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You ain’t seen nothin’ yet

You ain’t seen nothin’ yet

The 45th President of the United States has become the 47th President of the United States – a political event that has not been seen since 1892, when the 22nd President of the United States, Democrat Grover Cleveland, became the 24th President – having been defeated for a second consecutive term by Republican Benjamin Harrison in1888.

While Cleveland’s comeback was unique and impressive, it pales compared to the comeback of President Trump — a political feat that was just short of impossible.  In 2016, his victories in the Republican primaries were stunning — and his victory in the General Election was shocking to supporters, political adversaries, pollsters and pundits alike.

A lot has been said about the breaking of norms – almost exclusively directed at Trump as a criticism.  What has not been included in that conversation is the biggest breaking of norms in modern political history – and that was the left’s Resistance Movement that surfaced within days of Trump’s election.  There was no traditional presidential honeymoon.

Fueled by the venom of their own anger and bitterness, a large segment of Trump’s political opponents coagulated into a toxic movement of obsessive and irrational hatred.  The movement was based on breaking traditional norms.  Their stated demand was that Trump should never be “normalized”.  He must never be treated with respect.  He must be mercilessly crushed – politically, socially, personally. 

Calls for his impeachment and removal from office were part of the Resistance Movement’s never-Trump strategy before he was Inaugurated.  The attacks on Trump and Trump supporters were the mainstay of Democrat rhetoric for the past eight years.  It would be hard to find any past President who was so viscously and so consistently attacked for so many things for so many years.

None of it worked, and Trump has culminated the most impressive comeback in American history.  And if you think the perma-pissed Trump-hating left is beyond being shocked and crazed. … you ain’t seen nothing yet.

In its first days, the Trump administration will be rolling out hundreds of Executive Orders.  The Senate will be approving presidential appointments at a record pace.  And whatever Senate Democrats do to slow down or thwart the process will only make them look like obstructionists. Trump has the public behind him.  He knows it.  Not so sure the Democrats know it.  They have not so far.

The Cabinet members and senior officials already know what they will do in terms of policies and programs. The entrenched political establishment – deep state or whatever you call it – will be reeling.  Budgets cut.  Reductions in staffing.  Deregulation.  Tax cuts.  Green energy programs will be terminated – while things like school choice will spread.  Sanctuary Cities will disappear as the deportation of the bad hombres surges. The border will be locked down.

It will be an everything, everywhere all the time implementation strategy.  In short, the ongoing Trump Resistance Movement does not have enough people … enough time … nor enough resources to address the tsunami of policy changes that will be flowing out of Washinton over the course of the next two years. 

What we will be getting from the left is more hair-on-fire hysteria. They will continue their absurd Chicken Little warnings that democracy’s sky is falling.  Former President Biden (I like the sound of that) has given them a new rallying mantra – a fictional emerging oligarchy. (They just cannot give up their absurd end of democracy narrative).

There is always a special focus on the first100 days of a new presidential term in office.  This time, it promises to be the most dramatic (or traumatic if you are a member of the Trump-hating Resistance Movement) since the election of Abraham Lincoln.

This rollercoaster is just coming to the top of the first rise.  Hang on!

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Frank danger

    Notice that the word Unify or Unity is missing.

    How he assumes popular support without the popular vote.

    Seems the author spends more time beating on the other guy and less time on the good stuff for all.

    Win-lose is here; win-win is gone, the author is berry berry happy.

    Tell me when something that we all agree on happens.

  2. Frank danger

    Trump has formally reneged on his promise to end the war in Ukraine before his inauguration. Said it’s easy, just needs 24 hours.

    Times up; first promise over.

    Are eggs cheaper in California yet?

    Two years. It will be wild.

    • Jim wampler

      You’re a whiny little bitch. I loved the way Trump burned Biden’s and heels up with his inauguration speech. He really shined a light on them losers. No, the Ukraine thing ain’t over yet. But it will be probably soon. We have all had plans to not be successful but I know he tried. When he talks about the border and criminal gangs he’s talking about things that really matter to most people except retard joe and his token ho. That bitch would make MLK proud. So suck it up Frankie. We know what you wish for our country. Pictures I’ve seen of Cuba looks incredible beautiful for communist sympathizers like you. Now we will have a much safer and prosperous country. But keep the faith. Communism is still around to raise its ugly head It’s up to us true patriots to put a stop to it.

  3. Tom

    This article gets a Stop The Spin (STS) rating of 5+ due to being very one-sided (lack of balance), lies, and really nothing more than a fish wrapper full of electronic “ole Horist sticky fingers” ejaculate. A couple of points that should be made for the sake of balance and truth (and so that Larry will not be seen at the senior happy hour sporting an a bump behind his zipper) :

    1) Trump’s inauguration viewership was 23 million. It was also millions under his previous inauguration. In contrast, Biden’s 2020 inaugural viewership was 33 million. This is not evidence that “the public is behind Trump” as Horist’s sticky little fingers squirted. The viewership stats show that more people were behind Biden beating Trump and stopping the Trump endless whining.

    2) Some of Trump’s orders are constitutionally illegal, especially those against the 14th Amendment.

    3) A majority of the voting public, and some GOPs, are against Trump pardoning Jan 6th violent offenders. Pardoning these offenders reveals the GOP to NOT be the party of law, order, and for the police. The problem is that many GOP congress persons are spineless and gripped in fear of speaking out against what Trump is doing.

    4) USA Polling shows most recent poll shows 75% of Americans against the GOP congress right now. If you do not believe it, then check here at ** and see for yourself. Larry’s view is taking one issue and trying to make you believe that the American public is behind him. Fact is that there is one issue where they are and more issues where they are not. Seems like Larry might have squirted in his eye and misread the polls.

    5) Trump is not living up to his promises to bring down prices, peace in Ukraine, and now Trump wants President Xi of China to negotiate Ukraine-Russian war peace.

    6) Reuters article titled “Trump starts presidency with 47% approval rating” hardly says the public is behind Trump. Hopefully Larry will wipe off his fingers before shaking hands at the senior happy hour.

    7) Did anyone else notice that Larry’s little sticky fingers did not squirt out birth right citizenship in his rant about all that is wrong. Maybe that is because there is tremendous opposition against taking this away, and it will require a change to the constitution. Case law on this was litigated over 100 years ago and found to be firmly upheld that birth right citizenship is legal and constitutional in the USA.

    8) Did anyone notice that farm owners and other industries like adult care industry have started to scream at Trump about not deporting their labor, otherwise they will be out of business and your food bill will go way up?

    9) Did anyone notice Larry said nothing about Musk’s Hitler style salute at one of the inaugural rallies? Larry just squirted right over that one, but the public noticed and a majority did not like it, Musk.

    The bottom line is that many groups are against what Trump is doing for many different reasons. It’s not some left wing cabal as Larry would like you to believe. It is businesses, and many of them, and many other groups from various walks of like, all sane people, that are against much of what Trump is doing. These are tax paying American citizens, not left wing nut jobs as Larry would like you to believe.

    So there ’tis, the full truth. Enjoy the truth and the light. And please send a few napkins to Larry.

    • Frank danger

      Didn’t like the snark, loved the piece. Great detail.

      Needed a Larry-ism for scotus like “creams in his jeans for decisions supremes”. Ty ty tyvm.

      • Tom

        LOL good one!

        • Larry Horist

          Tom and frank ….. LOL. You have advanced your obsession to my groin. Isn’t that a little immature and irrelevant?

          • Frank danger

            Yes we are advanced, not-Lawrence, as befitting a response to your piece, get the double entendre, and your obsession with Tom’s frank, albeit a really lame attempt at a joke. Ballsy of me, eh? Lame joke, like yours. Small, lame, and flaccid. Oh, they just keep coming. Not like your wife. She fakes it. Or at least that’s what she said.

            Glad you had no other refutation of my posts, good to see.

            Best luck with your agenda, sounds like they will need magic to make the money work. Seems his promises have financial realities that are negative. I smell a funky gdp future growth estimate coming. What was it last time, over 4 but delivered 2? And a recession.

            Best luck anyway. I also look forward to his gutting of government. You never know.

    • Greg

      If Tom says it, it must be true!
      I particularly liked the “Hitler Salute” reference!
      He mentions “a majority of Americans” were against his pardoning the J6 violent prisoners, but doesn’t mention any of the more controversial Biden pardons. He doesn’t mention any of the video evidence that shows the Capital Hill Police instigating the aggression with the unprovoked firing of tear gas cannisters and rubber bullets into the crowd and the undercover FBI plants that were encouraging the crowd to rush the building. (Don’t worry, Tom. That will all come out in the upcoming hearings to be held on the J6 committee hearing)
      He also mentioned how Trump hasn’t brought down prices like he’s promised. He doesn’t take into consideration that Trump has only been in office for less than a month. Also, there is a “bird flu epidemic” that has wiped out a majority of the chickens in the country. Nor does he mention anything about how much money Trump has saved the country by the actions of DOGE!
      It would be interesting to see which of his orders were constitutionally illegal. I know the Libs are trying to convince us that everything he does is unconstitutional, but where is the proof?
      The war in Ukraine may not be over, but, at least we aren’t sending them money.
      He’s worried about farmers and the adult care industry having their illegals deported. First of all, they aren’t the ones he’s currently going after. It’s the other criminals they are deporting. I’m sure there will accommodations for the farm workers when they are the only illegals left. Temporary visas during harvest time, maybe. Let’s get rid of the criminals and the ones sucking on the teats of the American taxpayers first.

    • Greg

      Tom seems to have an obsession with masturbation.

  4. Tom

    As an Independent, I feel obligated to report on more groups not happy with Trump’s first two days. Many of them are full of conservatives. Here are some more organizations not happy with Trump’s first two days” that Larry would not tell you about!!

    1) Police unions, Fraternal Order of Police, are regretting endorsing Trump due to his 1/6 pardons of violent criminals. Biden only commuted death penalties to life in prison but did not release anyone! The FOP is NOT liberal.

    2) Ross Ulbricht a.k.a. Dead Pirate Roberts” dark web marketplace drug runner, faked ID’s for criminals to enter the USA was pardoned by Trump. Trump called the prosecutors “skumbags”. Many AG’s prosecutors are NOT liberals.

    3) IRS employees newly hired and some long timers just got Announcement 24-124932030-TSD-0303-4T5 announcing their job terminations due to a Jan 20, 2025 hiring freeze directed by POTUS Trump. IRS is NOT a liberal organization.

    4) All LGBTQ organizations and pro choice organizations now fearful of what Trump is doing and are mobilizing. Many liberal but their children have parents that are NOT liberal.

    5) VA now cutting back on doctors and care workers because of the hiring freeze – Veteran Groups not happy at all, many of them are NOT liberal.

    6) Medicare/Medicaid recipients who rely on lowered prices by the Biden administration are upset due to Trump’s EO recinding Biden’s work in this area. This will hit diabetics and others with heart conditions very hard.

    7) Hispanic community no longer has access to the Spanish language page on the White House webpage. Many of these Hispanics were conservatives who voted for Trump.

    8) Netflix users not happy at price hikes right after Ted Sarandos meeting with Trump at Mara loco. This affects conservatives and liberals alike.

    9) Teamsters and other unions who voted for Trump are pissed! Many members are NOT liberals, they are laborers! Look at who was not invited to the inauguration (Unions) and who was invited (rich like Musk, Bezos, The Zuck who could not take his eyes off of Bezo’s girlfriends tits). Trump plans to gut the National Labor Relations Board. Trump has spent his life fighting unions. Ask Sean O’Brian of the Teamsters.

    10) And wait until Trump’s GOP monopolized Congress cancels the “Disparate Impact Laws”, this will surely hit the ACLU, NAACP, and Black male voters with heavy remorse for voting for Trump.

    My hope is that some will see how Larry lies to you by omission. There are many other groups that will be upset in the near future as well like environmental groups, human rights groups, etc. And the world reaction to Trump is not favorable either.

    MAGA = Morons Are Governing Again.

    • Tom

      And as a side note, check out Fox News article at ** and see just how unpopular Trump’s agenda really is with most Americans and how out of touch Larry actually is that even Fox News does not support his article. That’s pretty bad!!!

  5. AC

    Larry, are you sure of not missing anything in your hyperbolic cheerleader like demonstration of Trump’s superlative attributes in his first day in the redecorated Oval. Oh, EO, EO. E0 Old McDonald has a farm, EO, EO, E0 and on that farm he has a …. OE, OE, OE, O.
    But, it’s back to the old faithful grind on the left, your strawman adversaries. Your nave your moments of attempted objectivity. Then you slip back into your tried and true comfort zone That which is your stock and trade, negativity smear and low ball tactics.
    Well Trump is more deserving of off color political critique because he represents all that’s negative and ugly in America beginning on 1/20/2025. The rest of us will be pinching our nose while the king struts his stuff in his Trump Dance. How uplifting is he for the GOP.

  6. Larry Horist

    AC … In case you had not noticed, you lost — and lost big. And you write like you are winning. Like you have the support of the American public when a best you haves something less than half. LOL For the next four years, you can espouse
    from your imaginary world. LOL


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  1. Frank Danger .... Lots of opinion and not a scintilla of evidence. Where is your proof, old man? Funny how…