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Sweden Democrats Speak out Against Immigration Troubles

Sweden Democrats Speak out Against Immigration Troubles

If you read my article about Madeleine Albright on Monday, you know that I agreed with her controversial words “immigrants are a burden.” Albright was referring to the current migrant crisis in Europe. Sweden is facing a similar problem. And the Sweden Democrats (SD) is fighting back. After taking a strong lead in polls, party leader Jimmie Akesson announced that the immigration issue would be put to a national referendum as soon as possible. 

“We have come a long way – but we’re going even further. We’re about to show how we’re able to run the country,” said Akesson.

Inward migration is a huge problem in Sweden. Akesson blames the country’s generous welfare policy. “What is it that causes people to risk their own and their children’s lives to come here? I dare say that it is down to other parties’ lax policies on welfare.” 

Over the past few months, Sweden has suffered a series of attacks on government buildings as well as increasing tension following the deaths of a number of Swedish citizens that were attacked in an Ikea store by a band of Eritrean migrants.

Sweden has even been compared to Iraq due to frequent grenade attacks. Violence towards Christians has increased by threefold during the past five years.  

“Sure, it’s a long way to the election, but it is obvious that we need to start planning to be prepared to take real responsibility for the country,” said Åkesson. “We should be the establishment. We should dominate the public debate.”

Many consider SD to be Sweden’s answer to the libertarian UKIP (UK Independence Party). The photo above shows the flamboyant signs SD hung up across Sweden’s public transport system to apologize to tourists for “the mess here in Sweden.” 


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1 Comment

  1. Phil in TX

    Maybe the Swedes have had enough of the “mass migration” of immigrants that do not want to assimilate into Swedish society.
    Phil in TX

  1. How can you blame Biden for keeping Ukraine a free democracy and Trump, we will see, but looks like Trump…

  2. Larry, So glad that you are recovering from your medical issues-I would hate to go through the next 4 years…