Desperate Dems Cling to Unlikely Way Harris Can Still Become POTUS

Despite her resounding defeat, desperate Democrats are wishing and praying for an unlikely way that Kamala Harris can still become the 47th President of the United States – if Joe Biden resigns!
The absurd suggestion was made by Jamal Simmons, a former communications director for Harris, who said that if Biden should step down between now and inauguration day in January, Harris could serve out his term as the first female and, technically, the 47th President!
Asked on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday show what he thought would be the most important thing to watch for in the 71 days until President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, Simmons said, “[Biden] could resign the presidency in the next 30 days (and) make Kamala Harris the president of the United States.”
“Joe Biden’s been a phenomenal president,” Simmons said. “He’s lived up to so many of the promises he’s made. There’s one promise left that he can fulfill: being a transitional figure.”
The move, Simmons argued, would keep Harris from having to oversee “her own defeat” when the presidential election is certified in the Senate, and “it would dominate the news at a point where Democrats have to learn” to grab the public’s attention. The vice president also serves as the President of the Senate, including when Congress certifies the results of a presidential race.
There is, however, no evidence Biden would ever consider leaving office before the end of his term.
Still, that has not stopped others from joking about Biden clearing a potential path for Harris.
For example, “Pod Save America” co-host and former speechwriter for former President Barack Obama Jon Lovett said Harris’s loss meant that “Jimmy Carter has to stay alive for four more years now.”
Carter, who’s been in hospice care for over a year, had said he was hanging on to vote for Harris.
“I mean, there is still a chance Jimmy Carter sees a female president before he dies,” Lovett said. “But it requires Joe Biden doing something awesome.”
After the President-Elect and Vice President-Elect JD Vance move into the White House in January, Harris will be out of political office for the first time since 2004. Despite this break in her 20 years of uninterrupted political service, Harris hinted in her concession speech that this would not be the end of her political career.
“I concede this election, I do not concede the fight that fueled this campaign—the fight: the fight for freedom, for opportunity, for fairness, and the dignity of all people,” Harris said in her Nov. 6 speech. “A fight for the ideals at the heart of our nation, the ideals that reflect America at our best. That is a fight I will never give up.”
Bill joins Dempsey in la la land…… not even worth the read. Why would Joe try this?
Apparently Bill and Earnless have severe difficulty with the concept of winning.
YOU WON, you own it and have it all. When the world is your oyster, focusing on the imagined weaknesses of the people you just were victorious over seems weird. Why not highlight all your successes:
The Ukraine war is over.
The middle east war is over, gaza is no longer under apartheid, the iranians stopped funding terrorism and destroyed the bomb.
The economy is booming, hey —– you actually have that one on your watch :>)
ObamaCare is replaced by concepts.
Most government institutions soon to be destroyed, oh boy.
Crime is at zero
And soon you will have the joys of mass incarcerations followed by deportations with millions of happy immigrants, employers, and US born kids. Only question is will Melanoma and her parents be in line: pretty shaky those chain migrations are……
So, brighten up buttercups, quit focusing on the losers, and enjoy your honeymoon. Soon, the real marriage will begin.
Out of the fog, into the smog…cough, cough
Relentlessly… ruthlessly…
I wonder where Ruth is?
bark bark
Eh, get away from me…
.. towards Nick’s weekly meeting with… the unknown.
At 4th and Drucker he turns left, at Drucker and 4th he turns right, he crosses MacArthur Park and walks into a great sandstone building. (smack)
fuck, my nose…..
Kameltoes would be president for about two months. Then back to commiefornia.
And if Kamala became President, who would be named VP? If no VP was approved by a Republican Senate, there would be no one to preside over the Senate to count the electoral college votes. So Trump would not become President. Kamala would then remain President beyond Jan. 20. Oh, the speculation is so juicy!
Let’s hope that the American voters’ wishes are respected and none of this happens.
Why would Biden do that, short of the DNC offering another couple million in one of his offshore bank accounts. After all, you know he must hate her guts and probably also hates the Democrat party who kicked him off the ticket. A couple of now lame duck senators and congressmen probably hate her too.
Here’s another idea. Biden and Harris both resign, and Mike Johnson becomes president.
I have not seen any evidence of this strategy. If Biden retires and Harris became President, then that puts Mike Johnson (current speaker of the house) as VP. The only win might be that she can arrest Trump with immunity. She still has a GOP House of Reps. She might be able to push through some judge appointments with more energy with Biden, but who knows? Seeing all of the chaos Trump is already causing, she might send Seal Team 6 to pick up Trump and then claim presidential immunity because she had to save the country. Now part of this tantalizing prospect is, “What would the SCOTUS do?”. This would be the ultimate test of the presidential immunity decision!
But I do not think any of this will happen.
Nope, Tom, I looked it up. If Joe left, and kamala became president, then Kamala would pick the next vice president subject to approval by the congress. If there is no VP to fill the Senate president position, then the Senate picks the replacement for that position if a vice president is not available. In that case, the Senate president would be Senate president Protem until Kamala picked a vice president.
So it would be Kamala’s pick, and the Senate’s approval. Obviously, either house could come up these works, however, if there was an emergency, I am pretty sure they could have a vote in a minute.
Interesting proposition, but I don’t think there’s any way Joe would do this, and I don’t see any reason he would do it because he’s in love with Kamala, having a woman be president, having a black, be president, or anything else. Pretty sure that he just wants to hit the beach and enjoy the sunset. Maybe Hillary will join him.
However, this desperate dem has another issue with the inauguration date, can I get my EV in time to be able to take advantage of the tax credits before they go away via EO.
Or, do I really think that musk will protect them and expense his $75 million to profit by keeping the credits in place so his Teslas can keep selling.
Oh, can I make it in time by January 20…. As I said, long ago, check out all of those energy credits, IRA credits, and anything else, credit wise, and be prepared to take advantage in the next two months or perhaps lose the opportunity forever. Get those doors and windows and insulation in! Or, for you, Republicans, never mind.
Shure why not, Pelosi all ready took a big dump on Biden, now they want him to swallow it.
Lets see how they Kick him while he is down!
When will America realize it is all a game?
Bush proved what I have been saying here all along when he joined the Dem party against Trump.
All the old guard wanted is tax paying people, Apparently not even Americans as Bush let
illegals’ into this country as well.
Let hope Trump and Vance and Company can fix this.
Commie news is still in the dark with no clue as they have been for two
decades now.
I for 1 would like to here the secrets the Gove has been hiding for decades.
Get,em ELON!
Yes, Darren, by all means let the mad South African Canadian fix America. After all, he will have been an American for a baker’s dozen of years by the time he hits office. That’s more American than us, right? He’s been involved in American politics for almost ten months while investing $75M to get his office and future favors from The Don, our Felon King. What can go wrong with that? Maybe like Trumpy, he can get his kids involved in government too, all twelve of them….. Well, not the trans of course. Jesus. 12 kids. He’s the replacement theory hero…. Or just another spoiled silver spoon. No doubt he kept his Canadian and South African citizenships in case he craps out here. Freakin people come here to profit, and then decide they want to take over. Why are we ceding our government to foreigners?
Which Bush? Jeb? GW? GH? isn’t one dead? Keep blaming the liberals and rinos, but you own America now. All three branches, it’s all yours. How’s the fix going. Remember Don promised Ukraine in 24 hours.
Darren: psssst, you won. Biden dropped out, he’s been lame duck for over 100 days and will be, until January 2025. Time to roll out the pardons and paybacks!!!! Just like Trump did, and will do again, as he releases all those 1.6 felons. You know what they say, “birds of a feather.”
You’re hoping Trump can fix this? Hasn’t he already? Isn’t the Ukraine war over, GAZA not under apartheid anymore, and Iran defunding terrorism and neutering it’s nuke plans? Economy is great, Don did it, he said so. And minorities have never had it better. Just the alternative lifestyles are at risk, but who cares, right? Ooopsie, Mush has at least one trans in the family, who knows how many gays —- damn flies in the ointments. Musky might have issues with EV credit repeal too, uh oh. I mean $75M has to get him something, right?
Remember Darren, balls in your court, the days of telling us we are screwing up are OVER. That’s right, you know own the externally helical threaded fastener, let the twisting being :>)
Remember, Trump promised to end the war in Ukraine before Inauguration Day. Trump has more than once promised to end Russia’s war on Ukraine before he’s inaugurated. “That is a war that’s dying to be settled. I will get it settled before I even become president.” Matter of fact, he said he could do it in 24 hours. Oops, there’s a lie. Guess he did say WHICH 24 hours…..
Remember, balls in your court now, quit dribbling and take your best shot.
There should be a law that forbids people born after the 1940s to keep all of their BS to themselves.
Best start at home, Richard
But always great to discuss the issues of the day.
Instead of gayly getting personal. Good to be happy though.
I do not believe Elon has screwed up.
Not yet anyway.
And I would suggest at least waiting till you know, Trump actually takes office!
As of this moment a Democrat is still in office.
Not working so good is it.
I can say more, but why? No need to!
Yes, Darren, except Trump promised to end Ukraine war before inauguration. Says just takes a day.
Sooner is always better.