How woke is Kamala Harris? See the Video (30 seconds). Ugh…

A clip of Vice President Kamala Harris from 2017 calling on “everybody” to be “woke” resurfaced on social media, sparking critics and conservatives to lambaste the official Democratic nominee as a “Communist functionary” who is “too radical” to serve as president.
“We have to stay woke. Like everybody needs to be woke. And you can talk about if you’re the wokest or woker, but just stay more woke than less woke,” then-Sen. Harris said in 2017 during Recode’s annual Code Conference, alongside philanthropist Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs.
This should be a rallying point for conservatives, in 2017 she had bought into the cynical, racist, propaganda campaign for “wokeness.” She will pick this back up in a heartbeat if she gets elected and America will descend into race politics once again.
See the video and the followup Tweet below.
That bitch ain’t woke Just stupid
What exactly is wrong with being woke?
Why is the concept of racial equality and racial equity and racial awareness considered bad?
Or are you just painting all liberals as woke and all liberals as bad?
Are you not woke?
I’m not asleep right now. So I guess I’m woke. I just don’t need liberals prodding me to speak and think a certain way. I find no problem getting along with the people who the woke movement supposedly represents. Trying too hard can create more problems. Take black people for example. I talk to them the same way that I talk to anyone else. I get it. I’m not supposed to be offensive to other people and I’m ok with that. But I’ve seen articles on racism in the type of food people eat. I’m serious. It’s on the news break app. Google it. This shit is going too far. And being nonbinary? Don’t get me started. That shit is part of wokeness too. Here’s a clue. You have a dick? You’re a male. You have a pussy? You’re a female. No in between. And people being punished for using the wrong pronouns? Total bullshit
Great answer Wamp!!! Nobody is more of an authority on woke than J.D. Vance. In his personal history, he was woke that he was a homosexual. Then he got re-woked and realized he was not a homosexual. Then he got woke and called Trump, Hitler. Then he got rework and became Trump’s VP pick.
Trump was woke several times too!!! Trump was against Tik Tok until his rich friend that owns 60% of it woke him. Now Trump likes Tik Tok. Trump was against digital currency calling it a scam, a disaster until he was woke by the billionaire Winklevoss twins, founders of cryptocurrency company Gemini, said on Thursday they had each donated $1 million in bitcoin to support Donald Trump . Trump wanted to terminate ObamaCare (ACA). But in April of 2024 he got woke and said he did not want to terminate the ACA. Trump is proud of getting rid of Row v Wade and wanted a national abortion ban.. Now he got woke (by the public) and now he does not mind abortion up to 12 weeks.
Bottom line. What the GOP has shown through Trump and Vance’s sexual history, is that the GOP is very woke!!! Yet what the GOP calls woke is what they used to call flip flop back in the day!!!
“I just don’t need liberals prodding me to speak and think a certain way.”
Guess you don’t see…that it is a two way street!
“You have a dick? You’re a male. You have a pussy? You’re a female. No in between.”
That’s one opinion…you know what they say about opinions right!
As one can see, there is little difference mechanically, the major difference is in the brain, which is controlled by Nature, NOT YOU!
I understand it’s hard for you to except you’re not in control and just a bystander in a natural world.
Nature deals with inflexible species incapable of change the same way, banishes them from the earth!
Old saying “Live and Let Live”
Life is short…make the best of it for yourself and others!
How short you may ask…365 X 100 yrs =
And that is if you’re real lucky!
So, wampler. being woke is ok with you.
Being told to be woke is not. That makes some sense.
You claim you are already woke. Cool.
I’m the same wayas you on thisc except I enjoy hearing how I MIGHT be unwoke so I can choose to change.
Horist, for example WOKE me to systemic racism in Northern urban schools. I do not agree with his premise it’s only Democrats, but am woke to the fact it exists. I like that.
Since I can choose what I do, no problem with pointers, especially when it comes to marginalized folks not getting their fair share and fair shot based on talent.
One of your more thoughtful retorts. Thanks.
As to hating liberals telling you what to do, one more thing – right back at ya. We don’t like it either.
Welcome Frank
Oh, boo fucking hoo…Republicans call Democrats snowflakes, but it’s the Rpeublicans who are crying all the time… What difference does “woke” mean to policy? The very definition of woke means to be awake to the injustices that minorities have to put up with. It means putting yourself in the shoes of others, or as the Bible-thumping right-wingers would put it, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”. So, in other words, have some empathy for others. Republicans have seized upon “woke” as a dog-whistle to mean “minority”. When I was a kid, it was an insult to call a white person a “N***** lover”. Now they just call them “woke”.
By that definition, Felon Trump is the anti-woke. He’s the worst of the Republican Party ,who are already the most selfish people in the world. His entire presidency was about sucking up to other (real) billionaires, cutting his own taxes (in theory only since he never paid taxes), promoting his golf courses and hotels, and getting sweet deals for himself and his family. He shovels campaign funds into his pockets, doesn’t bother to do any outreach or vote-building networks, criticizes members of his own party – fuck the Republicans, it’s about him and how much he can grift. He really has found the goose with the golden eggs, until he pushes too hard and ultimately goes to jail.
So, back to Democrats and woke… What’s wrong with having empathy? Republicans, who like to consider themselves the party of family, just voted against a national school lunch program. If they’re going to try to force women to have children, you’d think they’d be interested in making sure that kids get good nutrition at school so that they become well educated and contribute to society. And it helps farmers too, as excess production can go into food programs. But no, Republicans would rather kill a program that helps children and makes the country stronger than cut .00001% off the income of billionaires. They would rather kill a program rather than risk helping minority children as well as the white children.
If you can’t walk a mile in someone else’s shoes, if you can’t imagine what others are going through, if you can’t see why minorities are protesting police brutality or women are angry about abortion restrictions – you have no business representing a town, a county, a state, or a country.
Joe boy I don’t need to lectured by a libturd asshole like you. I treat everyone with respect and kindness if they let me. I have fed black families because it’s the right thing to do. But if they riot and try to loot and burn my house I’ll shoot them and the same goes for white thugs. I’ve discovered by years of working and associating with people of color is talk with them, learn about their families and be friends with all who will let us. And most people will. I will give you a quote from a black friend. His words. Not mine. He said quote “if a nigger likes you he will do anything for you “ end quote. A leaving that word out, I’ve found that to be true. I’ve had my own type of “wokeness “ all my life. And it works. It’s called respect.
Let me get this straight Sith: You treat everybody with respect? Then I guess this is your example of respect when you say, “Joe boy I don’t need to lectured by a libturd asshole like you.” That is pretty pathetic respect!!!
Great points JSB! Especially the point about forcing more children but cutting school lunch programs!! I was a math teacher for ten years in the public school system. I got to see how much that program meant to students every lunch period!!! They also want to cut the ACA. They want to eliminate the Dept. of Education which sponsors that food program as well as federal loans and grants for higher education that many poor students need to raise themselves out of poverty. They also want to cut out the Disparate Impact laws that are often used by minorities to sue in court when they are mistreated by a business or government entity. They also want to cut out Affirmative Action which gives poor kids a chance to compete and advance.
It’s funny, Tom. It appears that you either were or went rule, entered the teaching system, and came out professing socialism, and some liberal values in regards to school lunch programs.
My sister lives in Appalachia, basically was raised in the same family as I with the same Uber liberal elitist east coast snob parents, especially our mother. However, in Appalachia, working in social services, she became much more conservative and Republican regarding welfare and the welfare system after dealing with the indigenous species there. Sometimes, when talking to her, I look like the Bose man has the speakers blare and my hair points straight back. I’m like bwhaaaaaat. 🥴
Baggage, experience, facts, all blend to make us who we are.
I agree. Feeding kids is a great thing. So is education. Otherwise, JD Vance would be no one. Same with Walz, same with my Dad.
Given a hand up pays off so much better than a hand out. Learned that from Republicans who now want to offer only beat downs.
Well Frank, to me, kids having food in their belly so that they can learn is common sense. I do not know if that is liberal or not, I just know it is common sense that the human body performs better when it is nurished. LOL Maybe that is why Napoleon said, “An army marches on its stomach.” He knew the value of nutrition.
I always kept nutrition bars in my file cabinet. I had three kids that had trouble getting to school on time to eat. Not sure why. They always came to see me for a food bar. I viewed it as a mission. Jesus says whatsoever we do for the least of our brother, we do to him.
My father was raised by Ambler Catholic Home For Children in Ambler PA. He only got blood bologna sandwiches on rye for lunch every day. The nuns begged for the food. No mayo or anything else. He told me several times he would throw out the blood bologna to the fish as he walked around the lake to get to the school building. And he would just eat the bread. That is all he had. Dinner was soup and if lucky a potato. So I am very familiar (from his testimony) of what real hunger feels like. He fought in WWII, Korea, Vietnam as an Air Force officer, winning the distinguished flying cross 7 times, and a chestful of other medals. That kind of uncommon valor would not have been possible if someone did not feed him so he would grow to be a man in the first place. 🙂 By the way, he was a Dem back in the day.
“Joe boy I don’t need to lectured by a libturd asshole like you.”
“I treat everyone with respect and kindness if they let me.”
Apparently not.
And your racist comments are peppered across PBP.
Independent of your “black friends,” that you feel necessary to tout, your comments ring untrue based on your comments.
Signed: “libturd asshole” treated with Seth’s respect and kindness.
Well at least I treat them regular people
Sure Sith, except your words indicate you don’t except that you say you do with the same mouth.
Either you support the concept of woke or you don’t. And woke is like nirvana, a great idea. something to strive for, but chances are, even Mother Teresa would have farther to go.
Good luck, I am guessing you already know you still have a long ways to go.
Most woke Seth ever though.
My woke peccadillo is tattoos. I hate them and distrust anyone wearing them, the more ink, the more distressed. Reason: art is meant to be in permanent. Tattoos are an insult to the body and to the concept of art. I do make exceptions for my own kids. 😁
The subject of “woke” is really weird. Why doesn’t people of color get woke and let us all just be people? And why do they make up the majority of prison inmates? A lady that I know taught school in the Washington DC area in a mostly black school. The kids who tried to learn and make good grades were told by the other students that they were acting white. Maybe they would do better in life and not have to do life sentences if they “acted white “. Don’t yell racism at me. I didn’t cause this
Hammon, I do not think the question is if you started it. We know you did not. The question is, “Do you participate in it?” And if so, how?
I taught in Title 1 schools. I heard that same “acting white” statement from several of my students.