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Pope Francis Sides with Mexican Bishops in Opposition of Same-Sex Marriage Law

Pope Francis Sides with Mexican Bishops in Opposition of Same-Sex Marriage Law

Following the massive demonstration of protestors in Mexico against legalizing same-sex marriage over the weekend, Pope Francis announced Sunday that he is siding with Mexican bishops and is also in opposition of the federal law.

In May, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto introduce a bill that would allow same-sex couples to marry under law.

However, the majority of country’s citizens are practicing Catholics. Over 400,000 people dressed in white, many of which carrying white balloons joined the protest staged by the National Front for the Family.

The Mexican bishops and priests had previously led marches against same-sex marriage.

Making same-sex marriage a federal law means these priests will have to go against their religious beliefs and potentially could face litigation if they don’t.  

It’s uncommon for the Pope to get involved in political issues, but Sunday he made his stance clear. He expressed his open support for traditional marriage.  

“I willingly join the Bishops of Mexico in supporting the efforts of the Church and civil society in favor of the family and of life,” said Francis this Sunday after the weekly Angelus prayer, “which at this time require special pastoral and cultural attention worldwide.”

The movement led by both the National Front for the Family and religious leaders has “millions of members,” which believe the bills introduced by president Peña are “against marriage and the natural family.”

But, it’s so much more than that. It gives special rights to individuals while at the expense of basic rights and freedoms for others. For example, if an adoption agency doesn’t feel right providing services to the LGBT community because of their religious beliefs, they can be attacked on the grounds of discrimination.

Same-sex marriage is legal in some areas on a state level, but president Peña is pushing for this to be nationwide. Also in the President’s bill, there is an educational reform that includes “gender education” in schools. Another notion Pope Francis has publicly rejected as it influences “ideological colonization,” according to the religious figurehead.

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