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Federal judge who blocked new abortion body-parts videos is Obama crony

Federal judge who blocked new abortion body-parts videos is Obama crony

In what we see as a likely situation where politics has corrupted the judiciary, it turns out federal judge William J. Orrick raised over $200,000 for Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign according to Public Citizen, a watchdog group and was appointed to his position by President Obama.  

In harmony with Obama’s recent statements and the liberal agenda, Orrick has issued a temporary restraining order restricting The Center for Medical Progress from releasing any videos of body parts videos that may have been made at National Abortion Federation (NAF) meetings.  

While we will stop short (for legal reasons) at defining this as a cause and effect chain, the speed at which this happened (within hours) and the questionable nature of the restraining order (I’m no lawyer, but “prior restraint” has been held to be unconstitutional) lead one to suspect back channel communications.

The NAF is appropriately scared, not wanting to be involved in the Planned Parenthood backlash.  While it does not appear to received federal funding directly, it is a registered charity and exists primarily on donations.  Publicity of this nature could substantially affect its funding sources.  



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