Christie exits ungracefully

I might say that former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie took my advice to drop out of the presidential race, but if that were literally true, he would have dropped out back in November and endorsed Nikki Haley. Instead, he stayed in too long.
By his own admission, Christie’s primary motivation – other than candidate-itis – was to make sure that President Trump did not win a second term. There can be no argument against the fact that Christie was the most anti-Trump of the leading GOP presidential wannabes. He often made that point, himself.
However, it was obvious several months ago that Christie’s presence in the race was significantly helping Trump by dividing up the primary vote – even though he had no chance of winning the GOP nomination for President. Despite his constant attacks on Trump, Christie was a spoiler.
Because of his attacks on Trump, Christie had very little support from conservative Republicans – very little indeed. That is ironic, because the Christie that won the New Jersey governorship was the darling of the Republican right. He was an outspoken, tell-it-like-it-is candidate. By most accounts he was a popular Republican governor in a Democrat state. Based on that reputation, he made a CREDIBLE bid for the presidency in the past.
That has all changed. Christie no longer resides in the pantheon of right-wing political gods. He has been reduced to a demigod, at best. (Not to be confused with demagogue.) That loss was not compensated for by any significant gain among moderates. Ergo, he never could gain more percentage points in the polls than he has fingers.
Unfortunately, Christie would not even bow out gracefully. As of this writing, he has not endorsed any other candidate. He was caught on open mic being derisive of Nikki Halley – the woman he praised in the last debate in which Christie was able to qualify. He later referred to her as the new Romney – and that was not a compliment.
In a bizarre analysis, Christie claimed that because Halley and DeSantis had both outraised him in campaign funds, and rhetorically asked, “So, who is punching above their weight?” (Whoa! Perhaps he should have chosen a better choice of words. If Christie was punching above his weight, HE would have the 30-point lead.)
Finally, Christie has faced reality and dropped from the race. At this juncture, however, it is not likely to have as much impact on the race as it would have in November. Christie now joins the other dropouts in political oblivion. It is hard to imagine any comebacks in his future.
So, there ‘tis.
At first you said popular and I thought you meant the other Christie — Whitman, but I knew you couldn’t be approving of anything moderate……
Another funny one. I just love seeing the party eat it’s own as it continues to narrow-down to a Trump-centric platform. A party where it’s a sin to be a Romney, Cheney, Bush, McCarthy, Kinzinger, Toomey, Portman, and more. You even attack them without a replacement that can beat us. Eating your own. So, now it’s Christie and boy, Horist has a funny field day with this guy, even picking on his weight.
I am from NJ. I have never liked Christie and am glad to see him go. But Horist is a little off. While Christie came to NJ a moderate with pretty good approval numbers, by the end, by Bridgegate, he scored the lowest popularity ever since NJ began counting. Trump was more popular. And he walked with Obama and many Republicans never forgave him for doing the right thing after Sandy for the people of NJ.
And so he turned hard right, signed up for Trump hoping to get a plumb assignment, got dumped on probably for knowing how to govern, and went away. Like Rubio and Cruz, he sucked Trump’s cock and got nothing, May have been better off since people who get to close to Trump often end up in jail.
But Christie is a fighter, I will give him that. He came back for the 2020 to help Trump with the debates. In return, Trump put him in intensive care by not mentioning he had covid while they practiced debating, a lot of breathing, small rooms, no masks because everyone was tested. Just one guy did not reveal results…… During his stay in the ICU, Chris had an epiphany; figured out Trump was terrible for America, and took him on since you told him Trump was fair game in the primaries. Now, you sit announcing he has no future saying he’s a bad teammate that should have dropped out from the other Trump VP wannabees in the primary. And that warms my heart. Another one bites the dust and Democrats can’t even take the credit. Bravo! Trump on! Remove all the dissidents, even the tiny ones. You must all march together, raise your hands in that great salute, and scream LOCK THEM UP! I just love it.
Thanks Horist, another good chuckle.
And in the meantime you can keep sucking Biden’s cock.
Thank you Harold, but that’s more your thing, not mine.
But glad to see you defending Chris, I am sure he appreciates you.
I’m not defending Chris. I knew he wouldn’t make it. I would not have voted for him in the primary. But if he were the nominee I would have voted for him. But woulda coulda shouda. But know this. You democrats will never win the election with Biden. And Trump would eat him alive. So keep sucking his cock.
You seem really obsessed with cock sucking.
OK, you don’t defend chris. Biden will never win. You would vote for Christ for President. Trump will eat Biden.
Got it. Thanks. Great info.
Biden, Trump tied at outset of US election year -Reuters/Ipsos poll: Reuters. 1.10.24
Biden tops Trump in Pennsylvania survey. The Hill 1.10.24
Biden and Trump Evenly Matched in U.S. Favorable Ratings. Gallop 1.9.24
The Economist: Even
Rasmussen Report: Trump +8
Others — even to Trump +4
Except for Rasmussen, it looks pretty even out there with Trump losing PA, but cold cocking Joe in Michigan.
Still plenty of time and plenty of room for either to do better or worse.
As a Trump supporter there is NO party eating itself.
I never gave Christie a second thought.
Haley and DeSantis are in a marathon race with Trump.
The race is 28 miles, Trump in 3 block from the finish and
the field is passing mile 20!
There is NO race, there never was.
The other are in the race to promote what it says on their shirts!
Their advertisers PAID a lot of money for the air time.
By the way, Biden thinks the race starts Tomorrow.
Dumb Ass!
Darren, the party has been eating itself for years now. By that I mean you are excluding people for not agreeing with Trump on every issue. The actions are pretty clear. The man has said he is your retribution which is defined as he will have HIS revenge on HIS opponents even in his own party. I listed a half dozen but the entire list is dozens. Most of these are great conservatives, great Republicans, they just differ with Trump on certain issues, some not even pivotal.
The only longer list are Trump employees that have been convicted or serving time.
Frank, that is NOT how I feel at all. In fact Trump kept many on the fence Republicans around on his first term as he was new in office and did not want to make radical changes.
Where did that get him?
They all took their time in their positions to just be an informant to the likes of Bush or Obama, or
worse, the FBI who were against him from before he became President.
The party eats itself no more than the Democrat’s, just ask Bernie Sanders!
$5.00 gas has nothing to do with retribution, Men in women’s sports has nothing to do with retribution,
filling important jobs that are the difference between life and death and giving them to someone because of who they are, and NOT
on what they offer is not retribution, but to every one in the world but Democrat’s it is the LOGICAL thing to do.
If you need a Surgery Frank, make sure you ask for a Black Gay woman? forget whether you are her first patient or
what her med school grades were.
That should make you feel better? Right?
Frank throws total bullshit out there that we know is lies. He’s a pathetic loser
Go wampler yourself.
What lies? Pick one.