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CDC Warns: COVID-19 is Coming to the United States

CDC Warns: COVID-19 is Coming to the United States

President Trump held a press conference Wednesday evening following a disturbing announcement from the CDC: the coronavirus is coming to the United States.

Live updates confirm more than 81,000 cases worldwide, but reports suggest the outbreak in China may be up to 10 times worse than officials are reporting.

On Tuesday, officials from the CDC warned parents to anticipate school closures and other “significant disruptions” to everyday life. 

Dr. Nancy Messonier, head of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease, urged businesses to anticipate using telephone or video conferences instead of in-person meetings and said that hospitals might consider adding more Telehealth services.

“It’s not so much of a question of if this will happen in this country any more, but a question of when this will happen,” said Messonier. “Now is the time for businesses, hospitals, communities, schools, and everyday people to begin preparing.”

The CDC’s grim warning coincided with the Democratic primary debate in South Carolina, during which several candidates criticized the Trump Administration’s response to COVID-19.

President Trump said his Administration was “doing a great job” and predicted the Democrats would call his Administration “incompetent” even if the virus “disappeared tomorrow.”

In the meantime, experts at the National Institutes of Health are preparing to conduct clinical trials for a vaccine.

“We need to be able to think about how we will respond to a pandemic outbreak,” says Dr. Fauci, an infectious disease specialist at the NIH. “It’s very clear. If we have a global pandemic, no country is going to be without impact.”

A clinical trial does not mean you have a vaccine, added Fauci. “In order to get a vaccine that’s practically deployable for people to use…it’s going to be a year to a year and a half at best.”

The term “pandemic” refers to a disease that continues to spread from person to person in multiple areas of the world simultaneously.

“Does this virus have pandemic potential? Absolutely, it has,” says WHO Chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. “Are we there yet? From our assessment, not yet.”

Author’s Note: Everyone expected China to lie about this and we were impressed when they appeared to come clean about COVID-19 in January. Now that we know China was lying, doctors throughout the world will need to adjust their strategies and gather additional resources to prevent a pandemic. 

And let’s not forget that Wuhan – the center of the outbreak – is home to two major bioweapons laboratories. These are the same labs now leading research and prevention efforts.

If it turns out COVID-19 escaped from one of these labs, all hell will break loose.

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  1. Craig Michael Vandertie

    As always the only ones to blame are the wealthy of the developed nations, I am certain it was not them who were in China but their representatives conducting business on their behalf.

    Those people should not have been allowed back into the United States until it had been established beyond a reasonable doubt that they were not infected with the disease.

  2. Cindy

    Why is this Trump’s fault. I read it was produced in China labs. Fed to animals to eat.
    When this first happened, China said they had it handled. So we were behind. We volunteered our scientists to help, but were denied. China produced this as chemical weapons. China sold to Iran for testing. There is a breakout there. You will find out that this will be used to get the patriotic people.

  3. TheMadMan

    Why is the United States not having a total lockdown? No one in and no one out of the United States? This Virus is designed to Cull down the overpopulation of the world by the Global Elitists. That is what is really going on.

  4. derek blurb

    It is already here. Hide behind the woodwork!

  5. Marina Catalano

    The fault lies with the Chinese government for attempting to keep it all hushed up. They knew about this for nearly two months, some reports are 6 weeks! They killed the dr. Responsible for sounding the alarm! Kept it off media, off the web until enough leaked and the world found out. SIX weeks is a lot of time to spread an aggressive virus. I’ve been talking about it for several weeks and hearing about it on talk radio too! The time for talk is over though, doesn’t matter who how why or when at this point. It just matters that it’s HERE. NOW. I’ve been gearing up as best I can but I still feel woefully unprepared for what I see as some deep shit. I live in oregon, and the coronavirus “arrived” on our doorstep saturday. Leap day. So, that’s the entire west coast folks! It’s nearly throughout the Midwest as well. Trump really needs to keep those borders shut down though. 20thousand people threatened to rush the border Saturday morning after its closure friday. If it were me? No more entry into the country period, citizen or not, if your still outside these borders, sorry about your luck. Bunker down and look after yourself wherever you are, be strong because you have to be. There’s no choice sometimes but to be strong on your own so stop whining and get to it or your not going to make it at all! Nobody wants to end up in a fema camp anyway!

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