Manchin Breaks from Democratic Party on Abortion Bill
Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) last week joined Republicans in voting against a bill that would have guaranteed abortion access nationwide.
The so-called Women’s Health Protection Act was reintroduced with revisions this month following the recent Supreme Court opinion leak regarding Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization.
Among other things, the bill would have prevented state governments from forcing patients to make “medically unnecessary” visits prior to an abortion, restricting healthcare providers’ abilities to prescribe drugs or offering abortion services in situations where a delay could present a risk to the mother’s health, and requiring patients to disclose the reason for seeking an abortion.
“I was hopeful that the Democratic Party having control of the agenda would put a piece of legislation forward that would codify Roe v Wade,” said Manchin. “To me, that would be the reasonable, rational thing to do.”
Instead, continued Manchin, the bill goes way too far and would contradict 500 state laws. “Make no mistake, it is not Roe v Wade codification, it is an expansion…It expands abortion.”
As I wrote last week (click here to read more), a majority of Americans think abortion should be legal with restrictions. Manchin, a Catholic, is pro-life but says he would support legislation to legalize abortion on the federal level consistent with the rights granted to Americans through Roe v Wade because those rights have been the “law of the land” for so long.
Abortion is an extremely divisive topic and lawmakers should avoid “dividing this country further than we’re already divided,” said Manchin. “And it’s really the politics of Congress that’s dividing the country. It’s not the people. They’re telling us what they want. And it’s just disappointing that we’re going to be voting on a piece of legislation which I will not vote for today.”
The legislation was defeated by a narrow margin of 51-49, with Republican Senators Susan Collins (ME) and Lisa Murkowski (AK) hinting support for a future bill that includes more restrictions.
Manchin to vote no on Dems’ Roe v Wade bill, saying it goes too far
Democrats lose Senate vote to codify abortion rights 49-51 – as it happened
Manchin to oppose Democratic bill guaranteeing abortion access
Thank God Manchin saw the light. He doesn’t want to be marked as a terrorist!
Whattta call a rape baby in WV.
Whatta call an incest baby in WV.
Family Values. .
So Ben stop raping your sister. You seem to be experienced in family rape. You support sex perverts so nothing is off the table with you
What do y call a virgin in Ben’s family? A 12 year old that can outrun Ben
Which sex perverts? Family rape? What, you rape entire families? What are you even saying?
You must be from WV. Probably Harper’s Fairy. How can you tell the richest guy in Cliff’s town? Count the refrigerators on the front porch. His family tree looks like a pretzel. He calls his Mom, Auntie. He’s energy conscious though, drives an Inbred.
No. From mullens.
Hey Ben. You seem to think that you know lot about West Virginia. Go to mingo or Logan county and talk about hillbilly families. Or greenbrier or Monroe county to name a few. Go ahead. I double dog dare you. And there’s a certain area in Wayne county that would love to hear what you say. Go ahead asshole. Make my day The town of Welch in McDowell county would be a great area to shoot off your mouth.
Son, I have walked the hills of West Virginia since before you were born. I have family from WV. In the 70s, you could find me an Aunt Millies farm in good old Stump Town West Virginia waiting for Jerry Garcia to appear. In the summer, we used the abandoned mine quarries for swimming I used to live right next to Harpers Ferry in the 70’s and 80’s and each weekend the Confederate flag festooned Chargers, Novas, GTO’s, camero’s and other v8’s would roll down to our town circuit to cruise and park. In the late 70’s, they were still cruising! This yuppie with his etched glass, spoiler rich, natty pinstriped, fake z28 305 camero could slide right in. Loved that car, did all the z28 add ons myself .
That’s right, I’m a Fredneck and proud if it.
Spent my wedding out there at Harpers only because the Bavarian Inn in Shepherdstown was full. I’ve actually crossed the Potomac on foot at Harpers Ferry, just above the confluence. Try that one! And I’ve hiked most of West Virginia via the Appalachian trail. Did the c&o canal by bike.
I make some fun of West Virginia, and it is not right in a woke world, but old jokes die hard and people living next to each other either in West Virginia or Maryland tend to make jokes about each other. Besides, you guys are so thin skinned it’s just freaking fun. Haven’t wv funned in a couple of decades after I realized geographic jokes are kinda racist and my wv jokes were a prime example. Not funny really. And at someone’s expense. And you seemed to feel it too. Imagine what dems, minorities, immigrants, foreigners, and non-Christians think about the spew shit here. Free speech or hate speak. And now you feel it too. Sucks.
I don’t agree with Joe Manchin, but I applaud his right to do what he thinks is right. I just wish he could figure out a more efficient process that the clusterfuck job he does right now .
But since you feel so harmed, I will gladly cease with West Virginia jokes, to be honest I haven’t told them in over a decade. Plus, I kept the really pointed ones away from the post. I apologize. Be happy, enjoy West Virginia, try not to live down Hyatt from any slag piles.
As a West Virginia native I find West Virginia jokes funny. I help create them. What’s the state flower? Satellite dishes!!! Wv Barbie doll? The one with a tick in her armpit. And with a boyfriend who’s name is spelled Kin. And many West Virginia people laugh at the jokes. You know what they say about people who can’t take a joke. Fuck ‘em. So go ahead Ben. It’s funny. Don’t worry about wokeness. That’s for idiots. I once went into a bar and the owner had a mule in a stable out back. I bet him that I could make the mule laugh and then cry. He took my bet and looked astonished that the mule laughed when I whispered in his ear. A few moments later he was crying. The guy paid me for the bet and asked how I did that. I explained that the mule laughed when I told him that I was hung bigger than him. And then cried when I showed him. That’s funny right there. I don’t care who you are.