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Is “poor” Whoopi Goldberg leaving “The View?”  

Is “poor” Whoopi Goldberg leaving “The View?”  

I may be celebrating prematurely.  Rumors and announcements of Whoopi Goldberg’s departure from “The View” have been reported more times than Elvis Presley sightings.  One of the more recent reports, that she and Joy Behar had been canned, proved to be false.  However, … Goldberg, herself has indicated that she will leave the show at the end of the year. She did not say which year, however.

For the past years, rumors have swirled around tv-land that ABC was going to pull the plug on the left-leaning all gal review.  So far, not so.

“The View” has always had a lean to the left, but more so after the legendary Barbara Walters left the hosting role.  To some extent Elizabeth Hasselbeck and Meghan McCain occupied the conservative seat with some legitimacy.  In more recent years, “The View” has given the conservative seat to anti-Trump Republican apostates – such as Nicole Wallace (now with MSNBC) and currently the very annoying Ana Navarro.

Goldberg is said to be ready to jump ship because of the outcome of the recent election and changes at ABC.  Goldberg is publicly grieving (second stage: anger) over the return of President Trump to the Oval Office.  She is said to be unhappy over ABC’s settling Trump’s lawsuit against the network for $15 million. Also, ABC management has been running fewer original broadcasts of the show – increasingly relying on re-runs.

Apparently, Goldberg’s reluctance to simply quit is her financial situation.  In one episode, she said she would leave the show immediately if she had “the means.”  (This is where you can do the violin gesture).

During a discussion of the 2024 election, Goldberg said, “I appreciate that people are having a hard time. Me, too. I work for a living,”

She added, “If I had all the money in the world, I would not be here, okay? So, I’m a working person, you know?”

She continued to whine, “My kid has to feed her family. My great-granddaughter has to be fed by her family. I know it’s hard out there,”

It was this series of quotes that convinced me to write about this woman.  I have always thought of her as a staunch left-winger.  But that is okay.  My complaint against the show is a general lack of balance.  My complaint against Goldberg is snarky and outrageous bs.

But … this crap about her financial condition is a bridge too far.  Re-read her lament above with the knowledge that Goldberg earns more than $8 million a year – and has an estimated net worth of more than $30 million.  That should be enough to allow her to quit the show and still have enough to subsidize her kids and grandbabies.

Goldberg may complain about Trump’s election, but she and her kind of left-wingers are the reason he was elected.  You know … all those out of touch hypocritical elitists who roost on the two coasts and squawk at the people who CAN feed their kids and grandkids on less than $8 million a year.

If she does leave “The View,” all I can say is … Whoopee!!!

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. frank danger

    Larry, I don’t enjoy the tabloid trash as much as you but I scanned this and was struck by the net worth numbers. Knowing your love of braggadocio and your ability to forgive a little testosterone-bragging, I just don’t know why you are affected by her giving us her sob story about having to work. There’s always a wide range in net worth unless they disclose and Goldberg’s is seen as between $30-60M. Her salary seen as $6-8M. At those numbers, if she’s at $30M, she either got ripped or spends too much. She talks charity, but those would be Yuge amount. Even $60M seems low unless she has a pound a day heroin habit.

    She’s been in over 100 movies, some greats, and I think top paid actress for a year or more. She owns multiple houses, most worth millions. The net worth does not make sense, somebody is either off base or there’s a hell of a lot of unexplained spending and/or loss.

    Nonetheless, she said what she said and sure seems like she is lying to me. If she can’t sit back on either 30 or 60 million and take care of the two families she seems to mention taking care of, I got to get weaker pot.

    As far as the view, whatever. I have never seen any more than a clip on another news channel. It’s highly rated I think, perhaps less so than a few years ago, but rated right there with The Rookie which seems popular, and I enjoy. Not sure you offered much more than rumor unless she really said she’s quitting. Whatever.

    But “working girl,” Whoopie appears to be bogus. He net worth seems to be bogus. There tis it.

  2. Larry Horist

    Frank Danger… LOL….I get a kick how even when you agree with me you get in your usual snarky digs and insults. Tom is like that too. I guess it is that obsessive thing,

  3. ACO

    Latty, have never heard that people who we see are well to do by our less than well to do standards can be over extended and broke at a higher level.
    Those of us in the lower 90% financial bracket can’t understand why those paid millions can’t seem to live on what they make.
    Whoopi Goldberg’s politics don’t appeal to you which is no surprise to your readers, but The View has not really been a show that features topics that are your cup of tea. And, your spending any time and mental effort on celebrities’ opinions which are no more interesting on the issues of the day or any more clarifying than non celebrity Americans.
    Those folks whose opinions you prejudge, cast off as useless, and denigrate as woke have as much right to be respected for their opinions even when those opinions of other clash with your own.
    The exceptions to the “agree to disagree” model are when physical hostility results from aggressive opinions espousing violence and normalizing abuse because verbal abuse on blogs is tolerated under the false flag interpretation of the First Amendment free speech clause.
    Our conservative thinking mothers gave us good and practical advice when we learned speech and put sentences together in some meaningful array with our not yet completed vocabulary. When as kids we were heard saying “the darndest things” ugly name calling, speaking forbidden words, and telling false tales about others behaviors or excuses for our own misbehavior. What did our mothers tell us ” If you don’t have anything good going on say , the don’t say anything”.The alternate version and more emphatic was the parental command that sent like this , ” SHUT YOUR … MOUTH FIGHT NOW!”
    Why haven’t we in adulthood not followed our parents’ wise council? We fall into the old ways that trap us into berating and abusing others out of the meanness of spirit that has infected society like a pandemic. And, the predominant thinking has been that meanness is normalized as macho for guys and liberating for women.
    Any way it’s looked at, studied, and written about it a poor reflection on each and every one. So called adults in the room are accused of woke behavior when attempting methods to settle differences between factions. The result of this type of peer pressure is a breakdown in constructive communication and problem solving using the debate method of introducing arguments.
    Instead of employing objective logic and rationally processing our various ideologies it’s the least logical raw exchange of unfiltered perspectives, mental upmanship, and the may way or the highway stubborn attitude that pervades social discourse whether it happens face to face on the one hand or anonymously online through blogging it is the same.
    RESPECT is the title of a popular oldies song that speaks to the central determining element in accommodating for others who have differences that are unfamiliar and strange to others. Unfamiliarity, lack of knowledge, avoidance of association, and misinformation about are contributing factors in producing fear in a population which is comfortable, change resistant, and confrontational.
    Fear instills illogical impulses and knee jerk auto responses. Over-time without experience teaching a person acceptance of others’ varied deferences we have the situation seen today
    The notion of “can’t we all just get along” has been relegated to the Woke trash pile. Because DEI has become a bad word for those refusing enlightenment consistent with the 21st Century ethics. Has the U.S. policy on personal equality lost so much hard fought ground that history of the Civil Rights movement must be repeated?
    It’s never a positive for a society to reverse progress and revert to a previous time when social upheaval happened and lawlessness became how justice was practiced.
    After 1/06/2021 through the present time justice has become fluid and conditional.


  1. Dangie, yes I like Putin a million times better than Democrats and RINOs. And yes I'm glad Trump is like…