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Former Defense Secretary Hagel Speaks Out Against Obama's Middle East Policies – Latest of Many

Former Defense Secretary Hagel Speaks Out Against Obama's Middle East Policies – Latest of Many

Last year, defense secretary Chuck Hagel resigned, marking yet another failure by the Obama administration to retain knowledgeable and experienced leaders. At the time, there were whispers that the resignation had to do with Hagel and Obama not seeing eye to eye on issues such as how to handle ISIS and Syria. 

Although he remained silent at the time of these accusations, Hagel is now speaking out about his time working with Obama. He claims the U.S. has never had a clear strategy for how to deal with Syria, and Obama has quickly lost credibility in the eyes of the world due to his inability to take action when Syria moved their chemical weapons, despite warnings from America not to do so.

Hagel is one of many well-respected leaders who have been disposed of by Obama because of his incompetence. Robert Gates, who proceeded Hagel in office, wrote of the Obama administration’s frustrating leadership, which caused him to say he was “running out of patience” with them.

Another predecessor, Leon Panetta released a book stated that Obama had “kind of lost his way” in office, and was responsible for the collapse of the Iraqi government last year. 

David Petraeus, a war veteran general and former C.I.A. director was ousted by Obama based on an allegation of providing classified information to a woman he was having an affair with. Now knowing that Hilary Clinton was also exchanging classified information in an unsecure private email account, it begs the question why Obama is picking and choosing who to dispose of, and why our commander in chief is getting rid of all of our best leaders?

Although these questions may never be answered, Hagel warns, “There is a danger in all of this,” when discussing the way the Obama administration micromanages and runs this country. Many Americans probably agree.

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