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Orange County Democrat Criminally Charged for Election Fraud

Orange County Democrat Criminally Charged for Election Fraud

It’s January 2025 and President Trump has been sworn in as the 47th President of the United States. The Democrat government in D.C. has officially ended. But there’s no end in sight to the crimes of elected Democrats. Meet this week’s featured Democrat – Hong Alyce Van of California, who has been criminally charged with multiple felonies in her attempted election fraud.

Van, elected in November 2020 to represent Stanton’s City Council District #2, engaged in forgery, perjury, and illegal voting in the November 5 election. In July last year, Van filed nomination papers to re-run for the same council seat despite having moved out of her district well over a year ago. She also kept her former voter registration address and cast her vote in the 2024 general election under her former address.

In a press release dated January 17, 2025, the Orange County District Attorney informed the public of the felony charges against Van – one felony count each for the crimes of perjury; offering a false or forged document to be filed, registered, or recorded; filing false nomination papers; and voting while not being entitled to vote at an election.

Orange County District Attorney Todd Spitzer was cited in the release stating:

“These are not mistakes. These are deliberate decisions to interfere with our democratic process and they will not be tolerated.”

If convicted on all counts, Van faces a maximum sentence of 6 years in state prison.

Also on Friday (January 17), an unsealed grand jury indictment named former mayor of Oakland (CA) Sheng Thao along with three others as co-conspirators in a bribery scheme. She, along with the others indicted, also faces charges of conspiracy and mail and wire fraud. ABC News reported that Thao faces up to 95 years in prison if convicted on all charges.

For many criminal Democrats, the final days of Joe Biden’s disastrous presidency brought great relief as they were pardoned by the outgoing Biden. Some of these criminals had been convicted of election-related crimes.

ABC affiliate WHAS-TV reported (January 20) that on his last day of presidency, Biden pardoned former Kentucky Democratic Party chief Jerry Lundergan who was convicted in 2019 of illegal campaign contributions. Lundergan had illegally paid $200,000 for goods and services to benefit his daughter Alison Lundergan Grimes’ 2014 campaign against Republican senator Mitch McConnell. In 2020, Lundergan was awarded a 21-month prison sentence and a $150,000 fine.

About The Author


  1. Frank danger

    City Council? Is dogma catcher next?

    She lived there, bought a house in next district, kept original home, but others moved in. and then. allegedly, a word never seen in The Dumpster, drove to old house. parked, and walked to town hall meetings. DA will use that for knowingly breaking the law. She will say she thought ownership was enough. And it’s allegedly dipshit. Journalism 101 and The Rile of Law.

    Then he ties this city council to Biden and pardons.

    Pardons, really? You go from city council felonies to Presidential pardons of low repute and Biden is the first one you think about? Were you born under a rock?

  2. WeeEEE The People

    Yet another criminal Democrat – and yet another Frank tantrum because the sources really are cited correctly and the point well made. lols

    Frank, how about you try to counter with Republican elected officials getting busted for such crimes? It can’t always be Democrats – and so spare us the horror of claiming it’s just insignificant. Crime is a problem. So starting here, Ernest 1, Frank 0.

    • WeeEEE The People

      I don’t know if “Dumpster” has looked at these Google links but I looked it up quickly – the first page of results – and there is hardly anything there. The Republicans targeted in these stories nearly all appear to be victims of political vendetta by Democrat DAs over their statements about voter fraud in 2020, the so-called “fake electors” and the clerk targeted for it. The only story that would appear somewhat credible is that of the Georgian dude Brian Pritchard. But his case is also quite interesting in that he maintained: “For those who think a person charged with a felony can’t vote, wrong,” he added. “First, in the state of Pennsylvania, the only time you lose your voting rights is if you are incarcerated. Considering I have never spent a night in jail in my entire life…(can everyone say that) I never lost my voting rights in PA. Once your sentence has expired you can vote in the state of Georgia.” – The Independent, 29 March 2024. So have you fact-checked this statement? I just saw it so I haven’t. But would be nice to know. With that, I do see a lot of more Democrat elected official criminal stories than Republicans even though most of the media is leftist.

      • frank DANGER

        WTP: Good presentation, gotta watch those open-ended questions you could have answered and not have shoved in your face as a weird thing to say. Keep the faith, you are good at mannered discourse, so let’s find some facts that lead both of us to a better truth. And you must know that my mantra is lock them all up if they break the law, don’t care which party, or even myself. Any time I have done the crime, I am more than willing to pay the time.

        On your response, first, I never said his sources or facts were off base. You are incorrect to say I did. Hardly a tantrum either, especially when measured in relation to your spew. I did mention it’s a fucking city council position, that how this leads to Biden’s pardons is a mystery, and that IF we are talking pardons, really —— he starts and ends with Biden? Like The Dumpster, I am questioning what rock you are living under?

        NOW — you have chosen an adversarial position, falsely claiming winners and losers based on your own metrics which have no foundation in what I wrote: BUSTED.

        And you have tossed the gauntlet without, as any idiot in an adversarial situation would do, checking the answer before you pose the question. Gutterman came back in a flash sticking it up your ass with a long list of Republican indictments for voter fraud. BUSTED. You then change the rules and say “ the first page of results – and there is hardly anything there. The Republicans targeted in these stories nearly all appear to be victims of political vendetta by Democrat DAs over their statements about voter fraud in 2020, the so-called “fake electors” and the clerk targeted for it.” Uh, Dude, the question you posed was: “w about you try to counter with Republican elected officials getting busted for such crimes?” Gutterman passed your bar and then you changed the rules and raised it for a “quality check” on the indictments. NOTE that The Dumpster indictment is for not living in the district which you deem more heinous than voter fraud I guess.

        Here’s my list: just felonies, may be some voter fraud, and I tried to restrict to 2024: **

        Now, if we are talking Republicans, and we are talking felonies, did you know that the President is a convicted and sentenced felon on over 30 counts? And that his business is also convicted on another 30 felony counts? Not indicted, like The Dumpster writes about, but convicted and sentenced?

        Let me guess: it’s all political and Trumpy is just a limp noodle to bend over and take it. He didn’t even raise a defense and barely questioned his accusers on fact.

        To conclude, you know where this is going — there are good and bad people on both sides of the aisle and all the bad ones, either party, should face the rule of law. But to say a Democratic city council woman who owns two houses and fakes living in one to retain her council seat means all Democrats are crooks and it leads to Biden pardons as terrible as if no one else ever, recently, in your face, let 1,500 felons out including ones who brutalized boys in blue, others who tried for seditious conspiracy, one child porn guy, and the largest drug runner we ever nabbed is fucking ridiculous.

        As ridiculous as you concluding any indictment you don’t like is political.

        One last plug: here’s the list from both parties, highest levels only, not obeying the rule of law: **

        Next, because you continue to bask in the fact that a OC city council member leads to all Democrats are crooks and the Biden pardons prove it, I will regale you with Trump’s total crimes as well as all those working for him that either got locked up, pled guilty, or are indicted awaiting trial. Way too long a list for this tome.

        • Cstansfield

          No one has been charged with the crimes that Trump was charged with. He is the first. The crimes and prison sentences are clearly excessive.

          • frank DANGER

            Cstans: I agree with you that the crimes are excessive, and numerous. I do not see ANY prison sentences for Trump. The others I have seen are well within the judicial guidelines, sometimes a bit more or less, but that’s a judge’s discretion. Do you have examples of excessive prison sentences?

            For the felonies Trump was charged with, pretty boring and typical, except for the free-speech, 2016 election rigging aspect, but that was pretty well hashed out in court and a jury of his peers agreed with the State. The business felonies were ho-hum records violations.

            The ones he was held liable for also were mundane as he ripped off his University student, grifted from his own charity fund, and defamed EJ Carroll. The only “excessive” part was allowing the sexual abuse case to continue post the normal statute of limitations, but Trump got the Mulligan in that a penis penetration is required in NYS for rape; fingers just will not do in NYS. So, he got tabbed for being a sexual abuser, but not rape UNTIL the dumb sob tried to countersue EJ Carroll for defaming him with the “rape” term. It got tossed easily, but not before the judge, on the record, said: “As is shown in the following notes, the definition of rape in the New York Penal Law is far narrower than the meaning of “rape” in common modern parlance, its definition in some dictionaries, in some federal and state criminal statutes, and elsewhere. The finding that Ms. Carroll failed to prove that she was “raped” within the meaning of the New York Penal Law does not mean that she failed to prove that Mr. Trump “raped” her as many people commonly understand
            the word “rape.” Indeed, as the evidence at trial recounted below makes clear, the jury found that
            Mr. Trump in fact did exactly that.” ba dum bumb. But wait, there’s more. Later, the judge, on the record, states the facts: “This jury did not award Ms. Carroll more than $2 million for groping her breasts through her clothing, wrongful as that might have been. There was no evidence at all of such behavior. Instead, the proof convincingly established, and the jury implicitly found, that Mr. Trump deliberately and forcibly penetrated Ms. Carroll’s vagina with his fingers, causing immediate pain and long lasting emotional and psychological harm. Mr. Trump’s argument therefore ignores them bulk of the evidence at trial, misinterprets the jury’s verdict, and mistakenly focuses on the New York Penal Law definition of “rape” to the exclusion of the meaning of that word as it often is used in everyday life and of the evidence of what actually occurred between Ms. Carroll and Mr. Trump.”

            Hey, here’s the judge’s opinion in tossing Trump’s case to the curb, enjoy: **

            But remember, save for Trump countersuing Carroll for defamation, this opinion would have never been written. That’s called Dumbass. And maybe you call the fine excessive, but I say not even close. I don’t like it when men force fingers up vagina’s in women protesting the whole affair. Not at all.

        • WeeEEE The People

          Wow, the overreaction!! Frank, you are not emotionally mature or well. I don’t know how old you are but your mental age as shown in your replies is not more than 12, maybe 15 at most.

          For Trump, only an utterly biased and stage 4 case of a TDS patient would seriously believe that Trump’s prosecution was more than political with-hunt over ridiculous allegations with no evidence. The second thing is that whataboutism is not the point here. You are attempting to whitewash the Democrats caught in crime by alleging that Republicans commit crimes too. Finally, the hypocrisy. It’s typical of liberals to believe the women who accuse conservatives men of sexual assault but ignore the alleged rape victims of Clinton Biden and Obama etc. So I say how about you get some time to look into your conscience – in case there’s any. 🙂

          • frank danger

            WTP: My conscious is fine, tyvm for asking. Yes, I am not mature, never have been. As to my replies being that of a teen, show me or STFU with your trailer trash talk. Come on, show me some teenage angst, lack of maturity or whatever other demeaning name you came up with. Prove it. Come on. My goal here is to present facts and use my opinion to describe my world as I see it. I have no issue with disagreement with my opinion, but one must show me if disputing the facts. I realize I am a punching bag here, but let’s face it, me telling democrats what’s up is just not fun. I would rather see pushback than agreement although the stupid personal attacks really lower the quality of the discussion,

            “You are attempting to whitewash the Democrats caught in crime by alleging that Republicans commit crimes too.” No whitewash, I say, and have said often, lock them all up. Said it twice here. Twice. But Dempsey only leans one way.

            “It’s typical of liberals to believe the women who accuse conservatives men of sexual assault but ignore the alleged rape victims of Clinton Biden and Obama etc” Wow, and WTP knows liberals…. Fact is I have often said Clinton is a cad. Legal, but a cad. Loved the policies though. Just like Horist and Trump. Except Trump is a sexually abusing felon defamer. Clinton never got caught for sexual illegality. And Obama and Biden, really weak allegations. You had Biden in investigation for four years by Comer and Jordan, the full weight and budget of the Congress, and you got squat. I have convictions. Trump is a felon; Clinton, Biden, Obama are not. You tried, but you failed to prove anything that you could get an indictment on. You lost this one. Trump will always be a felon, he will always be a defamer of women, he will forever be a sexual abuser. He cannot pardon himself.

            “For Trump, only an utterly biased and stage 4 case of a TDS patient would seriously believe that Trump’s prosecution was more than political with-hunt over ridiculous allegations with no evidence.” And only a sheeple would believe Trump over our jurisprudence and the entire judicial system. Trump, and Trumpco have over 65 felony convictions; all well documented and on the record. He can appeal the convictions, has pledged to do so, and no appeal has been issued by Trump so far. Did not put up much defense in either the hush money (he was all hush) or the business felonies (they were all business records, many with his signature). During the cases, most appeals shot down as stupid and a waste of time.

            The dummy even tried to countersue Carroll for defaming him by using the word “RAPE.” This not only was tossed out, but the judge described and defined both why the jury could not convict on rape, a technical NY law requiring penis penetration. And, on the record, why any normal person would see what Trump did as RAPE as in he IS a rapist on the court record, just not a convicted one. Smart guy to bring that countersuit. Hope he does better with Putin. The summary in this court record of the actual RAPE is pricelessly gross.

            The over 30 Trump business felonies that his CFO is in jail for are quite well documented. It’s all documented business records. Many have Trumpy’s signature to boot.

            The 34 Trump felonies were for falsifying business records which are the documented evidence. There were over 20 witnesses and over 200 pieces of documentation presented as evidence to convict the felon.
            These cases were presented in NY where 26% of the population is Republican as in there had to be 1-4 Republicans on the jury. Any of these could have hung the trial for basically any reason. The sentencing judge let Trump off the hook assigning no time for the crime.

            Then there is the Trump University scam that Trump paid off.

            And the Trump charity he used as a personal check book that Trump paid off and the was forced to shutter.
            And the seven people he hired in high security clearance Government positions that went to jail.

            And his own 2020 election lawyers that pled guilty to attempting to rig the 2020 election and will testify against Trump IF it ever gets to court.

            You can say it’s all a witch hunt, biased, corrupt, but why can’t Trump shine a light on that and win in court? He says he is the smartest, richest, has the best legal team, so what’s up? He can’t beat a few Democrats? You say NY is corrupt and biased but Trump is born and bred NYC and NYS. What’s up with that? Either we are too good for Trump or Trump is too weak to fight us. Fuck, he barely even entered a defense and his one countersuit, claiming EJ Carroll defamed him by saying RAPE, was shoved up his….face… Denied. Yeah, it’s us. Sure. He’s the strongest, bestest, smartest guy who can’t beat us except by conning you to vote to cover his ass with immunity. Kiss it too.

            Two years
            Resistance 2.0.

            The more of us you ignore, the faster the two years comes due. Unity is hard, disunity comes with a cost.

            Facts are our friends. I do not come here to call you names. I come here to share some facts, truth, and a few opinions/ideas I have. I am frank, and apparently some, like WTP, seemed scared of the danger in that.
            I spell my name: danger. And you don’t.

          • WeeEEE The People

            Frank (or Danger), while anyone is a punching bag here, you are more of a big gasbag – not propane, but carbon dioxide. I’d say you are a Dangerous reservoir of CO2 with multiple ports of exit.

            Your meltdown isn’t an only caser. Libs are melting down left and left (cz the right is standing solid right now). Their illusion of stopping Trump from winning via a judicial swamp fell flat on November 5. The case you ranted about for how many minutes in your comment without offering a shred of incriminating evidence became a last laugh that Trump and MAGA have at your team. The collective hysteria of which you are but a fragmented representative is at once sad and laughable. The epidemic of TDS keeps getting to new lows.

            By the way, Pete Hgseth was confirmed a moment ago. Time for you to throw a tantrum again. 🙂

          • frank danger

            WTP: There is no meltdown except in your mind. The TDS is yours for believing a Felon. Yes, the left is in disarray. As I said before the election, I am getting a McGovern feeling of the left getting buoyant while missing the fact defeat is on the horizon. Joy never won an election that I know off. And now the party is in that post-McGovern moment of self-reflection. Hey, we got two years to put it together while Trump shoots himself in the foot, over and over. Like 2018, 2020, and 2022 for your red wave not-a-coming, we lost all three seats of power, but the Congress is held by a shoe string and that worm could turn as Trump crosses the Republican line in service to his oligarchs. Or when he bumbles response to a crisis like covid.

            Yes, Trump escaped the noose once again by your vote, the SCOTUS in-his-pocket immunity ruling, and some weird notions of not indicting a sitting President. Those are the rules and guidelines we play by.
            You offered no proof of my immaturity.

            My evidence is Trump is a convicted felon. The record has the evidence. Any moron can look it up. Adjudicated in a court of law, a system that you no longer respect as valid. While I published evidence, the entirety is in the court records that any idiot can find. He is a sexual abuser. He is a defamer of women. And, on the record, he is a digital rapist. But to give you a helping hand:

            Here’s the evidence on the 30+ hush money felony counts: **

            Here’s the evidence on the 30+ business felony counts: **

            Here’s the evidence from the sexual abuse case where he is held liable: *

            And my favorite, here’s the Trump countersuit for defamation case evidence where he went after Carroll for defaming him with the word “RAPE,” this one is priceless: **

            Let me excerpt a bit for you: “Facts: The Evidence at Trial

            Ms. Carroll’s case in chief constituted all of the evidence at trial. Mr. Trump neither testified nor called any witnesses. Apart from portions of his deposition that came in on Ms. Carroll’s case, there was no defense evidence at all. The defense consisted entirely of (1) an attempt to discredit Ms. Carroll’s proof on cross-examination, and (2) Mr. Trump’s testimony during his deposition that Ms. Carroll’s account of the alleged events at the department store was a hoax.

             Sexual Battery

            The principal evidence as to Mr. Trump’s liability for the sexual assault was the testimony of Ms. Carroll, of the two “outcry” witnesses and of two other women who claimed to have been sexually assaulted by Mr. Trump, the so-called Access Hollywood video, and Mr. Trump’s remarkable comments about that video during his deposition.

              Ms. Carroll
            In her first public accusation of sexual assault – “rape” – against Mr. Trump, which was published in June 2019 as an excerpt of her then-forthcoming book, Ms. Carroll described the assault in relevant part as follows:

            “The moment the dressing-room door [(at Bergdorf Goodman, a department store in New York)] is closed, he lunges at me, pushes me against the wall, hitting my head quite badly, and puts his mouth against my lips. I am so shocked I shove him back and start laughing again. He seizes both my arms and pushes me up against the wall a second time, and, as I become aware of how large he is, he holds me against the wall with his shoulder and jams his hand under my coat dress and pulls down my tights․ The next moment, still wearing correct business attire, shirt, tie, suit jacket, overcoat, he opens the overcoat, unzips his pants, and, forcing his fingers around my private area, thrusts his penis halfway — or completely, I’m not certain — inside me. It turns into a colossal struggle.

            At trial, Ms. Carroll testified:
            • “He [(Mr. Trump)] immediately shut the [(dressing room)] door and shoved me up against the wall and shoved me so hard my head banged.”
            • “I pushed him back, and he thrust me back against the wall again, banging my head again.”
            • “He put his shoulder against me and hold [sic] me against the wall.”
            • “I remember him being — he was very large, and his whole weight came against my chest and held me up there, and he leaned down and pulled down my tights.”
            • “I was pushing him back․ I pushed him back. This arm was pinned down. This arm had my purse. Trying to get him back.”
            • “His head was beside mine breathing. First, he put his mouth against me.”
            • “[I was] [s]tamping and trying to wiggle out from under him. But he had pulled down my tights and his hand went — his fingers went into my vagina, which was extremely painful, extremely painful. It was a horrible feeling because he curved, he put his hand inside of me and curved his finger. As I’m sitting here today, I can still feel it.”
            • “Then he inserted his penis.”
            • “He was against me, his whole shoulder — I couldn’t see anything. I couldn’t see anything that was happening. But I could certainly feel it. I could certainly feel that pain in the finger jamming up.”8
            After a day and a half of direct testimony, Ms. Carroll was subjected to a lengthy cross examination during which she testified:

            “Q. It’s your story that at some point you felt his penis inside of you?
            A. Yes.
            Q. But before that, it’s your sworn testimony that you felt his fingers, what you said was rummaging around your vagina?
            A. It’s an unforgettable feeling.
            Q. Now, when you say rummaging around your vagina, that’s different than inserting a finger inside your vagina.
            A. At first he rummaged around and then he put his finger inside me.
            Q. In your book you wrote that he was forcing his fingers around my private area and then thrust his penis halfway completely, I’m not certain, inside me. Is that accurate?
            A. Yes.”9

              The Outcry Witnesses

            Ms. Carroll confided in two of her friends, Lisa Birnbach and Carol Martin (the “outcry” witnesses), about the attack shortly after it occurred. Almost immediately after Ms. Carroll escaped from Mr. Trump and exited the store, she called Ms. Birnbach. Ms. Carroll testified that during that call:

            “A. I said, you are not going to believe what just happened. I just needed to tell her. I said I met Donald Trump in Bergdorf’s. We went lingerie shopping and I was so dumb I walked in a dressing room and he pulled down my tights.”

            On the Carroll case, there were several witnesses with evidentiary testimony; I will let you put on your big boy pants and find them for yourself. And the most damning evidence: no successful appeals yet. He barely put up a defense except to delay the actions.

            What evidence do you need for the Trump University scam or the Trump Foundation rip-off? He paid off. So back off jack, and don’t you come back no more, no more, unless you gots the goods. Who’s the bigger gas bag now?

            You can believe Trump is innocent, that’s it’s all a political action with corrupt courts, DA’s, judges, hellll Trump went after the judge’s daughter and the court reporter. You can believe the Earth is flat. But by the same rules that allow Trump to avoid further court cases while being President, the President is an adjudicated felon, sexual abusers, defamer of women, a business cheat, a tax cheat, and has paid off for defrauding his university students, and had to pay off and shutter his charity that he used as his personal piggy bank. It’s the same rule of law you demand we play by; you should try it yourself.

            These are just facts in evidence. There is no TDS in stating the truth of the status of Trump felonies. You are just gilding the Lilly while I know even though you’re in full bloom now, that the Rose will wilt in time. Trump does not handle a crisis well.

            I spell my name: Danger. And the war in Ukraine rages on. Trump lied about ending it. First major lie and he wasn’t even anointed as your Felon King yet.

          • frank danger

            WTP: Win:lose is a terrible path forward. You say: “By the way, Pete Hgseth was confirmed a moment ago. Time for you to throw a tantrum again” as if you are happy to cause pain in your fellow citizens in order for you to feel better, feel happier.

            You gain no profit in my feeling bad. Now I realize you have little risk putting pain in a stranger, but you do not gain from this pain except in your fantasies.

            If we are to remain the envy of the world, we must work together to find our truth to go forward. Beating each other over the head, taking great joy at others pain, this is NOT the envy of the world. It’s what our enemies desire.

          • WeeEEE The People

            See you have released a lot of gas out of your reservoir but did not offer a shred of evidence of rape. In fact there is no evidence that Trump was there that day – which is so interesting, speaking of day, since we don’t even know what day is she talking about. The first thing in establishing truth is what where when. And without any of these, there is no case. Which is exactly the case here. When did that fictional rape happen in the alleged store and what is the evidence – outside of her story – that Trump really was there? Answer – no date and time, and no witness to verify that Trump was there – except the kookooo girl. No store employee to verify they saw her or Trump there. And she didn’t tell any store person or police or anyone that would put it on record but claim she called two friends. lols. A 3-year-old can write more realistic fiction. No DNA evidence I guess as well. All you regurgitated is her little amateur rape fiction. Sounds she fantasized about Trump for being rich and handsome and a playboy kind of guy in those days. And seeing an opportunity, she ran to seize it. The judge is openly political. The jury seems too. Voting records for the jury and all their communications before during and trial need to be put on the table so we know who has been talking to them and offering what.

            The Merchan case is openly political and is in appeal as well. The NY jury and courts have no credibility. They are political puppets of the deep state.

            Now the case is in appeal again and the appeals go all the way to the supreme court. So hold your horses, if you can’t hold your gas. Political hatred is consuming you. Unless you work for the guys who tried to stop Trump from winning in November. Now Trump is your president and will be for four years. Good things are happening under him already so the destruction of the country that you want so bad has to wait and you can live in your fantasy world of sabotaging Trump. But he is the boss now. So cope 🙂

          • frank danger

            I offered the court transcripts with all the evidence presented. The judge even summarized the evidence in the Carroll case for you. You deny the nose in front of your face. In AMERICA, we live by the rule of law and use the judicial system to determine the truth. It determined Trump is a felon, a sexual abuser, and more. He said one time that he likes to grab em by the pussy, and the court case confirmed he does that. A number of other witnesses testified, under oath and penalty of perjury, “yup, he did a similar thing to me.” A number of her acquaintances testified, “yup, she told me about right after.” Experts testified that, “yup, rape victim’s recollections are often just like that.”

            Then a jury, which had to include, based on Manhattan political demographics, between 1-4 Republicans UNLESS Trump’s high paid expert lawyers were useless spent rubbers, voted him guilty, guilty, guilty. As in, based on the evidence presented that you cannot find, he did it.

            Another jury, again with the same political demographics, determined his penalty. So two different juries determined his crimes and punishments.

            In AMERICA, we call that the truth as determined by the rule of law.

            And, on the appeal, sorry, the EJ Carroll latest appeal got tossed 12/24. You missed it. There is no appeal except in you fantasy. He can always appeal again, but face it, he did not even put up a defense. He did not sue any of the witnesses as lying defaming perjurers. He will never appeal the facts, they will be on the record forever.

            Now you can continue to pretend the court is biased and corrupt. The the facts were not enough because you were not there pushing Trump’s hand up EJ’s vagina. You can’t prove it and it will never see a courtroom. You can say the trial and evidence is bogus — too late, it is the rule of law truth now. You can whine about knowing the juries voting habits, who they talked too, etc.

            Do you have kids? A girl perhaps? Would you tell her, “fuck off, I didn’t SEE you getting raped.” And besides, it was sexual abuse, only RAPE in the common sense of the word, not the NYS technicality requiring a Trump penis insertion, which, perhaps is yet another Trump issue, although at his demented age, doubtful anymore.

            But you are the party of the 1/6 pardons. You pardon over 1,000 guys who beat on cops in blue with weapons. You pardon child pornographers. You pardon YUGE drug dealers for Libertarian votes. You really can’t be talking about being the law-and-order party. And as far as your personal attacks; it just points out how weak your argument is that you feel the need to denigrate me for your perceived personal foibles. You can’t win on the issues, so you go for the body…. I will not respond, I do not lower myself that way.

            How am I sabotaging Trump with his own words and deeds? Is it any different than you supporting him to the point of your own delusions? I mean the guy said he likes to grab em by the pussy. Someone stand up and says, he grabbed me by the pussy. And you say: “NO WAY.” Trump once said: “”I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any voters, OK? It’s, like, incredible.” Was he talking to you? He was talking to you. You’re his guy, the guy who wills swallow whatever he says.

            One more time, here’s a piece on the failed appeal where the evidence, the judge’s thinking, and more are all provided for you to not believe. ** It’s Reuters which rates Least Biased and Highly Factual so you know their shit must stink, right? SIGH,

            And it’s two years. I have been saying, if you can’t work with us, or not, and then the next time for change is the midterms that are two years from now. You barely hold the Congress today. If you lose, you will be left with Executive Orders, Proclamations, Memorandums, Tariffs, but you will not make law. Like Biden made law.

          • WeeEEE The People

            Haha, yeah you offered the court transcripts with NO EVIDENCE presented. Has anyone ever told you that repeating a lie a million times still doesn’t make it truth? Now you can go find in the court transcripts for me what exact date was this alleged crime committed and what eye-witness really saw Trump at that store that date and time, except the person who came up with this story? I do find the woman’s fiction entertaining I must say. Met Trump at the store, instantly befriended him, and let him inside the dressing room so she could try a piece of lingerie there… LOLS.

            Now feel free to return with real evidence as well as voting records, bank account transactions, and communication records of all jury members and the judge. Same for the so-called witnesses – none having witnessed anything real.

            “In AMERICA, we call that the truth as determined by the rule of law.” Sure. That means truth is relative since the highest rule of law – the SCOTUS – determined that states can decide what is fair or unfair in abortion cases. That also means every time a ruling is overturned by a higher court (court of appeals), the “truth” is nullified and replaced with a new truth.

            January 6 pardons were overdue as the political hostages waited for years for a legitimate administration to free them from the dictatorial captivity. Quite unlike demented Biden’s own gang of felons, including his convicted sleaze-bag of a son, that destroyed lives and now are free to do so again.

            Now to the question of overturning this laughable ruling, you say it’s too late. Like always you don’t sound well-informed. Trump has appealed the ruling again, and it was around mid-January so like 10 days ago. This time they are asking for a full bench unlike the 3-anti-Trump judge panel that rejected the appeal:

            CABRANES – Clinton appointee
            CHIN – Obama appointee
            KAHN – Biden appointee

            With your gas ball dispelled, feel free to emit a new one. NO guarantees that it’ll be able to hit any mark but no harm in trying 🙂

          • frank danger

            WTP, defender of rapists everywhere. protector of felons too.

            The evidence used by the jury to convict Trump is in the transcripts. You are right, she not only did not remember the date, she was not sure whether 1995 or 1996. So, and the evidence is in the transcripts: “May 2 (Reuters) – A friend of E. Jean Carroll on Tuesday backed up the writer’s account of being raped by Donald Trump, testifying during a civil trial that she received a phone call about the alleged attack minutes after it occurred.

            Author Lisa Birnbach told a jury in Manhattan federal court that she “vividly” remembered Carroll calling her one evening in the spring of 1996 and saying Trump had just attacked her in a dressing room in the lingerie section of the Bergdorf Goodman department store in New York City.”

            “Birnbach, author of many books including “The Official Preppy Handbook,” said Carroll told her Trump slammed her into the wall, pulled down her tights and “penetrated her with his penis.”
            “I whispered, E. Jean, he raped you. You should go to the police,” Birnbach testified.”

            “Birnbach testified that Carroll refused to go to the police after the alleged rape and asked her to never tell anyone about the incident.

            “Instead of wallowing, she puts on lipstick, dusts herself off and moves on,” Birnbach said, explaining why her friend stayed silent about the alleged assault for decades.

            A lawyer for Trump, W. Perry Brandt, probed Birnbach’s allegiance to the Democratic Party and open disdain for Trump, citing podcast appearances and social media posts where she described him as a “madman,” “narcissistic sociopath” and “Russian agent.”

            Under questioning from one of Carroll’s lawyers, Birnbach said she would “never in a million years” lie to hurt Trump politically.

            Another woman, Jessica Leeds, testified on Tuesday that Trump kissed her, groped her and put his hand up her skirt on a flight in 1979.

            Trump has not attended the trial, now in its fifth day. On Monday, he was in Scotland to visit his golf courses there.

            Trump’s lawyers sought a mistrial on Monday, accusing U.S. district Judge Lewis Kaplan of bias against him in a motion Kaplan swiftly denied from the bench.

            Because Carroll’s case is civil, she must establish her claims by a preponderance of the evidence, meaning more likely than not, and need not meet the tougher criminal standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt.”

            All the evidence from the witnesses is in the transcripts. If you still can’t see what the jury saw, that’s on you.

            Meanwhile: do you have a source or a link for Trump’s January appeal??? It’s not searchable that I can find. Where’s your evidence, heh, heh. Is your TDS causing fantasies again? Does not matter, he is held liable as a sexual abuser, a defamer of women, and when he pushed back on the RAPE categorization, the judge, on the record and provided to you: “he’s a digitial rapist in every common sense of the word.”

            I take it you do agree that a person sticking his fingers up your woman’s vagina without permission is rape? Or maybe not? You still have not answered the question of IF your woman, daughter, or wife, told you she was rape by a guy sticking his hand into her crotch and up into her vagina, would you require more proof to believe her? Some fingerprints perhaps? You ducked this question. Are you still ducking???

            The judge explained “preponderance of the evidence,” do you need an explanation of that?

            So, you conclude she’s a liar and the felon tells the truth? Because the jury saw otherwise in the conviction. The second jury agreed and gave him a healthy fine.

          • WeeEEE The People

            For conservatives, liberals are the defenders of rapists and felons. Clinton Obama and Biden rape victims and their pardons for felons are open sources to consult.

            For the so-called evidence, you have just repeated needlessly and uselessly the claims of women that lack evidence. I can call a friend now and tell him Frank Danger robbed me at gunpoint or injured me with a knife attack etc. By your line of reasoning, my friend’s statement is evidence enough in court of law 25 years from now. The judge need only hear my friend recalling a phone call saying so without actually verifying that such an assault happened and is backed up by adequate forensic evidence. And my friend even doesn’t need to recall what day, even year, it was when I made that call. In the language of common sense and sanity, it’s called hearsay. Judges and juries accepting such statements are simply outing themselves as political activists.

            Then you add more statements from a bunch of women who are related and offer no evidence. Because you are also a political activist here, not a truth-seeker. I hold the same standard for all these women – including those accusing the leftist presidents (or anyone else): they need to prove it in a neutral and independent court. The civil trial for defamation where a judge moves to include his own opinion as a ruling on an incident is laughable. No wonder Trump doesn’t bother to waste his time on such a circus. I won’t either.
            Jessica Leeds needs to prove her claim by the same criteria as mentioned above.

            Good to know Trump is playing golf. It shows he doesn’t let the leftist political and legal warfare get to gobble up his leisure time.

            You have not shared anything from the transcripts that would pass as actual evidence. So why would I waste my time on a pile of hogwash?

            I’m not ducking the question – a stupid hypothetical. But if my daughter/relative makes such a claim, I’ll do my research, preserve the evidence, take her instantly to the police and for medical/forensic testing to seek justice. I don’t see any genuine/sane woman letting a stranger man inside her dressing room to try a lingerie. Then just forgetting about it after making a few calls and returning some 3 decades later to demand millions of dollars because the man she accused called her out. If my relative told me so, I’d suspect her mental health and take her to a psychiatrist.

            The judge is a political activist and not credible. A Clinton loyalist, Kaplan obviously was performing his political vendetta for defeating Hillary in 2016 and taking on the leftist establishment. Same for the juries. We need to see their voting records, social media, and bank accounts too. And lastly, the fine for defamation is ridiculous and it is the KooKoo woman who defamed Trump with false accusation. Trump just snapped back – which he has every right to.

            For your information, the news of Trump’s second appeal before the appeals court was published in a number of places. I am looking at the website Law and Crime. The story from January 14 is titled: ‘Passion and prejudice instead of the law and evidence’: Trump again demands new trials in E. Jean Carroll cases, complains of ‘pile-on’ with ‘inadmissible’ character evidence. The Hill also reported on it. For some reason the big mainstream media seems to have ignored it. I wonder why.

          • frank danger

            “For conservatives, liberals are the defenders of rapists and felons. Clinton Obama and Biden rape victims and their pardons for felons are open sources to consult.” Nice Trump defense. He didn’t do it because Clinton Obama and Biden did. Try that with your wife: “nope, didn’t happen because Clinton Obama and Biden did.”

            I am sorry, are you born under a rock and deciding you like it there? Have you seen the pardons? A child pornographers? A YUGE drug dealer? You elected a FELON as your President? A sexual abuser too. A business cheat. A tax cheat. Steals from his University students and charity foundation as well?
            I have adjudicated court cases, pardons, and pay-offs.

            You have allegations, rumors, and scuttlebutt. You have issues making your criminal dreams a reality. FOUR YEARS Comer and Jordan, using the full power and budget of the Congress got nada on the Biden crime family, much less Joe. You kept coming so much, without success, that Biden tossed the pre-emptives just to get you to STFU.

            Clinton Obama and Biden rape victims didn’t prove shit in court if they even got there. Your guy lost in court, he is a felon, he is a sexual abuser of women, a defamer of women, and you love it. You can’t even answer the question of whether you would use the same metrics to measure RAPE for Trump with your own women, daughters, wives, or otherwise. Come on, answer the question, would you call them liars unless you were in the room?

            You can hem and haw all you want. You can claim whatever you want. Trump is a felon, convicted and sentenced. His business has three dozen felonies for cheating on records, on taxes to rip off America. That will never change.

            You say he has an appeal as of January, show us or STFU, because I cannot find it and you refuse to back up what you say. Weak tea, dude.

          • WeeEEE The People

            Lols, your 2-year-old self has taken over totally Frankie. Go drink some water to calm down.
            As I said before you have proven nothing except that you hate Trump and adore Trump haters. The case – not a rape trial – made a mockery of justice and when debunked here, you have gone into screaming to yourself, “I’d right! I’m right”. Mental illness or stupidity – but it’s classic TDS. Very amusing, lols.

            You still can’t find the appeal news. Damn! Maybe you should try finding your brain first. That’ll help. And believe me it’s not a “Danger” suggestion. LOLS.

            Okie Frankie see you around. And remember, Trump is your President until 2029 🙂

          • WeeEEE The People

            You have proven nothing except your own delusions and endless frustration that has been aggravated by the recent victory of Trump in November. You failed to stop him from reclaiming the house. How does that feel? 🙂

            Thanks for the little TDS tantrum. Happens when one has nothing to prove and lots of gas to make noise 🙂

            You still haven’t found the news of the appeal. Hmmm what happened to research skills? Oh wait, I’m talking to a braindead Biden voter. Lols

            The KooKoo hag’s friends are liars – much like you – and I don’t know if they are whores. You probably know those cheapsters better. Your attack on Trump is a rumor and your defense of the lefties is “it’s not about them.” Well this article is not about Trump but a criminal Democrat. You are so hurt when your fellow comrades are busted, little Danger Mouse. 🙂

            Biden crime enterprise is beyond exposed during the congressional investigations. But in America they are above the law – as in Biden “pardoning” his family as an admission of their guilt. And Hunter a convicted felon. Your white powder buddy. Lols

            The guilty verdict of a kangaroo court means Trump is innocent. The sole conviction is in appeal. So the jury is out there. Meanwhile you can console your defeated soul with the FELON balm. Seems it’s not working well, 🙂
            For 4 years Trump is your president and he will fight the battle we stand for. Meanwhile you can keep fuming and farting in desperation. It’s a long way ahead for you Frankie. Lols

            You spell your name Danger Mouse. Keep biting your tail for fun 🙂

        • tOm

          Trump’s so called felonies were made-up, pulled out of thin air fool. Democrat nonsense. If you haven’t figured it out yet, this is part of why you were so skunked in the 2024 Elections ACROSS THE WHOLE COUNTRY, UP AND DOWN THE BALLOTS. Please, do the country a favor and continue to deceive yourselves. ROFLOL

    • Americafirst

      Andrew. He knows. This article was not about Republicans at this time. Sheesh!

  3. Tom

    Well as an Independent / Unaffiliated voter, I say if they are guilty, lock’em up! But a charge does not equate to a conviction, so lets hold the harsh rhetoric and let the process play out.

    Dumpster says, “For many criminal Democrats, the final days of Joe Biden’s disastrous presidency brought great relief as they were pardoned by the outgoing Biden. Some of these criminals had been convicted of election-related crimes.” I am not clear on who the criminals are in the aforementioned statements? Biden ordained the new concept of “Pre-emptive Pardons” but this was to stop Trump from vindictively initiating prosecutions of Dems and a few GOPs that participated in legal investigations and hearings on Jan 6th events.

    Dumpster calls these folks “criminal Democrats” but only mentions one by the name of Lundergan. Since he used the plural “Democrats”, who are the other criminals Dumpster is speaking about?

    By the way, if Lundergan was convicted in 2019 and given a sentence of 21 months, my math says he did his time. So the pardon may be more about clearing his record or maybe not having to pay the $150,000 fine. I do not understand the big deal here???

    • Americafirst

      Because the imposter playing Biden means that Biden was never at any time president. All fake Biden’s pardons cannot be taken for any kind of real no matter how much you want to believe he was alive. AND I did not refer to you in the post you blasted me for so horribly. It was directed at the PBP’s community dictator, Stetson! You blasted the wrong person. I will never allow you to get away with that. I will post it to you every day until you apologize, even after wanting me dead! Some people just have to hang themselves.

  4. frank DANGER

    Tom, Dick Nixon got a pre-emptive pardon; no conviction, no charges even.

    Was Larry a plumber at one time :>)

    • Tom

      Oh yeah Frank, I forgot about Tricky Dickie’s pardon by Ford. I did not realize that the Frost report did not evolve into charges thus making the pardon pre-emptive. Thanks for the update!

      If you are talking about Larry H, I know he worked for the death star company like I did, but I seem to recall he was more in the marketing and sales management kind of jobs while I was in engineering in the foundries where we actually make the product. As far as his plumbing experience, I do not know about that but it sure does seem like he could use a good pipe cleaning! 🙂

  5. frank DANGER

    Just kidding as he worked for Nixon. Remember, you wouldn’t build shit without me in the mother ship getting the budgets :>)

    I did love the factory though. Shreeeeeeeeeevesport…. Got to see one of the last payphone cases presses there; it was two stories high and pressed a flat payphone armored metal sheet into the case. OH the noise it made…. They also made me a nice princess phone as one color of plastic ended, and another began, making a few two-colored swirl phones, before the plastic ran to one color. Can’t remember what I did with that; probably gave to a boss to suck up……

    Ill. was shut down when I arrived, but made Denver Works where I was escorted up a circular stair from the lobby to a well-appointed real–wood paneled conference room with my though bubble going: “ah, the profits of regulation…….” and marveled that it was not heaven, it was not Kansas, it was the Death Star.

    My best though was a project to produce a small business voice mail at world class cogs. Yes, for the Death Star…. I got two labs volunteers as in “the last men” because no one wanted this job. I did some exhaustive costs studies —– ie grabbed radio shack answering machine, divided price by 4 to get to cost, wink-wink-nudge-nudge, multiplied by the avg. number of mbx’s I would sell and voila — cost target for the kids. They went away for six weeks. Then I asked, how’s it going, they said, great, need more time. I said, in ten days we are presenting to your VP. Uh oh….. The boys went away, drank much jolt cola, stayed up late, worked weekend, and voilla, they did it. The rest of the project went super, we were jazed, we were world class COST, go figure. The system was one unit, but I sold ten and twenty mailbox versions. So, I needed control to be able to charge for the larger model and not have it stolen. I suggested encrypted code in memory. The boys were elated, the had a better solution and it only cost 17 cents. I said, what marvelous tech was this? They said: paperclip…. They just used a customer jumper. I cracked up; I was charging $1,000 for something that cost 17 cents. Then I told them everything, like user controls, programming, etc, had to be like our bigger products because I could not train. But we had less features. So, the boys not only made the programming the same, but kept the same entrance codes. So, my programming was press 1 for feature one, press 3 for feature 2, and press 7 for feature three because we didn’t have features 2, 4, 5, and 6. I said nothing and loved how they caught the vision.

    But….. the factory part. So, you know the concept of “try it, buy it.” Well, I invented “buy it, try it,” where you paid me in advance, at a dis ount, and I delivered the product later. We started selling six months before availability and sales were great. On day one, I dropped nine months of orders. Running the line out to sales beyond belief, I called the factory saying we gonna need a bigger boat, better start hiring. My factory rep said: Frank, we got 1/4 guy on your current volumes, I think we will be OK….. Now that was a factory funny. A tiny project, but I love the “last men” teams that really get motivated when they believe. Better than a group of all star prima donna’s that just fight over everything. And we did achieve world class cost in a company where that was impossible.

  6. Darren

    Do not mix up Trump going after people who actually broke the law with
    Vindictive ness.
    If this were the case Biden would not have pre-emptively pardoned the crooked
    individuals doing his dirty work.
    Trump was elected as the public, at least the smart 52% of the people saw through this scam.
    Trying to do the same illegality use of the system would bite Trump in the ass as it did Biden.
    Republicans are more honest ( most of the time )( Bushes are crooks like Biden ) and do not care about power as much as correcting the ills of our country created by the clowns running the Demarcate party.
    The people Trump has in power all made their money in the private sector whether Biden was in office or not.
    They do not need a public office to SCAM TAX PAYERS MONEY into their pockets!
    make a buck!

    • frank DANGER

      Darren: Not sure where you got your 52% but love it when you use facts to make your point. Unfortunately, Trump did not get 52% of the popular vote, more like 49.8% to Harris with 48.3% or a 1.5% difference. Biden got 51.3%, Obama got 52.9% and 51%, maybe you were thinking of him :>). Reagan got 59%, Johnson got 61%. So, in the scheme of things, not exactly groundbreaking mandate. It is a good win, a very good win, not a great win.

      Don’t confuse Trump who goes after people before investigating, much less indicting them with Biden reacting to Trump’s strange view of the law, morals, and principles. How many threats, even death threats based on Trump’s words? How many went to jail after listening to him at his rally. How many folks been intimidated based on Biden’s words? Biden would not have pre-empted if Trump had not pre-judged them as guilty. Biden did nothing that Ford did not do for the crook Nixon. If Republicans are so much more honest, then why let all the 1/6 felons free? Cop beaters go free tells people if you break the law in the name of Trump, you can be hero’s. Why let the child pornographer go? Why let the largest drug trafficker ever caught, go? Why stop ongoing trials where people pled guilty to perpetrating heinous acts on our boys in blue? Why let people on tape convicted for attacking cops with chemicals or anything they can pick up and hit them with. Many confesses but Trump lets them go. Some of these fucks have already announced violent plans for anti-Trumpers in the near future. One said this time we will do it close to home. Trump has freed his personal army of 1,500 brownshirts back to the free world to prey on the rest of us. Why not, they just beat cops up on Trump’s watch and he let’s them go on a whim. This is a Republican stain forever on the rule of law, on our legal system, on who we are as a people. The world sighs.

      If you think Republicans are too rich to steal from government, you are smoking something really good. You think Musk is in it for the glory? To stand up to his South African ideologies in America? Zuckerberg’s a maga guy? Or just looking to not get hit? These people just want access to power and Trump is bought for a few dollars and some fake praise. Ask Jeff Yass: some money, a meeting, and anti-Chinese anti-tictoc Trump suddenly is gung-ho tic tock and Republicans cheer as they suck it up. You have to know that both parties steal at times, and Trump is about Trump all the time. You are right: Trump is a businessman and business is booming as The White House is for sale. He’s getting rich just on the legal dollars saved now that he’s immune for four years. Just measure when the EV tax credit falls; that will be telling. He apparently had a thought bubble and did not kill the ev tax credit like he promised but instead put it to the deep state agencies to review. The same agencies Musk will fire. I wonder if the agency workers will do what Musk wants for evs? Ja think? Trump did kill California’s stricter emissions control so they can pollute more, not less. It ‘s not that he’s against state’s rights, he just hates California more than he hates Musk’s evs. As the deep state does the Trump review, wink-wink, nudge-nudge, the court cases will fly, but he most certainly did not kill the credit. Musk paid for that.

      Sweet Lorraine, let the party carry on.

    • Americafirst

      Darren, some of the people Trump has in his office are there so they can unknowingly take down Deep Staters then themselves. Not all of the people, just some.

  7. Seth

    It doesn’t matter. Your mulatto bitch lost a hell of a lot more than Hillary. She even lost the blue wall. A red wave prevailed. Not as large as we would have liked. But she’s still a loser.

    • Americafirst

      Seth, she lost more than that. All over the internet is about her husband divorcing her because of her condescending attitude to her help and to him.

  8. too old to con

    it is clear that one person thinks dems walk on water. they dont. and for the record, google the tv show law and order svu. circa 1999 or so. put in bergdorf dept store and lingerie dept. see the tv script that this deranged over sexed woman used for her lawsuit. she wrote of it in her book some 7 years before she found a wealthy democrat donor, REID HOFFMAN, to fund her 30 year old fantasy about trump, if he wasnt running for office, and if she hadn’t been approached with the offer of free court costs, would she have said anything? this is a woman who tried to pick up Anderson Cooper, who is admittedly GAY, AND married to another man. she did this on his tv show. in front of the entire nation. she couldnt remember key details, but she KNOWS IT HAPPENED? I SERIOUSLY DOUBT THAT. she lives in a cabin in the woods with over 200 named RATS, they live inside her house. she painted the rocks outside the cabin BLUE. she named her cat VAGINA. this is clearly a person in need of serious mental help. this was just another GET TRUMP idea made up by the democraps. and of course, in bright BLUE NYC, WITH A BRIGH BLUE BIDEN DONATED JUDGE, with a da who ran on the platform for election he would GET TRUMP. and biden was so scared the law fare wasnt working he sent in the number three man at the doj who makes over 100,000 to a podunk courtroom to help save fat Alvins case. the case is full of illegality, and the constitutional rights of President Trump were trampled by these find democraps. the judge refused to sentence trump, thus barring any appeals to any court. when he saw that trump WON RE ELECTION, he held off to the last minute before giving him a nothing burger sentence. and he wished him luck. he and fat alvin are up for re election. I predict neither will win. the sewer rat SMITH ran the day after the election to cancel all his fictitious charges. he shredded his work product and ran like the coward he is back to his nothing job. has NEVER WON A SCOTUS CASE, and has been reprimanded for his shady handling of his cases. he has hidden materials that would have freed the very people he prosecuted. and has been publicly. shamed for it by scotus. we know this was nothing but law fare. a blind moron could see it. but the dems……………..

  9. frank danger

    I have proven Trump is a convicted and sentenced FELON. His business is convicted and sentenced for felonies. His CFO is in jail. He is held liable for sexual abuse, defamation, and has paid off for cheating his university students and stealing from his charity foundation.

    “As I said before you have proven nothing except that you hate Trump and adore Trump haters.” Uh, no. I proved you are delusional with your thoughts that Trump is innocent even after found guilty, based on the evidence presented, by a jury, including one or more Republicans, of his peers. These Republicans, unlike you, followed and believed in the rule of law. You void the rule of law for the sake of your Felon King. And you claim anyone who believes in the rule of law that adjudicates Trump as a FELON with a felonious business is, as you squawk: “Mental illness or stupidity – but it’s classic TDS.” Yeah, right back at you since your delusion that he is innocent, after HE told you he does it is the tell that any con could take. You are an easy mark for Trump’s taking.

    “You still can’t find the appeal news. Damn! Maybe you should try finding your brain first.” Yeah sure. You say it, you can’t defend it. You come back with snark, wow, tough guy huh. BUT YOU STILL DID NOT DEFEND IT.

    AND you appear to be unable to answer the simple question: “of whether you would use the same metrics to measure RAPE for Trump with your own women, daughters, wives, or otherwise. Come on, answer the question, would you call them liars unless you were in the room?” What’s the problem? Can’t support anything you say, can you. Just spew. Come on man, would you have to be in the room to believe your daughter’s been raped? A conclusive DNA sample from a rape kit just says your daughter is a whore? Is that your belief? If her friends said they believed what she told them, they are whores and liars too?

    Then you try to defend Trump saying Biden, Obama, and Clinton worse. Well, that’s what Adolph said, “hey, lookie at Muskalini, he’s even worse.” And all you have is allegations, rumors, and scuttlebutt. Your defense of Trump is a rumor about Biden, etc. That’s a joke. He’s a felon, they are not. He’s a sexual abuser, they are not. Your court of your mind is not proof.

    For FOUR YEARS Comer and Jordan, using the full power and budget of the Congress got nada on the Biden crime family, much less Joe. And yet you still believe in their guilt BUT Trump proven guilty in court, his business guilty too, nah — that’s a bridge too far.

    Next you’re gonna try: “hey, I would never vote for a convicted felon and digital rapist so he must be innocent.”

    Clinton Obama and Biden rape victims didn’t prove shit in court, you showed no evidence. You cannot support much of what you say. You have shown no appeal, you have no guilty verdicts, and you cannot even stand up and say you would support your own women if raped. Trump is proven guilty based on the evidence you can’t see, but the jury did, and he is a FELON and your vote for President.

    And yes, Trump is President for four years. But, like last time, he can be neutered in two years. Remember, it’s Congress that makes the laws, Trump is just EO’s, proclamations, international, and memorandums. He lost it last time, he can do it again. But continue to hate us, to desire to beat on us, to make us go away —— that will get us there only faster.

    I spell my name: danger. Bite me.