Brexit Blunders: Britain’s Struggles a Warning for Joining IGO’s
In an era of constant access to information, it’s easy to become consumed with the partisan politicking domestically in the US so much so that we might forget that across the globe other substantial global actors are busy making their own moves; as well as facing their own tribulations.
In fact, arguably the dysfunction of America’s current split government takes a seat behind the current kerfuffle faced by one of our oldest allies – as well as enemies as it were in the history books – the United Kingdom.
More focally the island nation’s absolute ordeal in enacting the democratically ordained backout from the European Union; or ‘Brexit’ as it has become familiar over the years.
An Excruciatingly Slow Exit
Of course, the very fact that the act of leaving an organization such as the EU – an institutionally strong and economically influential IGO – has taken years only to *still* be stuck at an indecisive crossroads is more than just newsworthy buffoonery; it’s massively disconcerting.
Firstly, Harvard explains “that intergovernmental organization (IGO) refers to an entity created by treaty, involving two or more nations, to work in good faith, on issues of common interest. In the absence of a treaty an IGO does not exist in the legal sense.
For example, the G8 is a group of eight nations that have annual economic and political summits. IGOs that are formed by treaties are more advantageous than a mere grouping of nations because they are subject to international law and have the ability to enter into enforceable agreements among themselves or with states.”
The United States partakes in a myriad of loosely affiliated – and problematically semi-enforced – economic organizations like the WTO as well as diplomatically oriented IGO’s like the UN.
Of course, almost assuredly the most serious obligation the US is a signatory to is as the feature member of NATO; a defensive-pact based organization it took part in founding.
But all those being considered the US has yet to become a signatory to any IGO’s that approach the scale of involvement that the EU entails; going so far as to now openly seek the formation of a ‘European Army’.
As Brexit continues ever painfully onward, it seems perhaps something to be thankful for.
A Warning Against the EU, Not a Warning to Stay
Most outlets, especially the UK and US’ bevy of generally center-left media have regarded the UK’s repeated failure to make good on the voter’s desire to exit the EU a reality as a stark warning against extricating one’s nation from such bloated diplomatic ensnarement’s. In fact, it should serve as a dire message to countries like the US – as well as neutral European factions like the Swiss and Swedes – that joining such single market organizations can make for disastrous outcomes should one ever decide later on it’s not working.
And by all rights, the EU, replete with bureaucratic bloat hasn’t been working for countries like the UK who merely want to take part in the economic action (i.e. free trade).
That’s exactly why the British people *voted* to do it. As the BBC confirms “A referendum – a vote in which everyone (or nearly everyone) of voting age can take part – was held on Thursday 23 June 2016, to decide whether the UK should leave or remain in the European Union. Leave won by 51.9% to 48.1%. The referendum turnout was 71.8%, with more than 30 million people voting.”
Imagine for a moment if after the election of Donald Trump in 2016 we were – still now – waiting for him to be sworn in as the president as per UN wheeling and dealing regarding ‘Russian collusion’ or some such excuse. That would be incensing to the point of unacceptable.
The EU has systematically taken large degrees of sovereignty from member states as its powers and legislation expand over the years. But no nation ever consented to lose its democracy.
As British citizens now approach year three of nothing but friction and waffling regarding their close but decisive vote to leave; it seems that they might have unwittingly done so.
ROFL. That ass-think DANG-er is still sore - he shows it here today.
Oh you used Wiki as a source, haha. A source that anybody can log in and edit. But the claim…
What 500 dead babies? Your numbers lack evidence. Present some. Putin has done zero damage to the country. Demmies have…
Well if it was stupid to respond to, congratulations you have passed the stupidity test – since you responded. :)…
And you’re still here?