First Month Under Trump: U.S. Government Jobs Shrinking, Manufacturing Jobs Growing
President Donald Trump has repeatedly said he wants to bring back jobs to America. So far, he is keeping this promise.
In his first month in office, the U.S. has gained 5,000 jobs in manufacturing, but has lost 10,000 in the government, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS.)
There were 9,950,000 government jobs in December, which dropped to 9,935,000 in January.
In Obama’s last year, the U.S. government added 162,000 positions and lost 46,000 manufacturing jobs.
But again– Trump’s administration is focused on boosting the manufacturing industry and has already started to decrease the massive disparity between government and manufacturing jobs. From December of last year to January of 2017, manufacturing jobs increased from 12,336,000 to 12,341,000.
Obama was more focused on wasting taxpayer dollars to hire more staff. When he left office, the number of government jobs was just about at the all-time high.
“The number of manufacturing jobs in the United States peaked at 19,533,000 in June 1979. Since then, it has declined by 7,192,000 to the 12,341,000 as of this January, according to the BLS numbers,” writes CNSNews.com.
The current discrepancy between the number of government jobs and the number of manufacturing jobs is appalling.
Let’s face it, private industry jobs have much more of a positive impact on our GNP than government jobs, because they are actually productive.
Not to mention, government jobs are funded by taxes and government spending has been out of control during Obama’s presidency.
Trump recognized this and has made it his mission to create a more productive economy.
Before stepping into the oval office, Trump started to negotiate with large companies about creating jobs in the U.S.
“With all of the jobs I am bringing back into the U.S. (even before taking office), with all of the new auto plants coming back into our country and with the massive cost reductions I have negotiated on military purchases and more, I believe the people are seeing ‘big stuff,’” tweeted Trump in January.
This was after General Motor’s announced that the company would be investing $1 billion into manufacturing in the U.S., creating 1,500 American-based jobs.
Just two weeks before, Trump called out GM for sending its Chevy Cruzes manufacturing in Mexico to American dealers, without paying taxes.
“General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. Make in U.S.A. or pay big border tax!” tweeted Trump.
Evidently, GM was persuaded to focus more on their American market.
Trump then called out Ford, which the inspired the company to announce a change of plans from building a $1.6 billion plant in Mexico to now investing in a $700 million Michigan factory.
“The president-elect has used his Twitter account to seemingly enforce his “America first” policy, celebrating companies like Ford and Fiat Chrysler for their U.S. investments but slamming Toyota for its plans to build Corollas in Mexico, for example, and blasting the costs of Lockheed Martin’s F-35 and Boeing’s 747 Air Force One,” writes Politico. “He has also taken credit for a deal with air-conditioning manufacturer Carrier to keep jobs in Indiana and SoftBank’s previously announced $50 billion investment.”
Obviously, Trump is making it clear that he supports cutting government costs, while encouraging companies to keep labor in the U.S.
Editor’s note: Trump has only been in office a couple of weeks, so his policy implementation has not yet had much effect. These changes are just due to the “Trump effect” i.e. people are anticipating what Trump will do and they are behaving accordingly. This means people have faith that the President will do what he says he will do.
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