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America Needs A New National Anthem That Average People Can Actually SING!

America Needs A New National Anthem That Average People Can Actually SING!

It’s all President Herbert Hoover’s fault, that wonderful man who brought us the Great Depression. He’s also the one who signed a 1931 Senate bill officially adopting The Star-Spangled Banner as America’s national anthem.

Mind you, efforts had started as early as 1916 to shove this little diddy down Americans’ throats, but those early Congresses had more sense, rejecting the initiatives on the grounds that, “The song is too high-pitched to sing.” (I bet you these earlier guys had great parties with fantastic music, as opposed to the 1931 Congress, where they probably still played Old MacDonald Had a Farm at their social events.)

Based on Francis Scott Key’s 1814 poem about a battle in the War of 1812 against the British (the defense of Fort McHenry in Baltimore), the words were later put to the tune of a popular British song entitled The Anacreontic Song. Yes, our national anthem, which is based on a major victory over the British, is sung to a British tune.

Did anyone really think this through? Plus, bombs aren’t supposed to be bursting in air. They’re supposed to be bursting on their targets, which at that time didn’t include airplanes.

A reliable study hasn’t been conducted yet, but anecdotal evidence shows that the extreme cases of violent anti-social behavior we’ve seen beginning in the mid 20th Century and continuing through today is the result of forcing young school kids to sing this monstrosity every day during their formative years. You just can’t sing this thing, so every morning, we’ve been forcing failure on America’s beloved youth, resulting in mental distress leading to severe mental illness.

We can fix this problem, and I think it’s a big one, but only if America and our leadership take a stand now. Slogans like Write That Song! might help, and red MOAG (Make Our Anthem Great) hats.

Maybe a new, hipper song will also get those NFL players to stand up, and I don’t even care which new tune is selected, because anything has to be better than the one we have now. Perhaps we can select a new song through a special edition of America’s Got Anthem, or a referendum in 2020 so the people can decide for themselves. (I wouldn’t even include an option for keeping it the way it is. Anyone who votes that way doesn’t deserve to vote in the first place.)

The evidence and public sentiment are overwhelmingly there that The Star-Spangled Banner has to go. Need more proof? Consider that the song actually consists of four stanzas, but it’s so bad, we only sing the first one. (And if you think that one is bad, you have to see the other three.)

So come on, folks. Let’s get things moving for a new national anthem. Maybe something you can dance to, with lyrics that match our 21st Century language, sensibilities, principles, and soul.

And since I’m not a great singer, for God’s sake, please make it something easy to sing.

Editors note: I can sing our National Anthem, but only in A flat major. Unfortunately most play it in B flat, which makes me squeak like a little girl…

About The Author


  1. Kenneth Snell

    Go to Hell

    • William

      Its sarcasm He doesn’t really want to change the Nat. Ant

  2. MARGE


  3. Chucki DeSantis-Kelly

    Can’t agree with all your points, but It wouldn’t bother me to have a new one as long as it’s respectful,

  4. Old Pioneer

    Leave it alone!!!! Why do many, especially people under 35 want to change things? Tradition is a wonderful thing that takes us back to our root which many of today’s kids have NO CLUE!!! Enough already!!!

  5. Bob


  6. John Parris

    Learn how to sing to sing it .I had to

  7. Geri

    NO! NO! NO! We do not need a new National Anthem!!!!!! It is a beautiful anthem, based on our battle to “The home of the brave and land of the free”!!!!!!!!
    LEAVE IT ALONE! Besides, there are FAR more important issues to be settled.

  8. Marvelmyra

    I vote for America the Beautifull. Or, God Bless America

    • Helen Roberts

      Two great choices!

  9. Robert G

    I like the national anthem as it is now. The vast majority of real American citizens like it so leave it alone. You must be a idiot liberal for wanting this!

  10. Glennie

    This is pure BS!

  11. Jim

    The National Anthem is fine just the way it is. Leave well enough alone. Ira Ratner is simply a malcontent who couldn’t sing it no matter the key!

  12. Jerry

    But not any more – it was an attack by a racist on himself.

  13. Tim

    In all my years in school we never sang the anthem. It was the pledge of allegiance.
    You guys are reminding me of liberals.
    No brains.

  14. Stu

    Hands off the Anthem!

  15. Mike Boston

    The shrapnel from air-bursts covers a large area, and is devastating against ground targets.

    • Stanley Steamer

      Not in 1814.

      And they were shooting at ships, not ground soldiers.

  16. George

    How about America the Beautiful

  17. PHIL


    • Ian

      Far more damage has been done to the moral fabric of our country and our world standing in the last two years under this administration. Obama had our country held in high regard by our allies and enemies alike. His tenure will be recorded as successful on many levels. If it wasn’t for the king of obstructionism, McConnel, even more successful. Trump has been an abject failure. Look at the reception Pence received at the Munich Security meetings over the weekend. Silence. Deafening silence. If it wasn’t so embarrassing it would have been funny. Trump and his “national emergency” declaration. In his own words…..”I don’t have to do this”. Then, by definition, it isn’t an emergency. He shot his own case to pieces.
      As to the original article and the question of replacing the national anthem. The article itself is just ranting idiocy. “Anecdotal evidence….” shows the rise in violence back in the 50’s and 60’s is because of having to sing the anthem? Seriously? All credibility is lost after that statement. Topped by the last anti-democratic view of not including the option of keeping the current anthem as is.
      ” I do believe that “Anerica the Beautiful” would be a better song.

  18. P Warren

    You ,along with this last generation’s brainwashed ideology just won’t give up destroying OUR values until we are as many third world nations have become…Just learn how to sing ,,don’t or whatever it is you have a hard time in life doing and let our National Anthem alone!!! “Changes” have NOT worked in last 8 yrs!

  19. CA

    Wow! That was some rant! Feel better? Your ending was just OUT THERE…
    “or a referendum in 2020 so the people can decide for themselves. (I wouldn’t even include an option for keeping it the way it is. Anyone who votes that way doesn’t deserve to vote in the first place.)”
    I love our national anthem! When it is playing and our flag is proudly flying, I have at times been moved to tears of pride for my country. As far as I am concerned that song you so casually toss aside is an integral part of America, like apple pie or baseball. But, according to you, me or anyone who would never even consider changing our national anthem to whatever, somehow that makes anyone believing so, undeserving of even a vote! So much for your, “or a referendum in 2020 so the people can DECIDE for themselves.” statement. It is part of our national heritage and who cares if most can’t sing it.
    Anyway, who died and made you ____?
    Well, all your ranting words were so beyond the pale, that as far as I’m concerned this “undeserving” of a vote person is done … with you and reading any of your future articles.
    END OF LINE…..

  20. Sharron Boyagian

    we do NOT need a new National Anthem! this has been ours for numbers of years.. This is just another way of those against the U.S. to try to get something NEW out ! Stop with this you. who are for this country to go down! SHAME ON YOU.!

  21. Jesse Tiede

    Nothing wrong with the National Anthem, as it currently is! What we need are singers who are capable of singing it correctly, and not change it into some kind of Negro Spiritual, or otherwise try to ‘customize’ the song! And, who, in their right mind, would ever ask Jimmy Boy Carey, a not so funny has-been comedian, to sing a serious song? Stupid is as stupid does…

  22. Ed Siegel, MD

    Great article. Join my bandwagon that began in 2005.

    Please see my website at

    Check out my YouTube (Dr. Ed Siegel) where, last October 6th, I lead a large audience in singing it in the lower key of G-major after asking that the Ft. Collins Symphony Orchestra come up with a symphonic rendition in that significantly lower key.

    Thanks for joining my crusade!

    Ed Siegel, MD

  23. Major Ted C. Mc Neel Sr. USMC Retired

    I have a Baritone Voice and have sung our Nation’s National Anthem many times at American Legion functions and at conferences. I challenge everyone in my audiences to sing the anthem with me. I start singing in the key of B flat right below middle C on the piano. Yes, I sing using my diaphragm and can easily hit ‘land of the free.’ We don’t need another anthem, just sing with gusto the notes you know you can hit and leave the high ones to me!

  24. Earl McBride

    Go fuck yourself. I love our national anthem just the way it is. How dare you suggest that something else should be sung in its place. Who gives a fat fuvk if most Americans can’t sing it on key.

  25. Giovanni

    Wow, arrogance at its normal democrat display. God said to honor your country and pray for the rulers, why not promote wholesome and honorable changes instead of removing the ancient landmards that made this country great. Its not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. Embrace the heritage you’ve been afforded and deny yourself of egotistical posturing.

  26. JG


  27. Patriot1

    Whoever came up with this idea to get a new National Anthem can GO STRAIGHT TO HELL!
    What this country really needs to change is the DIM-O-WIT party who probably is pushing for this change.

  28. RC

    Our National Anthem describes a happening in our nation’s history that had to do with maintaining our freedom. And who gives a damn how we sound when we sing it? Just stand up straight and sing it loud so those who gave all they had to give for our nation, our people and our freedom. If for no other reason, we should play and sing the Star Spangled Banner to honor those many of us left behind when we came home in 1945.

  29. Barbara Smith

    Who the HELL is this Ira RATnor? Just bcuz he can’t carry a tune in a basket, he wants to change Americans anthem? Another nutjob & you have given him a voice?
    As soon as I post this I am getting rid of this site!!!

  30. Stanley Steamer

    Did you guys read the same article that I read here? Don’t ANY of you see the tongue in cheek humor? Get a grip!

    Plus, as he points out, it’s only been the National Anthem since 1923, and the country survived just fine before that. But most ridiculous from some of the comments here…

    Are those of you claiming that he’s some young leftist nut! My nephew’s name is Ira, so whenever I see an Ira, I take notice, and I’ve read some of his other stuff here.

    THIS Ira is an older guy, and he’s a heavy conservative!

  31. No Idling

    Who wrote this piece? Ira Ranter? No, it was Ira Ratner. Got it. Genius. I read all the ‘comments’ and it appears that two of them “got it” too. JG and William. Again, GENIUS.

  32. Stanley Steamer


    1931, not 1923.

  33. Dianna

    Our National Anthem is wonderful part of our history! many young people can’t sing it because they haven’t been TAUGHT the National Anthem & the story behind it! we have to STOP this destruction of wonderful part of our history.
    “Oh say does that Star Spangled Banner Still Wave! Over the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!”

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