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Democrat political narratives are crumbling

Democrat political narratives are crumbling

Democrats and their media cohorts have been creating and legitimizing a seemingly endless array of negative narratives against virtually every facet of the Republican Party in a desperate attempt to prevent a GOP takeover of the House and Senate – and to stem the anticipated tide (tsunami?) of Republican victories in the upcoming midterm elections.

Of course, there is the unrelenting attack on President Trump, anyone associated with him or who even voted for him.  This is mostly a continuation of the unprecedented “resistance movement” the left launched within days of his 2016 election.  They are proffering the preposterous argument that the organic riot that took place on Capitol Hill was part of a pre-planned coup to take over the government by force – and that the alleged “insurrection” is ongoing.  They claim that the very American Republic was on the verge of collapse on January 6, 2021.  Utter nonsense.

If that were true, there would have been a lot more violence – and we would be seeing a lot of folks going to jail for a very long time for sedition.  More than 700 people were arrested in connection with the riot.  That was mostly due to the fact that the United States government has been spending an unprecedented millions of dollars on investigating and indicting.  Many times more than was ever devoted to the many more deadly and more destructive riots that have marred America’s major cities year after year.  In fact, those rioters, arsonists, and looters are hardly ever arrested or prosecuted at all. They even have Vice President Harris raising money for the few who do land in the hoosegow. 

What is significant is what is happening to all those arrests in conjunction with the Capitol Hill riot. Many of the rioters are pleading guilting to misdemeanors – such as entering a restricted area or vandalism.  Many more are being acquitted.  Very few are being convicted either by a judge or a jury.  Many cases are pending.

When it comes to the courts supporting the Democrats and the media’s incredibly hyped stories of crimes alleged in the court-of-public opinion, the air goes out of the balloon.  Based on the outcomes of the vast majority of the cases, it seems that those of us who called it a riot were correct.

Without a scintilla of evidence, Democrats accused the Republican Party of engaging in an ongoing effort to seize control of the nation.  They had warned of how there would be outbreaks of insurrection all over the nation in connection with the events on Capitol Hill.  None of that transpired.

The media warned of potential violence in Washington and across the nation on the anniversary of the January 6th riot.  Fences were re-erected around the Capitol as a protective measure.  Police presence was increased.  About 150 peaceful protestors arrived – and there were no notable demonstrations around the country.  

House Speaker Pelosi appointed a very partisan non-partisan kangaroo committee to “investigate” the events on Capitol Hill.  Since the Department of Justice was already committing an unprecedented level of resources investigating the Riot, the Pelosi Committee serves no judicial purpose.  Rather it is designed to generate specious partisan fodder for the Democrats’ propaganda mill.

Even the Democrat-controlled Justice Department is not buying into the media’s vigilante journalism.  The propagandists are expressing frustration that Attorney General Merrick Garland is not joining the mob.  

The narrative that Trump is the leader of a Republican conspiracy to overthrow the government is also crumbling – much like the false accusations of a conspiracy between Russia and Trump went flat when Special Counsel Robert Mueller concluded that no such conspiracy took place.  The rest is gradually dying on the altar of facts and credibility.

Among the litany of claims that are not selling well with the American public are (1) the inflation is the fault of Putin; (2) there is no crisis at the southern border; (3) Biden is not developing cognitive problems; (4) there is no such thing as election fraud; (5) CNN and MSNBC present all the news without bias; (6) urban institutional racism has nothing to do with the Democrats who run the cities; (7) America and NATO are doing all they can to help Ukraine; (8) Biden’s nuclear deal with Iran is best for America; (9) parent protests are endangering public education; (10) the solution to high crime is gun control; (11) police are the problem; (12) the American people are deeply racist; (13) that human biology has no meaning; (14) the GOP is a cult of racists, misogynists and homophobes; (15) Hunter Biden’s laptop proves nothing; and so forth.

Rarely – and perhaps never – have I seen a political party’s positions so broadly rejected by so many of the American people.  If that is true, the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections could be one of the greatest electoral defeats by a political party since the Great Depression drove Americans away from the Republican Party.

There does not seem to be an issue that is a flat-out winner for the Democratic Party – and those on the radical left.  (Sorry for the repetition.)   The extent of the Democrats and the media’s hyperbole and misinformation that are founded on political desperation have created their own credibility problems.  With their array of crazy political narratives, Democrats have outrun their own credibility.

So, there ‘tis.

About The Author

Larry Horist

So, there ‘tis… The opinions, perspectives and analyses of businessman, conservative writer and political strategist Larry Horist. Larry has an extensive background in economics and public policy. For more than 40 years, he ran his own Chicago based consulting firm. His clients included such conservative icons as Steve Forbes and Milton Friedman. He has served as a consultant to the Nixon White House and travelled the country as a spokesman for President Reagan’s economic reforms. Larry professional emphasis has been on civil rights and education. He was consultant to both the Chicago and the Detroit boards of education, the Educational Choice Foundation, the Chicago Teachers Academy and the Chicago Academy for the Performing Arts. Larry has testified as an expert witness before numerous legislative bodies, including the U. S. Congress, and has lectured at colleges and universities, including Harvard, Northwestern and DePaul. He served as Executive Director of the City Club of Chicago, where he led a successful two-year campaign to save the historic Chicago Theatre from the wrecking ball. Larry has been a guest on hundreds of public affairs talk shows, and hosted his own program, “Chicago In Sight,” on WIND radio. An award-winning debater, his insightful and sometimes controversial commentaries have appeared on the editorial pages of newspapers across the nation. He is praised by audiences for his style, substance and sense of humor. Larry retired from his consulting business to devote his time to writing. His books include a humorous look at collecting, “The Acrapulators’ Guide”, and a more serious history of the Democratic Party’s role in de facto institutional racism, “Who Put Blacks in That PLACE? -- The Long Sad History of the Democratic Party’s Oppression of Black Americans ... to This Day”. Larry currently lives in Boca Raton, Florida.


  1. Clifford mckinney

    People are tired of being bullied by the democrats. Red wave is coming.

  2. Frank stetson

    800 indictments so far, over 200 guilty please, I really didn’t check the convections put a goodly number, and a very small handful of acquittals. As in you may be able to count them on your fingers, perhaps only using one hand.


    • Clifford mckinney

      Do you jerk off with one hand? I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.

      • larry Horist

        Clifford .. putting aside your initial sentence, Frank does not know what he is talking about.

        • Redrag

          The Dems will use their cheating movements again they have been having illegal ballets for years not just 2020. This party has changed and no longer good for the country since the new party helped to shoot JFK. That is also the birth of the swamp. So don’t kid yourself voting fraud will be huge. Plus when any of them loose they will be the first to yell fraud

          • Ben

            Nothing worse that a cheating movement in the ballet. Your party does it too-too.

        • Frank stetson

          But he knows enough to catch you in a lie that you deflect and refuse to acknowledge. Again.

          Well, as the party of The Big Lie, the biggest liar, and you, it all fits.

      • Frank stetson

        Can you explain what you mean by jerk off? I seem unfamiliar with the term. Every time I hear it, it’s used in association with your name. Can you explain?

        • Perry

          Have your sister to explain it

          • frank stetson

            I did, she agreed that you are a total jerk-off.

            At least that’s what everyone says.

            Perry is such a gay name.

            If you ever have the balls to actually discuss or debate an issue, that would be different.

          • larry Horist

            Frank … this is the second time you have used homophobic comments. The second time you refer to a name pejoratively as being a gay name. And even that makes no sense whatsoever. What does that have to do with anything?

          • Frank stetson

            The fucking guy took a shot at my sister, give it a break.

            Have you seen another thousand acquitted January 6th mild insurrectionists? Count any Biden votes for Trump lately? See any black judges being soft on child born lately? Than any books? Adopt any abortions? Which paragraph.

            Come to think of it, Larry is a pretty gay name to isn’t it?

            Are we entertained?

    • larry Horist

      Frank Stetson. AS USUAL you use selective information it misinform. You ignored the central point. I shall try to put it in simpler language. I was noting that off all the folks arrested, the charges and convictions have NOT been for sedition, or treason, or insurrection. They have been the common charges of mild riots — vandalism, trespassing, entering restricted areas. Only a few face jail time … and then it is very short terms. So far, less than half dozen of your 800 inductees are being charged with felonies … such as interfering with a government proceeding. And none of them have been convicted as of yet. And all of this is because the federal authorities think it is far more serious to scare Washington’s elite than it is to burn our the homes and business of black folks. I call that institutional racism. You response is not responsive, but incomplete — political spin AKA propaganda. I actually get a laugh out of your self-proclaimed rating of your own writings. At this point, I would not say that you are BUSTED, but that you are hopelessly BROKEN.

      • Theodore Sueck

        And let there be a mic drop at the end of your statement here as you nailed that lame brain right where he lives. (His own private little la-la land).

      • frank stetson

        Larry, glad you feel like discussing even with the snark. Yes, Larry, I did pick on a single inaccuracy in your reporting when you claimed “Many more are being acquitted” when the truth is that hardly anyone has been acquitted. It was a complete fabrication so I did not see the point of reading further. I don’t usually look for kernels of truth in the pile after manure has been detected. Instead, I look for you to admit it, walk it back, and correct what you mistakenly missed before. Instead, you first claimed I did not know what I was talking about. We call that being defensive of the knee-jerk variety.

        Then you claimed it’s my fault for not focusing on the central point, instead I need to be talked to in a simpler way, probably due to my Larry-perceived disabilities…. Larry, you lied, I caught you, I said, given the inaccuracy, I would not read more (yet) and now you’re doing the deflection dance while calling ME broken.

        Here’s my central point. Larry, you lied on this one fact in this one story. I say that because you refuse to walk it back. Makes me wonder if any of it is true. After all, we only have your word and the agreement of your blowjob buddies….

        Now you have changed your narrative to say: “I was noting that off all the folks arrested, the charges and convictions have NOT been for sedition, or treason, or insurrection. They have been the common charges of mild riots — vandalism, trespassing, entering restricted areas. Only a few face jail time … and then it is very short terms. So far, less than half dozen of your 800 inductees are being charged with felonies … such as interfering with a government proceeding. And none of them have been convicted as of yet.”

        You still told an untruth, and you still just can’t own up to it. And now you add this reason: “because the federal authorities think it is far more serious to scare Washington’s elite than it is to burn out the homes and business of black folks.” Always good to throw the race card but you think the feds feel it’s more important to scare the elite than to burn black homes and businesses. Whatever can that even mean? You think it’s important to burn black homes and businesses? Weird.

        As to your current claims, and thank you very much for the clarification, of course the first cases brought to the court are for lower offenses. No shit Sherlock. Now you changed your nothing-burger “mild riot” paradigm claim to: “So far, less than half dozen of your 800 inductees are being charged with felonies” That is not true. First, a number of the folks have slipped the felony sentencing noose, at least for now, have plead guilty while “agreeing to work with the State” which delays sentencing. They are guilty, they will be sentenced after ratting out others. Conspiracy and obstruction of justice is a felony. Of the guilty pleas, 8 have conspiracy felony charges with one also including “seditious conspiracy.” Already bigger than a half dozen. FYI: do you find a lot of conspiracy and seditious conspiracy in mild riots?

        Second, another 11 have been charged, with “seditious conspiracy,” a felony charge and the highest charge in the 800 indictments, so far. Between the guilty pleas and seditious conspiracy charges not adjudicated, that’s over 20 felonies. And there are many more felonies beyond the “seditious conspiracy” charges too. Of the 800 charges, 57 are for plain ole conspiracy, a felony.

        That’s 8 plus 11 plus 57 for over 75 felonies for differing conspiracy types and we haven’t even got to the felony assault charges.

        Your second claim here: “Only a few face jail time … and then it is very short terms.” When NPR reviewed the first 141 sentences, they found “38% of those people who have been sentenced received prison time. The average prison sentence across all defendants who pleaded guilty is 97 days.” So, Larry, your “only a few” is about 40%. You say “it’ is very short terms.” About a dozen people have gotten more than a year, that’s not a misdemeanor. The highest sentence is 5 years plus, that’s not a short time. And the bigger cases are still coming. Lots of them. Soon, more than a few will receive terms not seen as very short.

        No, Larry, in your latest update, and again, thanks for the clarification, you are still very wrong — there are many more than a half dozen felonies, including 20 charges for seditious conspiracy, the highest charge so far. Of the sentencing, about a dozen people are obvious felonies, receiving over 1 year in prison with one guy getting over five years. In total, there’s over 60 felony indictments just for conspiracy. There are hundreds of cases to go and these are the higher counts, or not guilty pleas.

        UNBUSTED on the “many more have been acquitted” misstatement

        BUSTED on your clarification, you really need to look before you leap. You know I will. No more free ride from your blowjob buddies who praise your every word as true Trumpian sycophants.

        • Samual beverly

          And Trump will pardon the patriots when he gets re-elected

          • ben

            Yup, you really love being part of a nation of law so you can see how to best break them. .

        • larry Horist

          Frank … as usual you miss the point. And your information is either incomplete or wrong. According to the latest statistics there are 725 cases from the Capitol Hill riot … not the 800 you claim. BUSTED That does not include those who had charges dropped or were arrested but not charged — essentially acquitted. BUSTED That is out of the 2500 who are believed to have entered the building illegally. The vast majority will never even be prosecuted. So far, 165 have plead guilty mostly to minor misdemeanor charges. Less than 30 have received jail time or about 18 percent of those who plead guilty. Most of them sentences of less than one year.. There are about 40 who face conspiracy charges. That means that so far 98.5 percent of the rioters have NOT been charged with insurrection charges — but rather typical rioting charges. This after 140 prosecutors reviewed 20,000 hours of video material. The actual cases — as opposed to the leftwing rhetoric — indicates that what happened on Capitol Hill was more of an organic riot than an insurrection. And the is the point you cannot get. Since you constantly repeat you same disinformation and the same ad hominin accusations, I have to assume that you are not just uninformed but that you are a liar.

          • frank stetson

            Larry … as usual you start with snark saying that I, as usual, miss the point. I guess you are buttering me up… I keep telling you: place nice and I will play nice. I want to play nice. You should try it. I will go first. At least next time, one more time……So here we go……

            Bottom line is you probably have a timing error. You should have known before you unleashed your stupid venom. All that name calling, but so many factual errors….

            Larry says: “And your information is either incomplete or wrong. According to the latest statistics there are 725 cases from the Capitol Hill riot … not the 800 you claim. BUSTED”

            NPR says: “So far, more than 800 people have been charged with crimes, and that number continues to steadily grow. The FBI has estimated that 2,000 people may have been involved in the attack that day.” Chances are it’s either timing or FOX… NPR is current as of 4/8/2022.

            Larry says: “So far, 165 have plead guilty mostly to minor misdemeanor charges. Less than 30 have received jail time or about 18 percent of those who plead guilty. “

            NPR (same citation) says: “So far, over 250 people have pleaded guilty to one or more charges stemming from the riot. Judges have handed down sentences to almost 145 people. 38% of those people who have been sentenced received prison time. The average prison sentence across all defendants who pleaded guilty is 97 days.” Chances are your stupid source divided those with jail time against those pleading guilty, some of whom probably have not been sentenced. Anyone pleading guilty but turning State’s evidence would not be sentenced yet, although they are guilty by their own admission. That was all in my piece, morons might have missed it.

            Larry says “Most of them sentences of less than one year..” That is probably true, but what a generality, plus does not take into account that the lesser charges hit court first. My numbers stand as noted above and chances are, the sentence time numbers only rise over time as the higher charges are presented to the court.

            Larry says: “There are about 40 who face conspiracy charges. That means that so far 98.5 percent of the rioters have NOT been charged with insurrection charges — but rather typical rioting charges.”

            First, no one will get hit with “insurrection charges,” I think we all probably agree on that, just a misspeak by Larry. NPR says: Re: conspiracy, the NPR database still says 57. But wait, there’s more. 11 Oath Keepers are charges with seditious conspiracy, that’s the highest charge so far.

            “The actual cases — as opposed to the leftwing rhetoric — indicates that what happened on Capitol Hill was more of an organic riot than an insurrection. And the is the point you cannot get.”

            I hear you, I disagree, but the proof in the pudding will be the conspiracy and seditious conspiracy cases of which there are already guilty pleas. Yes, Larry, there was conspiracy in your “organic” mild protest. There is easy evidence, and guilty pleas, showing there was planning amongst participants; the question is how pervasive. Time tell but not even Larry can surmise what will ultimately be revealed. About 10/15/2022 :>)

            Larry says: “Since you constantly repeat you same disinformation and the same ad hominin accusations, I have to assume that you are not just uninformed but that you are a liar.” Apologize or feel free to eat my shorts, used shorts…. But I guess you are right about purveyors of ad hominem accusers being liars. Trump rules.

            Larry, once again I suggest discussing the facts without the fluff or at least a lighter touch. Feel free to push back. Robustly. You will catch me; I am certain of that. I certainly make mistakes, may have made one here if you look hard enough. But if you think it’s gonna be this easy —– don’t bother trying, it can only hurt.

            BUSTED……painfully due to knee-jerk reactions and the sin of assumption.

            I get what you are trying to say: it’s a nothing burger, happens all the time, Trump no fault, Democrats are blowing this out of proportion. Your fact, one of them, was wrong, that was my point. And then we fact-ed our way here.

            I agree this was not much of a coup. But failure does not diminish intent. They stormed the Capitol damaging for fun and looking to cause harm to certain individuals. The fact they failed just means they are bad at it.

            This happens, but it’s not just another protest. Lots of police and others injured. It’s the seat of our government. Symbols matter.

            And now the wheels of justice crank and we all want see that done as well as it can be.

            Democrats will indeed make much of this for the 2022 midterms, heck the 2024 presidential, with much happening as we get closer to election time. If you didn’t want that to happen, then you should have told Trump not to call them there, his people, mostly Trumpians and Republicans, set them loss on Congress, sit back, watch it on TV, and do nothing except chat with folks on the phone. (the phone part is an assumption because Trump ate the call records and then took a shit.). What can I say, this timing sucks for you as much as Obama’s last SCOTUS pick sucked for us. Timing.

      • Ben

        Or the homes of white people. Then it’s show time

  3. Frank stetson

    And yet not a fact, not a statistic, that I listed was wrong.

    Your statement about the number of people from the 6th that have been acquitted was totally wrong. Factually.

    And then you talked about something else and said I was straying off track. As your way.

    • Joe Gilbertson

      Frank, nobody checks your facts anymore because they are always out of context and never make sense.

      • Frank stetson

        That’s just a totally ridiculous statement.

        Just because you keep saying it, doesn’t make it true.

        This time is the perfect case. I pointed out where Larry was inaccurate, matter of had totally wrong. And both your and Larry response is to talk about something else.


        My statement still stands. Larry was wrong on that fact. And the fact that he doesn’t want to walk-it-back.tells us what kind of guy he really is.

        If you ever, factually, point out that’s something I said factually wrong, I will take it back, correct myself, and maybe even apologize. When you speak in generalities like this time, all I can say is shove it.

    • larry Horist

      Okay Frank. If you were here, I would be talking verrrrry slowly so you can comprehend You problem was that you did not tell the entire story. You left out the most important FACTS. Then you said that my “statement about the number of people from the 6th that have been acquitted was totally wrong. Factually.” The problem with your contention is that I never gave a number of acquitted. Of the 700 to 800 charged, I have no idea how many may have been acquitted or had charges dropped. And I suspect you do not either. Maybe you can go look it up. But again, you completely avoid responding to my basic arguments. BROKEN

      • frank stetson

        Whether you talk slow or fast Larry, I just can’t fix stupid. Why to you keep pushing back on your false statement? Worse yet, piling more shit on top…..

        Larry says: “The problem with your contention is that I never gave a number of acquitted.”

        Previously, Larry said: “Many of the rioters are pleading guilting to misdemeanors – such as entering a restricted area or vandalism. Many more are being acquitted.” You must know there’s over 200 guilty pleas; wouldn’t that make “many more” be 200+? So now we can add “weasel words” to your lies and deflections.

        Why not just tell the truth, walk back your misstatements; I can’t imagine that telling the truth will change your op ed’s conclusions.

        It’s true, you got no number, just MANY. The real number factual truth is like one acquittal and 3 dismissals, most of the dismissals were DC cases, not Federal. To Larry, one is many I guess.

  4. bob

    No doubt the GESTOPO of the democratic party and the FAKE opinion networks are crumbling. It’s because people finally woke up and realized all they do is lie . The asswipe democrats will lie about something or someone , then the FAKE networks run it full steam ahead . They’ll lie about it for a couple weeks ,,,, then start the process all over again . NONE of the democrats or FAKE opinion networks [ cnn or msnbc ] have ANY credibility anymore ,, they are just trashy networks full of nothing but Pervs and sexual degenerates . !!!

    • Ben

      Can you say pizzagate.

      Can you say 30,000 lies in four years.

      • Perry

        Ok. Let’s count Biden’s lies.

        • Martin underwood

          His so called election was a damned lie

          • Ben

            Is that why they call your election The Big Lie and your guy, The Big Liar?

    • ben

      OMGoodness, such hatred. I do agree about opinion networks. But it works the same on both sides of the aisle. I think all media needs to carry an “opinion” label or “news” label in the lower right corner of the TV to help viewers distinguish the messages they are getting.

  5. Harold blankenship

    Who’s they? It’s you commie bastards that call it the big lie. But you can’t understand anything with your head up your ass

    • Lucian

      Biden wants to crack down on illegal guns. He should start with his piece of shit son. He lied when he filled out the purchase paperwork. And Joe is going to find out that only Congress can make laws. I know. A little off topic. But come what may, I’ll never comply. And I’m speaking for a huge amount of people. This ain’t Canada.

    • ben

      Great, but it is The Big Lie. Proven in 60 court cases, umpteen lawyers chastised, sanctioned, and referred to State Bars for further actions, and how many failed recounts?

      • Bill sTafford

        How many bribes and threats? Face it. Your party is corrupt.

        • ben

          I dunno, how many bribes and threats? Without a number, how can you conclude corruption, much less worse corruption than the oft convicted, never shamed, Trump administration?

  1. Nope, no egg on any faces other than the dynamic duo Trumuski. The flood of EOs Trump is pumping out…