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Dazed and Confused Kamala Harris Unable to Define Culture 

Dazed and Confused Kamala Harris Unable to Define Culture 

Vice President Harris, who often spews incomprehensible sentences that rival her boss’s famous gaffes, has tossed up another helping of “word salad.” 

His inept attempt to define “culture” drew mockery last week when Harris joined Sunny Hostin, co-host of ABC’s “The View,” and pro-abortion activist Monica Simpson to discuss race-specific “reproductive health” at the 2023 Essence Festival of Culture in New Orleans.

After touting the forum as the “epicenter of black culture,” Simpson asked Harris how important she reckoned culture to be.

Harris appeared keen to first define the term, stating, “Well, I think culture is — it is a reflection of our moment in our time, right? And — and present culture is the way we express how we’re feeling about the moment.”

She continued to babble, “And — and we should always find times to express how we feel about the moment that is a reflection of joy, because every — you know, it comes in the morning.” Further prattling almost incomprehensibly, “We have to find ways to also express the way we feel about the moment in terms of just having language and a connection to how people are experiencing life. And I think about it in that way, too.” 

Despite seemingly confusing her hosts and the audience, the VP pressed on.

“And we also — I think, is very important that — that leaders — anyone who considers themselves a leader — really understands how anything they say would affect a real human being, as opposed to — you know, otherwise be a poet and write poetry,” she added. “But if you want to understand — I don’t mean to dismiss poetry at all. But if you want to understand any concept, you have to ask questions like, ‘How would this affect a child?’ to have a real understanding of what it is that you’ve proposed.”

The barely understandable exposition renewed attacks against Harris’ public appearances as Twitter users exclaimed shock at her “empty” statements.

“Kamala tried to define the word ‘culture’ today… And it went about as well as if a 9-year-old had to give a book report on a book they didn’t read… This is cringier than most Biden talks,” comedian Tim Young wrote. 

“OMG – what is wrong with this babbling brook of a woman?” Fox News contributor Liz Peek tweeted.

“Good Lord,” Hot Air contributing editor Karen Townsend declared.

Radio host Chris Stigall tweeted, “This is the emptiest human being alive. Sincerely. Empty. Vapid. Nonsense.”

Twitchy’s Doug Powers joked, “Can somebody tell Kamala she shouldn’t be eating every gummy in the package all at once?”

“Artificial Intelligence Czar explains ‘culture,’” actor James Woods tweeted.

YouTuber Ranting Monkey summarized, “Kamala will go down in history as the most quotable woman to even be a woman who makes quotes about quotes a woman might quote.”

About The Author


  1. frank stetson

    Seems like Bill has a problem with the sweeter sex…..

    Kamala was most certainly off the mark, maybe she was tired? Only excuse I can think of based on my anecdotal experience. My story:

    For over two years, my corporation gave bonus points for expressing ourselves in public while carrying the corporate banner with pride. I decided to play and became “famous” in my industry travelling the world on speaking engagements across the globe in the US, Europe, Asia, and even Australia. Did not hit Africa or the Middle East unfortunately since my personal grading system included location scores…..

    When I travelled overseas I usually hit over 3 countries, mostly over 5, to look like I was saving money. It could be exhausting. Dehydration in Hong Kong, stomach flu in Sydney, and so on. And yet, the show goes on, next country tomorrow. Plus, my talks always seemed to change to match the questions, or the agenda. I had no script, just my chart pack, and my feelings. There were a number of “canned lines,” “puns,” and the like, but pretty free-form.

    I noticed a correlation between exhaustion and running on. That is, when I was tired, I knew “get on, get through it fast, and get off,” and yet I would find myself standing outside my body, looking back, and shrugging: “what a babbling idiot, why doesn’t he just shut up.” (something pbp readers have told me often too :>) . Sometimes, this would happen when answering a question at which point my alter-ego would pinch me and say: “be sure to close with “did that answer your question.” You know, they always said the babble did indeed answer their question….

    So, maybe she was tired but forgot to ask: “did that answer your question?” Because when you do that, now there’s two of you in the babble boat, rowing together…..

    Only answer I can figure.

    Plus I think it’s funny given the big hoop de do over right wingers babbling “woke” definitions just in March. Freakin Rightwingers like Bill just can’t let go off a grudge:

    I find it really funny that no matter what we accuse the right of, it’s only a matter of time until they blame us of the EXACT same thing. Larry has a whole book of them waiting to go.

    • Dan tyree

      Joe’s retard is rubbing off on her



    • Mike f

      Following the trump administration I find your comments amusing. Trump is a mentally ill narcissist who was dragging our nation down during his tenure in office. Obviously you don’t follow the real news much, as our economy continues to be robust, and our world standing is better than it ever was during the trump regime with all the food fights he had with other countries over tariffs. Suggest you open your eyes and smell the roses rather than the BS you are currently consuming..

  3. JPC

    Got to say Frank. If you think tiredness is an okay way to be when your 2nd in command of the (used to be) greatest country on earth, then we are in more trouble than we think… Talk about Psychobabble, you are spewing enough for the WHOLE left wing… And Dan tyree. You are completely RIGHT but as you can see joe’s retard is rubbing off downhill as Frank has just proven…

  4. Darren

    With all the Shit this administration has put the American people through, and not just the Biden term but all the Crap loaded from the Left on Trump as well. Anyone who thinks anything Kamala or the old man are doing are better than anything the Trump administration did has their head so far up their asses they can not see daylight.
    Trump brought peace to the middle east & Biden sends bombs to Ukraine.
    And this is just 1 of 100

    But Trump was unable to bring Cocaine the White House, so ya, what a bad guy.

    • frank stetson


      Trump brought on his own troubles; the left just amplifies the horror of it all. If your team meets with the Ruskie’s over 100 times BEFORE you are even elected, yeah, we gonna investigate —- so would you. Mueller said it seemed as if it was not for the trying. IF you steal a moving van of documents, 300 of which are top secret, keep lying to the archive about returning them, start moving them from bathroom to ballroom to bedroom, whip them out for any civilian you want to impress, yeah, we’re gonna raid your place, shut this shit down, and investigate — so would you. And if your rally stormed the Capital, destroying, defecating, pissing, and putting paws on Pelosi’s possessions — yeah, we’re gonna investigate. And then we will impeach over that one too. Hell, you’re investigating a life-long Republican appointed by Trump, the master of employment, for turning the FBI against conservatives. Grilled him royal about his “inside man,” a rabid Trumplicant who is presently suing FOX for defamation for the same allegations. That’s just whack.

      My head being outside my ass, I can show you that on the numbers, Biden beats Trump hands-down, except for inflation. GDP growth, or lack thereof, and the debt mountain, where Trump owns 40% of our total accumulated debt, are the two big ones that leap out. The King of Debt owns 40% of the total, since the beginning. Let that sink in as to why you felt so prosperous during Trump.

      Trump did not bring Peace to the Middle East; he did a stupendous job to normalize relations between UAE, Bahrain and Israel under the eye of Kushner. Later, Sudan joined, but Trump’s claim that Saudi Arabia and Oman would join has not happened yet. Kushner later got billions from the Saudi Prince, ostensibly to invest in Israel, whatever that means. The Prince’s people poo pooed the idea, but the Prince prevailed and he gets 30% of Kushner’s profits, a guy who never has managed an equity firm. The UAE and Qatar have also ponied up, the first part of the Accords, the second Jared help remove blockades by it’s Arab neighbors — nice pay backs. Trump is getting a golf course in Oman and, of course, the LIV golf deal for his resorts where the investigation of that deal is just beginning. The Peace Accord was a great piece of work, just not sure there isn’t a quid-pro-quo given the billions Trump and Kushner are pulling from the Arab States.

      And yes, we are arming Ukraine, got a problem with that?

      • Darren

        Yes, Trump would have brokered A deal.
        But there is no crooked money to be gained in peace.

        • frank stetson

          Darren, IMO, it’s a Republican myth that Trump kept us safe. Domestically, he emboldened extremists who increased their violent activities during his reign. Whether Charlotte to Summer of Floyd all the way to the Republican Capital siege, domestic violence kicked up a lot during Trump. Internationally, part of that reason we felt safer under Trump is that old saying: no news is good news. Trump implemented a war zone blackout hiding all battlefield news from the public. I respect that in a war, but not so much so in these decades-old police actions and undeclared wars. The fact remains that I am guessing that you don’t know the truth — it’s hard to find on this one.

          Starting with his Captain Bonespur Vietnam ducking, Trump has always been afraid of War. He was afraid to go, he was afraid to stand up and say he would not go. I protested, took my lumps; he paid his doctor for a fake note and went to Studio 54. During his time in office, he secretly droned on and on, assassinated people, and even talked of using nuclear war to end hurricanes. Yeah, one crazy monkey.

          Militarily, he started no new major wars, nothing remarkable for modern Presidents. He continued almost every single war he was handed while retreating from one with extreme casualties and a real global reputation ding as a result.

          The truth is Trump never brought the boys home or ended the endless wars. Pick a war, more likely he made it worse. More likely he added to the war, increasing the number of troops, hiring more private contractors, and ramping up the secret drone attacks. Trump expanded conflicts under the 2001 and 2002 Authorizations for Use of Military Force while growing the Pentagon budget four years in a row. He promised a troop strength of 540K, he maintained the 475K and did not increase the troop levels except to cancel Obama’s reduction plans. Either he was using all these soldiers somewhere or he was wasting our money, but no matter what, he did not keep his promise to increase troop size.

          No major conflicts began under Trump, but not much progress on peace either. Was it the fact he’s seen as crazy like Kim Jong Un or just dumb luck to avoid new wars? Or covid? He signed the Abram Accords which established ties between Israel, UAE, Bahrain, Morocco, and Sudan. Trump paid Sudan $1.2B to join the accord, not sure what he gave the others.

          It’s hard to pin the tail on Trump’s wartime donkey because he was not transparent. Under Trump, no longer did the Pentagon publish ordinance usage as it had for the past two decades. The strongest nation on Earth conducted its wars hidden, secret, like a thief in the night.

          From air reports, in Iraq and Syria, we can piece together that in 2021, Trump dropped 40K bombs in Iraq and Syria, dropping to 9K, 5K, and 1K from 2018-2020. That’s a huge number even compared to Obama. Perhaps at Putin’s bidding, Trump retreats from Northern Syria in late 2019 tweeting his decision to the world and his allies, the Kurds, who he surprises and leaves stranded in Syria, without US support of any kind. For two years, the Pentagon had slow walked Trump’s demand to cut and run, but now team Trump proclaims that 1,000 US soldiers cannot stop 15,000 Turks, so bye-bye, have a nice day, and thanks for the fish. Trump got NOTHING in return on this DEAL. Hundreds of thousands of Kurds fled as Trump-created refugees. Over 11,000 ISIS prisoners held by the Kurds were left unguarded or freed. Thousands of Kurdish fighters are slaughtered. In the next administration, Republicans hypocritically bemoan Biden’s Afghanistan retreat which was initiated by Trump, with plans telegraphed in advance to the Taliban so they could prepare to go back on their word to Trump, go figure.

          In Afghanistan, Trump upped the bombs 400% t0 4,000 in 2917, almost doubling that to 7,500 for the next two years, then dropping to 1,600 as he announced our retreat there, not to take place on his watch though — he kicked that can down the road to Biden — Based on Syria, smart move.

          In his “blackout” hidden war, Yemen, Trump raised the bomb level to 15,000 in one year, a new US record for Yemen. And in the other hidden wars, Trump drops about 2,000 bombs in four years across Pakistan, Libya, and Somalia. Did you know we had wars there? Did we win?

          In total, Trump drops 72K bombs in four years. Obama drops 98K, in eight years. And very little in return or change in status in these war zones. That’s the Trump legacy, not the myth. He claims no new wars but basically amps up every other war but gets very little in terms of success. And a lot of failure for the Kurds.

          He does the same or worse by escalating the drone war, an ordinance that saves American lives, but destroys life nonetheless. In many of these war zones, the children only play outside in bad weather when the drones can’t fly. Pretty good propaganda to create tomorrow’s terrorists from seeds Trump planted.

          The bottom line is death. Obama ramping down war lowers the death toll in seven out of his eight years, starting at about 1,500 dead in 2008. In the last three years of Obama, as he ramped down our military involvement, the yearly US death toll was about 850 a year. Trump ups that about 10% in his first year, holds steady, and then adds another 10% in his parting year. Over 20% increase in deaths over his four years. That’s the bottom line to Trump’s peace.

          Darren, check my math on this, you will find I am correct but also you might find all the other missing pieces of Trump’s hidden wars. It’s harder than you think to peal back the onion on this one. Trump, the Generals, the Military-Industrial Complex —- no one wants you to know the truth — it’s bad for business and business, under Trump, is booming (pun intended).

          But wait, there’s more……until the next break though…..

  5. frank stetson

    Darren, a little more on Trump’s defense of America: Trump’s foreign policy was an aversion to diplomacy being based mostlty on twitter-based knee-jerk reactions, hostile bullying and demeaning name calling. In Yemen, Trump fully supported the Saudi- and UAE-led war in Yemen using multiple veto’s overriding a bipartisan majority targeting the end of US involvement and arms. Did you even know we were messing with Yemen? He successfully gutted multilateral peace agreements, bullied allies via twitter, crushed with sanctions, and his brinkmanship is legendary. HE is NOT Reagan. Did anything get better between US and Russia, NK, Iran, and China? No. Did any of them do anything we asked? No. He destroyed our NATO relationships, ripped up the Iran Peace Accord, shredded the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty totally benefitting Putin’s tactical nuclear missile strategy. He has 2,000, under Trump, we have 200. Did Iran stop their nuclear program under Trump? No. Did North Korea stop — we really don’t know, don’t think so, and they certainly tested many missiles designed to carry nuclear munitions during Trump. Did China stop growing it’s military? No.

    Were we the bright light on the hill? Did we further any peace efforts? Not according to the Kurds. Illegally assassinating Iranian General Qasem Soleimani tarnished that reputation as deemed illegal by the UN and it was not authorized by Congress. Trump used the 18-year-old authorization to get Saddam as his rationale, however, this was Iran, not Iraq and intent was never totally vetted. Globally, this was seen as an assassination not much different than cutting up a newsman in Turkey. Meanwhile, Trump bickered with Kim Jong Un throwing nuclear jabs back n forth until they fell in love, made nice, and Un did nothing that he promised Trump while testing missiles all the time. He normalized relations between Israel and four Arab nations; he had to pay at least Sudan to do it, not sure how much he paid the others. And the Saudi’s did not join. Still a good thing, but not the greatest deal ever.

    So, Trump destroyed peace agreements, bitched at peace-keeping organizations, and bickered with nuclear threats. Did you really feel safer or were you duped by his rhetoric and lies confirmed by not entering new conflicts and hiding most of the existing actions and death. I know I was. It is very hard to find the truth on Trump’s military efforts; Captain Bonespur does not divulge what he did still. And the Generals ain’t talking either.

    I challenge anyone to find out what really happened, militarily, back then; I still have to uncover the drone wars Trump waged, I am pretty sure we have never used more drone strikes in a four year term but have not found it yet.

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