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Harris economic plan is radical left nonsense … and dangerous

Harris economic plan is radical left nonsense … and dangerous

Vice President Harris has unveiled her economic plan.  It is unrealistic to the point of being contemptible – an effort to gaslight voters who may be gullible. 

Actually, it is not a “plan,” but a callous and cynical campaign sales pitch.  In politics, promises are easy to make and much harder to implement – often because they are not implementable or would have disastrous impacts if they were.   That is the Harris plan.  Only a radical left-wing ideologue – like socialist Bernie Sanders – could ever offer up such a crazy economic plan.

Harris is pandering for votes – part of the Democrats’ big government authoritarian policies that the progressive elites love.  They are designed purely to win votes and expand the left’s power without a scintilla of consideration for the impact on the people.

The so-called plan was widely and justifiably criticized by most major media outlets, including the Wall Street Journal.  The Washington Post called the Harris plan a “gimmick.”  That is an understatement.  President Obama’s top economic advisor said the plan would do more harm than good – including fueling inflation and add dramatically to the federal budget deficit and National Debt.

The Harris plan bases price controls on corporate price gouging – a claim that creates business as the villain of the people but has no reality as a significant problem in the marketplace.  It is an attempt to falsely blame the rise in prices on some corporate conspiracy as opposed to Biden’s inflation-causing spending.  Also, government imposed price controls never work.  They create shortages and only delay inflationary pressures.  President Nixon made two failed attempts at price controls.

Harris would raise the minimum wage – a policy that has never helped the economy or the vast majority of workers.  It causes an inflationary increase in prices and the loss of jobs. For those few who receive a raise, the economic benefit evaporates as wage and pricing adjustments occur in the months following.  One only need look at the disastrous impact of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s recent minimum wage increases.

Harris plagiarized President Trump’s proposal for no tax on tips.  Economically, that was not a great idea when Trump proposed it, and it did not gain any economic validity when Harris purloined it.

The Harris plan is so extreme that many have compared it to communist and socialist economic central planning.  Such comparisons are not without legitimacy.  That is seen in Vermont’s socialist Senator Bernie Sanders’ quick and enthusiastic endorsement of the preposterous Harris plan.

It is this kind of economic hocus pocus that thrives on the radical left – where such bogus economic theories are advanced solely for political gain.  This is yet another example of why a far left Harris presidency is so dangerous to free market capitalism – which has been the engine of America’s success in producing the best economic outcomes for the people and has made America a world leader for so many years.  All of that is threatened by the introduction of hitherto failed economic policies.

America has already ventured too far down the path of socialist theories and has suffered the results in terms of excessive taxation, inflation and loss of markets to international enterprises.  Socialist and communist central planning economics have had a major negative impact on the people living under those systems. Harris wants America to follow suit.

Since her rise as the prospective Democrat candidate for President, Harris has avoided saying anything specific about her positions, plans and proposals until now. What she has now revealed is nothing more than economic snake oil designed to win an election by deception.  She has now shown what she is.  She and her plan should be rejected out of hand.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Pompy


  2. frank stetson

    Joe Gilbertson: there’s another frere speech block, something has changed, it’s too frequent.

    You either changed something, you got a bug, or you are not getting your money’s worth in website quality.

    You still ignoring the issue saying it does not exist?

  3. frank stetson

    Sorry, Larry, it got blocked and i agreed with you. Pretty much 100%. Just see Trump’s plan as more pandering, worse, and his track record is economic chaos.

    But I lost it and it ain’t coming back. too bad, we agreed.

  4. Darren

    I should run for a Democratic office.

    Now with this I should get at least 30% vote from
    Democrat’s anyway!

    If I came across the border. this would be correct!

    • Tom

      I wish you would run for an office on the Dem ticket. Then you would see what Frank and I are talking about. Its always good to get out of your comfort zone!

  5. frank stetson

    I am sure you have costed out the Trump give-a-ways against the Harris give-a-ways and can see the overwhelming waste that is Trump.

    Let’s see: Trump has the greatest and hugest deficit ever. Let’s see for the four years: $665B in year one, 14% BIGGER than Obama’s last year. Nice start. Then $779B, up another 15% up, and then $984B, trifling with $1T, and up another 21% due to his glorious printing of money via tax cuts without GDP growth…. And then he sets the record: $3.132T up over 300%…… sure, covid….

    Biden/Harris immediately, even with covid and the tax cuts, brought it down to $2.73T in 2021 for a 13% DECREASE, then $1.376 for greater than 50% decrease in 2022, and then creeping up to $1.6T for a 15% increase.

    Pretty sure we know who is printing more money, Darren. And if you look at this based on additions to debt, Trump’s sucking of pond water gets even deeper into the mud.

    Don is a massive debt machine and has done so his entire public and private life. His Dad bailed him out for the tune of millions. The taxpayers have bailed him out —– how many times? How many tens of millions? He totally fucked the tax cuts and they lost money —- big time —- by not delivering significant economic activity and growth. The rich guys, the biggest winners, did not invest in a manner that did not provide a rapid return, if any return at all.

    • Tom

      Yeah Frank, and lets not forget his MAGA minions along with the RNC are bailing him out of his lawyer bills!

      • Frank stetson

        Tom, NTW; she’s out pacing him 2,to 1 on donations and has almost double his cash already with no legal bills.

        She’s going to unleash the Kraken of ads, internet casts, and who knows what with all that cash.

        Harris/Walz have more and bigger rallies, lots of entertainment support.

        Like I said, one hot summer, not over yet, he’s still simmering, but he’s getting backed into his corner and September 10th could blow thecdoors off.

        • Tom

          What is NTW?

          • Frank stetson

            Not to worry.

    • Joseph S. Bruder

      You can compare Dem and Rep federal debt and deficits going back to Nixon, and the Dems are ALWAYS better. In fact, if Gore had won the Presidency and stuck to Clinton’s plans, the debt was on track to be zeroed out by the early 2000’s. Of course, Bush destroyed any hope of balancing the budget.

  6. AC

    Harris as well as Trump can talk the big talk, but they can not walk their talk through Congress as easily.
    That’s when the balance of power between Executive and legislative branches get to work. Executive Orders are temporary measures the President can use. However, if these prove unpopular amount both parties, the President will be risking political capital in the process and when political capital is on the line and lost, the cost is great. Regaining capital like trust is not easily or quickly accomplished.
    Trump as President would face strong opposition if he tries implementing any of Project 2025. If Harris becomes president and her agenda for change is seen as too radically progressive liberal, don’t think.her ideas will make it out of committee, assuming it comes up in bill form first.
    All conspiracies concocted on both sides are unjustified. The theories being spawned are nonsense. When you, Larry, call someone stupid begin with the conspiracy theorists in your own silo. You will not have time for looking for trouble elsewhere. The most notorious and blatant theorist producing conspiracies is The Donald. Sooo, Larry, consider better who you judge and know they are not stupid, It’s more likely that you are stupidly hurling that characterization in frustration. Because you have to see when you have been busted for spinning unsupported tall stories. Your opinion goes not equality as a reputable objective fact finding source,
    You are not alone in that regard. Although, do not see you taking comfort in that reality. It said everyone has an opinion on the top of their tung, the wise know when it’s time to fold them. You may have until November 5 this year, after.that, if not before, your opinion commentary may need some new material.
    Your rage against Biden kindled tirades turned into rants are tired and old news and moot points besides.
    At sum, what you posted was hyperbolic anti- Democrat, anti-Biden. anti- Harris, anti-progressive and anti- American Democratic Republic. Propaganda, name your product for what it is.
    Now, if there was truth in the negative face you painted , which there was no evidence to prove, then maybe your stuff was not all propaganda. But, my impression reading your comments has been formed by your choice of words and phrases came from a poison pen. Clearly no one could mistake your articles for objective journalism by any stretch.
    Obviously, you have huge bone to pick and it’s stuck in your craw and won’t be dislodged. Truth is, you like that it’s there, even if having a huge bone stuck where it is proves harmful to your health on several levels
    Unfortunately, due to your unwillingness to admit your handicap and stubbornly lean on some hate crutch of your own making, most probably you will carry it to your grave.
    All considered and given who you have become.
    You will not perceive anything is out of whack with your in your view of the world in your opinion.
    Be that in you, as it may.

    • frank stetson

      AC: IF there is a blowback on Trump, and I sense the distinct possibility IF Harris does not stumble or Trump can not dig some skeleton up, or if Putin does not help (and based on the hostage swap, I think Vlad made his choice)…. but if there is blowback on Trump, the down ballots may tilt the Senate and House to Democrats. It’s a thin Red line they have in the House to begin with and loaded with Trumplicant supplicants.

      He’s backtracking on statements, clarifying, which is like admission of guilt to this guy. He’s defending his attacks saying he’s been provoked to go low. He still cannot pronounce her name correctly. He’s fumble mouthing, skipping verbs, rambling in his screeds. And sticking his foot where it does not belong on a regular basis. Laughing at firing workers, especially union workers, pretty much x’s off a huge block of voters. Explaining being black never goes well. Defining yourself as black because you have a mug shot is never a nice touch for African Americans. Saying she’s worse than black because Indian —– he just slimes one voting group after another. And then talking about black jobs, white jobs, oh my. And JD Vance gets the rest by keeping women on the defensive, pretending to be Appalachian hardscrabble when Dad provided a pretty good life of steady work. They are actually attacking IVF…..

      These guys are poking eyes in all the wrong places only to be left with your little cadre of frustrated old white guys with guns. That is not gonna get you elected in America, land of the free, and home of the diverse.

      Back on point: you are right that any of these proposals will be tough to get through Congress. Any Congress. Some of them look bad IMO, others half-baked IMO, a lot of voter pandering. Just like Trump’s but more positive. His are very dark and negative. So, on the economic plans, or lack thereof, I vote Harris and pray for two things: one – that she adhere to the Biden plan and two: that she get some better advice. Call Katie Porter and Elizabeth Warren — please…..

      And while I am drifting —- did anyone catch AOC at the DNC. I am not a fan, but she killed it by leaning center, being relatively calm, and very short speech. Even dressed in dark blue suit, well over the knee, very classic and very unexciting. And I gotta tell you, it’s hard to find a good women’s suit anymore in America. Talbots stopped carrying them for example. She may be wising up and shifting a bit to the mainstream. She’s smart, and so very young —- better watch out folks, she’s gonna get great feedback from that speech and political modification may be forthcoming……

  7. AC

    Frank, thanks for your comments. This one and those in which you test and challenge Larry, Joe, and Daniel are appreciated.
    You, Tom, and JSB provide the counter point perspective to Horist’s blatantly biased opinion’s points. You make PBP an interesting read out of what otherwise would be a boring conflagration of junk journalism.
    In addition, your reply says someone does read my comments. Often, it seems, I have had the last word on the topic of the moment or it means killing off further comments.
    In truth, more likely is the fact that readers have had enough and leave for lack attention and curiosity.
    Politic can have a withering affect on people as media bombards us with “just in” urgent news. As the election draws closer, we the people, know for whom we will vote by this time. The majority of us are looking for this cycle’s circus ending.
    Short of some catastrophic event falling on either candidate’s campaign before November 5th, swing voters’ (we independents) have swung. Our choice already finalized and our vote as good as cast.
    The marginal number yet undecided voters may or may not throw the result either way, but that relatively small slice will be the most targeted market population and promotion cost per vote will be astronomical in the millions.
    What a great country is the U.S. of A!

    • Pompy

      Elect kumala horseface and we won’t have a great USA. Herd.

    • Tom

      Yes this is the greatest country! I always read your comments AC.

  8. Tom

    This article gets a Stop The Steal (STS) rating of 5+. Here is why: This article is part true and part BS burger!!!

    1) Larry says, “In politics, promises are easy to make and much harder to implement …..” Gee this sounds a lot like “we will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it”, or if you like, “we will repeal and replace ObamaCare with something better”!! I suppose with all of Trump’s broken promises, Kamala has a good role model!!!

    2) Larry says, “Harris is pandering for votes – part of the Democrats’ big government authoritarian policies that the progressive elites love. “. Well at least she is not selling policy to the highest Oil Corporation bidder for votes!!! Nor is she grifting like Trump! Nor is she talking to that kooky JFK Jr. and selling her soul to him like Trump!!!

    3) There is another side to the minimum wage hike argument. In NC we raised it and I have not seen any lost jobs. Truth is that it is hard to hang on to workers if you pay minimum wage because they are gone as soon as they find a job for a quarter dollar more!! This means the hiring process gets expensive because you are always in a hiring and terminating process!!! If people have living wages, there is less need for tax dollars to support safety net and other programs that serve low wage earners. For another side to this issue, see ** Larry will not tell you about the studies that have been done. I read a study from Minnesota which stated that raising minimum wage did not result in unemployment. Larry is using a tired old argument.

    4) Harris has never stated “price controls”. This is a Republican interpretation just like “border czar” of her statement that she would prosecute companies engaging in price gouging like she did when she was CA AG. Polling this summer by the Democratic firm Blueprint, for example, found four out of five voters supported prosecuting companies for price-gouging and price-fixing, as a means to combat inflation. Ms. Harris emphasized her record as a former prosecutor in rolling out the plan. As far as I can tell there is no plan for “price controls”. She has never made such a plan. This is GOP BS!!! Read ** and find out the truth!

    5) Larry’s argument that increasing minimum wage will harm the economy and low wage workers. This is only one side of a very old argument. The other side is that it stimulates economy. Data does show that decreasing wealth gap has the effect of stimulating the economy. Larry knows this but will not tell you so!! Larry seeded several lies and half truths in his article on this topic of raising minimum wage! And if you want to know the real whole story on what would happen if minimum wage was raised, and you do not want to believe the old tired Larry GOP argument, google the “Congressional Budget Office, publication/55681 and find out the whole real story with many cool graphs!!! There are all kinds of options for how to do this!!!

    6) If a living wage were the law of the land, you would not have to tip!!! Right now, the law says that for tipped workers, the floor minimum wage is $2.31 and with tips should always raise the worker up to minimum wage. With a living wage, the worker would already be at the minimum wage so no need to tip unless you are a kind person who wants to share some of your wealth and tip them when they give terrific service!!! Imagine if you no longer had to tip and all workers were at a living wages so that your state and federal taxes could be reduced!!! What would life be like for you???

    7) Larry says, “The Harris plan is so extreme that many have compared it to communist and socialist economic central planning. ” This is called fear mongering at its best!!! He has no data to support this. Its simply his opinion unless he shows the data or article. Raising minimum wage is not socialism or communism. IT IS making sure Americans can live dignified lives.

    8) This free market capitalism that Larry claims is so great is out of control. It has also produced the largest wealth gap, wiped out much of the middle class, and, has created larger pools of poverty and need for the safety net programs that the GOP hates!

    9) Larry says, “Since her rise as the prospective Democrat candidate for President, Harris has avoided saying anything specific about her positions, plans and proposals until now. ” NO KIDDING!!! Give her time to formulate a plan. Trump had 29 of his former staffers working on Project 2025 for three years and more – but Larry wants Harris to cough it all up in four weeks. Get real Larry. She has time!

    The truth is, raising the minimum wage could: 1) be done incrementally with very little pain; 2) Could be raised some and then tied to inflation to keep it current. 3) It would be a good reason to give a company a tax break if they pay a living wage!!! Larry is stuck on the same aged arguments from his glory days when he was part of the bureaucracy that he now hates!

    So there ’tis – all that Larry would not tell you!!! Now you can be a better voter! Vote for Harris and lets explore the economic possibilities! Do not let Larry scare you out of what you know is righteous!!