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Trump Taps Tulsi for DNI

Trump Taps Tulsi for DNI

One-time Democratic potential nominee for President, Tulsi Gabbard, since switched parties and allegiances, and it paid off. Gabbard has been tapped as Donald Trump’s new director of national intelligence (DNI).

In announcing her as his pick for DNI, the President-Elect called the former Democratic Representative from Hawaii a “proud Republican” with a “fearless spirit.” 

Gabbard is a veteran who served in Iraq, as well as an Army reservist. She was promoted to lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve three years ago. In a statement about her appointment, Trump said that the former congresswoman “has fought for our Country and the Freedoms of all Americans.”

“As a former Candidate for the Democrat Presidential Nomination, she has broad support in both Parties – She is now a proud Republican!” Trump’s statement said.

“I know Tulsi will bring the fearless spirit that has defined her illustrious career to our Intelligence Community, championing our Constitutional Rights and securing Peace through Strength. Tulsi will make us all proud!”

The director of national intelligence leads the U.S. intelligence community, which includes overseeing the National Intelligence Program and advising the president on security matters. The current national intelligence director is Avril Haines.

Once confirmed to the position, Gabbard will advise Trump, the National Security Council, and the Homeland Security Council on national security matters.

After declaring that she had switched parties several months ago, she actively campaigned for Trump and told Fox News back in September that she would be “honored” to join the Trump administration in any capacity.

“I feel I can make the most impact in these areas of national security and foreign policy and work to bring about the changes that President Trump talks about,” Gabbard said at the time.

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  1. Frank danger

    There’s no intelligent life here.

    Doesn’t know which party she’s in. This will be her third party. She’s sympathetic to Assad. She likes Putin. She is not a spy and has never worked in any capacity in intelligence. She left the House suddenly as she morphed from endorsing Sanders, then Biden, then Trump. Beyond the House staff, she has little management experience. She’s been a reserve colonel for a couple years, took her a couple. of decades to get there. She has a few thousand people under. her as a colonel, she would have close to 20,000 under her in 19 different organizations as DNI. She has been on Tucker, fox, and has her very own podcast.

    This has got to be a joke.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      Have you actually heard her speak? I’m thinking not. She is very attuned to the world. And she is not managing 20,000 people, she is coordinating the 19 intelligence organizations. And the total intelligence world is closer to 70,000 plus contractors.


    Yes, I caught her many times, starting before her debate act. And I like a few things. But how you talk, does not give you the knowledge, training, education, and experience for the job. Have you checked her resume for positions and actions worthy of the position?

    Her army experience starts in the medical corps, a noble endeavor. She did fantastic in officer training and was completely adequate in the time it took for her to rise through the ranks. In Kuwait, she led a platoon, a small unit and moved to Lieutenant in Civil Affairs located in or near Somalia. She got a BS in business which it seems, she never used. In Iraq she did Logistics. Then MP in Kuwait. Then a role with United States Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command, finally the Civil Affairs role for Special Ops near Somalia. No doubt she’s smart, ambitious, and accredited. But are my facts wrong or did she affirm these despots, did she flip flop from Sanders to Trump?

    You can like her ideology, respect her credentials, question a few people she respects, and still see that she has zero experience in managing large organizations, whether tens of thousands of people, or 19 organizations, and zero time in intelligence.

    You and I are “attuned” to the world, I have much more experience leading people and teams, you have technical skills and skills in the intelligence community. She has little, based on the evidence I presented, and that’s my point.

    I don’t vote for a pretty face and a likable speech. The Trump desire is to remake the intelligence world. I don’t see any skills in that, beyond words, nor skills in intelligence itself. And have you seen her actions and heard her words on Assad and Putin? Does that not trouble you?

    She is loyal to Trump.

    • pete olguin


      • Tom

        explain please?

  3. Tom

    Again, another Trump appointee who’s major credential is loyalty to Trump, not the USA and our Constitution. Gabbard has been said by Dem and GOP senators to be unqualified to run a big organization such as DNI. Quite a few on both sides suspect her as being a “Russian asset” or at least having sentiments and loyalties toward the Russian/Putin point of view. Our allies are saying she cannot keep secrets and that they will be very careful what they give the USA – which is damning because we rely on intelligence sharing. According to The Guardian, a right wing paper, at ** “Not only is [Gabbard] ill-prepared and unqualified, but she traffics in conspiracy theories and cozies up to dictators like Bashar-al Assad and Vladimir Putin,” Spanberger wrote. According to Reuters, at ** ” Summary

    US allies watching Trump security picks closely
    Intelligence officials worry about Gabbard’s views on Syria, Russia
    Western security source warns of slower intelligence sharing

    As an Independent, I see this is just more of Trump where he has much better picks at his beckoning, but he is more concerned about loyalty than he is the actual functioning of DNI. Why would any MAGA like her pick is beyond imagination since they claim to want to Make America Great Again, and Gabbard shows signs that she may wind up working to make Russia great again.

    • Frank danger

      Oh I think with Trump nationalistic focus, penchant to steal secrets to keep at home, tell secrets, and use secrets to boast, put the Tulsi queen on top and we will get grin fucked by allies for four years.

      Who shares with a big mouth who doesn’t even call allies to the table when selling the out. Ask the Kurds. Talk to the Afghani’s. And next. the Ukrainians. Speaking of which. nice Biden move to capitalize on the NK escalation to allow long range missile strikes in Russia. Merry Christmas Don and Vlad.

  4. Tom

    I agree. Ukraine has got to be super worried because just recently they gave Biden a copy of what they call their “Victory Plan”. They either need to get that plan back from Biden, or tell him to destroy it. Yes the Kurds and Afghani legitimate government knows this tune all too well.

    I think it is such a shame that our allies have had to make new plans every four years for the past 8 years. I really do not think many Americans care about our allies and what they mean to us, particularly to the DOJ, DNI, DHS, and our military. MAGA and Trump’s selections will take us from America First to America Isolated where authoritarian governments, not democracies, become our best and only friends! !!!

    Very depressing. And now I hear that Trump is really doubling down on Gaetz. Maybe I will go to the wife’s house for four years.


      I dunno Tom, I hear AF is gone and AI is in…….:>)

      Remember, Trump will end the Ukraine War in less than 8 week from NOW.
      According to Trump that is.

      • Tom

        Sounds good to me Frank! 🙂

  5. Darren

    Biden just escaladed the war to make it more difficult for Trump to handle.
    When Shit hits the fan after Trump is in office, the Dem news will blame Trump.

    • Tom

      Well look at it this way Darren. Trump is inheriting the best economy in many years. He is inheriting a hot stock market. He is inheriting repaired relations with NATO. He is inheriting a stable institution. He is inheriting a pandemic free country. He is inheriting many American Infrastructure Bill projects that will be completed during his presidency. I am sure he will be taking credit for all of this. So if a little drop of rain falls into his life, you know a drop like Ukraine, why not give him credit for that too! For after all, he said he could end it in a day. Right?

    • Tom

      Besides Darren, you memory is quite short. You may recall another country called Afghanistan? Do you remember Trump negotiated a very bad deal with the Taliban and did not include the legitimate government of Afghanistan at the table, do you remember? Do you remember that Trump did not exit Afghanistan on time like he negotiated? Who got tagged with that mess???


      Darren, you are right, that will be Trump’s excuse for HIS FAILURE. Only three weeks until he makes or breaks his promise to end the Ukraine war before the inauguration. Be sure to defang and grease your hooks so he can slide off by blaming Biden.

      Tom, good, yes and no. Over is good but at what cost. Chances are he will barter Ukraine away without Ukraine’s input, and then will cease funding to basically bring Ukraine to it’s knees in acceptance. A Chamberlain peace. And a Chamberlain future.

      And Horist will say: I don’t like this policy, but the rest are fuckin-a-skippy with me.

  1. Horist seems to be reaching into The Dumpster on this one; it’s not that he’s wrong, he just has not…