game. In short Gaetz was and is ineligible to receive much less run with the ball.
Trump has not been inaugurated yet and his muffing the job as incumbent head-coach setting plays and picking his first string players offense and defense speaks not very well of his capabilities once the game begins the bright lights are on, and all cameras are focusing on Trump.
Larry, do you have any regrets and remorse when you think back on your commentaries where you defended Trump for the indefensible behaviors and out right bold lies Trump was caught in doing.
Is any action or statement Trump has done or said that you question whether he is fit to serve the country as President. Your answer will reveal where your primary loyalty is. Are you pure GOP loyal and believe what’s right for the Party is right for the country. Or are you the patriot who puts country ahead of Party and believe in the best choice is the one that serves to benefit every American. The third choice is the one which benefits you individually the most. If others receive some additional benefit but less than the largess coming to you, so be it.
Trump shows himself to be solidly in the third choice category. His speeches are filled with the first person nouns. He related with other on a transactional basis. What’s in this for me and how much will it cost me.
The Trump weigh-scale is always skewed in his favor. He must end up winning. At golf his long time caddy says he cheats to win. I think his golf partners let him win. He has proven to others that he is a mean poor loser on the links, in politics, as a business person, and in his personal relationships (lawyers lovers, and national leaders. Believe it or not lovers of self commit to no one, are self-loathed, and are insecure.
Trump over compensates for his perceived short comings with his countless lies. He can’t keep accurate track of every time he misinforms his listeners at rallies, in the debates, when addressing reporters, and making promise statements he will not keep.
This Trump person is going to drive you, me, and the entire nation bat sh– — crazy within his first 100 days in office. Left’s hair on fire will prove contagious in the GOP ranked. Just think you and Trump are about the same age and I am about 1/2 decade younger.
You and Trump will be 82 comparing relative lucidity at 78 how do you see Trump at 80, 81, and 82.
He has not held up well since 2020. In 2025 he begins a job that’s grueling and difficult for much younger and more mentally acute individuals. You and your cohorts in Republican-ism should prepare yourselves should Trump’s presidency implode and the country is hung with our allies strung around our neck. Putin and his ilk will be having the last laugh, all the way to their prospective hiding hold.
Mitch is quoting before the onslaught others will leave right after him. He hand his old set of R senators has their opportunity to stop Trump and put him out of our misery. But he and his co-conspirators failed the moment and are leaving Trump to keep make his messed across the world.
It’s all on you. For our part those of us who cherish our country over party and with forward vision voted for Harris. Trump the alternative your people voted out of what you saw was desperation. And this is what you had got the rest of us into for the next four years.
Good luck old man
AC, let me answer this for you based on years responding to Larry”. Lets see how close I am if he answers you at all:
Larry, do you have any regrets and remorse when you think back on your commentaries where you defended Trump for the indefensible behaviors and out right bold lies Trump was caught in doing. ANSWER: NO.
Is any action or statement Trump has done or said that you question whether he is fit to serve the country as President. ANSWER: NO
Are you pure GOP loyal and believe what’s right for the Party is right for the country. ANSWER: YES
Or are you the patriot who puts country ahead of Party and believe in the best choice is the one that serves to benefit every American. ANSWER: HELL NO! LARRY VIEWS THE ONLY WORTHY PART OF THE COUNTRY IS THOSE THAT ARE GOP OR LEANING GOP. ALL OTHERS ARE EXPENDABLE.
On aging health, Larry will say he is very healthy and Trump is able to complete his term. Larry will not mention Trump’s dementia.
Lets see what Larry says!
Tom .. I wish you were my college professor who would have provided the answers he wanted on the quiz. I see your blood pressure is rising again. All that cyber screaming. Trump’s dementia? Look in a mirror, old man. LOL
Gee Larry, if I am wrong on any of my answers, please provide your own if you have enough balls. It must be tough being you, running around with under-developed testicles! Please respond to AC. I am interested in your response!
Just for fun, was I close? I mean on my answers, not your testicles.
Stop the boat, the author’s Know College had professors?
Knox, that unknown, middle of the road rated, private school, is a really funny place for the author to have matriculated from. John Podesta is their claim to fame. Obama is an honorary. They prize DEI, have awards for sustainability, and a core tenant is “be kind.” Supposedly a great value, and yes, there are professors. Myself, I was an unknown at The University of Maryland taking the same courses as the new Chef of Staff. Ha! Horist went with Podesta, I went with Trump’s right hand man…..person… Wonder if she was that older women I met at the mixer? But unlike her, or the author, I put an MBA on top. So did the spouse, but from better schools than I. Yup, we be elite in your eyes, but we think of it as sweat and blood since we were too broke and too tired to be elite. I mean I was doing my MBA while doing 60-hour weeks. Took a few years and finally, on yet another pregnancy, I bailed on the Finance specialty and went for Marketing and Economics so I could attend la maz, finish the school, and find yet another reason not to sleep……
Frank Danger … LOL Have lost your effing mind? Now you attack my college and demeaning it. You sure like to research me for you barbs. LOL Actually, Knox is one of the top-rated private colleges in the county. I was able to go there under a special program for economically disadvantaged high school students. And I most certainly do not view you as as an elite. Just a run of the mill self-promoting low self esteem old guy who loves to expound … and expound … and expound … beyond his pay grade.
And the judge rules: “sorry, Mr. Horist, your client opened the door with his Tommy-trash-talk about his college professor.
Attack and demeaning? Pot-kettle. My facts are spot on, your memory is imprecise. You yourself brought up Knox College in a previous tirade. Never hearing of it, I did a click. Now you admit, you got in via a program for the poor. Sounds like you couldn’t do what my parents, and I did, pay your own way. Just another free rider of the socialist system if I can steal from your typical mantra. Probably DEI’d you in to boot, played the ole Nigerian blood card. Just kidding, but almost everyone gets money from Knox, that’s their deal, like over 90% get a break. Seriously, I was kidding; I love these programs giving folks a hand up, not a hand out and look — our economy was better for it.
Actually, I hold the economies of the 50’s and 60’s were based on the success of the GI Bill. Sure worked for my family. Congrats on your success for the program. But no attack, no demeaning, just facts, many that you presented yourself earlier.
On the middle of the road rating: USNews for 2025 rates it 83 out of 211; I call that the middle-of-the road, no?
In 2019, out of 500 schools, Forbes nailed it at 331 out of 500. You know, the guy you consulted with. Ditto on middle-of-the road.
Objective overruled, lack of evidence. And, there’s nothing wrong with being completely adequate.
I never said you called me elite, thin skin again; your entire party calls me elite. Haven’t you seen it in the tea leaves, the tracks are on TV? From WIKI which pretty much describes how you folks term the term: “Liberal elite, also referred to as the metropolitan elite or progressive. Elite, is a term used to describe politically liberal people whose education has traditionally opened the doors to affluence, wealth and power and who form a managerial elite.”
Objection overruled: misplaced angst.
Self-promoting – when?
Low self-esteem – when?
Facts are our friends. You have few of them it appears.
And by the by: “John Podesta is their claim to fame. Obama is an honorary. They prize DEI, have awards for sustainability, and a core tenant is “be kind.” Supposedly a great value” is all from the Knox self-assessment it posted on the web to get students. You should catch up on your ole alma mater sometime.
A good sense of humor means you can take a joke, even a very light touch like this one where, remember, you opened the door. Can dish it out, but can’t take it, even a light touch.
Glad to discuss issues anytime you feel you can. But you can’t so you continue to do this.
FYI: USNews has UofM at 44 out of 436 National Universities, top ten percent. If it makes you feel better, my MBA school was middle of the road, they prided themselves on volume as producing the most MBA’s in the country. Funny then, still funny today.
Chillax dude. Remember, you’ll always have the 2024 election. Act like it.
Larry, how is incompetent disaster spelled?
TRUMP that’s T – R – U – M – P is how it’s spelled.
Even you in your conservatism and perspective of American History with the US Constitution always the guiding principle document that successive generations of Americans have lived by since the states ratified it.
Why is our society angry and pointing their accusing finger outward saying that it’s not us who are creating the troubles that divide people in this country? It’s precisely that, an angry accusatory attitude towards any and all other views that one feels are oppositional. And, in that circumstance, why are people getting angry? To that question, there maybe as many answers as there are different opinions, but one answer gives the real reason for people’s show of anger. It is one’s anger level rises
where differences in personal politics is an issue and one’s political skin is too thin. For it is a fact that one’s political skin is the protective covering that assists one in keeping their nerves cool. Thin skin vs thicker skin which skin thickness does one need to not lose their emotional cool?
The Democrats got the short end of the election deal, this time. Last election the it was the Republicans who came out on the short end.
We did not see Biden telling anyone “You have to fight like hell…”. No one will be disturbing the Capital when the EC meets for the actual vote count.
The political stakes are higher this election than were the stakes in elections previous to 2024. The present tense is useful here because every day until January 20, 2029 the stakes are going to be high, no doubt.
Few who cast an “R” vote this election will publicly admit they are suffering “buyer’s remorse” or they have sorrow over who they gave their vote. After all, isn’t one’s vote guaranteed confidential. No one must reveal their secret. But, how someone voted is usually something one brags to others in their echo chamber.
Where the Trump Administration takes the country will be a juggernaut into more and more chaos and unprecedented losses. His lack of leadership wisdom and low standards when choosing his cabinet members. It’s a foreshadowing of decisions yet to come.
Larry, how will you and your fellow so called pundits of your same stripe shade the truth and and skew the facts in Trump’s favor? It’s what you do.
Hey, PBP is the counter point to truthful and honest conservative pundit/writer/commentator David Brooks, for one. Heather Cox Richardson is another.
You get the drift.