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Chicago Mayor Solicited Students for Campaign Help 

<strong>Chicago Mayor Solicited Students for Campaign Help </strong>

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (D) is under fire for asking teachers at public schools to offer extra credit to students for assisting her 2023 reelection campaign.

In what can only be described as an egotistical abuse of power, Lightfoot’s campaign reached out directly to teachers at Chicago’s public schools in hopes of finding student volunteers. 

“Lightfoot for Chicago is seeking resumes from any volunteer interested in campaign politics and eager to gain experience in the field,” reads an email sent by deputy campaign manager Megan Crane to an undisclosed number of Chicago Public School (CPS) teachers. “The ideal volunteer will be efficient, well organized, and enthusiastic about joining a dynamic team. A strong commitment to Democratic ideals is essential.” 

The email went on to inform prospective volunteers (or “externs”) that no experience is required and the campaign is happy to work around school schedules. All participants will be required to work at least 12 hours per week in exchange for class credit. Appeals were made to teachers in August 2022 and again in January 2023. 

Lightfoot, who is now the subject of multiple ethics probes, later admitted the request to teachers was “simply a mistake.” 

During a press conference held January 12th, Lightfoot claimed not to have known about the email campaigns and confirmed that “this kind of conduct” wouldn’t happen again.

“The Lightfoot campaign’s email to CPS teachers using them to offer extra credit to students as an incentive to volunteer on the mayor’s reelection campaign is inappropriately coercive and raises First Amendment concerns,” argues Illinois ACLU Executive Director Colleen Connell. “The Supreme Court has made clear that government officials cannot use their office or power to coerce participation or to punish for lack of participation in political campaigns.”

Joe Ferguson, a former inspector general for the city, described the appeal to teachers as “deeply, deeply problematic.”

“Looks like desperate times call for desperate measures,” tweeted House Rep. and rival candidate Chuy García (D-IL). “The Mayor should be more concerned about fully funding Chicago Public Schools than using them as a recruiting pipeline of free labor for her reelection campaign.”

Paul Vallas, a former CPS CEO also running against Lightfoot, has called for an independent inquiry in the form of a joint City and CPS Inspector General investigation to determine whether Lightfoot was indeed aware of the appeal to teachers and/or if she plans to take action against those responsible for the error. Chicago’s Board of Ethics plans to discuss the conduct of Lightfoot’s re-election campaign at its meeting on January 23rd.

Lightfoot made headlines in 2019 when she became the third African American, second black female, and first openly-gay individual to serve as Chicago’s Mayor (ironic that her campaign focused on rooting out corruption among Chicago’s politicians). Unfortunately for her, this mistake is sure to attract voters’ attention and could impact her chances in the February 28th election. According to the latest polls, Lightfoot is in fourth place with roughly 11% of the vote. Chuy Garcia and Brandon Johnson are tied for first place with 25% and Vallas scored 15%. If no candidate wins 50% of the vote in February, there will be a runoff election held between the top two candidates on April 4th.


Lightfoot Campaign Sought Teachers to Give Extra Credit for Campaign Help 

Mayor Lightfoot appeared to try recruiting CPS students to help with re-election for extra credit 

She made history as Chicago mayor. Reelection may be harder.

Losing ground Lori Lightfoot: Polls show Chicago mayor in fourth place in reelection bid

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  1. MikefromTexas

    They will probably reelect her so she can finish screwing up the city.

  2. Kevin

    I’d do it to if I new I couldn’t win a actual election!!
    We all know IT wasn’t voted in in the 1st place. FREAKS AND WEIRDOS that’s all these so-called elected officials are. JUST LOOK AT THESE GOOFY LOOKING BASTARDS

  3. Rick

    You know she is an alien. No human has eyes that far apart.

  4. frank stetson

    Lightfoot is heavy handed with fingers in teacher’s pockets.

    You know you’re in bad shape when ACLU comes a knockin.

    Once Larry left, Chicago politics took a left turn to old style Chicago politics. Some staffer’s gonna take the rap.

    IF not illegal, voters should exercise their rights, this is wrong on so many levels.

    Plus her eyes are too far apart, need to be starry, like Santos,

  5. Dr Katz

    If they vote Lori Lightweight in again they deserve what happens. She is as crooked as the letter Z, and very soft on crime. It is her policies that cause injuries and death to the citizens. Best of luck people, but the decision is in your hands.

    • Sam

      Nucking figger

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