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Releasing the special counsel Report proves Trump was right

Releasing the special counsel Report proves Trump was right

Releasing Jack Smith’s special counsel Report was an exercise is pure politics – with a dash of personal venom.  The only conceivable reason to write and release the Report was to attempt to tarnish Trump’s reputation in the court of public opinion.  It serves no purpose in terms of pursuing justice.  The Report is not the work product of an unbiased investigation.  It is nothing more than a one-sided prosecutor’s brief that will never be tested in a court of law.

Whatever one thinks of Trump, every American should be concerned when the Department of Justice is being used by political partisans to go after political enemies. 

(Why does that accusation sound familiar?  Oh yeah.  That is what Democrats are saying Trump is GOING to do.  All the while, they have been actually doing it themselves.  Hypocrisy on steroids.)

There has been a general policy with prosecutors that they do not reveal negative information about people they do not indict and bring to trial.  It serves no good purpose.  Smith terminated the investigation against Trump.  The reason is less important than the fact.  Trump will never face a jury on the charges alleged by Smith.

Smith went so far as to say that Trump would have been convicted based on what he called “the evidence.”  That is what all prosecutors say.  Smith is in no position – and had no intention — to evaluate and present ALL the evidence and ALL the legal arguments on both sides.   He is simply offering a prosecution brief.  The so-called Report has no defense arguments.  Putting it out in the court of public opinion for political revenge makes the Report nothing more than partisan propaganda.

The Trump haters will love it.  Democrats and left-wing media will endorse it as if it is a legitimate verdict.  They will see it as proof.  That is because they are less interested in justice and truth than they are in sticking it to Trump.

Smith emphasizes that his Report does not exonerate Trump.  Technically, that may be true since you do not investigate to build a case to exonerate.  Duh!  More importantly, it does not make Trump guilty of anything alleged in the Report.  In making that claim, the special counsel violates the basic tenets of American jurisprudence – that a person is to be presumed innocent until proven guilty IN A COURT OF LAW.

Releasing the Report is nothing more than a feeble mean-spirited effort to damage Trump’s reputation for no good purpose.  It is likely to have the opposite effect, however.  It gives credence to Trump’s argument that he is being persecuted — subjected to politically motivated lawfare.  As with past attempts, it will likely enhance his popularity — and diminish the reputation of those continuing their Trump hatred resistance movement.

For all practical purposes, it will have no impact on Trump.  It offers nothing new – nothing that the people have not heard repeatedly over the past four years.  It will not stop Trump from assuming the presidency — and all the powers that go with it.  It will not make him change his plans and policies.  In a few months, the Report will slip out of the conscious memory of the American people.

I see the drafting … the release … and the interpretation of the Report by Smith as a venal act of a bitter prosecutor who bet his reputation on taking down Trump.  And now it is Smith who winds up being the big loser.  Tens of millions of taxpayer money … millions of hours of labor.  For what?  A meaningless Report?

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Frank danger

    And if he didn’t release it, would that prove Trump is guilty?

    You do know that Trump reviewed the document and had no issue with the facts presented.

    The only issues Trump had were legal, shot down by SCOTUS. and procedural.

    Why could Trump’s judge reach out and delay the release for an investigation not in her court?

    It is weird that Smith concluded he had the evidence to convict, but to say that’s illegal is wrong; or take him to court. But seems he was pissed and considered what was, is, and will be tossed at him, seems fair enough to me.

    There is one certain way to close this and I am sure Smith is more than willing.

    Too bad Trump will squash free speech and we will never see volume 2.

  2. Americafirst

    What and where do you think Trump is going to squash free speech? HE won’t but you are trying very hard to stop OUR free speech with every post you make. Makes you the guilty one. Frank Stetson, Frank S, Stranger danger, Frank danger, FS, Danger. I really don’t exactly know how to address you anymore with all your AKA’s. Sorry.

    • Frank danger

      AF, I think I was pretty clear in that. I said if the volume two of the report comes out, that seems to be a suppression of free speech.

      Oh, I think you know which name I’m using, quit trying to be cute, you’re not good at.

      As far as my suppression of free speech, take that up with Joe. It’s his site. I could’ve sworn he calls what’s happening here extreme free speech? Haven’t you been following?

      Keep on trying, though, I really get a kick out of the fact that most of your post are just about me. Not about the subject. Not about pushing back on anything I said, except in general that it’s bad, but mostly just about me. Who I am, What level of patriot am I, yada yada yada bullshit.

      • Frank danger

        If volume 2 DOES NOT come out.

      • Americafirst

        Frank, you were never cute. Just nasty and horrible and you know it.

  3. Tom

    This article well earns a Stop The Spin (STS) rating of STS 5+ because once again Larry puts on full display his disdain and vitriol for the lawful democratic processes of the DOJ, and, Larry continues his endless whining over what was in reality Trump’s criminal activity. This Larry article is one of his best bologna sandwiches yet!!

    1) Larry, apparently your aging brain can not conceive very well. Release of the report to create a public record that Trump cannot erase. He is the only president in US history to incite an insurrection. He would like to erase this just like he tried to erase his election fraud crimes.

    2) Neither are your writings the work of an unbiased fair journalist. Your writings are usually a hack at someone.

    3) You have no evidence that Biden was going after Trump as a political enemy. That is your goofy opinion only. There within the report, both volumes is evidence of crimes. Additionally, Smith was not appointed by Biden, and the special prosecutor process that was followed was also followed when GOPs accused Dem POTUS of crimes. The process was used specifically so that Biden does not go after Trump.

    4) Again, the report serves a historical record purpose that Trump cannot wipe away.

    5) Larry does not understand the prosecutorial process which requires a standard be met regarding evidence, and based on that standard they conclude that they can get a conviction if that evidence were to be presented to a fair and impartial jury. Larry, you have had this same cognitive problem in your past articles where you require the other side’s story to be included, which is not a requirement of the prosecutorial process! When will Larry learn???!!!

    6) Your statement that Dems and Liberals will see the report as “a verdict” is erroneous and quite frankly stupid. Anyone with half a brain knows that it is a report for historical record, not a verdict. Larry is overreaching here.

    7) Three times Larry misunderstands the reason for the report. This time he uses the angle of “Innocent till proven guilty court angle” which the report is not a court. It is simply a historical document of the facts in the investigation and reasonable conclusions based on prosecutorial requirements within their own procedures. When will Larry learn???!!!

    8) For a fourth time Larry, the report is for historical record, not for mean spiritedness or lawfair as you so claim. And as far as being for the purpose of damaging Trump and his reputation – well A) Trump has already done that! B) Isn’t this exactly what your article is doing to Smith? C) Isn’t this what you attempt to do to many of your readers and responders???!!!

    8) Larry’s conclusion that the report will have no impact on Trump is erroneous and shortsighted as are many of Larry’s one-sided ill informed opinions. Fact is, it will be entered into the legacy of his first term. It will give the full view of the Trump administration for the historians to write about. Larry has drank way to many of his own whines!!!

    9) For a fifth time, the report will serve to inform historians and future officials of the other side of the Trump administration and what he and his minions like Larry have tried tirelessly to hide and make mute.

    10) If Larry wishes to talk about wasting millions of tax payer dollars, maybe he should talk about the 60+ stupid lawsuits to try to win the presidency. How much did they cost the taxpayers Larry? How much did Trump’s tax cuts cost the taxpayers Larry? How much did Trump hiding classified documents cost the taxpayers Larry? Do you know that every document Trump took felonious will require a damage impact investigation and statement, and rework of what ever systems were in those documents? Larry, your zeal for Trump blinds you so that you do not even begin to understand the damage Trump caused!!!

    So there ’tis – what Larry would not tell you.

    • Frank danger

      I like the cut of your jib. Read the whole thing. Interesting points.