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Election Interference: How China Targets Barry Moore and Marco Rubio

Election Interference: How China Targets Barry Moore and Marco Rubio

In recent years, China has taken bold steps to interfere in the political landscape of the United States. With growing tensions between the two nations, particularly over trade, human rights, and Taiwan, China’s disinformation campaigns have become more aggressive and focused. Rather than promoting positive narratives about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), China is now meddling in U.S. elections by targeting politicians like Rep. Barry Moore (R-Ala.) and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.). Both of these lawmakers have been vocal critics of the CCP, making them prime targets for foreign election interference designed to undermine their credibility and weaken their standing with American voters.

Barry Moore: A Target of China’s Election Meddling

Rep. Barry Moore, representing Alabama’s 2nd District, has made headlines for his strong stance against the CCP. He has backed several pieces of legislation, including the Countering Communist China Act, aimed at imposing tough sanctions on Chinese officials and curbing U.S. investments in Chinese technology. Moore has consistently worked to protect American innovation and national security from Chinese influence, making him a natural target for China’s efforts to interfere in the 2024 elections.

China’s disinformation campaign against Moore is part of a larger effort known as Spamouflage, which is linked to the CCP. This covert operation involves fake social media accounts spreading false, divisive, and sometimes explicitly antisemitic claims about U.S. politicians. In Moore’s case, these accounts have falsely labeled him as part of a “Jewish conspiracy,” calling him “a Jewish dog” and spreading other derogatory claims. These antisemitic attacks are not just about discrediting Moore—they are part of a broader attempt by a foreign power to manipulate the American political process and sow discord among voters.

In a statement responding to the attacks, Moore said, “China has made it clear they will use every weapon in their arsenal, including offensive cyber capabilities, to try to destroy democracy across the world.” His strong position against the CCP has made him a direct target, as China seeks to disrupt his re-election bid and influence the outcome of a critical U.S. election.

Why China is Targeting Moore

China’s interference in Moore’s re-election campaign is a clear example of how foreign powers can influence U.S. elections by targeting specific lawmakers. Moore’s support for the toughest anti-CCP legislation in history poses a significant threat to Chinese interests, including U.S. sanctions on Chinese officials involved in fentanyl trafficking and restrictions on Chinese access to American technology. By attacking Moore through disinformation, China hopes to weaken his influence and reduce the effectiveness of the anti-CCP measures he supports.

This interference represents a shift in China’s strategy. Traditionally, Chinese propaganda focused on promoting the CCP’s achievements and fostering goodwill toward China. Now, however, China is targeting down-ballot elections, attempting to manipulate voters in smaller, yet significant, races. Intelligence officials have warned that China’s efforts to influence these local races appear to be motivated by growing U.S. support for Taiwan, as the threat of a Chinese invasion of the island looms larger. By interfering in U.S. elections, China is aiming to secure politicians who are less likely to stand up to the CCP and its global ambitions.

Marco Rubio: A Longtime Foe in China’s Crosshairs

Senator Marco Rubio has been one of the most outspoken critics of China in the U.S. government. His efforts to expose China’s exploitation of U.S. financial markets, along with his vocal opposition to Chinese human rights abuses, have made him a key target for Chinese election interference. Rubio has repeatedly called for stronger measures to limit Chinese access to U.S. capital markets and has warned of the dangers of allowing American investments to flow into companies linked to the CCP.

China’s disinformation campaign against Rubio first gained attention during the 2022 midterm elections, when Spamouflage-linked accounts spread memes and false stories intended to damage his reputation. In one instance, a Chinese-linked account shared an old Washington Post article claiming Rubio had embellished his family’s history. The post quickly garnered thousands of views, illustrating how easily disinformation can spread and reach American voters.

In 2024, Rubio remains in China’s crosshairs. Recent attacks have focused on his opposition to Chinese influence in American politics, with Chinese-linked accounts amplifying false claims and conspiracy theories designed to undermine his credibility. Rubio and Sen. Lindsey Graham recently urged the Justice Department to investigate potential CCP ties to far-left activist groups involved in anti-Israel protests in the U.S. Rubio’s unrelenting criticism of the CCP and his efforts to expose China’s political influence campaigns make him a key obstacle in China’s election interference efforts.

China’s Interference Tactics: Targeting U.S. Elections

China’s election interference is not limited to high-profile figures like Rubio and Moore. Intelligence officials have confirmed that China is now focusing on influencing down-ballot races—those often overlooked by national media but crucial to maintaining U.S. democratic institutions. According to Jack Stubbs, chief intelligence officer at Graphika, Spamouflage-linked accounts have evolved to become highly realistic, posing as everyday U.S. citizens to better spread divisive content.

This more targeted approach, described by experts as shifting from a “birdshot approach” to a “sniper approach,” reflects China’s growing sophistication in its election interference strategies. Instead of broadly promoting pro-CCP narratives, China is now drilling down into specific local issues and candidates, trying to manipulate U.S. elections at every level. This election cycle has seen a fivefold increase in views of posts from these Chinese-linked accounts, signaling a worrying rise in foreign influence on American political discourse.

The Broader Threat to U.S. Democracy

China’s disinformation campaigns against Barry Moore and Marco Rubio are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to foreign election interference in the U.S. As both politicians have shown, standing up to the CCP comes with risks, but their efforts are crucial in exposing China’s attempts to meddle in American democracy.

The threat posed by China’s disinformation campaigns extends far beyond individual politicians. By spreading false claims, promoting divisive rhetoric, and amplifying conspiracy theories, China is attempting to weaken U.S. democracy from within. The 2024 election cycle has highlighted how easily foreign powers can exploit social media to influence voters and disrupt the electoral process.

In the words of Rubio, “We must not allow the CCP to succeed in winning the information war it is actively waging against our country.”

ACZ Editor: China, a foreign power, is attempting to interfere with our elections. Many countries suffer from this, the U.S. has been known to interfere in elections as well. But to interfere with in the free elections of a sovereign nation is an act of war, it is an attempt to defeat the elected leadership, with the likely goal of installing a leadership more beneficial to the attacker.

About The Author


  1. Libertarian at Heart

    One would think our own gov’t, so concerned about disinformation, would be all over this, talking about it daily. But no, it is those who want to preserve the USA who are their villains, who use disinformation (note not once has a Dem/Leftie been accused of disinformation). Unfortunately, our government is in on the globalization initiative coming out of Davos and fully embraced by the CCP as it represents their exact beliefs. Elite rule and people must follow their dictates. Best thing we could possibly do would be to disavow every word that comes out of Davos and throw support behind those citizens world-wide who are realizing the dangers. Support Milei!!

  2. stranger danger

    The author regales us with the tale of a Afghani ISIS terrorist was identified by authorities, watched, and ultimately picked up before he could do anything. This guy was planning a long-gun assault which, frankly, is just another day in America, no big deal. We would just say “what a tragedy” and do nothing.

    The author concludes: “the failed government of the United States brought planeloads of Afghans to resettle them into America without properly vetting them.” Gee, the United States is a failed government; that’s news. And it’s totally on Biden that an Afghan interpreter hired by Team Trump turned out to be ISIS. That’s like saying that Trump being a felon means Republicans have not property vetted all Republican candidates for past criminal deeds but it’s Biden’s fault because they were caught on his watch.

    One case does not a trend make.

    But we have work to do. This guy was an interpreter. This guy was first vetted by Team Trump during the Trump administration as being OK for an ISIS guy to interpret for our troops in Afghanistan. I wonder if he was interpreting for us as the attack at the gate occurred? Could he have been the lynch pin in that attack?

    There’s a good chance that the Trump vetting made his second and third vetting to get to America easier as
    in “he’s been vetted by Team Trump, let this one pass…”

    But the bottom line is it’s early, we do not know the full extent of our failure, and we need to drive it down to root cause. We should not be guessing at what happened and where the fault lies. And, most important, we should not be finger pointing to divide us before we know who or what deserves the finger. That’s what the author wants, that’s what the author does, in his piece o propaganda.

    And that’s the point. Many of these things are our problems, all of us, and not solely the province of one side of the aisle or the other. That’s a fact the author totally ignores. It’s all of us, it’s on all of us, and instead of participating in knee-jerk, reactive, blame-gaming the other side, to create disruptive division which seems to be the author’s real intent. To divide us. To make us hate each other. To further his Pakistani cause in America. To do that, the author uses a fake name, he comes from a terrorist-friendly nation, his home is home to the Taliban, to ISIS, and other terrorist groups.

    I believe in free speech, but is the publisher printing terrorist speak in these stories? Is the goal to be divisive, to rile us up to fight with each other, to lie, fabricate, and spread Pakistani propaganda?

    Has Joe properly vetted the author? Is Joe getting him his green card? Letting Pakistanis with fake English-sounding names scare us about terrorism seems an oxymoron. Pakistan is 95% Muslim; one would guess the author is too. They are 80% Sunni, ISIS is Sunni. The Taliban are Sunni too. The author is most likely a Sunni Muslim too, most Pakistani’s are. To paraphrase the author himself: this textbook case of Islamic propaganda imported from an author straight from a terror-infested country by a open-speech publisher that has opened writing jobs for foreign divisive propaganda is not the only or last case of such nature.

    • Stranger danger

      Opps, previous post in on the wrong thread. Never mind.

  1. How can you blame Biden for keeping Ukraine a free democracy and Trump, we will see, but looks like Trump…

  2. Larry, So glad that you are recovering from your medical issues-I would hate to go through the next 4 years…