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Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe on Paid Leave After Viral Pfizer Video

Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe on Paid Leave After Viral Pfizer Video

Conservative investigative journalist James O’Keefe has exposed many scandals of the leftist-run establishment and businesses, mainly in controversial issues like abortion and vaccination.

But his recent undercover video of a Pfizer director has endangered his own position as he has been placed on paid leave with the possibility of removal from his position.

James O’Keefe, the founder and chairman of Project Veritas, has been banned and censored on leftist social media and labeled as a “provocateur” on Wikipedia because he has exposed the corruption and abusive practices in many organizations receiving government funding.

On February 2, O’Keefe posted an undercover video of Pfizer Director of Research and Development Jordon Trishton Walker. In the video, Walker is seen suggesting that the mRNA COVID vaccines – like Pfizer’s – are interfering with women’s menstrual cycles and must be affecting women’s hormones.

The video confirmed what informed critics of the vaccines had been saying since the early days of the mRNA COVID jabs rolled out to the public: the shots were interfering with the normal menstrual process in women and adolescent girls. But the information didn’t have the kind of impact as that coming from the very people who manufacture the shots.

O’Keefe’s video of Jordon Trishton Walker talking about menstrual and hormonal irregularity in COVID vaccinated women and the need to investigate the matter sparked renewed interest in and concern over the health risks of mRNA vaccines for COVID-19. Critics of COVID shots started talking about intentional harm done by Pfizer to public health by ignoring and suppressing the effects of its jab on women’s health and possibly on fertility.

On February 3, just a day after the video of Jordon Trishton Walker was posted, Twitter suspended the account of Project Veritas and raised concerns about free speech. Many, including James O’Keefe, called on Elon Musk to look into it. Shortly afterward, Project Veritas’s account was restored, and Twitter received a note of thanks from O’Keefe.

 On Wednesday, January 8, the media reported that O’Keefe had been sent on paid leave. It’s also been reported that the Project Veritas board is considering whether to remove him from his leadership position. The organization’s executive director, Daniel Strack, was cited in a story by The Daily Caller saying:

“Like all newsrooms at this stage, the Project Veritas Board of Directors and Management are constantly evaluating what the best path forward is for the organization.”

While Project Veritas is considering how to decide on the future of O’Keefe’s position in the organization, major donors to the organization are seemingly unhappy with its board and have sent a Cease and Desist Demand letter to the organization via a law firm.

The letter expresses “grave concerns about the Board of Directors’ reported action to remove Founder and CEO, James O’Keefe…” A copy of the letter was shared on Twitter by various accounts.

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  1. jboo7


  2. Diane Leemans Kelley

    The power Pfizer wields is scary.

  3. frank stetson

    I always wondered how long it would take for the right to realize that the left owns Project Veritas. That’s right, we control it all and we are everywhere, all the time, we own you, we own the gun companies, we even own Trump We can rig elections, we put nanobots in your beloved Fruit Loops, the cereal we named after you. We caused the insurrection, the guy in the Buffalo-headdress — Democrat. The millions at the 1/6 rally, all liberals with guns. The Paul Pelosi gay bashing — we staged it. We even tried to kidnap our own Governor just to make you look bad. We even replace Trump with Melania’s look-alike father, a Communist. Yup, Melania’s in on it too. Remember, it’s always darkest before it dawns on you.

    This is like Goering being fired by Hitler for being too mean.

    • mellie

      Go away, troll.

    • efred

      Someday, you are going to die. Then, where are you going to be? Think about that.

  4. Sam

    Totally digusting…….washington needs a purge of leadership….cause everbodys dirty work in politics is destroying this great country

  5. Sam

    Looks like frank is domestic terrorist…???🤔

  6. frank stetson

    Sam’s picking on the cleaning people again but good to see he’s woke to calling them “domestics.”

    Come on man, this guy is on a paid vacation as his own board decides whether to AMF him for being a fool. They said: “Like all newsrooms at this stage, the Project Veritas Board of Directors and Management are constantly evaluating what the best path forward is for the organization,” they then talked about “a distracting time” that the company is in: code words for somebody at the top is a dumb farther mucker. Obviously he mucked up and they need a scapegoat before they get “Jones’ed.” Will it be him or someone lower, time will tell.

    This is not about some stupid video this guy mucked up; this is about this guy being a muck up.

    His 65 person POS company has lots of internal issues of his making. They are lawsuits from employees, some from former employees this guy AMF’d. There’s even a probable federal investigation into conduct for purchase of the stolen Biden diary.

    There was a board meeting discussion covered “the health of the organization” with the conclusion “we have not come up with final solutions yet we have made a few immediate decisions.” Code words for the re-employed two top executives this been fired by this piece of brilliance. Given he’s out and they’re back, not a good sign for his future. Perhaps he can open the PBP video section?

  7. frank stetson

    hahahahahaha From the NYT: “James O’Keefe Is Removed as Project Veritas’ Leader”

    “Mr. O’Keefe had been the face of the group since he founded Project Veritas in his father’s garage in suburban New York in 2010.

    James O’Keefe, the embattled leader of the conservative group Project Veritas, has been removed from his position amid a series of questions about his oversight of the organization, according to a speech he gave to the group.

    “I was stripped of all decision-making last week,” Mr. O’Keefe said in a video of the speech, which was posted on Monday.

    “Currently, I have no job at Project Veritas, I have no position here based upon what the board has done — so I’m announcing to you all that today, on Presidents’ Day, I’m packing up my personal belongings here,” Mr. O’Keefe said.

    Earlier this month, Project Veritas’ board placed Mr. O’Keefe on paid leave after employees voiced complaints about his management style and his use of the group’s funds.

    Since founding Project Veritas in his father’s garage in suburban New York in 2010, Mr. O’Keefe had been the face of the group. He rose to prominence during Donald J. Trump’s presidency, as Mr. Trump and his followers embraced Mr. O’Keefe, who relied on controversial tactics like hidden-camera videos that targeted liberal groups and the news media. Amid the praise from conservative figures, Project Veritas — which the I.R.S. recognized as a tax-exempt nonprofit — raised $20 million a year from donors.

    But Project Veritas’ tactics have also brought legal scrutiny.

    In September, a jury in a federal civil case found that the group had violated wiretapping laws in a sting operation against a consulting group affiliated with Democrats. The jury awarded $120,000 to that firm, Democracy Partners.

    In August, two men pleaded guilty to stealing the diary and selling it to Project Veritas before the 2020 election. In federal court filings, prosecutors said a Project Veritas employee had directed the men to steal additional items to authenticate the diary, and paid the men additional money after receiving them.

    Neither Project Veritas nor any of its employees have been charged with wrongdoing in that case. The group has defended itself by saying that it is a journalistic organization, whose news gathering is protected by the First Amendment.”

    One time, many decades ago, my FIL was caught eyeballing a waitress’ posterior by the Pope, of all people. On behalf, of James, I will repeat what FIL heard as the Pope pointed at him, crossing one finger on the pointer, smiling, saying “tch, tch, tch — “you are a naughty, naughty, boy.”

    Guilty, guilty, guilty.

  8. Chipper

    Pharma power and money talks. James never had a chance.

  1. Larry, So glad that you are recovering from your medical issues-I would hate to go through the next 4 years…