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Liberal Agenda of USAID Endangered after Trump Drops the Hammer

Liberal Agenda of USAID Endangered after Trump Drops the Hammer

President Trump has been in his second presidential term for hardly three weeks and he is already making the swamp squirm via his quick and hard blows to its agenda. Over the past week, Trump dropped the boom on USAID, making his adversaries cry out in reaction.

The United States Agency for International Development, or USAID for short, was created via President John F. Kennedy’s executive order in 1961 and has been America’s premier foreign assistance organization ever since. Often touted as America’s leading humanitarian and development agency, USAID gives away billions of dollars annually to its worldwide programs. But like other agencies, much of it has been going to waste or funding the policies and projects that serve what the conservatives view as the swamp.

On Monday (February 3), the Trump administration dealt a big, potentially fatal blow to this swamp-feeding agency by announcing its merger with the State Department. Immediately afterward, USAID contractors were laid off, staffers sent on leave, employees ordered to stay out of the agency’s headquarters in D.C., and staffers abroad called back home. The move sparked a fire flaming with outrage on the left and with cheers on the right.

For conservatives, slashing the agency’s funding and services means cutting off oxygen to the cancer of corrupt practices routinely carried out via USAID both in and outside the country. LifeSite News, for instance, hailed Trump’s move to freeze USAID’s funding as it would cut off millions the agency has been providing to pro-abortion groups to run the abortion industry working abroad per the globalist-liberal agenda.

A major beneficiary of USIAD has been the globalist-leftist propaganda machinery, or the so-called independent media outlets working in over 100 countries and offering agenda-driven reporting in line with the D.C. establishment’s worldview. The Christian Post reported (February 7) that USAID was the “primary donor” to Ukrainian media and funded about 90% of all reporting out of Ukraine. In wake of the USAID funding freeze, the “charity arm” of British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) declared receiving about 8% of its income from the U.S. taxpayer. On its website, BBC wrote (February 4):

Like many international development organisations, BBC Media Action has been affected by the temporary pause in US government funding, which amounts to about 8% of our income in 2023-24. We’re doing everything we can to minimise the impact on our partners and the people we serve.

The Paris-based Reporters Without Borders (RSF) expressed great concern immediately after the announcement from the Trump administration made headlines on Monday. RSF wrote:

Almost immediately after the freeze went into effect, journalistic organizations around the world that receive American aid funding started reaching out to RSF expressing confusion, chaos, and uncertainty.

The “chaos” is understandable as the lifeline to their globalist-leftist agenda has come under the razor of austerity in the new Trump administration.

But the media beneficiaries aren’t all abroad; at least some within America have enjoyed the taxpayer’s cash flow into their systems. The leftist digital daily Politico is one of them and has received over $8 million in the past few years from the federal government of which some $44,000 came from USAID.

Beyond leftist-globalist propaganda, revelations about the active political abuses of USAID by the swamp to sabotage the conservative movement are also coming to surface. On Thursday (February 6), investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger revealed in an article accompanied by his video that USAID along with the CIA was behind the impeachment of President Trump in December 2019 by the Democrat-controlled House.  


Both USAID And The CIA Were Behind The Impeachment Of Trump in 2019 by Michael Shellenberger

A US government-controlled group did the research that linked Rudy Giuliani to former Ukrainian prosecutorsRead on Substack


Following the revelation, conservative news site Townhall wrote that it’s no surprise the Democrats are acting furious over Trump’s blow to USAID:

Democrats are livid that this agency is being gutted, and we may know why. They seem to have subsidized and played a significant role in the 2019 impeachment of Donald Trump.

Former Congressman from Texas Ron Paul, a longtime libertarian, hailed Trump’s move on his show Ron Paul Liberty Report and said Trump deserves due credit for taking on this waste.

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  1. Dangie, yes I like Putin a million times better than Democrats and RINOs. And yes I'm glad Trump is like…