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Will the Swamp Strike at Trump Using Big Pharma as a Sword?

Will the Swamp Strike at Trump Using Big Pharma as a Sword?

President Trump’s upcoming term is currently in the team-building phase with nominations of key officials in place and awaiting confirmation hearings starting next month. To fight his presidency, the anti-American establishment is preparing itself as well. And one of its most effective weapons in this fight is the pharmaceutical industry.

The manufactured pandemic of 2020 was executed by the swamp under Trump’s nose as he was preparing for his re-election campaign. The corrupt medical-pharmaceutical alliance that virtually runs the federal health agencies successfully conned Trump into fast-tracking useless and dangerous vaccines while many states, mostly Democrat-controlled, took away people’s basic freedoms. The situation was mirrored abroad, in some cases worse than America.

Four years later, Trump has reclaimed the presidency. But the choices he has made for holding the key federal health offices have sent a mixed message to the MAGA base that has piled big hopes for accountability over the past four years. On one hand, the nomination of Robert Francis Kennedy (RFK) Jr. to lead the Health and Human Services (HHS) has won Trump a great deal of support since RFK Jr. has a track record of fighting for medical freedom and exposing the dirty business of big pharma. On the other hand, naming a vaccine pusher and pro-censorship doctor – Janette Nesheiwat – as the next Surgeon General has left many conservatives deeply disappointed.

On December 13, a little known conservative group Conservatives for Lower Health Care Costs raised the alarm over the joint effort of the political left and big pharma to give the pharmaceuticals a $32 billion payout in the year-end spending deal. The post cited Donald Trump Jr. and other conservatives to condemn this effort as a scheme to whip Americans with further increases in healthcare costs.

Based on the aforementioned post, Breitbart noted (December 15) that this bill would undermine President Trump’s commitment to take on big pharma. The story wrote:

In November, Americans voted for President Trump because they think he’ll take on Big Pharma, but instead of that they’ll now see a massive Big Pharma windfall AND hiked health care costs, undoubtedly leaving Americans to think Trump didn’t keep his promise.

On Wednesday (December 18), Fortune published a story about Trump criticizing pharmacy benefit managers as those responsible for raising the prices of medications. The story wrote that President Trump’s criticism had an immediate negative impact on health insurers’ stocks:

President-elect Donald Trump’s continued criticism of pharmacy benefit managers has sent health insurers’ stocks slumping.

But does criticism suffice in holding the wrongdoers accountable? David Gornoski brought up the question of accountability and justice in the coming Trump presidency for the oppressive and tyrannical policies of the medical-pharmaceutical establishment carried out via the federal health agencies and channels of information. Dr. Peter McCullough, an outspoken critic of the government-pharma alliance during the COVID-19 emergency years and beyond, did not sound very hopeful as he answered the question.

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  1. Frank danger

    OMGod; this is lying propaganda full of indecent misinformation by an extreme hard right …person… from the terrorist nation of Pakistan. This is well over the line of decency that the publisher should just pull. ED has completely lost his sanity. This is trash.

  2. Dan tyree

    The swamp will be after Trump until 1-20 2029.


    “The manufactured pandemic of 2020 was executed by the swamp under Trump’s nose as he was preparing for his re-election campaign. The corrupt medical-pharmaceutical alliance that virtually runs the federal health agencies successfully conned Trump into fast-tracking useless and dangerous vaccines while many states, mostly Democrat-controlled, took away people’s basic freedoms. The situation was mirrored abroad, in some cases worse than America.”

    The is no swamp, no coordinated swamp effort. There are just people doing their jobs and IF they are from the left, so the fuck what. You get an education and get a job in government.

    “useless and dangerous vaccines” he has not a shred of evidence and I have evidence of millions saved, a level of immunity that blunted the pandemic. Joe, this shit KILLS. What is wrong with you? Why do you hate so many, so much, that you would attempt this?

    “mostly Democrat-controlled, took away people’s basic freedoms.” Another lie where he attempts to pit the right against the left so he can sit back, laugh maniacally, as he promotes a fight of right against the left.

    This guy is off the deep end in conspiracy theory land and Joe, this kind of free speech kills people Stupid people who trust Joe to publish legitimate free speech and not made up lies.

    Joe, people who listened to this crap, people who opted to skip the vaccine, DIED in greater numbers than those of us that said guys like this are the ones to be deported back to his terrorist nation of Pakistan and quit trying to kill us.

    This one should be retracted Joe. With apologies. OR face the toll of being one of “those sites.” And I don’t mean a beacon of truth

    BUSTED for hateful lies intended to do harm to people. Is this a movie theatre? FIRE!!!!

  4. Jim wampler

    Fools like to spout nonsense. And Frank is the chief. It’s time for Frank’s family to get him some help


    Is Jim Wampler actually saying there was no global pandemic? That vaccines are not only useless, but are dangerous? And that only Democratic areas did lockdowns and that act of lockdown-virus-avoidance was less important than losing some freedom of movement and apparel for a short time?

    Can he really be that smart?

    Cuz science and medicine say it’s a pandemic. They have a definition, methods, and procedures for calling that and it all fits. But Jim and The Dumpster know better? Not blood likely – NBL.

    You have a “feeling” about this. Science is not about feelings, it’s about facts.

    This article’s message KILLS people. People who believe trash from The Dumpster.

    Jim says vaccines dangerous. Science, medicine, and now history, say the vaccines are far, far, far safer than the alternative. He is so far off base on this one as to be insane.

    I would post all the sources, links, etc. but what’s the point. Jim Wampler apparently cannot believe the truth, experts, or his own eyes.

    Jim: in the beginning, it hit the old. We call it the NJ effect. Later, it hit younger. Call it a pandemic. Then, post vaccine, it more severely hit red areas over blue due to 1) it had already surged the blue (old), and 2) lack of vaccine (all ages). You can see it in the data, you can read about it, but you cannot deny it unless you are off the beam, a brick shy of a wall, an egg sort of a dozen. Like The Dumpster.

    You can tell me I am wrong, but no way can you prove it with numbers, dates, statistics, expert opinion, medical journals, scientific journals, not just here in the US, but across the globe.

  6. Americafirst

    Like I said, TDS is alive and well on PBP! Did the above article get made up or was it from some other source? Are you sure YOU have the truth, Frank Stetson? Just because you found a link that says what you want it to say, then post that link? You have become prosecutor, Judge and Jury!

    • Frank danger

      And yet, the word Trump did not even appear.

      Looks like someone else is deranged.

      You can’t even get your attacks right much less even post a cogent response on topic. Where’s the marines? Where’s the signal. Will the Biden double still be working in feb of 25. If Trump was really president the last four years as you have said, why do you say it’s all fucked up?

      Keep it up, I can do this all day. Actually just cut n paste from your useless spews.

      • Americafirst

        Hey, deranged – so what if Trump’s name wasn’t there, you alluded to it, and WE ALL KNOW WHAT YOU REALLY WERE REFERRING TO. You cannot deny it anymore. You are deranged to the point you need hospitalization, don’t you Frank the Prank. Oh my, so dangerous. Admitting his past crimes but calling a good man a felon. You are the felon in absentia. You want to come here and physically hurt me, too, don’t you Danger man? You as much as said it!

  7. AC

    So, you think the COVID-19 pandemic was a hoax to enrich the pharmaceutical industry. If that true just 2 or 3 companies fit that bill.
    Also if it was a hoax what did 200,000 people lose their lives with. And that count is low by at least half.
    Then what do the long haul symptom sufferers attribute their disabilities to, a lingering cold or bout with influenza?
    You’re a textbook case of criminal COVID denial. It’s you and the right wing anti-vax crowd who put their heads in the sand and caused the pandemic’s lengthening and more lives lost.
    The mass shut down in America and globally prevented more sickness and death before vaccines were generally available and enough people were vaccinated.
    So, you propose the theory that Trump the matter of the big conn was himself conned by big pharma. Now that’s a double hoot and a half. He was the one promoting insane remedies like swallowing cleaning agents or injection of same into one’s body. That’s just plan lunacy, in medical jargon.
    You’re only commenting on Whacko conspiracy theorist RFK, Jr because you know PBP caters to that trip in their silo of illiteracy.
    It’s a shame you are allowed your sham opinion space to air your dirty unproven laundry.

    • Frank danger

      1.2 m died ac. Estimates are 500,000 due to Trump response and messaging. US came in at 222 out of 238 countries for death rate. Yes, more died under Biden but the ramp was set in place on Trump’s watch.

      For morbid fun, call up wiki chart for Covid death rate by country where we rank 222. Then imagine we cut it in half to come in at around 100. not much to ask for as a goal right? Bottom of the top 100. And hundreds of thousands would be alive today.

      Best was when Trump said our high rate of positives was due to too much testing. Florida did the same for death. just don’t count em and your numbers will drop.

      222 out of 238 and they live this guy as the top defender of the country.

      • Joe Gilbertson

        Frank you keep saying “due to Trump.” Trump’s response was impeccable, he organized the country, made sure critical equipment (remember the ventilators) was produced and distributed everywhere, he followed the instructions of his best medical professionals. And, oh yeah, he produced a vaccination in about 1/5th of the time it normally takes to produce one. And remember, this was unprecedented in modern history, a disease designed in a lab to be contagious.

        And then he handed this over to Biden and Biden proceeded to lose a great many more Americans. If Biden had been president when COVID started, the organization would have been crap and there would not have been a vaccine. Let me repeat this, Biden was handed an organized country, he was handed a working vaccine, a boatload was known about the characteristics of the virus by that time. And yet, hundreds of thousands continued to die under his regime, more than under Trump.

        But I know you have to rewrite history in your own brain because you can’t stand the vast difference in competence between political parties. Fortunately, the voters finally have seen the truth through all of the woke propaganda liberals have been spewing.

        • FRANK DANGER

          Joe, Trump’s covid response sucked and the numbers show it. We are 222 out of 238 countries for death rate and you tell me how that is all Biden. Look at the line chart on death and it is in full ramp when he hands it to Biden, with NO TRANSITION WHATSOEVER, unPresidential and unprofessional. How the fuck does any HUMAN just walk away from his OWS vaccine deployment transition? An archetype sociopath, that’s who. FYI: I am not too happy with Biden either. And don’t get me started on DeSantis’ bullshit.

          The first surge is in early 2020 and by March, states began the lockdowns, state’s rights you know because Trump was in the ether. After all, it was blue states in the NE so fuck em if they can’t take the joke. And in April, the surge began to fall. Trump got Operation Warp Speed (OWS) started in May. OWS delivered two vaccines, the Pfizer was the first and was developed without OWS by Pfizer and a German company. Trumpo and OWS had nothing to do with Pfizer’s vaccine until they ordered it using the US might to block others. And, as you have been told on PBP, OWS delivered it’s vaccines after the European, Russian, and Chinese versions. OWS is a great accomplishment but not head of the pack or even covering a major vaccine used in the US. Apparently you missed or discounted my earlier response to your line of thought on covid.

          In October of 2020, the second surge began and due to Trump’s response, we sucked pondwater. Muddy bottom of the pond sucked in our response. The measures are clear, the metrics prove it. We were not even in the top 10, top 100 or even top 200. Almost every other nation did better. And the ramp was set by Trump, by the Trump response of programs and messaging. Especially the chaotic crazy messaging. Trump’s strange messaging on the vaccine, getting his in secret, created a communications clusterfuck that talked about bleach, uv lights, strange meds, set the stage for Biden. But it was all Trump.

          The Hill, pretty reputable stuff even when I don’t like it said: “Public health advocates are watching in growing alarm as former President Trump increasingly embraces the anti-vaccine movement. “I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate,” Trump said in a recent campaign rally in Richmond, Va. Sort of tells you it’s up to you, no big deal, don’t worry about it, be happy. “I wanted to always play it down,” the president said in a March interview to Bob Woodward, the audio recording of which was made public in September. “I still like playing it down, because I don’t want to create a panic.” Shit yeah, 1,200,000 dead, no need to worry. January of 2020 Trump says: “completely under control” and suggested that he was not concerned about a pandemic. In February: “It’s going to disappear. One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear,” except it did not disappear and when it did, it was not a miracle, it was the vaccine. In March he said: “the vast majority of Americans, the risk is very, very low” — though he did warn that the “elderly population must be very, very careful.” That same day, Dr. Anthony Fauci, a member of the White House’s coronavirus task force, told members of Congress at a House hearing that “bottom line, it’s going to get worse.”

          I can go on but, face it, Trump’s messaging supported vaccine hesitancy or worse, and that caused premature deaths rating us 222 out of 238 countries for covid death rates. He got his number one ranking amongst developed nations and it stinks. He continues today with the crazy RFK jr who talked about ending the polio vaccine. We are not safe with these gents.

          So Biden capitalized on OWS and begins to end the pandemic in early January 2021. Lowest level in early July, and then a strange thing happens. Suddenly a third unanticipated surge starting in August, lower that the previous two surges, but lasting until February of 22. This one hit the red states featuring far less vaccinations than the blue states where this second surge was far less deadly. IE — Trump’s response and messaging provided the expected bad results but were recognized in the Biden era and mostly hitting Trump’s own people.

          And then he blamed everyone like Fauci, etc.

          The line charts pretty well paint the picture of who set the stage and who was there when it was over. The metrics clearly show the US failed miserably in their response. Now, if you think mask supply, ventilators, etc. outweigh being 222 out of 238 countries for death rate is Biden’s fault, all I can say is who is on first? Who faced two surges and said if you didn’t test so much, we wouldn’t have as many cases. Trump did. Who said I will cut funds to any school with a vaccine or mask mandate? And all the other stupid messages this guy put out that led the red states to greater amounts of early death during the Biden era.


          Now, I have said I did not like the Biden response either, especially his election year pandering to forgetting covid was still out there in some pretty good numbers. But Trump screwed the pooch on this and it is estimated that 500,000 died. He has the best doctors and meds so WTF. I mentioned to AC that if you go to the WIKI chart showing the ranking by death rate by country, we at 222 out of 238; just roll it back to 100 and see how many would still be with us today…….that aren’t. And Trump set the stage.