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Josh Hawley Makes Shocking Whistleblower Claims about 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt

Josh Hawley Makes Shocking Whistleblower Claims about 2nd Trump Assassination Attempt

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) has dropped stunning claims that he says come from “whistleblowers” at the Secret Service. They allegedly told him that the usual protocols followed at that golf course in the past were NOT this time, which allowed the would-be assassin to lie in wait for the former president!

Hawley appeared on Jesse Watters’ show on Fox Wednesday night when he relayed the info that he says came from the whistleblowers. According to a whistleblower, protocol requires them to put agents at the areas of vulnerability that exist around the course. They normally put people there; they’ve done it many times before.

Yet they didn’t this time, as the suspect lay in wait.

Hawley said the whistleblowers told him, “That’s strange. That’s out of protocol.”

“It’s not even clear Secret Service swept the perimeter before Trump took to the course,” Hawley said. If they had, they likely would have found the suspect.

Hawley said this was a breach of protocol, and the whistleblowers wanted to know why this happened. “The Secret Service deserves to give us answers.”

If what Hawley alleges is true, think about that for a moment.

His whistleblowers say it’s Secret Service protocol to check the perimeter. It’s protocol to put people in those vulnerable spots. They know about the vulnerable spots – they have been there many times before. Yet somehow, on this single occasion, during an “unscheduled” trip to the golf course where there’s a suspect lying in wait, they throw all the protocol out the window? And the suspect somehow knew that Trump would be there, despite it not being on his schedule.

How do you have that on top of failing to secure a roof with a direct line of sight to Trump in Butler?

On top of that, Rep. Mike Waltz (R-FL) said that members of Congress were told by the acting director of the Secret Service, Ronald Rowe, that Joe Biden ordered that Trump would be getting the same level of protection as Biden. Yet, as Waltz observed, that wasn’t what was in place that day of the second attempt at the golf course.

So what was going on? Something stinks, and it’s not Tim Waltz’s old gym locker.

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  1. frank stetson

    Is that the same Josh Hawley that ran away from his own people on 1/6/2021 after egging them on with fist pumps?

    Now this frightened little bully has a stash of secret whistleblowers ready and goes on TV, FOX, to tell his story in a self-serving ineffective way?

    Josh, there is a formal whistleblower process, use it. Tell these people to use it. Quit self aggrandizing and get to work.

    FYI — your track record of 0 wins for whistleblowers over 4 years of attempting ass moves like this have yielded zero impeachments, zero indictments, 0 cases ,and a lot of black eyes for people do did what you are doing. Jordan has dozens of whistleblower testimonies. Three showed up, three were shot down. Four years and where are the rest?

    So, do it right instead. FOX is for you, not for us. Get to work. Do the job. At least we got the impeachment, sorry, impeachments.

  2. Mike f

    As I noted in a reply to one of the idiots commenting on your earlier post Bill-protocols were not followed because DJT did not decide to play golf till immediately before he left for the course and thus the secret service did not have time to do their standard sweep. Also reported was the fact that they told the orange retard ‘no more spur of the moment activities’. Of course neither you, nor trembling Josh would know that since it was not reported on faux or newsmen…

    • Americafirst

      Mike f – Yeah, Stetson did it again. Always shows how hateful he is. Never ever has anything good to say about anyone except for himself. Can’t any nice thing to counter why anything happened. He is actually worse than Harris and Waltz put together. However, both Harris and Waltz do have some good things about them for some of the things they have done in the past yet that doesn’t excuse the crimes they HAVE committed. Makes me wonder if he doesn’t have some kind of criminal background himself as he always is for anyone who has committed real crimes. I can’t find anything good about the totally biased Stetson.

      • Frank stetson

        A; you are not making sense. MF’s post has nothing to do with my post and vice versa is true too. Besides hating me, your post just does not seem to make any common sense whatsoever.

        You say, I only say good things about myself. That is not true on so many levels. And the Harris and waltz comparisons are simply ludicrous. Just does not make sense. You seem to be fixated on my criminal record or lack there of. Your proof seems to be that you have no proof and therefore it must be. Or at least, you wonder. That’s just insane. There’s no logical sense to that whatsoever.

        I suggest perhaps that you get back to the issues since your personal attacks are not even personal anymore. They’re just off the rails.. Weird.

        • Americafirst

          Frank, you get what you give. You have been terribly mean to me for months. I pretty much gave up, but I do not like liars like you. You definitely are a liar, either that or you are horribly misinformed or will not see the truth that’s right in front of you. You say very nasty things about Trump. You stick up for prostitute Kamala who is now dead and being played by alternates. Fake Kamala is a dictator who does not know the meaning of the word Democracy and neither do you if you say the disgusting things that you do say. There is not going to be an election in November. Nesara is coming making you rich beyond your dreams. You want to have that go away? If you do, keep sticking up for Kamala and telling the public Trump is a felon. That’s why I said you are a felon, maybe. It is easy to find out. You want to decay, in the world we live in now? My posts to Mike F was to Mike F, not to you. I did know you would read it because you just have to justify your hate toward conservatives and republicans and that is the truth in God’s name. You ended your post to me with weird which is what you are. Keep it up and leave me no choice but to do something to totally stop you! Don’t ask what, just know I can, and I don’t even have to leave my house. We’ll then see after an investigation what you say and do. I WILL NOT stop until you do, so I warn you – BACK OFF! Try to be a gentleman even if you don’t know how – for a change.

          • Frank stetson

            Ok, you win. I am terrorized. I am threatened. You win. I will leave. Free speech extremism has made its mark.

  3. Darren

    All the security behind protecting Trump is fishy.
    The poor individuals protecting Trump are probably deemed expendable if trump takes a Bullitt.
    They are risking their lives everyday to protect Trump, yet any stray Bullitt can take one of these protectors out!
    How did Crooks get so so many shots fired before he was put down.
    How many people have to die first, unlike the agents at the golf course doing a great job.
    Why would the latest whacko Democrat wait 12 hours in the bushes if it were a last minuet decision.
    Yes, things are fishy, and like most fish that Rot, the smell starts at the Head!

    • Frank stetson

      You have to ask yourself what sort of fella smells are you rotten fish and sticks his nose to it to figure out whether it’s coming from the head or the ass.

  4. Darren

    In your case frank, its probably the Ass!

  5. Americafirst

    Yeah, Frank, you and your harping on free speech! You hate it when you think your posts don’t go through then you rant about that. Then you terrorize everyone else for using their own free speech. Free speech does not mean only one person can talk, type or ? while you terrorize others on what they say. You only want to monopolize this entire site – all of it! We all see it. You are getting what you deserve. I agree with Darrens las post to your sun don’t shine! If you would like, I will give you my address and you can come to my door, when I open it, you can put a bullet in my brain. That is the type of criminal you are. You probably dream about it. Come on man, don’t be a coward like you are! That’s how much hate you exude! Blowhard!

  6. CPO Bill

    biden and harris own em!

  1. How can you blame Biden for keeping Ukraine a free democracy and Trump, we will see, but looks like Trump…

  2. Larry, So glad that you are recovering from your medical issues-I would hate to go through the next 4 years…